Chapter 11: Glimpse of the past (part 2)

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"Who are you?" Sagittarius asked, wide eyed. "Why did you do that?"

"My name's Skii. And you could at least say thank you, I saved your life." said the wolf pup, rather offended, but her tone remained gentle.

"I didn't want to be saved," He muttered, looking away from her.

The wolf pup's eyes widened a bit. "You wanted to die?"

"No! Of course's just...I think my life is too messed up right now." Feeling a bit sheepish, Sagittarius bent his head, ears flopped.

" think jumping into the rushing river that will definitely kill you," She gestured to the rushing water behind him. "Will help you escape your problems?"

He didn't reply.

"You can't do that, it's not how life works."

"Then how does it work?! Because I feel like everything I do, everything I don't do, it gets messed up in the end anyway!" He yelled then burst into tears. "My family...everything they do is right, it always works, always what's wrong with me?" A sob shook his shoulders.

Then Skii sat beside him and put her tail on his shoulder, and pressed her nose to his ear for comfort. He wiped the tears on his face with his paw.

"Maybe I just need to be fixed, then I'll be perfect for once. Not screw anything up." Sagittarius said solemnly.

"No, you can't be fixed."

"Why not?"

"Because you're not broken." Those words made Sagittarius cry even more, he didn't want to hear anymore, but Skii continued. "You can't be fixed if you're not broken."

" you know if I'm broken?"

"You're not." The she-wolf insisted. "No one ever is, you can be screwed up, messed up, but you can't be broken."

"Hah. Well you're wrong-"

I got yanked out of my memories as I crashed into a tree. The heck was this tree doing here? Trees don't grow in random places. I glared at the tree with my best troll-eye glares, then kicked it once then the whole thing collapsed, roots unfurling from the earth.

"HEEH. SERVES YOU RIGHT." I sneered at the fallen tree, most people would've thought I was crazy, talking to a tree but hey, that's what isolation does to you right?

HA, isolation, my darkest friend of all time.

I continued on my way, floating in a zig-zag sort of way. You probably want to see more of my past, well, too bad, I'm done with my past. I just want to try to forget it all, except my family, except Skii. And the good memorie I had. Well, for a part of my life anyway.

I heard a sharp screech coming from below me, almost making me fall from the sky. "Sheeeshhh who screams like that?" I pretended to be a rocket and dived down towards the noise.

Waitttt, I should be looking for Ju-in though...

EHH he can wait. If he dies, I die too, so either way we both die. It's a win-win right?

And guess what I saw down there? The one screeching its little head off. It was a biggg muddy brown frog with light brown spots here and there. This frog was about the size of my head. Sort of. It had large dark crimson red eyes, quite cute actually. The abnormally large frog had light peachy-coloured webbed feet.

I flinched as it continued to scream its head off, and its scream was the high pitched sort of sound you'd hear when you turn a radio to a wrong channel sort of sound. I could feel my ears bleed already.

"HEY. YOU. FROGGIE." I screamed over its loud screeching. "SHUT IT, YOU'RE TOO LOUD! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SCREAMING FOR??"

Almost immediately, the frog snapped its mouth shut and looked at me, blinking its red eyes innocently. "What do you mean? I'm singing a song."


"Ok, froggie, listen. Songs are MELODY, not that screeching." I said through gritted teeth.

The frog seemed offended. "But my friends say I'm excellent at singing," it said, rather disappointed. "Were they lying?"

"Well, it depends. I mean, I probably don't get froggie language, but still! Don't go 'singing' everywhere, not everyone is in a good mood to listen." I said truthfully, no point lying about this right?

The frog slumped down on its rock. "Ok...sorry."

Damn. Now I feel sort of mean. I guess I can offend people when I don't even know it. I sighed.

"Ok, froggie, listen. I'm...sorry," I had difficulty saying that last word, I don't usually say that to anyone at all. "I didn't say your singing was bad, I was just saying that maaybeee you should sing...softer-ish."

The froggie's face lit up surprisingly. "Thank Youuuu stranger! My name's Karlos by the way!"

I choked. "Karlos the froggie- pfft," then I burst out laughing. Ok that's just the most ridiculous name for a frog. Karlos the name is ok I guess but THE FROG??? OK THAT'S JUST WEIRD.

OK I hear myself, maybe I can be offensive to people. BUT IT'S WHO I AM, JU-IN ACCEPTS IT. I think. OH YEA-



"OK I'M SORRY FROGGIE BUT I GOTTA GO NOW." I said hurriedly, but before I left I hesitated, "And sing softer, got it?"

"Wait!" Karlos croaked. "Can I come with you?"

Oh great, not another one. Ju-in will be soooo mad. "Uhh- I'm sorry Karlos but my Ju-in's not gonna like that." I said,

"What's a 'Ju-in'?"

"It's 'master' in Korean, dummy." I said, I think I offended Karlos again because he seemed to slump down again. "O-ok, look I'm sorry for calling you that but i-it's true ok? Gotta take responsibility ok?"

I gave it a little pat on the head even though I could barely feel his froggie bumpy skin.

"Can I please come?" Karlos begged, trying to cling his little feet on me.

"UHhh- N-" I was gonna say no, but...his freakin cute round eyes, I just had to reconsider. I sighed loudly. "OKKK, FINE. BUUUT only if you don't mess anything up and STAY WITH ME. Got it?"

"OKIEE!" That not-slimy frog jumped on me and fell right through. Oh right, I forgot I'm still a silhouette.

"Froggie?" I bent down to check on him, peering at his eyes. "Are you ok?"

The frog croaked, "I'm fine, but why can't I get on you?" He asked, confusion clouding his big red eyes.


OK that's the thing...I can't tell anyone about me. Except Ju-in and Skii. OK this is bad. WhatdoIdo, whatdoIdo??

"UMMMM...EHHH...BECAUSE I UM, I.." I've got no clue what to say- "Ok, look Karlos, it's just a secret, kay?"

"Ooooo I love secrets!"

Ugh. I hate these kinds of animals. The sort where they think they can keep a secret and then end up exposing you to save themselves or whatever. I didn't think Karlos would be one of them.

"Oh, what's your name by the way?" Karlos suddenly stopped whining and asked me.

"Huuh- Uhhh Sagittarius."

THe frog's eyes widened, and to my surprise, he said: "Do you know Libra then?"


My sister Libra.




I've got nothing much to say but what's your horoscope? :3  And what do you think  Sagittarius and Libra's personality is like? XD Describe them in ur own words, predict it for Libra. 

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