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I looked up when my brother entered the room. "Late night?"

"Yeah," Thomas sighed. "I wanted to finish as much as I can before the holidays."

"You don't sound very happy about the fact that we'll be spending Christmas with our wife," I muttered.

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the small fridge in the corner of the room to grab a can of soda. It was our secret stash of everything unhealthy since Kieran always replaced the food with healthy alternatives in the kitchen.

"It's not that I'm not excited," he said as he took a seat next to me. "I'm just not sure if I can go the whole month without working."

"You didn't work when we took the trip with her," I pointed out.

"I did. You just didn't know about it," Thomas said as he smirked at me. "Where did they come up with the idea for Albany month?"

"Albany month?" I chuckled. "I like that. Apparently it was something she said about spending Christmas together with just the four of us."

"Actually it was because she has never celebrated Christmas before," Sev said as joined us. "From what I could find out, Albany wasn't very lucky when it came to foster parents."

"Which is why we'll not only be celebrating Christmas with her but we'll be spoiling her rotten." Kieran kicked the door closed behind him and joined us. "We have about half an hour before she gets back."

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Got a call from Megan," Kieran muttered. "Something about mixing up and order and the customer that demands a refund."

"If she survives a whole month without going to the bakery every few days it's be a miracle," Thomas said.

I watched as Kieran leaned forward with his phone clutched in one hand. His eyes darted around and when he realized that we were all paying attention to him, he started.

"We need to talk about presents. To prevent us from buying her the same gifts we need to be aware of what we're each going to buy for her." He paused. "There's twenty-four days till Christmas so a present a day."

I stayed silent as they discussed things. Kieran made a list on his phone that he would send to us once we were done. They all had a rough idea for what they were planning on getting her even though things had only been planned recently.


"When are we going to spend time together?" I asked. "All five of us. If we have kids are we going to schedule play dates? Are we going to raise our kids the same way we're doing this?"

Sev frowned. "We have dinner together each night."

"Just dinner," I muttered, leaning forward. "We don't go out together, we don't watch TV together, and we don't do basic stuff together. We're a unit."

Kieran studied me silently for a moment. "We can try that," he told me. "We'll all be home and I'm sure that Albany would love it just as much."

"We can make some things regular," Thomas pointed out. "Like watching movies or playing games after dinner. Maybe have breakfast together too."

"We can go shopping for the decorations together," Severide said with a smile playing around his lips. "It should be interesting to see how the people react."

"That's if Albany doesn't have a problem with it," I pointed out. "Not everything on Albany's bucket list has been completed. Why don't we use that to our advantage to help her celebrate Christmas?"

The planning started all over again but this time everybody had more of a clue of what to get her and who was going to get what. It worked out better and with a list of the presents each of us was going to get her, I walked out of our den and headed to Albany's bedroom.

She had a box in one of her closet drawers where she placed all the things she claimed were not so important. Buried halfway underneath everything else was the list that started it all.

I blinked at the new entries that had been made not so long ago. My lips slowly curled into a smile. It was going to be a very interesting Christmas. Snapping a picture of the list, I sent it to the others before I placed it back in the box and pushed the box back in the drawer.

Albany had told us what she wanted to do with us individually but with the new things she added, we might need to change things up a bit since she shouldn't catch wind of what we were planning.


The house had been designed with all of our needs in mind. We weren't all legally married to Albany. According to law only Kieran and Albany were married but for us we were all married. Albany wore a ring with our names engraved in it and we wore her ring.

We each had our own private rooms but there was a master bedroom I had added for the purpose of all the hot nights my brother and I got to share our wife. The bed was big enough for five people (Severide had it personally made) and so was the bathroom.

Apart from the bedrooms, Severide had his office, Thomas had his gaming room and Kieran had his gym. We had a family room, a movie room, a living room, a dining room, and a state of the art kitchen that Albany was constantly using to try new things.

It was where I found her hours after she had returned home.

I leaned in the doorway, arms crossed over my chest as I watched her beating the shit out of the dough. Her cheeks were flushed with colour and eyes blazing with anger.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

Albany looked up at me and glared. "I thought you were all going to be home."

"They went to pick up some things for dinner," I told her.

"How do I know that you're not covering for them?" she asked as she grabbed the roller.

Straightening, I entered the kitchen and walked around the island towards her. Wrapping my arms around her, I hugged her.

"Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you?"

Her body slumped against mine as a sigh fell from her lips. Shaking her head, she turned to face me. Albany dropped her forehead to my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"They messed up a big order and I tried to fix things but they won't listen." Albany looked up at me. "I tried so hard to fix things."

"Al, you can't always satisfy everyone," I whispered.

Reaching up, I cupped her cheeks and wiped the tears away with my thumbs.

"I know," she breathed, "but she said that she's going to spread word on social media about my shitty service. We're going to lose so many customers because of that."

"If she takes it that far then we'll sort it out," I promised. "Now stop worrying about it. Everybody knows that you're the best baker in town and one wrong order isn't going to change that."

"But what if—"

I leaned down and kissed her, instantly silencing her. Gripping her hips, I lifted her onto the counter and stepped in between her legs. She moaned and wrapped her legs around my hips to pull me closer.

"Is there anything in the oven?" I asked as I pressed open-mouth kisses down her neck.

She shook her head. Smiling, I slid my hands down to her ass and squeezed. I bit down on the crook of her neck and sucked on her skin until I was sure that there was going to be a bruise.

"I want you," she breathed, "to fuck me right here."

I pulled away to stare down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Daring, are we?"

She nodded. I kept my eyes focused on her face as she undid my shirt buttons one by one. Once the last button was undone, her hands slowly slid up my chest to push the shirt off my shoulders.

My head dropped back and my eyes fluttered closed when she started pressing kisses down my neck and lower. She flicked the tip of her tongue across my nipple, making me groan. Shaky fingers fumbled with my pants until I pushed them away to do it myself.

"Condom?" I questioned but she shook her head.

Leaning back on her hands she raised her hips. I hooked my fingers into the band of her pants and pulled them down her legs. Dropping it to the floor, I crouched and spread her legs.

"Steven," she moaned.


She made a sound at the back of her throat. My eyes darted up to hers as I used my thumbs to spread her pussy lips apart. Her lips parted but I leaned forward and started sucking on her clit. One of her hands slipped into my hair to push my face closer to her pussy.

"Seriously, you started without me?" Thomas questioned as he waltzed into the kitchen, four plastic bags in each hand.

Albany used her hold on my hair to push me away. Letting out a sigh, I licked my lips and stood. She hopped off the counter, grabbed her pants and hurried out of the room without a backward glance.

"You couldn't wait a few seconds?" I glared at him. "I wish that you'd stop interrupting us. For once I just want to spend some one on one time with her." 

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