What do you do during a storm?

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Today was quite a rough and rainy day outside in Trolls Village, so everyone of course was cooped up in their pods, making sure to have stocked up on enough food seeing as they'd all be stuck in there for a while.

Now stormy days were rare in troll village, but that didn't stop them from coming every so often, and sometimes that would make it hard to be able to tell when it WOULD rain, given as trolls are usually very active and outdoorsy people.

This day though, specifically, the five chaotic brothers that we all know as Brozone, were meant to go to a concert today to perform, but it unfortunately got cut short due to the unexpected weather (and we can all probably guess who was the most pissed off about that-)

As if they've never all participated in indoor activities in their lives, this would all leave them with the question:

What do you do during a storm?

JD: kicks the door down while water drips from his body UUUUUGGGHHH THIS IS BULLSH-

RP: Don't you SAY IT-
puts her hair umbrella down

JD: crosses his arms and plops on the ground..while soaked

S: Dude did you actually run through the rain? You're so dramatic-

C: I would judge you too but I lowkey wanted to run in the rain too- Grandma stopped me before I could after he ran off tho


C: Yeah like every other concert-

RP: Everyone is alright, right? shuts the door and lets go of Floyd's hand We're lucky the storm didn't get super bad on our way back

F: We're okay Grandma! looks up at his hair as Branch comes out


C: Can I pleeeeaasseeee go run around and scream like a maniac in the rainnnn-

RP: No Clay, I don't need any of you getting sick again..seriously

C: I'll just be in the front yard!!

RP: I said no! Now everyone go ahead and get settled I'm gonna get lunch started walks to the kitchen

C: Huff- flops back on the couch and takes out a book that says 'Book to read when your boring old grandma won't let you go bask in the rain'


S: It's storming doofus what did you expect to happen-


C: Get over it already- closes his book and climbs off the couch and walks away

F: It's okay John, I'm sad too.. but we always have next time! pats his arm

JD: Yeah, that totally makes me feel better moves his hand away and gets up and sits by himself somewhere else

F: frowns

S: Don't take your square crybaby problems out on Floyd-

JD: I don't know how you're not all comprehending that this is a very serious MATTER-

RP: Oh no! says in distress from the kitchen

S: Grandma?? goes to the kitchen

F: Grandma's in trouble?!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

C: Oh my GOD slams his book shut SHE'S LITERALLY IN THE KITCHEN-

JD: rolls his eyes can't be as bad as this

C: quietly pops behind him and smacks the back of his neck then disappears

JD: WHAT THE- looks behind him

S: Grandma what's going on? walks towards her

C: I'm here for the drama- walks inside and randomly grabs popcorn

B: pops out from behind a corner and reaches to Grandma with grabby hands MAMA

F: hides a little bit behind the corner Is it something scary..? IS SHE DEA-

RP: I'm alright boys sighs and picks up Branch but our fridge isn't


C: Our fridge is alive now?

S: rolls eyes at the both of them what are we gonna do?

RP: Well I'll have to head out and grab us some more food to have

S: But it's really bad out there! It could be dangerous!


F: DON'T GO GRANDMA! clings to her leg

RP: I know I know but I have to.. we don't know how long this storm will last and we have to be able to eat..I can't let my darling angels starve

S: We..can live off our snacks?? Or we can just order pizza-

RP: No, I'm going gives Branch to Spruce

B: SPWUCE! smacks his hands on his cheeks lightly

S: sighs Hey Branch

RP: starts walking over to the living room to grab her purse

RP: grabs her purse then sighs and tilts her head back a bit Floyd, please-

F: Can I go with youuuuuu..whimpers

RP: looks down at him No sweetheart you can't..this is a..very important mission for Grandma and Grandma only

F: But it's so scary out thereeeee..

RP: I know..which is why..I need you to be a big boy until I come back! Which I will be back!

F: Big boy?

RP: Yeah! You're a big boy right?

F: looks down slowly but then nods

RP: I need you to look after your baby brother, I'm sure he's just as scared as you.. your other brothers maybe not so much, but you should still look after them too. You should all look after each other, always

F: slowly climbs off of her leg

RP: smiles and ruffles his hair that's my big brave boy

F: looks up at her then gently grabs her face and kisses her cheek

RP: kisses his forehead in return I love you all soooo much

F: I love you too Grandma!

S: walks over still holding Branch Don't come back in ashes, please-

RP: chuckles I won't my love

C: Yeah stay safe or whatever- says from a short distance, trying to act like it's not a big deal

RP: Ohhh come here you all

RP: kneels down and gently pulls them and hugs all four of them

B: Mamaaaaa snuggles Grandma

S: smiles and hugs back

C: EWWWWW-okay gives up

JD: is watching them from a distance next to a window and grows the urge to go over there, but just rolls his eyes and goes back to staring out the window

RP: lets go of them and stands up and looks around until she sees John, sitting by himself

RP: sighs and walks over to the window

RP: I'm uh, I'm getting ready to leave hon

JD: Yeah I know says nonchalantly

F,S,C: all look at each other then back at the two

RP: kneels down next to him and puts a hand on his back

RP: I know today was really upsetting but..if we went any further I would've risked all of you getting hurt, you all being okay is more important to me than some concert

JD: It wasn't just "some concert" crosses his arms

RP: shakes her head nonetheless, you may not understand it now but it was really important to me that you all got home safe and sou-

JD: Yeah well, looks at her OUR CONCERTS are important to ME! Nothing else has ever been more important to me..except Rhonda- but anyway, I'll- stumbling over his words yeah, I'll never understand it! It's not fair!

RP: sighs John I don't know how else I'm gonna-

JD: And why do you get to leave if it's so unsafe, huh? What is this, is- is this you're way of leaving us too??

F: gasps quietly

S,C: look at each other with surprise

RP: eyes widen

JD: realizes what he said then turns away quickly, reaching a hand to his face to wipe what he didn't wanna admit were tears

RP: frowns and slowly stands up

RP: They didn't..leave, John.. that's not what happened

JD: Pfft says in a slightly croaky voice then where are they huh, where did they go

JD: says quieter ..why didn't they take us with them

RP: I can't- sigh I can't..tell you.. not right now

JD: Exactly, because we both know why

RP: says nothing else and adjusts her bag on her shoulder and walks to the door but then stops

RP: For the record..I would never, leave any of you

RP: opens the door and gets welcomed by a huge gust of wind and quickly puts her hair umbrella up

F: Grandma!

RP: I'll be back! quickly walks out the door and shuts it

JD: still sits there with his arms crossed, watching her walk to her critter vehicle then slowly turns away

JD: Yeah that's what they said too gets up and walks away from the window

F,C,S: watch him walk away to the kitchen

JD: reaches into the cabinet to grab a pack of goldfish


S: smacks the back of his head

C: OW-

F: Maybe he's just.. hungry? There isnt really anything else to eat..

S: I don't think you both are seeing the bigger picture here-

JD: walks out of the kitchen past them

S: John, hey, puts Branch down you goo-

JD: Ask them that walks upstairs without saying another word

C: ...okay I thought he was just upset about the concert since when was it abou-

S: Don't- and sighs to be fair he never really talks about his feelings so maybe the concert thing just.. broke him or something I dunno

F: Poor John... gasps we should try and cheer him up!!!

S,C: slowly turn to look at Floyd

C: ....cheer HIM up??

F: ...yeeaaahhh?

S: Floyd with all due respect it's best we just leave him be- he's even more of a b word when he's upset

F: But he's our brother!! We have to try!!

F: Grandma told me to be a big boy, and.. uhh.. remembers big boys look after their brothers!

C: Yeah well not all of us are so good at that-

S: Okay we're trying to FIND WAYS to make the situation BETTER-

C: Not going so great huh-

S: sighs I guess we could try talking to him but I really don't think it will do anything-

F: YAY!! Let's go!! grabs Branch and runs upstairs


C: DONT RUN UP THE STAIRS WITH BRANCH IN YOUR ARMS- follows behind them quickly

S: Well.. this should be interesting follows behind them


RP: walking around the store Hmm.. where's their favorite lasagna it's usually around here..

Employee: walks to Rosiepuff Maam? Are you sure you don't want to start leaving, it's wicked out there

RP: Oh no no no turns to the employee I have five grandsons at the pod I can't have them going hungry, we have no food at the house

Employee: Five?!! clears their throat I mean uh- oh uh I'm sorry about that, but I still really advise that you-

Both trolls jump when they hear a loud clap of thunder that sounded like it was right next to the store

Employee: Oh geez- you sure you don't-

RP: Nope, not goin anywhere, this old woman's not afraid of any ol' thunderstorm- I lived long enough to know how bad these get- walks away

A louder clap of thunder sounds following with the lights turning off then turning back on, startling Rosiepuff

RP: ...mostly! says to herself then picks up a few fruits I hope the boys are alright..


JD: angrily munching on Goldfish while sketching angry drawings of Rhonda

JD: ....NO IT'S NOT RIGHT!! SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ANGRY!!! GAAAAH- balls up the drawing and throws it back with the pile of other angry Rhonda drawings..

F: slowly walks into John's room while holding Branch as they both watch him rage draw

C: walks behind him why is this not surprising-

S: walks next to Clay ohhh geez it's bad

JD: AAAAAAHH!!!! balls up another drawing and throws it back

B: the paper bonks on Branch's massive ass head

B: HEHSHSHAHAHA reaches out with grabby hands to John

F: Branch! Shhhh!

JD: raises an eyebrow and looks behind him to see all his brothers standing there

C: ....hi :D

JD: ...Just what I needed- turns back around what do you all want-

F: Well John, we-

JD: I know I'm the only one that can cook around here besides Grandma but we literally have nothing- unless you want me to fry you a bag of cheerios-

S: What the- no we're not-

C: Wait that sounds good-

S: Can you-

F: No John! We wanna cheer you up! smiles wide

JD: raises an eyebrow again and turns back around

JD: ...you, points to all of them want to cheer ME up?

C: Aye bro I said the same thing-

F: Of course we do! We want you to feel better!

JD: Oh yeah? gets up news flash buddy boy, I'm the oldest so I don't get to feel good or better about anything, that's my job to make sure YOU guys aren't crying about anything

S: John that's not fair and you know that's not true-

JD: Isn't it?? pushes his chair out the way that's all it's ever been since they left! I was immediately put under the responsibility of looking after all of you, and you all already drive me crazy as it is!

C: Rude-

F: But- we have grandma!

JD: Grandma does the bare minimum, most of it is all me crosses his arms we don't even know if she's coming back

C: Oh come on now-

F: D-Don't say that! backs away a bit and bumps into Clay who pats his shoulder gently

B: Mamaaa pouts in Floyd's arms

S: Okay seriously- marches up to John now you're just being dramatic-

JD: Did you all come in here to antagonize me?? Or cheer me up like you supposedly said you would?!

S: We DID come in here to cheer you up, or at least TRY to

JD: Well great, horrible job! I'm SOOO happy right now! stomps over to the ladder of his bed

C: shakes his head slowly while looking disappointed

F: John.. maybe you need a hug! gives Branch to Clay and hops over to John

C: Wait, Floyd no-

F: reaches to him before he could climb up the bed and grabs his arm

JD: Floyd you have three seconds to let go-

F: hugs his arm It's okay! I'm being a big boy and looking out for-

JD: I said GET OFF!!!

F: gets startled and lets go, slowly backing away

F: frowns and turns away and runs out of the room, frightened

B: Fwoyd??

S,C: watch him leave and look back at John, giving him the "seriously bro" look

JD: feels a little bad but then just climbs up his bed and lays on his side, facing the wall

JD: Just get out

C: Gladly..you bi-

S: puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head

C: sighs and walks out of the room, still holding Branch

S: looks over at John again

S: When you're ready to actually talk, we'll be out here leaves and shuts the door

JD: says nothing after that and starts hyperventilating quietly, wiping away tears back and forth as they continue coming down


RP: Alriiiight grocery shopping is done let's go ahead and buy these and get back home to my boys hums while walking with her bag

Employee: ...ready now?

RP: Don't sass me- here you go child starts putting her items on the checkout scanner for them to scan

Employee: Sorry miss, I'm just anxious and really ready to go home, especially since I.. uh.. pauses while slowly grabbing an item

RP: You what?

Employee: ...nevermind starts scanning the items

RP: No no, we're gonna be in here for a minute, just tell me

Employee: ...says quietly while scanning I mighttt have a small phobia of thunderstorms

RP: blinks okay?

Employee: Wh- isn't that embarrassing? finishes scanning her items and begins bagging them

RP: Not at all helps them bag her items there's many people who have that fear child, one of my grandsons is scared of thunderstorms as well

Employee: Oh.. that's nice- I mean not nice that they're scared of thunderstorms- I meant it's nice to know that I'm not alone-

RP: It is, isn't it? smiles that's exactly why I tell them to look after each other, especially now..

Employee: nods with a smile

RP: ...plus you wouldn't BELIEVE the other kind of ridiculous fears they have-

Employee: laughs oh really like what? hands her her bags

RP: Oh too many- there's shampoo, microwaves, doorknobs, vacuums, the washing machine, macaroni shells and soooo many others-

Employee: chuckles oh wow- well they're still young so maybe they'll grow out of it

RP: chuckles with them yeah, mayb-

Suddenly the lights cut off and they don't cut back on this time, leaving the two trolls confused and shocked

RP: Erm.. maybe you all forgot to pay the electric bill?-

A loud clap of thunder explodes once more and it causes the entire store to shake, earning frightened yelps of fear from both of them

RP: Alright let's not waste anymore time- I'm old but I used to take track so I can run pretty fast-

Rosiepuff grabs the arm of the Employee as well as her bags and makes no hesitation to dash for the door.. until a large tree falls in front of it, blocking them from getting anywhere

Employee: gasps

RP: Oh no.. the boys..


F: sniffs and sits in the living room while watching spongebob

Spongebob: starts crying

F: ...don't cry Spongebob I'm already saaaaddd!!! hides his face in his hands

C: walks downstairs while holding something

C: Hey Flo- looks at the TV ..is this the episode where he breaks his spatula-

F: sniffs and turns around y-yeah?

S: follows behind him while holding Branch oh this episode was torture he never stops crying-

C: .....anyway, brought you somethin holds up a puzzle box

F: gasps and gets up from his spot and walks over to him is it the new brozone one??

C: Nah they're not coming out with that until next month- lazy merchandisers- BUT anyway wanna play this stupid thing- I mean this totally fun game-

F: YES! hugs Clay and sits down in the middle of the floor and opens the box

S: walks next to him Told you it'd cheer him up, Branch wanna play?

B: Yea yea!! reaches grabby hands out towards where Floyd is

S: puts him down next to him

B: YAY grabs a piece and tries putting it in his mouth

F: No no Branch!! takes it from him and clips it with another piece Like this, see?

B: ..oooooooh slowly falls backward, astounded

C: Yeah well yall enjoy that- I need to find my book to read when you're waiting for this humongous storm to pass book-

S: I mean we could join em

C: No starts walking away

F: Wait! Can you guys play with me, pleeeasseeee??

C: Oh hair- Floyd Branch is right there-

F: But I want you guys too! It's really scary outside and I want to be with everyone..

S: Well.. yeah sure sits next to Branch

C: eye twitches

S,F,B: all look back at him


F: Pleeaaseeee Claaayyyyyy-


C: Okay I'm feeling SLIGHTLY nice today so.. whatever plops next to Spruce

F: YAY!!

S: What do you have against puzzles anyway-

C: I don't GET them!! They're just- WHY WHAT'S THE POINT OF IT

S: ..it's a game-


S: Alright well you can sit there and cry about it then helps Floyd and Branch

F: It's easy Clay! grabs a piece You just go like-

C: I KNOW how to play-

S: Hmmm do you- oh waaait, is that why you don't like puzzles? Because you don't know how to PLAY?

C: NO! Oh move out of the- slides past Spruce and grabs a piece and mumbles don't know how to play I'll show you don't know how to play-

S: Hm smirks


John has tried to fall asleep to pass some time by especially after all that crying, but due to his messy thoughts and loud storm outside it was too hard to

JD: is hugging his blanket while staring at the wall

JD: Ugh buries his face in his pillow

JD: looks up a little and peeks out the window, seeing just how terrible it is outside

JD: looks over at a clock sitting on a nearby countertop and sees that exactly six hours have passed by

JD: mumbles where is she?

JD: AH- jumps at the sound of a loud crash of thunder and what he thought was the sound of something crashing a few miles away

JD: sits up quickly I'm.. I'm not allowed to be scared, no, I'm the oldest, I have to be-

John pauses though sees the lights flickering and a few things like sticks and small pebbles begin to pass by the window getting dragged by the window and even hit it a few times.

JD: looks outside then around him in the empty room, realizing he probably doesn't wanna be alone after all

JD: ponders for a second before slowly climbing out of his bed and taking small steps towards the door, hesitating a few times before opening it



S: It's a blue and GREEN piece, you're trying to put it with a blue and RED PIECE are you COLORBLIND

F: Um- Clay if you need help it goes righ-


S: You've been doing nothing but screaming over this same puzzle piece for the past thirty minutes-


C: Uh- looks down at the puzzle trying to figure out where to put it for no reason since it's the last puzzle piece


C: grabs the entire thing and yeets it across the room

S: And there it is-

F: ...well I guess we're done playing puzzle..

B: tries eating one again

F: No Branch! takes it from him I said you can't ea-

All four of them jump when they hear a loud clap of thunder nearby, followed by something falling in the background

B: squeals and climbs in Floyd's hair and hides

F: ..what was that?

S: The storm's just getting worse and worse..

S: Wait, what time is it? looks over at both Floyd and Clay

C: looks at his wrist oh wait I don't wear a watch..man that usually works in the cartoons-

S: Can you go look-

C: sighs and gets up and goes into the kitchen to look at a clock on the wall it's seven fourty five

S: ..Grandma left at one o'clock.. that was six hours ago!!

F: Grandma!! whimpers

S: gets up and runs to the table to grab the home phone and dials her number

F,C: quickly walk over to him

S: gets no response Come onnnn tries calling again

F: Oh no Grandma no no no whimpers and starts to cry

B: Mamaaaaaaa whines

C: Come on guys- Grandma's a tough cookie I'm sure she's fine

S: Uhm.. tries not to sound worried after calling for the tenth time y-yeah! Yeah! What Clay said, she's fine for sure!

S: Hey look walks over to them why don't we watch a movie or something or play video games??

F: B-But I want Grandma.. hugs himself

S: We can't worry too much, okay?? Remember, she said we have to be big boys, we have to be big boys for her!

F: sniffs.. yeah, yeah you're right

S: smiles Alright! Now I'll cut on the TV and-

BAM! The power goes out.

C: ......well there goes that


B: Night night??

S: facepalms For the love of-

JD: Guys?

F,C,S: all turn to look at John who looks slightly nervous but also tired

F: takes a few steps back behind Spruce and holds onto his leg, not completely hiding but still staying behind him

C: crosses his arms

S: sighs Yeah, what's up

JD: I um- looks over to the window then back at them it's really bad out there huh

C: Yeah we noticed-

S: Did you need something or

JD: Nah I just

JD: looks around then shrugs I didn't wanna be alone I guess

F: peeks a little over at him after hearing that, understanding how he feels

JD: looks down at Floyd and gives him an apologetic look

F: smiles a little and walks around Spruce and walks over to John and hugs him

JD: kneels down and picks him up in his arms while hugging him I'm sorry Flo

S: smiles a little

C: unfolds his arms and smiles a little as well

S: looks at Clay woah you know how to smile- and at emotional moments too??

C: ...now why you gotta go and ruin everything- walks away

S: chuckles but then his smile goes away as he remembers something


RP: Is anyone answering?? hiding inside of a storage room for cover with the employee

Employee: puts their phone down No one, ma'am

RP: Still??

Employee: Nobody is probably answering because of the storm.. the service is probably getting cut out, we'll have to wait until it dies down some

RP: How long do you think that will take??

Employee: I'm.. not sure..

RP: Ugh I can't sit here any longer, my grandsons need me they're probably hungry! leans back against a wall I'm hoping that they're safe..


S: John,

JD: looks up at Spruce while putting Floyd down

S: Grandma, she-

JD: What? What what happened is she okay??

S: She won't answer the phone, I tried it ten times already

JD: sighs heavily and walks over to the window and sits down next to it again, grabbing at his shorts

S,C,F: look at each other and walk behind him, standing a few inches away

S: Look I'm sure she's fi-

JD: What if she's really not coming back?

C: You can't say things like that bro

F: Yeah John.. don't-

JD: No, if she's lucky enough to be alive.. she probably isn't back because she wanted to get away from me

F: eyes widen slightly

S,C: look at each other again

F: walks to John's side that can't be true..

JD: ..but what if it is.. that's probably why they left too..

F: frowns

S: John.. we don't know if they actually left, we don't know what happened

JD: Then why won't Grandma tell us!!!

C: looks down slowly

JD: hugs his knees and buries his face in them, sniffling

F: reaches to him and hugs him gently

S: sighs and walks over to him and pats and rubs his back gently

C: ....oh alright walks to all of them and wraps his arms around all of them

B: climbs out of Floyd's hair and sits next to John, snuggling into his side

The five brothers all sat there with each other, holding onto one another as they would physically express how they will all be there for each other when it's needed most.


RP: is leaned against a wall sound asleep

RP: ear twitches when she hears someone knocking at the door and quickly gets up

RP: Hey, wake up, someone's here! taps the employee's shoulder

Employee: mumbles Mom I already did the dishe- wakes up fully wait what??

RP: opens the door

RT (Rescue troll): Hello, are you- looks beside her to see the employee troll behind her two alright??

RP: YES! Oh thank goodness we're finally getting OUT of here! How did you get in??

RT: Well after the storm started dying down we-

RP: The storm's died down?? walks past the troll to see only light wind and barely any rain, and a few other RTs moving the rest of the tree out of the way

RT: We were sent out by the King to check for anyone who may possibly not been in their pods during the storm, and you're some of the only trolls we've found besides a few others

RP: sighs Oh sweet heavens I need to go.. thank you so much darling- let me just grab my spoiled groceries picks her bags off of the floor and thank you to you too dear nods to the employee

Employee: Oh, u-uh no worries, take care Ma'am. Hopefully your grandsons are safe and sound.

RP: Yeah me too.. those rowdy children of mine they BETTER be safe.. well bye now! holds her groceries and walks to the door leaving

RT: looks over at the employee who looks shaken up

RT: ..you deserve a raise-


JD: sighs and gets up and walks away from the window

C: ..okay wow we were having a moment there- and it's RARE for me to join in on stuff like this-

JD: We have to go

C: Say wha

JD: turns to them we have to go and find Grandma


JD: ...blinks

C: HAHAHAHAHA- oh you're serious

S: John we can't do you see how horrible it is out there- Floyd is literally tiny enough to get carried away by the wind-

F: AH-

JD: Look, I'm not losing another parent..and whether she actually left because of me I guess we'll find out on our own, but we have to do something, she could be trapped or hurt somewhere for all we know

F: nods slowly, walking towards him

F: I'll go..for Grandma!

S: Wait so you're suddenly not afraid of getting blown away by the wind now it's only been a few seconds-

C: I'LL GO TOO...and nnnnnot just because I wanna be in the rain

JD: Great looks at Spruce

S: has an unsure look but then sighs ..for Grandma

JD: smiles

S: But we need a plan first- we can't just go out there all happy laddie dee da like "WHEEE WE'RE GONNA FIND GRANDMA"

F: We can't?

S: ......no Floyd, we can't-

F: Awwww pouts

JD: Well obviously we're not doing that- but first before we do anything at all..we have to get as much protection as possible-

RP: opens the door Protection for what?

JD: looks over at her in surprise

F: gasps GRANDMAAAAAAA!!! runs to her and hugs her leg tightly

RP: smiles Hi my baby!!

S: Oh no way you made it!! runs to her and hugs her too

RP: Of course I did! puts her groceries down and hugs the both of them and without a scratch on me

C: ...mmmmmmmffmgmf

RP: looks up at Clay and smirks Claaaay-

C: MMMMMMMMMM MOVE MOVE MOVE- runs to her and jumps into her arms

RP: chuckles There we gooo

B: is a little ways away from them MAMAAAAAA

RP: looks over to see Branch Branch come here sweetheart!

B: crawls Eh.. eh.. holds onto the wall and stands himself up

F: gasps

RP: Oh my goodness!

B: starts to take small steps over to them while still holding onto the wall

B: lets go of the wall completely while reaching for her and giggling, taking more steps towards her


S: Woaaah good job Branch!

C: Why are we cheering this means he's a step closer to running-

RP: Oh my sweet little peachfuzz I'm so proud of you! picks him up and nuzzles his nose


C: Okay slow down bud you can't learn to walk AND talk at the same time-


RP: .....okay who taught him that-

C,F: slowly look over at Spruce

S: ...to be fair I TOLD HIM NO-


RP: Alright Branch no more of that kisses his cheek

RP: Hold on, where's-

F,C,S: they all look around, immediately knowing who she was talking about

RP: looks around as well and sees him a few inches away standing behind one of the couches, looking away as soon as he saw her look at him

RP: puts Branch down and walks over to him slowly, kneeling down again

JD: doesn't look at her, rubbing his hands together while grabbing at his clothes a little

RP: I told you I'd be back, didn't I?

JD: says nothing and turns away from her a little more

RP: frowns and sighs and stands up

F,C,S: look at each other

RP: is about to start walking away until she feels something hug at her waist

RP: looks down to see John squeezing her, his face buried into her side

JD: sniffs and hugs her tighter while gripping her dress

RP: smiles wide and kneels down and hugs him back tightly

RP: And I'm not going anywhere

F,S; sigh of relief


RP: pulls away from him and wipes his tears away You're a great big brother Jonathan

JD: sighs I'm.. really not..

C: Yeah he calls me banana hair all the ti-

S: smacks the back of his head

F: Yeah you are John!! runs over to them you said sorry for yelling at me then you made a plan to go save Grandma!

JD: looks down at Floyd then Grandma with a nervous grin

RP: Wait, what was that first par- ..Ill come back to that, but anyway.. you made a plan to try and save me? That's so sweet and big brothery of you! ruffles his hair

JD: shrugs sheepishly I was scared of losing another parent, and I thought it'd be my fault again

RP: puts a hand on his shoulder nothing was your fault. Your.. sigh I can't tell you right now what happened.. but I can definitely tell you it wasn't because of you all, they both loved you very much

RP: looks at the rest of the boys all of you

F: hugs her at least we still have you Grandma

RP: smiles and hugs him again along with John for sure

RP: Now! lets them go and stands up Who wants lasagna!

F: gasps MEEEEEE!


JD: I've literally been stress eating goldfish so yes please


RP: eyes Clay

C: I'm kiddingggg kiddinggg.. is it the best kind tho-

RP: chuckles yes, it's the one you all like, cheesy fiesta grabs her bags I'll need a little help with putting these groceries away first though, we don't want them to rot and have another episode from last chapter

F: Last chapter??

S: Don't ask-

C: LESSGOOOOOO CHEESY FIESTAAAAAA pumps his fists in the air

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