Chapter 22-Double Evolution

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Phil woke from his sleep to the singing of the Fletchling.  He crawled out of his sleeping bag and tent into the early morning sunshine.  Denny was already up, starting a fire, and Racheal was apparently still asleep.  The teenager could tell because he heard snoring coming from her tent. 

"Hey Denny, need a little help from Blazer?"

"I do not know Phil, Blazer might burn more than the fire."

"It'll be fine."

"I have got a bad feeling about this."

Half an hour later Denny and Phil were covered in sweat and soot from putting out a small forest fire.  Racheal chose that precise moment to come out of her tent.

"Something smells burnt and.  Wait.  What in the Distortion World did you do!  Half the forest around the clearing is burnt down!  Denny your tent is singed, the rocks we used to make a fire pit are burnt to a crisp, and you are both as black and smelly as a Houndoom!"



"Two things, one, I think we got Racheal out of her shell, two, we should probably run."

"I second that."

The two Aura Guardians then took off running, only to be met head on by a lot of water.  Racheal was standing in front of them with her Kirlia.  The female Aura user then dragged them by their ears to a clean river and tossed them in.  Her Kirlia then teleported above them, and proceeded to dump some soap on the two boys.

"When you two come back I better not smell a whiff of smoke!"

As she walked away Phil heard her mutter something about understanding her mother's dilemma.  When Phil and Denny returned to camp, Racheal had cooked bacon and eggs.  After she noticed her companions, Racheal walked over and checked to see if they still smelled.  However, Phil and Denny passed the smell test, and were allowed to eat.  Phil sat down next to Evie and Mary.

"How are you girls doing?"

'I'm doing great!  Thanks for picking me out of all the Eevee!'

"Random, but I'm glad I picked you, Mary?"

'I still miss my parents and can't wait to nail the son of an Absol that killed them.'

"Mary, watch your tongue, but I understand what it means to miss family.  If you ever need a hug, don't ask Denny.  He doesn't do hugs, ask me."

Mary laughed, 'Thanks Phil.' 


Phil then wolfed down his bacon and eggs like there was no tomorrow.  Then they began to pack up.

"Racheal I have a question."


"What self-defense training do you have?"

"None, I was never, I never had the opportunity."

"Well, remind me to give you some, every evening immediatly after supper."

"Why do I need training?  I have Bellezza."

"Bellezza, and any other Pokemon you catch along the way, won't always be there.  Someday you're going to have to fight off someone, and Bellezza or any other Pokemon you catch before then, might not be there to defend you."

"Phil, I do not think it is a good idea to train Racheal in self-defense."

"Why?  Is it because she is a girl?  I noticed the lack of female Aura Guardians, and the ones I have noticed have minor roles and ranks!  The highest ranking female Aura Guardian I have seen was a Healer with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant."

"Our highest ranking female is currently a Captain, Captain Joanna of the Healer Brigade, which I might add, is higher than your rank, Lieutenant Lewis, but that is not the point."

"Then what is, Colonel Jotishu?"

"You would not understand."

"Then it is not a good one."

Phil had finished his breakfast by then, and walked over to start packing up his tent.  He finished and stood, ready to leave.  Maryand Evie were still sore from yesterday's walk.  Not that Phil blamed them, they both had pretty short legs compared to everyone else.  So, Mary decided to rest in her Luxury Ball, and Evie hitched a ride on Blazer's back.  Craig walked alongside Blazer, still carrying supplies.  Jes and Sir Kane joined the other boys and Evie.  George on the other hand was still trying to charm Bellezza.

Zoey was flying beside Blazer, talking to Evie.  Matt was perched on Jes's back, listening to the other Pokemon's conversation.  Phil took the lead, with Denny and Racheal close behind.  They walked for a couple hours, everyone but Phil in deep conversation.

Racheal jogged for a minute to catch up with Phil.  She then whispered, "Thanks for believing in me."

"Don't sweat it.  I hate inequality, and bullies."

"What about those."

Phil cut her off, "Racheal, you know John has to handle that delicately, don't bring it up."

"Phil stop breaking the fourth wall."

"Right.  Well, you know I'm a Christian, and that God has said that certain, beliefs, are just sinful and wrong."


"I just hope no one hates John for his views that he is delicately putting in here so as to prove certain things without becoming controversial or J.K. Rowling."

"What did I say about the fourth wall!"

"Oh, right."

"I will oh right you."

"I think it is about time for lunch."

"What a convienent way to change the subject."

'Phil, you need to return George,' Blazer interrupted.


'Bellezza knocked him out because he persisted even after she said that she refused to court him, whatever that means.'

"Oh Deerling, when will he learn.  Blazer, court means date."

Phil noticed that Blazer and Evie were both trying not to laugh at George.  Phil and Racheal did not even try not to laugh, both of them could barely stand for laughing so hard.

"I better go berate Bellezza."

"Don't bother, one of them will come around eventually.  Meaning either George will give up, or Bellezza will finally fall for him."

Racheal laughed again, "I guess you are correct.  Here, this clearing looks like a good place to stop for lunch."

"It sure does."

Phil called Denny up and the trio set to work, alongside their Pokemon, to get ready for lunch.  Which included, against Bellezza's wishes, reviving George.  Racheal made some delicious taco soup using Cornn and Tamato berries.  The massive, collapisable pot they had used was quickly emptied by the three trainer and ten Pokemon.


"Yes, Phil?"

"Do you want to have a battle?"


"Did you just make a pun?"

"Did I?"

Phil and Denny then stood across from each other.  They had decided on a three on three battle, since Denny only had four Pokemon.  Denny led with Matt, and Phil with Mary.

"Mary, Mud Shot."

"Matt, dodge before striking with Drain Punch."

Mary sent a stream of mud at Matt, who attempted to duck underneath, but was caught in the spray when Mary lowered her aim.  However, as soon as Mary stopped to catch her breath, Matt shot forward and caught her under the chin with a Drain Punch.  Matt lept back, looking slightly refreshed.

"Mary, Water Gun."

Mary sent a vortex of water spiraling Matt's way.  However, Matt countered by freezing the water with Ice Punch.

"Matt you did not tell me that you knew Ice Punch," Denny said.

'You never asked.'

"Fair enough.  What else are you hiding?"

'I know Blaze Kick and Iron Tail.'

"Good to know, Drain Punch."

"Mary wash him away."

Mary blasted mud torwards her opponent, slowing him down but not stopping him.  The Riolu seemed refreshed after it hit Mary with Drain Punch, but both Pokemon looked exhuasted.  Matt darted forward one last time, and knocked Mary out.  Phil then sent out Evie, who quickly shot off a Swift without command, knocking Matt out.  Denny then sent out Zoey.

"Wing Attack!"


Evie sent several stars at her opponent, who took each and every one without flinching.  Zoey then slapped Evie with her wings.

"Confuse Ray!"

Zoey sent a purple orb flying toward Evie, whose eyes clouded over.  She then promptly ran head-first into a tree.

"Finish her with Wing Attack!"

"Get out of the way!"

Evie, however, just ran into another tree, enabling Zoey to easily land a devastating blow.  Evie collapsed, and a bright glow illuminated the area.  When Phil could see again, Zoey had grown in size tremendously, she was now a Golbat.

"Evie, return.  Craig, finish this with Stone Edge."

Craig stomped his foot, and seveal stones came out of the ground, flying towards Zoey.  The Golbat, not yet used to its larger body, was hit several times.  By the time Craig finished, Zoey was battered, bruised, and unconcious.

"Sir Kane, let us finish this battle, Scald."

"Craig, get out of the way."

Craig waited until the last second, and backflipped out of the way.

"I still do not get how a Cranidos can do a backflip," Denny commented.

Craig snorted in annoyance.  He then charged forward with a Headbutt attack, which the Froakie easily dodged.

"Icy Wind!"

"Stone Edge, to our advantage!"

Craig raised the stones out of the ground, bringing them up in front of him as a sheild.  Some of Sir Kane's attack made it through the sheild, but most of it did not.


The rocks broke apart again, and sped towards the Froakie.  A few landed, but Phil frowned, the attack seemed to have done more damage than it should have.  However, he could not stop for long, he needed to continue his battle.


"Get out of the way."

This time however, Craig's dodge was accurately predicted and accounted for.  The attack hit him head on.  Sir Kane watched carefully as Craig struggled to remain on his feet.

"Craig, return, you're out of this match."

Again, a bright white light filled the area, and where Sir Kane the Froakie had sat was now Sir Kane the Frogadier.

"Good match, Phil."

"You got the better end of it, two of your Pokemon evolved!  Good match anyway."

The boys quickly healed their Pokemon, and the trio packed up, leaving the clearing and walking for about seven hours before stopping to set up camp for the night.  Once the tents were pitched, Phil, Denny, and Racheal all went to sleep.

A/N Guys, do feel free to point out any grammar or spelling errors.  Also, if you are enjoying the book, do not forget to vote!

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