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Maritime thought her classes were absolutely stupid. The History of Villains? Poisons and Potions? The Art of a Good Scare? What happened to science, world history, or math?

Her first few classes were completely boring and was completely happy when lunch approached.

So far, she had made zero friends in Evil, but two Good acquaintances, two Heroic acquaintances, and one Smart acquaintance. What a great villain she was.

After trying to cheer up Cat, Maritime and the rest of the Evils headed back to the hallways and into classrooms.

Maritime walked into one room, which was very plain compared to the other rooms she had been in. The others had bones hanging from ceiling, blood red curtains, creepy portraits, and bizarre animal skins. This room had sketches and scrolls in different languages plastered on the walls. The ceiling was a navy blue with tiny white and gold lights that resembled stars. So far, this was Maritime's favorite room.

She took a seat in the middle and watched as her fellow peers filed in and took their seats.

An elderly teacher came in from a side door and nodded at everyone. He had stringy gray hair, wrinkled skin, thin rimmed glasses, and navy blue eyes that resembled the ceiling.

He smiled at the class, his eyes twinkling. "Hello, everyone. My name is Professor Knight. I will be your Spells and Hexes teacher," he introduced.

Maritime noticed a few eyes rolls and sighs. She thought Spells and Hexes would be fascinating. It sounded a lot better than the Art of a Good Scare.

She turned to a boy sitting next to her who was fiddling with a sharp object. "How come no one is excited about this class?" she asked in a hushed tone.

He looked at her. "Practically nobody can cast magic spells these days. Only the best villains can, and we have all tried. Well, at least most of us can. This class is just a reminder that we aren't the best villains."

Maritime frowned. She had never tried to cast a spell before. She assumed that the people who had tried had Evil parents.

Professor Knight tried to focus the attention back on the lesson. "Today, we will see who has the ability of magic and who doesn't. It is absolutely fine if you don't have the ability, for almost nobody does. Now, I want you all to line up and we will find out."

Every student slowly got up and formed a straight line. Maritime noticed that not a single person was talking to each other. She had seen a few people converse but not in any friendly matter. She guessed Evils weren't supposed to have friends.

One person after another attempted magic only to make them look like idiots. Maritime was next in line and watched as the girl in front of her held a wand and closed her eyes so tightly it looked like her head would pop off. The profesor just sighed and called for the next person to come up.

Maritime made her way up to the front of the classroom. She wasn't expecting anything to happen, since she was already the worst villain ever to live. She grabbed the wand and held it. Nothing happened.

"Concentrate," the profesor told her. She looked at him before closing her eyes. She felt something tug in her stomach and her head suddenly felt hot.

She opened her eyes and saw a stream of purple and blue light coming out of the wand. She gasped and dropped the wand.

Everyone's eyes were on her. "What, how?" Maritime asked to no one in particular.

Professor Knight smiled at her. "I see we have found our magician," he stated.

Maritime gulped and looked at her fellow students. Some of them were looking at her in awe, others in fear, and some were glaring evilly.

Profesor Knight dismissed everyone after each student had had their turn. He kept Maritime and continued to smile at her.

"So, your name?" he asked.

Maritime shook her head out of her daze. "Um, Maritime Welsh."

He nodded slowly. "Maritime. Interesting name. You don't hear that one every day."

Maritime shook her head. "No, no you don't."

He smiled again, his eyes twinkling. "Well, Maritime. You will get to have private lessons with me every Tuesday and Thursday after school."

She nodded. "Of course, Profesor."

"You are dismissed," he turned and started heading back to his desk. He paused and turned around, his kind smile still on his face. "Oh and Maritime?"

Maritime looked at him, waiting to see what he had to say.

He started to say something but changed his mind. "Welcome to Caldwell."

I hope you all enjoyed! What do you think is going to happen with Maritime's powers? Who is the mysterious profesor? What happened in the other girls' classes?

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