Chapter 7: Pickle jar

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I blinked open my eyes and saw darkness around me. Ah...this place again. I looked around for the silhouette.

"Just show yourself already and tell me what you want!" I shouted and my voice echoed all over.

Then I felt something appear behind, I whirled around and found the silhouette standing behind me.

I narrowed my gaze on it. "What do you want?" I asked again. "Are you here to warn me again?"

It shook its head. "In case you didn't know, I'm the same shadow you saw before, but I'm not here about the shadow, I'm here about you." the dark shadow disappeared and appeared behind me.

I spun around again. "What about me?"

"Like Hel said, you're changing. You're losing faith."

"I'm not losing faith."

"You will. And if you don't find what's causing you to lose your faith, you will give yourself up to the shadow. And get everyone killed, even your closest friends."

I flattened my ears. "I don't have close friends, they're all just...friends." I said.

"Then they will get killed too."

"Then how do I 'find my faith'?" I said irritatedly.

The silhouette flicked its tail to the left side, and a glowing door appeared. "You have to go through that door." It said, and swivelled around me.

I turned to it, it was as bright as the sun, I had to shield my eyes from its brightness. But before I could move toward it, the silhouette stopped me. "Hey what-"

"That door will kill you if you go."

"But you just told me to go through that door." I growled.

"I meant you have to find that door, in Noxus."

I blinked, confused. "Noxus?"

"It's the place you are in, where you are captured." The silhouette flicked its ear and the door disappeared. "You find that, you have a chance to find your faith before its too late. Of course you will face dangers but the shadow is coming, and it does not give mercy."

"Wait, how much of a chance?"

"0.3% chance."

"WHAT?" I snarled and flattened my ears and swiped the silhouette in its face. "Are you trying to get me killed?!"

The silhouette reappeared above me, its soulless eyes glared straight into mine. "You will do as I say."

I growled. "And why would I do that? I'd rather lose my faith than get killed."

The silhouette started to get irritated. "You will do it because I can help you find your brother." It said and smiled, showing its sharp, long teeth. I backed away a little, I've never seen teeth like that.

I tried not to react and frowned at it. "What do you mean, my brother's dead." I said warily.

It chuckled and spiralled in the air, "Oh ho ho, no Ju-in, your brother is alive." It smiled again, its teeth flashy.

"What?" I breathed in disbelief.

But before I could ask more, the dark realm faded and I was back in Noxus.

"You stupid silhouette!" I yelled and my voice echoed and bounced off the walls in the room, or cave, I was in. "Don't just disappear EVERYTIME you tell me something important!"

Then a shadowy figure appeared in front of me. "Fine, I'm back." It said, startling me. "I'm still smarting about being called 'stupid' though."

I narrowed my eyes on it. "So you can appear here too huh?"

"Yes." It said dryly. "Now..what did you want to know so badly?"

"Is my brother really alive?" I asked quietly.

The silhouette sighed loudly. "Yes, for the 3rd time. Seriously, just chew it up and accept it." it rolled its eyes, "Or would you rather have me to chew you up?"

I tilted my head in a disgusted way. "No, thanks." I insisted.

"Well." It shrugged and studied the place. "Hm...I kind of like this place. Very...creepy and scary and small. Hope you're not claustrophobic."

"Haha." I faked a laugh. "What's your name anyway?"

It snapped its attention to me. "Pickle jar."

I scoffed. "Seriously?"

"No." it said, making me roll my eyes irresistibly.

"Then what is your name?" I asked.

"Who are you talking to?" I looked up to see Hellinium walking out from the darkness. Her eyes were narrowed.

I gestured to the silhouette. "That." I said, obviously. I don't talk to myself, don't worry.

She frowned. "Who?"

I looked at the silhouette who was laughing. "Haha..She can't see me, Ju-in. Only you can." It laughed again, nastily.

I glared at it, Hel walked closer to me. "Who's there? Who are you looking at?" She asked.

"I'm looking at a stupid-" But something covered my mouth before I could continue. It was the silhouette.

"Ah ah, no one can know about me, Ju-in. Only you can know I existtttt." It said and stuck itself against the walls and travelled from wall to wall, rolling against the rocky ceiling.

Curse that silhouette. I'll take the other one any day. It let my mouth go and I gave it a quick glare before turning back to Hel. "No one. Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it matters." She narrowed her eyes on my red-blue one. "I don't know what you see through that right eye, but it's always bad. Trust me, I happened to know what it's like."

"You don't know anything." I growled. "You won't even tell me where my friend is? What did do to him? Torture him? If you do, I'll kill you."

That flash of hope in Hellinium's eyes faded away. She sighed then turned to leave. "The shadow is taking over you, I'm sorry but you cannot see your friend."

"No, ughhh." I turned to the silhouette. "Can you do me a favour and go find my friend? He's a grey cat with wings."

To my surprise, it actually said, "OK!" and rushed off into the darkness. I didn't know that thing could be so obedient. Huh..

I curled up with my tail brushing against my nose and I shut my eyes, trying to get some sleep again. Hoping the next time I wake up, I wouldn't be here anymore. I'd be back at home, with Eidolon, with my mom and maybe Mavis would even be there.

Oh...Mavis. What happened to her? Maybe I should've listened to Wave and told Axzeroth instead of coming here..

I should've listened to Eidolon from the start so none of this...would even happen.


The title lmao-

I think you've seen the word 'Pickle jar' in this chp right? Unless u didn't read it properly, that is. WELL what do you think of the new silhouette?

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