Chapter 26-Secrets and Auras

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Phil woke to the sounds of Fletchling chirping through the trees of the city.  The Aura Guardian stretched before rolling out of bed.  He quickly went through the morning routine, brushing his teeth and hair, putting deodorant on, usual stuff.  The teen then went back to the main room to get dressed, but stopped when he heard a knock.

"Who is it?"

"It is Racheal."

"Give me a second.  I've only got boxers on right now."

"Oh," Racheal said.  Phil could practically hear her blushing.

The teenager quickly slipped into jeans and a white t-shirt.  Then he opened the door.

"Good morning Racheal."

"Good morning, I just wanted to ask what you were going to be up to today."

"Nothing much, I want to give the team a day off before challenging the Gym.  We have to be at our full strength before such a challenge." 

"Sounds like a good plan."

"I thought I might go downtown.  Want to come with me?"

"I do not know."

"It'll be fun."

"Alright, I could use some R 'n R."

Phil and Racheal left the hotel and walked to the nice shopping district.  The streets were pretty crowded, so only George and Bellezza were out.  The others were either likely to get stepped on or just too large.  Phil smiled a bit as he thought about how Craig would have probably tripped and taken out one of the market stalls.  The Aura Guardian missed the Cranidos, but he was glad his Pokemon was happy.  Phil spotted a crowed poffin store, he recognized it as a very well known place that had extremely high quality yet affordable products, and decided he was going to get some for the Pokemon.

"Racheal, I am going to go buy some poffins.  It is really crowded in there, so it would probably be best if you stay out here."

"Okay, that sounds like a plan."

"George, keep Racheal safe while I'm inside."

"I thought you thought I could take care of myself?  Is that not why I am taking lessons from you?"

"I know you can take care of yourself, George is just going to help keep my mind at ease."

Racheal blushed a bit as Phil turned and walked inside.  The girl stood there, before she leaned against a building to wait.  George watched her for a minute before turning to watch the crowd, confident his charge was safe.  However, he was wrong, Racheal felt a hand cover her mouth and wrap around her neck, before she was yanked into a dark alley.

"You scream, and you die," a deep, menacing voice coldly told her.

The teenage girl nodded and the hand was removed from her mouth.  Her captor whirled her around to face him, and his gun.

"My, what a beauty, our contractor will be very pleased."

Racheal felt bile rise in her throat in horror as she realized the man's intent.  Her captor snapped his fingers and two other hooligans stepped out of the shadows, one carrying rope and one a piece of cloth and duct-tape.  One of the two criminals jerked her arms behind her back and began tying them tightly at the wrist.  The other shoved the foul smelling wad of material into her mouth, and secured it with a piece of duct-tape.

The largest man, duct-tape man, then tossed Racheal over his shoulder and went to leave the dark alley.  Suddenly, there were two bright flashes of light and Racheal could see Bellezza blocking the alley from behind the small gang.  The teen girl managed to glance around her captors to see George standing in a fighting stance, his sharp blade extended.

The Gallade dashed forward, slicing one goon in two before they could blink.  The second was decapitated an instant before he could get his weapon up.  The third though, fired, and shot the green Pokemon in his blade, breaking the bone in two.  George cried out in pain, and collapsed to his knees.  Bellezza the tried to use her Psychic energy to lift Racheal to safety, but stopped when the gun was pointed her trainer's head.  Racheal grimaced at the cold metal that was pressed against the back of her skull.  The teen was uncertain as to how she would get out of this one.


Phil heard a quiet gunshot, probably from a silenced weapon.  The Aura Guardian acted quickly, he slipped out the back door and around the back to the origin of the gunshot.  The boy was met by a grim site.  George was on the ground, with his left blade bone laying on the ground nearby.  Racheal was slung over the shoulder of a massive man.  The man had a gun pointed at Racheal's head, and was looking over his shoulder, presumably at Bellezza.

The warrior acted quickly, he used his powers to send a small Aura Sphere towards the gun, which sent the gun flying.  Phil smiled as the instant the gun left her assailant's hand, Racheal kicked the man in the groin.  The criminal staggered before dropping Racheal, who landed on her feet before running behind Phil, who blasted the man one last time.  The hooligan went flying out the other end of the alley.  Some people peeked in to see what the commotion was about. 

The Aura Guardian quickly removed Racheal's gag and the rope holding her arms behind her back.  Phil then darted forward to George.

"Racheal, you are better at healing than me.  Can you reattach the bone?"

"I might could, but I would need more energy than what I can do."

"I'll lend you some extra Aura, you just focus on doing it right."

Racheal the grabbed the piece of bone that had come off George's arm, and touched it to where it had broken off.  She then began to pour energy into it.  Phil sat behind her, meditating with one arm extended, he sent her some of his power.  The duo's hands began to glow blue, and George's wound quickly healed.

"Witches, they're witches!" one guy cried, before releasing his Pokemon.  Many other soon followed.

Thinking quickly, Phil returned George and nodded to Bellezza, who teleported the trio onto a rooftop several blocks away.  The Aura Guardian then called Denny.

"Hey Denny."

"Good morning, Phil.  I slept in today, what have you been up to?"

"Well, Racheal was almost kidnapped, George's left blade was shot off, and when we healed it some regulars saw and flipped out."


"I said."

"I know what you said!  You could not have picked a worse town to do this in."

"Why is that?"

"Look around, has a mob gathered yet?"

Phil glanced down off the roof to see what had to be half the town marching around with whatever weapons they could find, from actual guns to fire pokers.

"Yes, yes it has."

"Hang on, I will call in a squad of Kenbosho."

"Of what?"

"Kenbosho, they suppress memories, usually the first option if some people discover our existence."

"Okay, you guys are very concerned about staying secret.  Why is that?  Also, why are they attacking me on sight?"

"I will explain it later, just buckle up and wait."

"Will do."

Phil and Racheal waited for about three hours before Denny called to give them the all clear.  They returned to the hotel, and sat down at a table in the corner.

"Denny, can you explain?"

"About the locals?"


"Well, a long time ago, Aura Guardians defended much of the world.  On occasion, Aura Guardians developed the ability to fuse with their Pokemon.  Regulars rarely saw this, and were called crazy if they mentioned it.  One particular Guardian with this ability though, became corrupted.  He demanded protection payment, and if the town refused, he leveled it.  Eventually a massive army defeated him, and, in fear of their lives, townsfolk began to burn Aura Guardians alive.  We fled persecution to various places, however, we eventually mostly ended up here.  No one kept records of it outside of us for unknown reasons."


"Yes, wow describes that well."

"Okay, I'm going to bed Denny.  See you in the morning."

"See you."

Phil left, leaving Racheal and Denny to themselves.

"Racheal, your attempted kidnapping was not random."


"This city has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and you were in one of the most secure areas."

Racheal's eyes suddenly light up with realization, and horror.

"Do you think?"

"Yes, your time with us is limited."

"I knew it would end, but this soon?"

"It may seem that way."

"With Phil around?  He will have to try harder than that."

"That is what scares me."

A/N So, I tried to do some smooth POV switches in this chapter, did it work?  Also, sorry about not updating lately, I don't have as much time as usual.  Hopefully I can get back on schedule soon.

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