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"Here he comes! I see him!" Astrid yelled lowering the telescope. "And he's got a girl with him!"

"Where'd he pick up a girl?" Hiccup asked taking the telescope from Astrid and looking into it to see the familiar red and green dragon and a strange silver and gold colored Razorwhip beside it.

"Well Ruffnut is definitely not gonna be happy about this." Astrid said rolling her eyes.

"Should we go out to greet them or wait for them in the village?" Hiccup asked.

"Your mom is gonna flip if you don't get back to work. You've been abandoning your duties since Eret left." Astrid pointed out and Toothless grumbled in agreement.

"I'm just worried how his village was gonna take the news of his betrayal to Drago and see him riding a dragon, which I will have to remind you milady, because to them dragons are not meant to be friends or be ridden." Hiccup said gently whacking the Night Fury on the forehead. "But now I can be at ease to see our new friend coming back safely, let's head to the village to greet him."

"Fine, let's just hope either your mom or Gobber won't get mad at you." Astrid muttered as Stormfly and Toothless took to the skies and headed for Berk.

As soon as they landed in the plaza next to the forge, Skull Crusher and the Razorwhip landed near them. A large wolf sat on Skull Crusher's back and barked at several villagers before hopping off and running to the Razorwhip.

"Here, let me help you down." Hiccup heard Eret say to the girl as he and Astrid were approaching them.

"No I'm fine- oh!" Eret had managed to slip her off the dragon and stumbled back due to the weight and their faces were very close to each other's.

"I see the trip went well," Hiccup greeted his friend as they got close. Toothless warbled and rubbed heads with Skull Crusher before letting out a gentle purr to the Razorwhip. It gave a soft screech before rubbing noses with him. "And you brought yourself a girl as well."

"Oh this is my friend Storm." Eret said as he put the girl down and blushed. "She's not my girlfriend or anything."

"You wish." The girl Storm snorted. "Oh and the wolf is Smokey and the Razorwhip is Aurum."

"You tamed a wolf?" Astrid asked in surprise before the wolf jumped up and placed his paws on her shoulders and licked her face.

"I raised and train him to be a sheep herding dog when our old dog was getting too old to do anything."

"I miss Mutt already." Eret sighed wistfully. "May he rest in peace and find happiness in roaming Valhalla's afterlife for loyal animal companions."

"How did you come to train this Razorwhip?" Hiccup asked holding a hand out to Aurum who was backing away nervously.

"I...I just fed her, played with her for a while-"

"How old is she? Did she have any hatchings during the time she was with you?" Hiccup asked interrupting her as Aurum scuttled away and ran over to hide behind Stormfly. "And how- hey!"

Eret had scooped Hiccup up and tossed him over his shoulder like a sack of turnips. Storm couldn't help but giggle at the odd sight and let out a snort. She heard Astrid snicker and Hiccup glared at them both.

"I think you asked my friend enough questions, she will answer them at dinner. Now let's get you back to your duties before the dragon queen has a fit." Eret said and turned to Astrid. "Mind letting Storm stay at your place? I don't think it would be really wise to let her stay with me until I get my home a bit more organized."

"Sure! I'd be happy to! In fact, I'll go introduce her to the others and give her a little tour of the village." Astrid replied cheerfully before linking her arm around Storm and steered her around. "You're going to love Berk for sure."

"Oh I bet I am." Storm chuckled, casting another look at her friend who was walking away with the chief still thrown over his shoulder. "Most definitely."

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