Chapter 25|Silv

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Er Er Er Er Er!! I wake up with my friends and pull on a dark blue t-shirt and denim shorts and slip on my flip flops. "Hey guys," Alex smiles, though I can sense some sadness in his voice and face. "Hey!" Bri grins, jumping and messing with his hair we all laugh at them. "Come on, I wanna show you something," he walks toward the woods. I feel something off about this but shrug off the feeling and continue to follow my friends. "Just through here," he says. We come out to a small clearing with a small waterfall down a pile of rocks and a small pond with green grass. "So," Alex says. "can you guys believe summer's almost over?" "No way!" Sadie says with wide eyes. "It's crazy!" Bri grins. "It's been a long summer that's for sure," Brook says with a goofy grin. I just smile and shake my head, "Its been fun." "Well not for long!" Someone shouts from above us and we all look up. Except for Alex... he looks down shamefully and steps back. From above us, Malici and his gang dump buckets of some awful smelling substance on us. "It's expired mayonnaise," Sadie seethes with her teeth clenched. I glance at Bri who has hot tears streaming down her face. "I-I thought we were friends. O-or e-even more than that! G-guess th-that shows you h-how s-smart I a-am..." she cries, the tears flowing faster. "Bri-" Alex reaches out to touch Bri's mayo covered shoulder but she slaps his hand away. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She runs off and I try to chase after her but Brook and Sadie stop me. "She needs space," Brook tells me in a gentle tone. "As for you!" She stabs a finger at Alex. "You better watch your back or so help me I will-" I drag her away before she says anything that'll get her lunch duty. "He's not worth it, guys," I tell my furious friends. I see Bri sitting in a chair at the ice cream parlor eating the biggest fudge sundae I've ever seen and drawing on a scetch pad. Why would Alex do that. His eyes showed sincere pain as he did but he did noting to prevent it. Surely dumping expired condiments isn't his way of showing affection for someone? Because that's just weird.
We head to the cabin to clean up so we don't end up looking and smelling like a 20 year old hamburger. "Ugh I don't think this camp has enough hot water to get this smell out of my hair," Brook grumbles and I nod my agreement. I glance out the window to see Malici,Erica, Creed, some random Erica Squad girl, Alex, and that Emma girl walk by. Alex'a eyes shoot hopefully to my window, no doubt to see Bri, but I narrow my eyes and shake my head at him. "What is his problem?" Sadie gripes. "I thought he liked her? Like, liked her." I shake my head sadly. "I don't know." I pull on my crimson jersey and shorts. Sade walks out of the bathroom with a scowl. "I think I got it off. I had mayo in unspeakable places!" The door opens and Bri trudges in, climbs up to her bed and reads her massive book. She's almost through it, pretty impressive. "You ok Bri?" I ask quietly. She gives a slight nod. "Y-yea, I-I'm f-fine." She insists. Her stutter's coming back. I frown at her, "You sure?" She nods again but a tear that rolls down her face says otherwise. I decide it's probably best to leave her be. I yawn, we leave in about a week or so, better start packing. "What are you doing?" Some one asks me as I start folding my cloths to put in my duffle bag. "Packing," I grumble. "Why?" "You ask a lot of questions-" I whirl around and come face to face with a pair of familiar green eyes. "Hunter? Ok, who let him in?!" I demand and see Brook hide behind Sadie who laughs. So it appears to be a conspiracy. I look back up at Hunter's green eyes and black glasses. He's wearing jeans and a blue plaid shirt. "Long time no see," I smile. He smiles back, "I was wondering if you want to, well it is lunch time," He says shyly. I grin and laugh slightly. "Sure, why not? Let's go," We walk out the door. "Hey Silver, race ya!" He shouts and takes off towards the Mess Hall. I rush after him and catch up. I pull ahead and smack my hand on the door just before him. "I...I" he puffs, trying to catch his breath. "Yea, right," I laugh. We walk in and another boy that looks exactly like Hunter, except without glasses and two girls sitting beside him. "Uh, who's that?" I ask him. "That's my brother, Henry," he sighs. "I don't get it. We're twins!" I laugh. "Ah it's just because you have the brains and the humanity." He laughs. "I guess," We get in line to get our lunch, grilled cheese, when someone from behind grabs Hunter in a choke hold and starts messing with his hair. "Hey!" He shouts in protest. I turn around to see Malici, Copper, Creed, and Alex. I glare daggers at Alex and advert my glare to Malici. "Let. Him. Go," I growl through clenched teeth. "And what are you going to do about it?" He smirks. "Wouldn't you like to know." I grab his arm and twist it backwards, releasing Hunter. "Oh so you have your little girlfriend to protect you now, huh nerd? Oh by the way, did you get all that mayo off. You might wanna take another shower, I can still smell it. Or maybe that's just you!" He laughs and I dig my nails into his arm and twist it farther. "Hey! Ok! Ok! Let me go!" He grunts. "Why would I do that?" My teeth are still clenched. "Because the monitor's coming," he says simply and I quickly let him go. That's when I remember there is no monitor. This isn't school. I growl at him and turn away. "Just ignore them," Hunter whispers as we grab our sandwiches and sit down. "But if you let them get away with it they'll never leave you alone!" I say firmly and wave my fork at him. "I guess you're right," he shrugs and stabs a piece of pineapple with his fork. "Of course I am," I laugh playfully, stealing one of his pineapples. "Hey!" He pouts but can't suppress a smile. We spend the rest of the day talking and hanging out.

Hey wazzup?!
So yea. I finally updated!!
I'm thinking about doing a sequel if I can actually finish this first!😬😆
Hope you enjoyed this!!! Until next time dudes *two finger salute*

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