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Dedicated to xxcribaybeexx who gives the best advice! And is such an amazing person! :) I hope you enjoy this chapter love!!



These four walls that stared back at me were deafening. Blinding. I sat and watched - watched as the tiles on the wall shifted while I attempted to count them desperately trying to pass the time. It was definitely a little pass 24 hours and I hadn't heard from anyone in the outside world, nor seen Dr. Kathryn. This was a waiting game. Sitting in this cage I was destined to lose my mind as time rolled on.

Did I even exist to anyone now?

I laid so that my body was facing upward - my breast being pulled down by gravity, my legs painfully straight and my head titled up, as the smell of stinky cinnamon creeped in through the cracks in the steel door.

It reminded me of the time when I was small, and mom would place me in the play ben that's still resides in our basement, by itself. Like I was, during Jo's school hours as she worked. The smell came from the air vents in the house, it was a bit loud and unnecessary.

Before I could do anything, my eyes were shutting and I was dreaming. The pink bunny passed, in the darkness, the color of its sheer suit glistened although there was no sunlight. Here in my dreams I wasn't afraid, I was surprisingly calm as I watched the montage. I wasn't there, but I was.

Nothing about the bunny was vicious and now that I think about all the other times I've encountered it it never really was. The pink was bright and here, it looked was soothing. The eyes were still too big, even the feet and hands. It walked slowly, back and forth like it was contemplating something, I watched in anticipation - ready to run. Everything was pulsing.

Reality was tough, and I wasn't ready to open my eyes, however, suddenly everything changed and I found myself trembling, scared. Something shifted and as I tried to awake from everything, I was paralyzed in the same position. Legs straight and neck locked. Fighting to open my eyes, hot tears stained my cheek, rolling down onto my shoulders.

Now, I was scared of my dreams. I couldn't sleep. I was fooled.


I watched him as he made his way into the visiting cage and then sat in front of me - scared. Mason. He awkwardly looked around to make sure no one was set to attack him. His eyes were wide with fear once he focused on me

I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable, "Hey..."

Here he was. There I was, embarrassed. As much as I didn't wanna believe it I wanted him to be here, I couldn't deny how happy I was to see such a familiar face. I needed someone from my normal life to come - surprisingly it wasn't Reese. Before now, I thought it'd always be Reese. But at the same time, I wanted it to be him.

"Hey." His smile was so comforting.

"What happened?"

His expression quickly changed from scared to concerned and not the sort of concern where he actually thought I could be insane, but the concern where he actually cared and didn't wanna see me in here - face colorless, and clothes ugly. Stressing. His shoulders had fell forward when he spoke. He cares.

"You know how parents are in Homewood. Crazy."

He didn't know.

He continued to stare at me with intensity almost like he was demanding me to tell him what really happened, like he was my boyfriend, like I had to tell him or he'd be heartbroken.

Would he get up and leave if I told him everything that's happen since the party - since I turned seventeen. The perfect age. I wonder how I looked to him now, before I was seventeen I was fine, I went to school, came home, at dinner, went to bed, and repeated the day.

"Is this about that bunny from the party?" I'm not sure if he was just saying that or if he really didn't know.

I stared at him, my eyes never blinking as his eyes shifted from the floor to me after minuted passed and the room fell silent around us.

"Somethings not right." I didn't even wanna say anything, but it just came out again like as if I was suppose to tell him- as if it would change anything. He didn't look up from the floor and that's when I begin to get very worried - he was beautiful and soft , strong and weak, so what if he couldn't take it? What if this was the moment he regretted coming here.

"How did you even find out I was here?"

"I was there at your party, nothing about that bunny seemed off. Yes, it was little weird that that's what you chose for entertainment, but I don't think it was demonic or anything." I assumed these were his words of comfort.

He was working his way around m,y question.

"I really don't wanna talk about it!"

He looked surprise by my response, something he wasn't expecting. Completely surprised. "What?!"

You heard me , I said in no words, but in so many at the same time. He sighed, he was so weak. I'd expect him to get up and leave not sit here and act like a punk.

"I was the only one who saw the bunny, forgive me but, 3 times! so what the hell am I suppose to think ,sitting in here staring at these four walls? That I'm not crazy."

I needed him to tell me I wasn't crazy - that maybe I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep like my mom pondered.

He didn't say that, in fact, he was getting ready to leave.
I wanted him to stay, I didn't realize how bad until stood up. He looked so innocent. I wanted to scream 'stay' , everything in me wanted him to stay but when I opened my mouth to say just that nothing came out. Again - my mouth opened and closed, the only thing that coming was the wrong way, completely out of context, completely backwards.


"Really, Sydney. People are trying to help you -" he grips tightly onto the back chair with pure frustration, but still a little consideration for me.

I found myself standing in front of that chair that he was standing behind, angry.

"Say what's on your conscious. Mason."

There were so many people in the visiting area, tons of colliding voices, but all of it started to fade and Mason was the focus. He wasn't speaking, now but his voice was the only one I could hear. His laugh.

I sat in shock when he disappeared through the doorway. He had left and tears started to stain my eyes. I wasn't crying for long before I made my way back down the dark halls and into my room once again. The walls looked so punchable, but I wasn't a guy with strong fist and I wasn't tough enough for the pain that would follow. Before my door automatically shut behind me Emerson rushed by, in slow motion - she moved quickly yet, at the same time I was able to read every part of her.

I found that reality wasn't much better than when everything was dark.

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