Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Maui's POV

 A couple days later...

   Moana and I have been bonding a lot the past couple of days. I've been teaching her how to sail, wayfind, and further communicate with the ocean. She's mastered every single skill like a pro. It doesn't surprise me that her parents want her to run her state. She'd be a great leader, though it's unfortunate that it's being forced upon her rather than her wanting to do it willingly. "Hey Moana, we're only two days away from Te Fiti." She looks at me with unreadable expression. "Yeah it appears so." I raise an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I sit down beside her. "Well it seems like something's on your mind. Care to share what that is?" She sighs and puts her head in her hands. "I don't know if I want to go back." "Go back where?" It takes my stupid self a minute before I realize that she doesn't want to return to her home state. I know that feeling all too well...

   "Maui, you've broadened my horizons so much already in such a few days. I've seen more of the world with you than my own parents. I didn't know such exotic creatures, beautiful islands, and powerful beings like yourself excited. Reading about it in books is so much different from actually seeing it all with my own eyes. Now that I've seen it quite a bit of it, I don't think I want to go back. In your realm, I don't have to worry about financial struggles, high school, constantly pleasing everyone, social media, and more. I belong here. I'm one with the ocean." I look at her sadly. "I agree that you belong here, but if you were to stay here, where would you go? You don't exactly belong to a tribe and/or village." She looks at me sheepishly. "I was hoping maybe you could help me come up with a solution." I notice the blush on her cheeks and end up blushing myself. I picture Moana staying with me on my island and this giddy feeling suddenly overcomes me, making my heart speed up. 

   "Moana, if want to stay here, you have to promise me that you'll at least return home to tell your parents and grandmother so. I know how much your grandmother means to you. I know she would at least want to say goodbye to you." I can sense an idea forming in Moana's complex mind. "I could bring her back here with me. I know she'd love it here! She'd fit right in at one of the villages. Are there any villages near your island?" Right as I'm about to answer, a manta ray swims by, suddenly forming into a spirit. Moana recognizes her and starts to cry. Once again, my stupid self takes far too long to realize that the spirit is Moana's grandmother, meaning that she passed away back in her realm. I step aside and let the two of them talk in private, well as private as this boat will allow them to anyway. 

   "Moana, I'm so sorry you had to find out about my death this way. The truth is that I've been very sick for a long time but I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd worry too much about me." Moana's cries turn to sobs, causing my heart to ache for her. "You should have told me. If I knew you were sick, I wouldn't have left to find Maui." That stings a little bit even though I know she didn't mean for it to come out that way. "Moana, I see that you found Maui and I'm so proud of you for heeding the ocean's call, even though your parents disapproved of you doing so." "Grandma, there has to be a way for me to fix this and bring you back to life." Moana then looks at me. "Princess, I wish I could bring back people from the dead, but unfortunately that's not one of my powers. Only Te Fiti can bring back people from the dead, but they have to be from this realm." Her grandmother than studies me carefully. "So you're the infamous Maui. You're not all that scary. If anything, you should be scared of me because if you hurt my little minnow or put her in any sort of danger on purpose, I will haunt you forever." 

    A lump forms in my throat. Most elders don't scare me, but because Tala is Moana's grandmother, I don't want to piss her off, even in spirit form. "I will do everything in my power to keep Moana safe. I plan on helping her get back to her realm after we restore the heart so she can let her parents know about what she plans on doing next. She seems to be quite fond of the life of wayfinder." Her grandmother finally cracks a smile. "I knew she was destined to find you Maui, in more ways than the two of you may know." With that, she gives Moana a hug and kiss, making promises to visit her again soon in spirit form. Despite being sad, Moana feels a little better knowing that she'll still be able to see her grandmother from time to time. What I can't help but wonder though... is what her grandmother meant by her being destined to find me in more ways than the both of us may know. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that her grandmother was trying to hint that Moana and I are going to fall in love with each other. That's crazy... or is it? 


 Hoped that you guys liked this chapter! I've been super busy the past three days which is why I haven't updated, though you may have already known that. In addition, my new cover is attached below. You're welcome ;) -Mary


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