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chapter 4

"Reagan, wait up!" I hear my name being called but I refuse to turn around, knowing exactly who was calling me.

I pick up my speed, taking long strides until I'm pulled back by my wrist. I internally scream as I'm forcefully whipped around to face Harry himself with a concerned look on his face.

"What were you talking about with Adams?" He asked almost urgently.

"What do you think?" I spat, "I don't want you as a partner just as much as you don't want me. So, unlike you, I'm doing something about it," I say, turning back to head into the cabin before I'm pulled back once again.

"Well, wait a minute. Wait," Harry called out to me with pulled in eyebrows, "Look, I know we don't want to share a bunk and all but the least we can do is settle our differences for this week and just deal with it. Adams is hard headed, he's not gonna give in just because you asked him to-"

"Wait, you wanna settle our differences?" I ask rhetorically, cutting him off before he could finish, "Seriously? That's what I was suggesting the minute we first got in the bunk."

"What? No you didn't. You argued with me about the stupidest thing the minute we got in, Ray," He grunted then rolled his eyes when he saw my annoyed expression, "Sorry, Reagan. Like it makes a fucking difference."

"It does in your case, you fucking twat!" I yell out in his face before finally given the chance to get into the cabin, slamming the door behind me.

The door swings open again and slams back as I cross my arms, refusing to look back at Harry, knowing he's probably equally as angry as I am.

"We're not gonna get anywhere with you being such a fucking, over dramatic bitch, Ray!" Harry shouted.

"It's Reagan!"

"I don't care!" Harry screamed frustratingly at me, "Jesus, it's just a nickname; a nickname I gave you, if I remember correctly."

Yes, he did give it to me. But how dare he think after everything he'd done to me, that I'd give him the privilege of calling me that again.

"That was a long time ago, Harry," I growl, turning to him with a deep scowl, "I only let family and close friends call me that."

"If I'm not mistaken," He says softly before blowing up again, "I was your close friend at one point!"

"Yeah, at one point! I wonder what fucking changed!" I took a step closer in anger.

Harry's hardened face went soft at my words before shaking his head, "L-Look," He says much softer now with a small concerned scowl, surprisingly changing the subject, "Let's just stop arguing for five minutes. We only just got here, and I wanna enjoy my time here just as much as you probably do."

Harry looked at me for reassurance, but I looked away with arms crossed again, waiting for whatever else he has to say.

"So, for the sake of our classmates and ourselves, can we at least try to get along?"

I wanna scoff so bad, knowing it wouldn't work out even if we did try. What was the point? Harry didn't like me for whatever reason and I didn't like him because he didn't like me and how cruelly he treated me at the beginning of high school.

I didn't know what to say.

Did I wanna enjoy my time here? Of course. But that would only happen if Harry wasn't my partner.

I'm positive all we'll be doing is arguing and it baffles me how Mr. Adams thought it would be a great idea to pair us up.

Maybe if we just argue in front of him as bad as we just were in this room moments ago, he'll consider switching us as partners.

Wait a minute.

That doesn't sound so bad of an idea. It's a little crazy but it wouldn't do us any harm. The most it'll do is have Mr. Adams see how bad of an idea it was to pair us together, knowing our arguing would only ruin the trip for everyone, he'd have to switch us.

The idea seemed plausible, only I'd have to get Harry to agree with me.

"Hey," I say, Harry's attention on me with a questioning expression, "How about instead of faking being friends, we could just argue in front of Mr. Adams to get us to switch partners? That way we both get what we want," I say with a convincing smile.

Harry only pulled his eyebrows in together before rolling his eyes.

"Are you stupid?" He remarked, "That's probably the dumbest idea I'd ever heard."

"And why is it dumb?" I ask offensively with hands at my hips.

"Arguing in front of Adams isn't gonna make him switch us, Reagan. It's only gonna make him send us home," He sighed disappointedly at me before rolling his eyes once more and turning to the bunk beds.

Harry climbed up his bed, nearly hitting his head on the roof before laying down on his back with his hands folded at his stomach.

"I don't get it," Harry murmured, "Why did he choose us as partners? Don't get me wrong, Reagan, I don't entirely hate the fact that you're my partner. I mean, at least you're no stranger. But does he not know we hate each other?"

I sigh, leaning back on the log dresser with arms folded against my chest as I spoke, "You and I did the final payment of the trip on the exact same day."

Harry turns to me with a quizzed look on his face.

"Mr. Adams already had an even amount of partners until you and I paid the final debt," I tell him exactly what our teacher had told me, "Not only was it ironic but he decided making us partners wouldn't be such a bad thing since we disliked each other."


"Meaning we wouldn't do anything," I answer honestly, mentally cringing.

Harry huffed, rolling his eyes as he lay back once again with his hands behind his head.

"Ray," He says, and this time I don't put up a fight with him calling me that, "Let's just try and make this work. Okay?"

As much as I wanted to agree, there was no hope. I don't think Harry and I can go five minutes without one of us breaking out into an argument.

Whether it was stupid or not, we would always end up in a screaming match. We got here nearly an hour ago and we'd already argued twice. I doubt trying would make a difference.

However, seeing that Harry is at least trying to make amends, I guess I can try to bite my tongue while I'm here; only if he will, too.

I sigh morosely, looking down at my feet and silently wishing for the best as I respond, "Okay."


I didn't think I'd ever get this done. but it's coming along pretty well, yeah?

love you guys, vote & comment please! & see you in the next update! :)

- ky

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