Chapter 4: Fun and Trouble

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(Tokuro and his team are seen waking up from their sleep as they walk up to the throne room, where Stolas is seen holding his phone and talking with someone.)

Stolas: Yeah? Yeah. Okay.

(Stolas hangs up and turns to see Tokuro and his team.)

Stolas: Oh, you woke up. I have an important meeting. Can any of you look for my little girl for me?

Tokuro: (bows) I'll do it, your highness.

Velvet: (bows) Me too.

Stolas: Good. I'm leaving now.

(Stolas leaves as Tokuro and Velvet carry Octavia, who smiles at them. Everything seems to go well so far as Octavia behaved.)

Octavia: Can you please take me to Loo Loo Land?

Tokuro: (confused) Loo Loo Land?

Octavia: It's my favorite theme park? Can you please take me in there?

(Tokuro and Velvet look at each other, and nod.)

Tokuro: (smiles) Okay, we'll take you in there.

Octavia: (excited) YAY!

(Tokuro and Velvet then take Octavia to find Loo Loo Land. As they go on, Octavia points up.)

Octavia: Over there.

(They see Loo Loo Land and get shocked by seeing the park itself. They get in there as they start having fun with rides and the food, which both Tokuro and Velvet really appreciate. They're currently at the Carousel Ride.)

Velvet: I'm having so much fun.

Tokuro: (blushes) Me too...

Octavia: Yeeeehaw!

(Suddenly some bandits come in and catch Octavia.)

Bandit: You're coming with us, brat!

(They take Octavia away as she screams.)

Octavia: Help! HELP!

(Tokuro and Velvet turn to see Octavia being taken away by the bandits.)

Tokuro: (eyes widen) Octavia!

(Both Tokuro and Velvet start chasing after the bandits to get Octavia back. As they keep chasing the bandits, they eventually go to a warehouse, where the bandits placed Octavia down as they already tied her up.)

Bandit: You're persistent, brats.

Tokuro: (glares) Brat? You've got some nerve.

(Then he prepares to transform.)

Tokuro: Henshin!


(Tokuro becomes Kamen Rider Zeronos, and then a thunder crashes into the ground as he attaches the handle to the blade with the tip of the triangle aligned to the blade. The Aura Saber then grows, almost tripling its size.)

Zeronos: Let me say this from the beginning: I am pretty... pissed off!

Bandit: So what?

(Zeronos slashes two of the bandits before kikcing the third one and slashing the fourth. Velvet tackles the fifth and punches him. Zeronos starts stabbing the last bandit, and they finally get to rescue Octavia, who gives them a hug.)

Octavia: Big brother. Big sister.

Tokuro: Glad you're okay. (to Velvet) Come on, we must return to her father's palace.

Velvet: (nods) Right.

(They return to Stolas' Palace, and see him as he turns to see the three.)

Stolas: Thank you for looking after Octavia.

Tokuro: No pro-

(Velvet then kisses Tokuro's cheek.)

Velvet: It was pretty brave.

(Tokuro blushes so much that he ends up fainting as the screen fades out.)

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