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Ivory couldn't help it. She was in love.

The minute Aaron came over, she knew. She knew she would spend the rest of her life with him. He was perfect. Even with his wet uniform, he was gorgeous. And he was a Good, like Ivory.

When he sat down next to Ivory, her heart stopped. The way he talked was like a fountain of chocolate. The way he laughed was like a peaceful gust of wind. The way he smiled, oh his smile! It made Ivory's heart flutter. In every way, he was perfect.


Ivory shook her head and looked up to see Aaron still watching her. She gave him her most charming smile.

"Yes?" she asked, casually flipping her hair.

He chuckled. "You didn't respond to my question."

She gave a light giggle. "Oh, silly me. Just day dreaming. You were asking?"

He gave another smile. "Are you excited for school?"

Ivory nodded eagerly. "Definitely! It has been my dream ever since I was little to come to this school! To meet a handsome prince and rule a kingdom together," she gave him a pointed look, hoping he understood that Ivory wanted him to be that prince.

Aaron nodded. "When I was younger, I hoped to be Heroic, but as I got older I figured out that I was much more Good than Heroic."

Ivory slowly inched towards him. "I have always wanted to be a Good. I want to be swept off my feet by, by Prince Charming," she said getting closer and closer to his face.

Aaron nodded and turned to Peter. Ivory sat back with a scowl.

"Peter here has been my best friend for all my life. He was the one who got me into the Heroic stuff, but we decided he was the Heroic and I was the Good," Aaron said.

Peter grinned. "Yep. I was never as chivalrous as him, and I didn't see myself as a Good. Always a Heroic."

Ivory turned to Maritime and Cat. "Did you two ever want to be an Evil or a Smart?"

Maritime shook her head. "Never. I still don't. I just wanted a quiet life, but my mother forced me to go, so here I am."

Cat looked up from her book. "Kinda. My mom did not want me to go, but I convinced her. I told her that it was my best chance at a happy life."

Ivory nodded. She couldn't believe Maritime wouldn't want to come to this school! It was a chance of a lifetime!

Aaron looked over at Ember, who I had completely forgotten about. "Ember, what about you?"

Ember looked up, surprised that she got a chance to talk. "Oh, well I grew up in a really big family and I never got to stand out, so I thought by coming here I could make my family proud."

Ivory was startled. A Heroic wasn't thinking about herself? Ivory had never heard of that. All Heroics want to be the best and will do anything to get to the top.

Ivory gave a fake smile and tried to get Aaron's attention. "So, Aaron. What do you like to do?"

- - -

Ivory loved the uniforms. She was afraid they would be a pink that looked awful on her, but her fears were quickly diminished once she saw her own uniform.

It was a light pink dress, that clung tightly to the upper body, but looked out at the waist. It stopped at calf length with frills lining the bottom. The sleeves stopped at 3/4 of the arm and frills lined the end of them too. In all, it was one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen.

She quickly put it on, brushed her hair, applied her makeup, and walked out the door. She was immediately crowded by a bunch of other girls in pink dresses just like hers. The crowd was moving towards the stair case, so Ivory decided to follow. They walked down the staircase until they reached the Good breakfast room.

Unlike lunch, each category sits with their fellow categorians. Dinner was all of the categories but everyone has to sit at their own table.

Ivory looked around for Aaron, the one other Good student she knew (and her true love) but couldn't seem to find him. She quickly got a blueberry muffin and sat down with some of the other Good girls.

"Have any of you met your special someone?" a tiny girl with mouse brown hair asked quietly.

A few giggles and blushes were shared around the table.

"I know I have," a girl with wavy black hair said. "He's a true gentleman. I got paired up with him yesterday and I know it was meant to be."

A couple of longing sighs filled the table. Ivory rolled her eyes. None of these girls' boys could compare to Ivory's Aaron.

One girl with strawberry blonde hair looked at Ivory strangely. "Aren't you the girl who hung around with the Evil, the Smart, and the Heroic?"

Ivory gave a confident nod. "As a matter of fact, I did."

Everyone turned to her. "Why?" asked someone in the back.

Ivory flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Just doing good deeds I suppose. They looked like they needed a friend."

The girls laughed and nodded. Ivory gave a small laugh, and tried to hide the hurt behind her face. She really liked those girls she had met the other day. Except the Heroic. But Ivory never would like a Heroic. She especially liked Maritime. Ivory couldn't place her finger on why she did, but she really truly liked Maritime.

A bell rang and all the Good students left the table and piled into the hallways, getting read for their first class.

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