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••• Class Historian •••

gentlemen, i'm doing great
doing well is pretty vague


  After Lloyd brushed his teeth five times and then another six, he joined me in his bedroom.

  I lounged on his bed, reading a Starfarer comic from his collection with my feet in the air. Nya's cotton pyjamas were infinitely cozy after an evening in the cold rain. Lloyd settled on the bed beside me, lying on his back with a sigh. I glanced up at him as I turned the page before returning to the illustrations.

  His silence reigned. I peeked up again at where he stared at the ceiling with a laden gaze. He'd taken a shower, too. He couldn't have cleansed himself more of Axon if he tried.
  "Do you feel a little better?" I cautiously asked.

  Lloyd inhaled deeply and exhaled slow. "Not really," he confessed. It wasn't surprising. 

  I placed the comic at the foot of the bed and shuffled until I laid alongside him. I traced the contours of his face with a fingertip. I couldn't get the image of his contorted transformation out of my head - the tusks, the horns, the talons, the purple eyes. It was curious and fascinating and the fact-gatherer inside of me was left with a gazillion questions I couldn't ask.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" It was the only acceptable one.

  "No," Lloyd mumbled, before sighing. "Not yet." His green eyes turned to me. "Are you okay?"

  I tucked my forehead into his shoulder. "I'll be alright." I'd have more nightmares undoubtedly, but that was nothing new. Morro had already infected my sleep. Axon was nothing new.

  Lloyd sighed at my answer. "Sorry for being such a mess."

  I sat up and leant my weight on my hand. He avoided my tender gaze. "Everyone's a little messy, Lloyd. Nobody's perfect, not even the Green Ninja - and I bet Uchū wasn't, either." I lifted my eyes to the ceiling. "No offence, Grandpa God."

  "Not like this." Lloyd cracked a half-smile that he didn't really mean. "I should've given you a warning back before I asked you on a date."

  "I would've appreciated the gesture but ignored it," I said. He huffed at my quick dismissal and leant his cheek into where I placed my palm. "We'll figure this out, hero. You don't have to deal with it alone."

  Lloyd's cheeks went a little pink. He finally met my gaze. "... thank you. You always know what to say."

  "It's a recent development," I admitted. "Being around you made me better."

  His eyes went red with affection and his blush darkened. "Really?"

  "Are you kidding me?" I asked dryly. "One of the first things I talked to you about was a Dr. Seuss fact."

  "I thought it was cute. I love your random facts."

  I smiled at him in appreciation. "Did you know it's possible fall in love in less than four minutes?"

  "I do, actually," Lloyd answered. His smirk came with a little more ease. "I found out through personal experience."

  My face burned and I rolled my eyes. "Flirt."

  A knock on the door kept him from replying. We looked up just as it creaked open and Garmadon poked his head inside. I grew embarrassed at the small smile on his face. He would've heard us sweet-talking.

  "I hope I'm not interrupting," he said. The knowing look he sent me told me he totally knew he was, and my embarrassment grew tenfold. He turned to his son. "Your uncle and I would like a chat, if you're up for it."

  The brief lapse of Lloyd's good mood faded. "Sure."

  I didn't know if they wanted me to sit in on the discussion or not, so I remained on the bed while Lloyd picked himself up and straightened out his rumpled green shirt. They both looked grim. Perhaps this was just a family meeting. They would want to hear his account without distraction.

  But Lloyd held his hand out for me with a pleading look. I didn't hesitate.

  Misako and Wu were just approaching the scroll room when we arrived, a fresh pot of tea in her hands and a tower of cups in her brother-in-law's. They smiled at the sight of us but their eyes lingered on Lloyd with concern. He pretended not to notice.

  "Chamomile?" he guessed. "My favourite."

  I stored that information away for later use.

  We took a seat at the scroll room's table; Lloyd and I on one side, Wu and Garmadon on the other. Wu lined out the cups while Misako placed the pot in the centre of the set up, painted with the designs of dragons. Garmadon began pouring out the tea in the matching cups.

"I assume you're staying for dinner?" Misako asked me.

  I faltered. I'd never stayed for dinner before - proper, actual dinner. I'd only spent the night twice: when we got back from Stiix and when we had the emergency meeting about Axon, and they didn't give me the opportunity. The dinners we had during the mission to save Lloyd from his possession didn't really count, either.

  "I'd love to," I answered.

  "Wonderful!" She beamed and clapped her hands together with glee. "I'll let Dimitri know to set another place at the table."

  Misako hurried off. I watched her go with wide eyes, wondering what on earth an entire Monastery's dinner looked like considering the moutain of food the team's lunch was at Skylor's. I glanced back at the others.

  "Should I be worried?" I asked. "Do you have any ninja etiquette that I need to know before dinner?"

  Lloyd smirked and shook his head. Wu smiled in amusement.

  "Don't take Cole's food and I think you might just survive," Garmadon chuckled. He handed me a cup of chamomile tea.

  "Noted." I blew away the steam.

  "I suppose we should begin by informing you both that Axon has been transferred to Kryptarium Prison," Wu said, starting the conversation we moved here for. "You may rest easy that he will not trouble us again."

  I hadn't realised I was still weighed beneath the worry of his roaming until the sensei spoke of his fate. I closed my eyes as a wave of exhausted relief washed over me and swept the stress away.

  "Good," I breathed. "Thank you." My life could be just a little bit normal again.

  "Skylor and Neuro did not have success in finding the spell book," Garmadon announced grimly. "Axon must've guessed we were after it and moved its location."

  I deflated. That book was the key to a lot of terrible black magic and out loose in the world. I just hoped nobody would stumble across it again.

  "We will continue to keep an ear out for it," Wu said. "Neuro managed to get a look inside his brother's mind and uncovered a list of areas Axon used to frequent across Ninjago. He believes them to be a network of bases. We will search for the spell book in one of those locations, as well as any other dangerous materials he may have acquired."

  Still silent, Lloyd nodded. He didn't seem to be fully present in the conversation.

  Garmadon took a sip of his tea and cleared his throat. The brothers shared a hesitant look and the vibe of the room shifted into something a little more grim. Lloyd's gaze fell. Misako returned and quietly took a spot to my left.

  Wu nodded. Garmadon's green eyes found his son.

  "He... suffered some grave wounds," Garmadon carefully noted. "Nothing that will impair him, however... he will suffer permanent damage."

  Lloyd stared at the surface of his tea. I peeked at him from the side of my eyes and fidgeted.

  "I kicked him in the face," I piped up. "That felt great."

  The adults smiled at my attempt to lighten the mood, but it still wasn't enough. Lloyd's expression remained unchanged.

  "I'm not sure what happened," he mumbled. "I... changed, somehow. I became..." Lloyd's eyes jumped to his dad before bouncing away.

  Garmadon looked down at his cup with a complicated expression. Wu seemed just as forlorn. 

  Misako, ever the academic (I loved her), hummed in consideration. "Is this the first time you've noticed something... different?"

  Lloyd sighed slowly. We both knew this conversation was a long time coming. What happened a few hours earlier was just the catalyst for it.

  "No," he admitted. "I've noticed something changing for the past few months." His eyes bored through his tea. "I'm usually good at keeping my head even with my short temper, but it's gotten... more difficult."

  "How so?" Misako softly encouraged.

  Lloyd meekly shrugged. "Y/n's hurt or threatened and I snap like how I did tonight, or like when I talked to you after the incident with Chen. It's just never been this bad." He grimaced before lowering his voice to a mutter. "And I also purr or whatever."

  The adults shared baffled looks. Lloyd's cheeks went rosy.

  "I did not expect that one," Garmadon said in confession.

  "Neither did I," Lloyd grumbled. My smile was weak and faintly humoured.

  "Have you yet discovered a way to calm these spikes in your emotions?" Wu worriedly asked. Lloyd shook his head. 

  The conversation continued; Lloyd was asked more questions such as how it felt to change (uncomfortable) or what he remembered during his attack on Axon (nothing). When it came to what he looked like, I answered for him. I had a better understanding of his form than he did.

  We all wordlessly came to the same conclusion - Lloyd's transformation had resembled Garmadon during his darker days, but... not entirely, either. 

  Lloyd looked less upset and more resigned and doleful by the time the conversation was wrapped up, and their reassurances that everything would be okay seemed to slide over him like water over a rock. The adults still had no clue as to what happened or why it did, but Misako had a glint in her eye that told me it was about to become her next research hyperfocus.

  Dinner was ready and set out by the time we arrived in the dining room. There truly was nothing for me to worry about. There was no tradition at the table; it was like any other chaotic family dinner, except far larger and with much more food. There weren't enough zabutons for everyone, so a handful of people sat directly on the tatami flooring. At least the table was low enough to not require elevated seating.

  Zane had cooked. It was the best salmon I'd ever eaten.

  Nobody talked about what happened in my back garden. The concerned, confused glances were enough. Lloyd was drawn-in and sullen even still, picking at his food without appetite.

  After we ate our late dinner and split off for the night, I found myself in Lloyd's bed for the third time - not that I was keeping count. The quiet was calming. Our legs were already tangled beneath the sheets. He held me tight to his chest and didn't let go.

  The spots on his head where his six horns had emerged from still had small bumps. My fingers glided around and over their little hills as they curled through his hair. He'd long gone limp from the sensation, but sleep still wouldn't take either of us.

  "Sunshine?" Lloyd quietly asked. I hummed softly. "Are you really okay?"

  I kissed his collarbone. "Are you asking about you, Axon, or in general?"

  His fingertips drew designs on my back. "General, I guess."

  "I'm still shaken," I answered truthfully. "Illusion or not, a man held a knife to my throat. I thought I was going to die. He almost killed Nya, Jay and Kai, too." My voice grew thick and I closed my eyes. "It was terrifying. But you - you stopped him, Lloyd. You saved us all."

  Lloyd slowly exhaled. I felt the release of it from the slackening of his body. "But the way I did it was terrible."

  I frowned sadly at the distaste he held. I could understand why; he became the face of death itself, a wild animal. His rage had overtaken him and evoked the evil inside his veins into becoming something tangible. He was supposed to be the Green Ninja, captaining everything that's good.

  Still - "it doesn't take away the truth that I'd be in a much worse shape right now if you didn't stop him."

  Lloyd went quiet. His chest shuddered at the spot my nails scratched at - the base of his head, through his soft hair.

  "Did I look scary?" he quietly asked.

  I took pause. Was the act of his attack a little frightening? Of course it was, I'd be a fool not to think that. Was I scared when he was lost to himself and stared at me without recognition? Yes. But did he look scary? Well...

  My blood had rang with a rush when I'd seen him at the lake, back to himself but still changed. The crown of black horns, the inch-long talons, the tusks, the scales. The pretty shade of purple his eyes had become. The way he looked like he could easily be something terrible, a calamity in the shape of a storybook monster, yet still so soft with me, still gentle. He was still my Lloyd.

  And because he was still my Lloyd and I was still a simple girl, I bit my lip. "... do you remember when you asked that same question after you scared Chen?"

  Lloyd's ministrations on my spine halted. I held my tongue to keep myself from taking it back out of shame. I wasn't ashamed. I'd already lost my dignity before him, anyway. So what if I found him hot?

  He shook his head in disbelief. "You're an insane person."

  "I'm a romantasy reader," I corrected. Then I frowned. "Though, it might overlap..."

  "Insane person," he repeated.

  "Says the one who can purr."

  Lloyd released a stunned laugh at my unexpected burn. "Hey. That was uncalled for."

  I bloomed at his amusement and warmed mood. My thumb brushed the tops of his horn-nubs. He shivered again.

  "I don't think it's weird, you know." My nails dragged from the crown of his head to the base of his neck. I'd handled far weirder than my boyfriend purring. Hell, it was tame in comparison to everything else I'd been through this summer. "I can feel you holding it back."

  "It's freaky," Lloyd said quietly. I brushed my fingertips along the hairline below his ear and his next breath was full of bliss.

  "No, it's not," I hushed. "Did you know a cat's purr has healing factors? Maybe yours can work the same. Maybe it'll make me sleep easier."

  "You're goading me."

  "No, I'm not." I waited a beat before glancing up at him coyly. "Is it working?"

  Lloyd scoffed and lifted his gaze from mine. "No."

  I grinned. It totally was. He rolled his eyes at my proud disposition and kissed my forehead with affection. My teasing demeanour faded into warmth when he pressed his face into my hair and held me closer.

  "Thanks for finding me," he whispered. "N' I know that the prophecy got all messed up, but I think you arrived in my life just when I needed you the most."

  I softened at his confession. My heart was going to burst out of my chest and throw myself into the moon from how fast it was racing. My arms pulled me up the mattress so I could ghost my lips across his, faint with caution at first, and then deeper when he reciprocated the kiss in earnest.

  In the darkness, Lloyd's red gaze was the softest I'd ever seen it be. I kissed him again. I had to when he looked at me that way.

  "Funny," I sweetly mused, "I think the exact same thing."


  "That sounds crazy!" Naomi exclaimed down the phone I had on speaker while I organised the living room. I'd just told her about the fight with Axon - excluding the part where Lloyd transformed and lost control. "Thank god he's gone."

  "I know, right?" I laughed thinly and without conviction. The emotions of the entire situation only hit me when I woke up this morning, and it hit with vengeance. I felt like a hamster in a ball that was pushed down the side of the Wailing Alps. "I can finally breathe again."

  I was even able to go out for a quick shop without feeling paranoid. Another plus - no more babysitting. I'd never felt so light before.

  "How's your aunt taking it?"

  My grin faded. "She's real cut up about it. I don't blame her - she thought she had a son for the past two decades, or however long it was that he was actually living with her."

  "That's fucked up."

  "I know," I murmured. "Mum's helping her but... I don't think anyone can really recover from something like that. I'm having a tough time with it as is."

  "Yeah, well, he tried to kill you. You're allowed to be a little messed up after that." Naomi huffed with ire, as if wanting to take Axon by the neck and strangle him herself. I smiled at the mental image of it - it wasn't hard to imagine. "Are the others okay? No injuries?"

  "Only Nya came close to being seriously hurt, but that girl is something else." I shook my head in awe. "She's already back on her feet and training."

  "Ugh. She's so cool." Naomi's voice brightened. "We should ask her to hang out with us!"

  I grinned. "Definitely! That sounds like fun."

  "Is Lloyd alright? It hasn't been that long since Stiix."

  Naomi didn't realise how loaded that question was. I paused in my tasks and sat on the floor with a sigh.

  "Uh-oh." Naomi noticed my mood plummet even through the phone. "What happened?"

  I grimaced. I wanted to tell her about Lloyd and his transformation, but I wasn't sure if he'd be okay with that. This was a bit more than an average tidbit of extra information.

  "He's fine. He's at a meeting with the other Elemental Masters about Axon," I answered, then checked the time. "He should be back soon."

  Naomi hummed but didn't press. She knew I'd avoided giving a proper answer.

  I'd tell her one day, maybe, if Lloyd ever said it's okay for me to do so. And one day, I'd tell her about Cole.

  Just... not yet. And definitely not over the phone.

  I looked around the chaos I'd created in the living room. The couch was pushed out, a small foot bath bubbled in the corner, the curtains were drawn and unlit candles had been bunched on shelves. The coffee table was buckling beneath the weight of products. The TV was ready to play Avatar from where we last left off.

  I frowned nervously. Was I doing too much?

  "Boys like spa days, right?" I asked.

  Naomi was confused by my out-of-the-blue question. "Uh..."

  I didn't need a knock nor the ring of the doorbell to tell me that Lloyd had arrived - the tug on my gut that sent my heart racing with elation was enough. I snatched my phone and leapt to my feet.

  "He's here! Gotta go, love you, bye!"

  Naomi snickered at my excitement. "Love you, too." She ended the call just as I swung open the door.

  Lloyd dropped the hand he was just about to knock with, grinning at my enthusiasm. His hair was still curly from last night's wash and glistened beneath the sun. His clothes looked like something he'd just plucked without thought; a green tank and grey sweats. He still looked handsome.

  But there was a tired look in his eyes - unsurprisingly, neither of us had slept well. I could still see the red-stained fangs and talons and the emptiness of his purple eyes. He could probably still see what he'd looked like in the reflection of the lake.

  "I got you something," Lloyd quickly announced before I could speak. He held up a book-shaped parcel wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.

  "What?" I asked with a touched smile. Taking it from his outstretched hand, he nodded for me to unwrap, so I did. And when I did, I stilled. "Is this seriously 'Ancient Ninjago's History and Civilisations'?"

  Lloyd's smile brightened at my shock. "Yep."

  I looked up at him in awe. "How?"

  "Mum knows people. I got her to ask around and we found a copy a few days ago." Lloyd said it as if it wasn't a big deal but was very pleased with my reaction. "The guy who had it made me clean out his gutters in payment." He shivered with disgust. "There were so many dead things up there."

  My eyes widened. I looked between him and the old, worn cover of the rare book and was half-convinced I was in dream.

  "This is the history book of history books," I said, my voice a little thin. "This is like my Bible, Lloyd - it's impossible to get a copy! Why would you go through all that trouble?"

  Lloyd shrugged a shoulder and smiled meekly. "You've been thrown into the deep end and you're still so good to me. I love you. Why wouldn't I get you something you really want?"

  My bottom lip wobbled. I threw my arms around him and held him so tight that my muscles began to strain. Lloyd was always so considerate. He chuckled and hugged me back.

  "You're amazing," I said into his shirt. "Thank you. This is the best gift I've ever gotten."

  Lloyd kissed the top of my head. "I'm glad you like it, sunshine."

  He pulled away when footsteps came down the driveway. I looked around him curiously. It was Molly, holding a casserole dish and an uncertain expression. I smiled in confused greeting. What was she doing here?

  "Hi, Molly," I said. "How's Pumpkin?" He'd gotten out again the other day and Dad had to help catch him. He'd practically been paraded as a hero when he crawled beneath Mei's deck to entice him out.

  "Hello, dear," Molly greeted. She glanced at Lloyd before returning her gaze to me. "He's fine, the naughty little thing. Is your mother home?"

  I shook my head. "She's at work." I held up my new book and beamed. "Look what Lloyd got for me!"

  Molly's brows raised at my elated announcement. Surprised, she peeked back at Lloyd, as if it was unexpected that the infamous son of Lord Garmadon could be capable of being a good boyfriend. He smiled in awkward response.

  "Very sweet of him." Despite her shock, she sounded sincere. She held out the empty dish for me to take. "Now, Y/n, pass on my thanks to your mother. I dropped my dish, you see. I had to rush over to borrow yours before it got too late to make dinner!"

  I grinned in amusement. "I will."

  Lloyd took the dish since my hands were full. She seemed surprised again by his chivalry. I forgot how much people didn't know him and yet think they did - I'm pretty sure Molly was beginning to see just how wrong she and everybody else was.

  When we said our goodbyes, Lloyd and I shut the door behind us. I hugged my new book gleefully. He snickered.

  "Where's your dad?" he asked when we dropped off the dish in the kitchen.

  "He's gone back to base."

  Lloyd pouted with fake sorrow. "Without saying goodbye to me?"

  "I'm sure it broke his heart," I said dryly. I suddenly remembered what I'd set up in the living room and grabbed Lloyd's hand with enthusiasm. "I've got something to show you!"

  He chuckled in shock when I yanked him along to follow me. His surprise grew when we entered the living room, looking around the set up in silence.

  "Ta-da!" I released Lloyd's hand to hold mine behind myself, twiddling my fingers nervously. When he didn't say anything for a few moments, I grew self-conscious. "I- I wanted to do a spa day because you've been put through hell recently. Is it too over-the-top? We don't have to do everything - there's some face masks and I finally got a chance to use the foot spa my nana got us a few years ago, and I got some of those adult colouring books I thought you'd like. Oh!" I pointed at the overloaded table. "There's some candy from Robutusson's and berries from the market 'cause they're really nice this time of-!"

  I squeaked when Lloyd took me by the waist and cut off my anxious ramblings with a kiss. My heart jumped at the unexpected act of affection, my words fading with a gasp and an abrupt death on his lips. An electric bolt zig-zagged up my spine. My thoughts ran silent. I hugged my new book close to my chest and kissed him back.

  Lloyd's hand rose to cup my cheek, drawing me closer, kissing me deeper. My blood fizzled like a shaken can of soda; rattled from the ground zero of Lloyd's kiss until it shook right through me. I was floating. I was limp and adoring.

  My book slipped from my loose fingers and I made a sound of distress. Lloyd caught it before the fragile thing could hit the ground, before turning my face back to his and kissing me again. My head span at the mere notion. The butterflies in my stomach were crazed.

  I didn't notice he'd walked us back to the couch until I dropped into its cushions with a giggle of surprise. Lloyd caged me, surrounded my every sense with him. I felt inebriated, as if I was growing drunk on the way his soft lips folded over mine, on the way he smelt of petrichor and new grass. My earlier nerves had slipped away completely - he was all I focused on.

  My arms curled around his neck. I was enamoured with the way Lloyd expressed his gratitude.

  My lashes fluttered open. I caught Lloyd's eyes through the haze of my vision, the reds of his pupils dewey with lidded infatuation that matched his flushed cheeks. His look made my heart turn gooey, a stringy, sticky mess - like sweet toffee, or caramel. I inhaled sharply at the beautiful, barely-there sight of him, a parted-lip gasp drawn upon his mouth in reverence.

  Lloyd kissed me. He kissed me until I could taste him. 

  We faltered a little, a bump in our rhythm. We hadn't done this before. My heart had never raced so fast. He'd paused with the same consideration I held, parted a little to breathe, and my hands in his hair snatched some cloud-soft curls and squeezed. I didn't care that we were inexperienced. Keep going, I pled. I like it. I want it.

  Lloyd needed no more encouragement. His hand found my waist and gripped the bare skin beneath my shirt and my next exhale was shaky. I was hesitant but daring, pulling him down closer, our breath hot and tangled. He was kissing me deeper than he'd ever kissed me before.

  My head swam with a dizziness expedited by an overdose of bliss. I didn't realise this type of kissing could be this good. I didn't realise that I'd like it so much. I wanted to kiss him like this forever. I wanted this to last forever. I wanted to see how far we'd go.

  His throat hummed with a sound of satisfaction, almost a purr. He pulled back briefly to sink his teeth into my lip, tugged it, as if encouraging my soul out from my body so he could steal it away to cherish. My fingers crawled through his hair, gliding over the nubs of his hidden horns. He sighed into me. I'm pretty sure I whimpered. Then he was kissing me again and I was drowning.

  Lloyd pulled his hand up to brace himself against the arm rest and knocked aside a container. It fell, dark red shapes splaying across the floor with the sound of a popped lid and the scattering of dried flora. We broke apart at the clatter.

  Lloyd glanced down at the mess while I gathered my scattered atoms. Holy shit. I stared at the ceiling with a look of wonder. Was this what heaven felt like?

  Face flushed, Lloyd's curious expression turned with amusement. "Are these... rose petals?"

  "They're for the foot spa," I breathlessly explained. "I couldn't find fresh ones."

  His red gaze jumped back to me with a gleeful laugh. "You're the cutest thing."

  "It's not too much?"

  Lloyd bit his smile and shook his head. "This is so sweet. Thank you, sunshine."

  My heart fluttered and I grinned with relief. His arms dug beneath my back and he pulled us upright until I was almost sitting on his lap. My lips chased his, pulled into a smirk at my eagerness. I wanted to feel the rush again.

  "Did you like that?" Lloyd murmured against the corner of my mouth.

  Face already warm, it burnt only a million shades hotter. I nodded. I did. A lot.

  "Are you always so truthful?" he snickered. "You don't care about your dignity, do you?"

  "Only with you." I kissed the dimple on his left cheek. "Why would I lie to you?"

  His smile faded. His throat cleared and he looked away. "We should clean up the petals."

  I frowned as he untangled himself from me and began picking up the dried rose petals, gathering them back into their container. I'd hoped that with a kiss like that it'd meant that we'd taken another step deeper into our relationship. He still seemed just as guarded before.

  My fingers touched my swollen lips, brushed the tip of my tongue. I could still feel him. My heart still raced.

  It seemed our physical intimacy was developing faster than his trust in me, and it left me a little confused as to how I felt about it. I didn't want it to pull ahead too far. I wanted him to trust me entirely before we did something a little more serious. I wanted it to be balanced. I really wanted us to work.

  I closed my eyes. Patience, Y/n. It's only been just over two months. Nya said he'd come to me when he's ready - I have to trust both in her and Lloyd.

  I turned on Avatar, the volume just quiet enough to comfortably talk over. Lloyd exuded guilt as if he were waving a neon sign. He placed the container onto the overloaded table with a sigh. He avoided my eyes as if he'd been burnt by them before, as if anticipating it. Sadness consumed me.

  I wished things was as easy as kissing it better. The real world didn't work like that.

  Instead, I sat beside him and kissed his cheek. This was what spa days were for, right? The best self care was mental. The best progress was the steady kind.

  "What do you want to start with?" I asked.

  Hesitant, he met my gaze and smiled.


  The last week of the holidays sped by in a blur. I reached out to my other friends in hopes of finally catching up with them before school began, but they all had plans. I spent my time with the ninja instead.

  All too soon, it was the morning of my first day of my last year at Ninjago High School. I was both excited and dreading it.

  "Got everything?" Mum asked while I double checked and then triple checked my bag. I stuffed the last of my textbooks inside and pinched the edges close to zip it. Mum snorted at my struggle. "Jesus, are you running away?

  "I want to be prepared," I huffed.

  "I think even the First Spinjitsu Master wasn't as prepared as you."

  Ignoring her, I shoved on my shoes and stood. My bag felt as though it were full of rocks. It took me all evening just to find the right outfit - an effort I knew wouldn't last a month. "Let's go."

  With a chortle, she snatched her keys and led the way.

  Ninjago High School, despite not being a private school like Jamanakai Girls, was a far nicer-looking institute. The old style of it reminded me a little of the Monastery in some ways, though not as magical and grand. The tiered roofs were blue, the walls a cream-white, and the greens out the front were mingling with reuniting friends.

  I peered out the shotgun window as we joined the drop-off queue. I clutched my shirt. My stomach was a ball of nerves - first days in a new school always sucked, but this should be better. Lloyd would be with me, as well as Naomi and the rest of the team. But I was still nervous.

  Ever astute, Mum picked up on my mood immediately. "You gonna be all right?"

  "Yeah," I said, but my voice came out a little strange. "I helped save the world. High school is a piece of cake."

  Mum hummed like she almost agreed but didn't quite believe me. We were approaching the inlet road in front of the school. "You can always call me."

  "I know."

  "And there's no shame in asking for a little time out to regather yourself."

  I smiled at her. "I know."

  Mum smiled back bittersweetly. I was sure I still looked like I was five years old and getting dropped off for my first day of school ever. I'm sure she'd always look at me like that.

  "Have a great day, chickadee." She stopped the car and kissed my forehead. "Take lots of notes." 

  At that I managed a snicker. "Do you even know who I am?"

  She chuckled. I said goodbye, hauled my heavy bag from the floor and stepped out into the bright sunshine.

  One good thing about Ninjago High School? The student population was massive. Nobody cared about a new student starting as a senior and I was sure I wasn't even the only one in my position. My eyes scanned for a familiar face as I wormed my way through the crowd and ascended the steps to the entrance.

  To my utter relief, I found the ninja almost immediately - which was slightly ironic. The student body left their group a wide berth as if they had something contagious. I pushed aside my rightful irritation and broke into their circle of emptiness, searching for Lloyd. He wasn't there. Neither was Cole, for obvious reasons.

  Zane saw my approach first. He lifted a hand in polite greeting and made the others follow his gaze. I felt leagues better when they all grinned brightly and gave a chorus of hello's. It was odd to see them in a school setting after what we'd all dealt with. Summer felt both too short and like forever. School was both normal and too mundane.

  "Is it weird that I'm more scared of this place than I was of Morro?" Jay groaned. "I'd even take on Axon again if I didn't have to be here."

  The others wearily agreed.

  I glanced amongst us. Other students were already staring and the looks in their eyes weren't kind. I was used to being invisible. This was a strange and startling change.

  Kai noticed my unease and patted my shoulder in sympathy. I turned my gaze to his.

  "You get used to it," he said with a half-smile. "Do your best to ignore it. That's what we do."

  I nodded small. "Where's Lloyd?"

  "He usually gets to class early," Nya answered. She leant against her locker and crossed her arms. Unlike her brother, she glowered right back at the nasty stares. "Less chance of assholes being nasty."

  I frowned. This year was going to be harder than I thought.

  "I need to pick up my orientation stuff from the office," I said. "I'll see you guys later?"

  "Good luck." Jay sent me a smile that did the opposite of invoking confidence. It looked like he was waving me off from the entrance of a lion's den.

  An uninspiring start to the school day.

  The office wasn't hard to locate. I got handed my folder of information; my schedule, my map, a pamphlet for extracurricular activities and clubs, as well as the sports uniform I had to preorder. The stern office lady showed me to my allocated locker and left me to sort through my bag and organise myself.

  When I was done, I was lost. Map reading was not my forte. I wandered the emptying halls and peered at my map with a stupefied frown.

  "Need help?"

  I looked up from my map at the familiar voice. My brows raised when I saw Chen standing before me with a meek smile and his hands deep in his bomber's pockets. He looked just as awkward as I felt seeing him.

  "Uh..." I glanced between him and my map and ultimately agreed that he was the lesser of awkward-based evils. "Yeah, please. Thanks."

  Chen peered at my timetable and nodded when he saw what my first class was. "I know where that is." He nodded for me to follow and began leading us down the hallway.

  I followed his lead and we walked in silence. Chen was also stared at, but his stares were lingering ogles of awe or fancy, nothing bitter. They gazed at him as though he were royalty. It was the total opposite of my friends.

  I peeked at the side of his face. I guess he was attractive - his skin was clear and his hair was soft and fluffy, and if he smiled without the nastiness, he could be charming. Maybe if Lloyd wasn't so hated for his dad, he'd be looked at the way Chen was, too. Lloyd was objectively just as handsome, if not more.

  (Definitely more to me, but I was also heavily biased)

  Chen awkwardly cleared his throat and scratched his chin. "So, uh... how did that thing go?"

  I blanked. "Huh?" Then I realised he was talking about Axon. "Oh... it was okay."


  "It got close. Scary." My voice lowered into an unhappy mutter. "He's a psychopath."

  Chen shook his head in weary shock. "You're tellin' me." He met my gaze and offered a weak smile. "Glad it's over. And- and thanks. I know I was an asshole to you, too. I wish I could take back what I said at Mega Monster Amusement Park."

  I blinked in surprise. My next smile was a little more easy. "Just don't be mean to Lloyd again and I'll forget all about it."

  Chen's eyes widened. "Oh! I don't- I'm sorry, I won't. Promise."

  My smile grew at his sincerity. I was beginning to like this new side of Chen. Who knew?

  "Here you are," he announced, gesturing to an art classroom's door. "Just before the bell."

  "Thanks, Chen," I said warmly. "I'll hold you to your promise."

  I don't think I'd ever been considered 'threatening' before in my life. Nonetheless, he looked a little afraid. His nod was quick and his farewell was just as fast, and then he fled down the hall at a pace a little too swift.

  I entered the art room with an amused grin. It grew at who I saw sitting in the back corner by himself; a boy in a green hoodie slouched in his chair, a head of blond curls, idyllic green eyes staring out the window. His knee was bouncing. He had headphones in.

  My heart skipped a beat. My first class on Mondays would be with Lloyd - what a perfect start to my weeks. I walked toward him and gained the stares of our new classmates along the way.

  Lloyd must've either had his music playing so loud or been deep in thought because even with his heightened hearing, he didn't notice my approach. He only looked up when I dropped my bag onto floor beside him. I leant my hands on the back of my new seat and smiled.

"Hey, handsome," I impishly greeted. "Is this spot taken?"

  His smile came instinctively. But then it faded as he glanced around the room. I could feel their gazes pinning me down, I could hear the quiet mutterings. Lloyd's look back at me was one of reluctance.

  "You sure?" he murmured just for us to hear. "It gets worse than just dirty looks."

  I was sure. It wasn't even worth thinking about - my answer would remain the same now matter how the question was angled. I sat in the seat beside him and gave him a proper good morning greeting of a sweet, chaste kiss and promptly sealed my fate with his.

  The eyes stared at us harder. Lloyd's cheeks turned terribly red and bashful at the simple gesture. I smiled softly.

  "Whoops. Too late." I turned and grabbed my pencil case and sketchbook from my bag and laid them out neatly. "I'm with you for the long haul, hero."

  When I peeked back up, Lloyd's hesitance slowly slipped away with the knowledge that there was certainly no going back, now. He was resigned. With the way the students around us were whispering and sneaking looks as if it were some massive deal, I had a feeling it was going to be common knowledge by the week's end. Maybe even the day.

  They were so obsessed with Lloyd Garmadon that it gave me second-hand embarrassment. How pathetic could the student body be?

  Lloyd suddenly stifled a snort. I glanced up at him and found myself beneath his greatly amused expression. "I can't believe you just kissed me with everyone watching."

  "And I'll do it again," I threatened. His grin grew wider. His head shake of bafflement didn't hide the pleased blush of his pointed ears. I felt as if the sun had risen from inside my very own chest - warm and beautiful. 

  Lloyd pulled out a sketchbook from his bag and slid it toward me. It wasn't the shiny new one we'd been told to get for this class. This one was leatherbound and worn, weathered from years of use. Some of the page edges were wobbly from dried watercolour. It was his sketchbook. It was pratically his journal.

  When I sent him a questioning look, he nodded for me to go ahead. My gaze fell back to the sketchbook ravenously.

  "Are you sure?" He was so secretive about his art when I asked before.

  "We still have a few minutes until the bell." Lloyd smiled shyly. "I want you to see it."

  Never mind the sun blooming from my chest. I felt like I'd become the sun itself. This was a step. This was an offered hand, this was our relationship becoming stronger. 

  I carefully pulled the sketchbook closer to myself and began curoiously paging through his drawings while he watched from over my shoulder. His first few pieces were still life, inanimate objects: swords, a training dummy, one of the garden's statues, a pile of shurikens. But then they began to expand - landscapes of scenes only he'd get to by dragon, members of his family and the monks, Kashu and Meowthra. Two Elemental Dragons. Me. Lots and lots of me. And all the while his skills grew better and better until I was breathless. 

  I sent him a look of disbelief. "Lloyd, these are beautiful. I had no idea you were this talented." 

  Lloyd's meekness grew. "Really?"

  "Yes." I turned back to a piece depicting our secret lake in water colour. I'd never seen the meadow the way he depicted it - how could he make something already so gorgeous even more beautiful? And he did this instead of meditating? I flipped the page to one of Cole and Jay and shook my head with a breathless laugh. "I don't know what to say. I'm stunned." 

  Lloyd didn't look so nervous, anymore. The bell rang before he could reply, and the teacher at the front that was dressed in too much animal print began to speak. His hand found mine beneath that table and threaded his fingers through mine. He gave me a grateful squeeze. My heart trilled. I didn't even think about the stares being shot our way. 

  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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