Quiet Talk

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"The baby's fever broke." Eret heard Storm murmur when he crawled into bed. He gave a small sigh of relief and felt his wife snuggle close to him and draped his arm around her.

"Gobber said he probably wouldn't make it through but Eric proved him wrong." He murmured into Storm's hair. "He's a strong one, just like you."

"You know, Finn once told me that you were probably barren, but it was one of those things that he would say to me to make me dislike you or lose hopes of being happy with you."

"That bastard will be eating his own words when we go back and show off Eric."

Storm smiled, knowing full well that they were going to be returning to their island but just for a while. Both their mothers have been busy with packing things for the journey while Storm was juggling with caring for Eric when he was sick and trying to keep Bry out of trouble as Eret was attempting to sew a sling for Eric so Storm could ride her dragon comfortably without dropping him. Eret had been reluctant about returning home, but perked up when Storm told him she could rub it in Finn's face that he had a child with her and got married before he did.

"Your father would love to hold him." Storm whispered before the sound of Eric's cries reached their ears. The two could hear his big sister and grandmothers trying to quiet him down before one was yelling for them to come.

"I'll put him to sleep this time." Eret yawned as he got out of the bed. "You sleep, you needed it since you've been staying up with him for the past few days."

"If he's hungry, bring him to me." Storm yawned before she snuggled under the furs.

Eret hurried to the his daughter's room, where Bry and her grandmothers were still trying to soothe Eric. Eret gave a small laugh as he walked over and plucked his son from his mother's arm and gave him his finger to suckle on.

"There we go, let your poor grandmothers and sister sleep." Eret whispered as he motioned for them to leave.

"Can I sleep with Storm?" Bry asked and Eret gave her a nod.

Once he was alone with his son, Eret removed his finger and placed his son down on Bry's bed to remove his diaper. Not much to his surprise, Eric had soiled himself.

"You stink worst than you did before your fever hit you." Eret murmured as he wiped his son clean. Eric gave a little gurgle in response, causing Eret to smile as he seems to give him a clean diaper. Once that was done, Eret laid his son on his shoulder and began to bounce him gently to let him sleep.

"Well that was fast, it usually takes me forever to get him to sleep." Storm said from the doorway and Eret chuckled softly. "What was it this time?"

"Soiled himself, I'm surprised his grandmothers didn't smell it when they grabbed him." Eret replied. "He stunk worst that Skullcrusher whenever he tries avoiding baths."

"Oh, I think he just had a little too much to eat."

"But he's just had milk, he's only two months old."

"Well he wasn't soiling himself when he was sick, remember? Maybe that's why?"

"Perhaps. Let's take him to bed with us."

Storm happily plucked Eric from his father's arms, and the tiny child gave a yawn before snuggling against his mother's chest. Eret smiled as his wife pressed a kiss gently to his little cheek before they both walked back to their room. Bry was laying face down on the bed, her wild red hair even more tangled and all over the place. She gave a little sigh as her father gently picked her up so he could get in, before laying her back down next to him.

"They're just so beautiful." Storm sighed as she laid Eric down next to his sister. "One of them isn't even biologically ours, but she's still as cute as her baby brother."

"She gets it from her mum. Gobber told me her grandmother was a slave wife with wild red hair, and her daughter, Bry's mum, had that same hair." Eret whispered as he gently come some hair from Bry's face. "Sadly, her mother passed away, and we all know what happened next."

"If her father loved her, he wouldn't have let that awful woman into their house and mistreat his child." Storm muttered. "It's no wonder she hated me at first, thought I was going to take you away and hurt her just like that...you know what. I'm not saying it around either of them."

"You said that word in front of Bry on the first day you met." Eret pointed out. "But at least you showed her that you were good. You never hit her either."

"I was never raised with spankings if I misbehaved. If I misbehaved, my father would send me outside to comb a sheep till it's wool was silky." Storm scoffed. "Never got through with coming one entirely, and I stunk for hours afterwards."

"I remember that. And once my father decided to punish me the same way."

"If Bry misbehaved, we'll have her clean Skullcrusher's stall. Because we all know that dragon poops and stinks no matter what."

"Go to sleep..." Bry muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow. "I tired..."

Eret and Storm let out a small laugh, careful to not be so loud before pulling the blankets up to cover Bry and Eric's chins.

"Sleep well my little wolves." Storm whispered. "Our journey home awaits tomorrow."

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