Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Moana's POV

 Time Skip... The next day... Heading back to Florida...

   Maui and I have a week's trip back to Florida, giving us plenty of time to figure out a few things. Te Fiti hinted at something quite odd... that being Maui having romantic feelings for me. That's not possible. Even though Maui and I have grown close, I'm fairly certain he's not the kind of guy who wants to settle down with any girl. Like myself, he loves the life of constant adventure. I know I'd like to find someone one day, but I'd like them to have some sense of adventure as well. If not, then the relationship wouldn't last very long. I need to stop being afraid of talking to Maui about certain subjects, even if they are sensitive ones. I know he has a temper, but he needs to learn how to control it. 

   "Maui, there's something I need to ask you about." He looks at me curiously. "What is it Moana?" I bite my lip and begin to fidget nervously. "I-I was wondering how you felt about what Te Fiti said before we left yesterday." He raises an eyebrow. "You mean about a possible romance between the two of us?" I nod while blushing. I don't if it's my imagination or not, but I'm almost sure that Maui's blushing too. "To be honest with you Moana, I'm not quite sure how to answer that. It certainly through me off guard. What I can tell you though is this, I've never been as attached to a mortal as I am to you, though I'm not sure if it's as a best friend or something more." My heart begins to race. Maui may have feelings for me, but like me, he's also confused about them. "What about you Moana?" "I have some feelings towards you Maui, but like you, I'm also confused. I don't know what we are. We're more than friends in my book, yet we're not officially a couple." 

   A pang of sadness hits me. "Even if we did like each other... in that way, it would never work out between us. I'm a mortal from a different realm while you're an immortal demigod who very little idea of what my realm is like." Maui mirrors my look of sadness touched up with confusion. "Why should that matter? First of all, Te Fiti worships you for saving her life. She'd probably be more than happy to make you immortal if you chose to become so. Second of all, you seem to hate where you come from. If you came back here to this realm, there wouldn't be any problems." "Maui, you're amazing in so many ways, but I can't ask you for certain things, including to settle down one day and start a family. You don't seem like the kind of guy who would ever want kids. I'm not saying that you hate kids, but I doubt you'd want any of your own." 

   Maui laughs. "Damn, this just got super personal way too fast." I blush. "Sorry Maui." "It's okay. Let me ask you this, what do you think we should do?" "I think that you and I should just focus on getting back to Florida and me facing my parents for what most likely will be the last time. After that, we can discuss this further." He nods. "Sounds good to me. Moana?" I look up at him. "Yes?" He looks down at me with warmth in his eyes. "No matter how it goes with your parents, I'm really proud of you for going back and facing them." "Can I hug you Maui?" He chuckles. "You don't have to ask to hug me Mo." I run into his arms and hug him tightly. He then picks me up and spins me around in his arms. A loud squeal slips out of my mouth. "Maui! Put me down!" He smirks at me. "I would but that squeal of yours is just too cute. I want to hear it again." I try my best not to squeal again as he continues to spin me around but yet another one slips out. Maui puts me down finally after the second one. 

   "Maui, I'm really thankful that you came back. I was really scared that you were going to leave me hanging there." His happy expression shifts into a sad one. "I'm so sorry for leaving you Moana. That was the dumbest and meanest thing I've ever done. Hurting you made me feel even worse than stealing the heart of Te Fiti." I hug him again. "I wasn't trying to guilt trip you Maui, I'm just happy you're back. I'm even happier you're coming with me to face my parents. My parents are really intimidating. I doubt that I'd be able to face them alone. It also helps that you're there with me because I plan on telling them all about our journey. They'd think I was insane without having actual proof, you being that proof." Maui's sad expression lightens up a bit. "You're a little insane. After all, you charged straight on at an army of evil coconuts, sailed across the ocean without any sailing experienced, and sang to a demon. That isn't exactly what society would consider normal."

   I roll my eyes playfully. "Screw society, especially modern society." Maui and I look at each other and burst into laughter. "Moana, you're something else." I smirk up at him. "Yes that's true, but so are you." He playfully glares at me before wrapping an arm around me. "Touche princess." I roll my eyes again. "Moana, we've already discussed this. If you wear a dress and have an animal sidekick, which you do back home, then you're a princess." I sigh in defeat and begin to doze off, my exhaustion finally beginning to catch up with me. 

Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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