Chapter 24-Forental

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*Racheal's POV*

Racheal woke with a start.  She breathed in and out heavily.  'It was just a dream,' she told herself.  Bellezza woke after detecting her companion's distress.

'Did you have another dream about him?'

'Yes, I am worried about what will happen when I finally return home, for it will not be pleasant.'

Bellezza shook with many negative emotions.

'You are right, and the way Phil acts?  When you finally tell him about your predicament, he might just level the nearest mountain.'

'Even Phil is not that strong.'

'You might be surprised with how much potential he has.  Besides, his emotions would cloud his judgment and make his Aura more difficult to control.'

'Even if he became very angry at the way life works, anger would not do that.'

'But another emotion might.'

'Shut up, Bellezza.'

'See you blushed.'

'I said to shut up.'

Racheal then exited the tent and began to prepare breakfast, when a traveler approached camp.

"Morning, you just wake up?"

"Yeah, we did not get much sleep last night."

"Oh, did those bandits, what were their names?  Oh yeah, Timens and Baka try to steal your belongings?"

"Yeah, all three of us were cocooned by that Ariados.  We sent them packing though."

The traveler laughed. "What a tall tale," She said, "I would assume that you saw them coming and scared them away before that.  No one every escapes them once the pair entangles them with that massive Ariados. I kept a lookout for them last night, but they never appeared." 

"Oh, um, they never do?"

"Nope.  Tell me what really happened."

"How about we introduce ourselves first, I am Racheal."


Just then Phil emerged from his tent, "Morning Racheal.  Who is this?"  However, when the girl turned Phil's eyes lit with recognition.  "Georgia?  It has been a while.  How's your dad?"

"He's doing fine.  How did you meet this lovely lady?  Have you got yourself a girlfriend?"

Phil and Racheal both blushed profusely and spoke at the same time, "No nothing like that at all."

Georgia rolled her eyes, "Sure.  Anyway, how did you escape those Ariados threads?  Especially with your fear of those particular Pokemon."

"Oh, I uh, had some help from Blazer."

"There is gotta be more to it than that."

"Trade secret."

Racheal sighed in relief at Phil's cover up.  He was as clever, or lucky, as he was strong.

'Racheal, you are burning the eggs.'

'Oh right, thanks Bellezza.'

'Welcome, oh, Phil is awake.  Which means that pesky Gallade will be as well, no?'

'Bellezza, give George a chance, you can afford them.'

'I am so sorry.  I was not even thinking.'

'It is fine.'

'Well, in that case, George may be pesky, but he has the good looks, no?'

Racheal laughed before agreeing.  She then finished breakfast in record time.  The young lady then proceeded eat, with Phil, Denny, and Georgia joining them.  Racheal noted how quickly the other three ate.  Phil ate the most, three eggs, ten bacon strips, and five glasses of milk.  Denny ate the same amount, but with three less pieces of bacon.  Racheal guessed Denny had a smaller frame for a reason.  Georgia ate the same as Denny, but Racheal spied her feeding each of her Lycanroc a piece of bacon.  She herself only ate two eggs and two pieces of bacon.

Georgia finished eating and spoke, "It has been nice catching up to you Phil, but I have a lot of business to get to in Forental.  I better mount up on Old West and get going."

Phil responded with a nod, "See you later Feraligatr."

"In a while Krookodile."

Once Georgia disappeared, the trio packed up camp.  They then left for Forental.  Racheal quietly listened to the various conversations going on around her.  Phil, Denny, Blazer, and Sir Kane discussed the location that the scrolls pointed towards, but the boys talked so quickly and with so many words unknown to her that she tuned them out.  So, Racheal slowed down to fall in step with Evie and Mary, for those two were the only other girls who wanted to talk.

'What are you two talking about?'

'We are debating who would win in a battle, Jes or Blazer,' Mary responded.

'I think Blazer would win.  After all he, I mean, his fire is very hot.  Blazer's Flamethrower would easily KO Jes.'

'Jes is smaller than Blazer though.  He might could slip around Blazer's attacks to get in close for a Spark.'

'Wait a second,' Racheal interrupted, 'What did you say, Evie?'

'That Blazer could KO Jes.'

'No, before that, when you stumbled on your words?'

'Nothing!  I said nothing!'

Mary and Racheal laughed and Evie blushed profusely.  The girls then continued their conversation.  They soon passed a large sign.

'Racheal, what did that sign say?' Evie inquired.

'I do not know.'

'What do you mean?  It is human-speak.'

'Certain people limited my education in such fields, some of those words are unfamiliar to me.'

'Well, don't tell Phil.'

'Why not?'

'He'll have you reading every night after training.  Phil will consider such a thing an injustice and work to correct it.  Not to mention, you are clearly very intelligent even if you struggle with reading.'

'Well, here let me try.'

Racheal then spoke aloud, "For-en-tal, Forental, five kil-o-met-ers, kilometers.  So, Forental is five kilometers away.  How long is a kilometer again?"

'Phil is almost two meters tall, but he is just slightly shorter.  I'd say he is a little taller than one and three-fourths of a meter tall.  Now imagine about five hundred and fifty Phils lying down with the bottoms of their feet touching the others' heads.  That would, roughly, be a kilometer,'  Evie explained.

'Evie, how did you know all this?' Mary asked.

'The guy who raised me was a scientist.  I absorbed a lot of knowledge from him.'

So, the group continued to cover the last five kilometers and reached Forental.  The city was beautiful, cherry blossom trees made beautiful tunnels over the roads.  In one of the city's parks, a massive Kantonian Wisteria covered about a fourth of an acre of land.  Various other trees dotted the landscape here, more cherry blossom trees, a few Johtoian Maple Trees, and even some beautiful oaks from Unova.  The city backed into a mountain, which meant that one side of the park was a massive mountainside.  A beautiful waterfall cascaded down from higher up on the cliff, before flowing into a magnificent river that even further on lead to a pond.  The pond was brimming with Pokemon beautiful Pokemon.  Lumenion glowed in many different colors, Goldeen swam effortlessly, Magikarp of many different patterns entertained onlookers, and Swanna cruised along the surface.  However, the star of the show was a magnificent Milotic that rested on a rock in the center of the pond.  It had a gold and red tail a d blue hair like strands fell from its face.  This was a Pokemon of almost indescribable beauty.

When Racheal approached the lake, and came closer to the Milotic, she noticed something.  It was sad.

"I wonder why it is so sad?" Racheal wondered aloud.

"That Milotic is sad because she is an adventurous spirit, but she has been in this lake for her whole life," the man standing next to her said.

"Why does she not go with someone?"

"The park has a no-catch policy.  Meaning she is essentially stuck here.  For someone to catch her the mayor would have to give permission."

"Then why has the mayor not yet given permission?"

"Milotic is a rare Pokemon by itself, however, this one is possibly unique.  It has a very rare coloration.  Many people come to town just to see this one Pokemon, so many do not wish to take that from us.  Others, however, are simply greedy.  So, the mayor has yet to find someone to take this Pokemon on a journey."

'She is only wanted for her looks,' Racheal thought to herself, 'I know what that feels like.  I wish I could help.'

Racheal walked away, saddened that she could not help the poor Pokemon.  When she reached the local hotel, she found that Denny and Phil had booked the two remaining rooms.  Racheal was tired, so she called it a day, and went to her room.  Bellezza, who had been quietly following her since they had reached Forental gave a sad smile.  The Pokemon and trainer then laid down to get a long night's sleep.

A/N Okay, how did I do with a female POV?  Also, what do you guys think of Racheal?  If you enjoyed, please be sure to vote and comment!  Edit:I forgot Georgia is an OC by PurehearttheNeko. Sorry I forgot to put this in at first!

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