Chapter 1: A Mysterious Door

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It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air. They shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay at our great-uncle's place in the woods. My sister, Mabel, tended to look on the bright side of things. She actually made two friends quite quickly. But I was having a hard time getting used to our new surroundings. And then there was our Great Uncle Stan, that guy. Our uncle had transformed his house into a tourist trap he called "The Mystery Shack." The real mystery was why anyone came. Most of the mysterious attractions were all fake things our uncle made. And guess who had to work there. It wasn't just me and Mabel, Stan had two employees. Soos and Wendy, I don't know what scam he did to get them to work here. It looked like it was gonna be the same, boring routine all summer. Until one fateful day...

I was sweeping the halls of the Shack again, the amount of dust that built up in here could rebuild the wall of China. 'I think Mabel's exaggeration has rubbed off on me.'

My foot got tangled in another sticky, triangular cobweb. I tripped and faceplanted on the old wooden floor.  I groaned and looked up only for my eyes to catch sight of an outline of a small door.

"Hey, Grunkle Stan!" I called, not taking my eyes off the door. "Where does this door go?"

"I'm kinda busy here, Dipper!" He replied, probably just watching TV.

Mabel skipped by and noticed me, then the little door. She gasped and looked at it in awe as her eyes sparkled. "GRUNKLE STAN CAN WE PLEASE SEE WHAT'S INSIDE THE TINY DOOR!"

'Ah! My ears!'

Stan munched over to see what the fuss was about. He looked at the small door then back to us and let out a sigh. "If I do this for you, will you two drop it and get back to work?" He asked us.

"After exploring what's inside it!" Mabel exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air and smiling with her teeth.

"Fine!" Stan slouched and dawdled out of the hall to find the key.

"I wonder what kinds of old things are inside there," Mabel said, curiosity building inside of her. I, myself, was very curious too. I was starting to get bored of everything here and something new to explore would be nice to see.

Stan came back with the rusted key, the handle looked like a... Button? That's strange... but what isn't strange around here?

He cut the cheap wallpaper then stuck the key in the hole. Me and Mabel leaned closer, ready for new adventures. He unlocked it and opened it, only to reveal that it was just a wall of bricks.

"Aw man!" Mabel slouched, her excitement now gone.

"Grunkle Stan, why is there a brick wall there?" I asked, wanting to know who was stupid enough to put them there.

"Don't know, don't care," he replied and took the key out then walked away. "Now get back to work!"

"You forgot to lock the door!" Mabel told him.


Mabel stood back up. "Come on, bro-bro. These shelves won't clean themselves. Hey, that rhymed!" She laughed before skipping into the gift shop. I took one last glance at the door before sighing and following my sister.

'So much for something exciting.'

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