Chapter 14 | Brook

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"BRI!! We were looking EVERYWHERE for you!" I shouts at her. "I-I'm sorry," she mumbles. I look back at the forest entrance to see the brunette guy walk out. OH HELL NO!!!! I tense up and glare at Bri who looks down. I storm up to him and shout in his face, "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" "I-I didn't do anything! I w-was just trying t-to help her," He stutters. I notice a slight Brit accent. "You listen here, Brit, don't you dare lay a finger on Bri or it'll be the last thing you do. We will be sure of that!" I threaten in his face. He gulps and I stalk away back toward the girls. I need to talk to Bri. "What was that?!" Sadie asks her. "Wh-what? It was n-nothing. I j-just couldn't s-sleep so I went on a w-walk and I f-fell asleep in the f-forest. I w-woke up and there he w-was," She stutters the whole way through. "Why are you stuttering?" Silver questions. "Do you like him?!" "N-NO!" "SHE DOES!!" I gush. Bri blushes red as a strawberry. I stare her down. Yup she does.
We head to the Mess Hall for breakfast before the Relay Races. We have on our respective uniforms, mine is pink and sparkle laden and on the back said Popular. Bri's is purple and black with weird symbols she claimed were from Harry Potter, and on the back said Nerd. Silver's is well silver with Jock on the back with the number 6 in red. Sadie's has many designs on it. It's tie-dye with cat patterns and in blue on the back says dare devil. The front of all of them has The Misfits in our respective colors. I am so excited for this!!! After our delicious food we head to the grounds. Everyone had more uniform uh uniforms. The Skulls, The Faries, The Forces of Nature, Malici's team and Alex, Bri called him, Winners and Erica's team, The Barbies.  Man am I going to LOVE kicking their sorry asses. We line up. Bri starting then Sadie, me and finishing with Silver. I see Erica give Malici a kiss on the cheek and he winks at me! Barf city!! Ew!! I shiver at the thought of his greasy hands on me. "TEAMS!" Brenda says over her mic. "ARE YOU READY?!" A YEA emits from the crowd. "TEAMS ON YOUR MARKS!" Bri leans forward in a running position with the baton in hand. "GET SET!! GO!!" She takes off with surprising speed but it's not fast enough. Everyone else is passing her. She finally passes it to Sadie and she takes off like a bat outta hell once the baton hits her hand. She is able to catch up with everyone else. I get the baton and almost trip once I get it but regain my composure. I run as hard as I can and fall as I pass it to Silver who stops to help me up. I look back to see a snickering Erica. That bitch tripped me! I wince as I try to stand i rolled my ankle! "GO!" I shout at Silver. She nods and takes off. Erica is in the lead and Silver is in the back. "GO!" I scream again. She passes one guy, another, two girls, she is just behind Erica. She jumps. "And the winner of the relay race is... THE BARBIES!!!!" Brenda announces. Silver looks up from the ground. "You must learn," Erica says on one knee to Silver, "every girl for herself." "I'd rather loose than be a cold hearted bitch like you," Silver grunts. Erica scowls and walks away. "Brook!" Bri kneels beside me as the other two run over. "It's definitely sprained." She helps me up and sense she is the closest to my height, wraps my arm around her neck and helps me to the cabin and to my bed. "I can't believe that bitch!" Sadie rants. After the school nurse wraps my leg. "Yea! They should have been disqualified!" Bri fumes. She is usually rather calm but when something happens she can get quite pissed. My leg is as Bri said sprained and I can't walk on it for at least two days. Damn it! What am I supposed to do until then?! Read?! I don't think so! Just then guess who walks in the door. "Hey,"

Hey Wazzup?!

Sorry this took so long!!!!

Isn't Erica a bitch?!

So who do you think came in?!

Hope you enjoyed my hard work! 😄 Peace Out!!!


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