Chapter 32-Revenge of the Dark User

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Phil woke early, his alarm was going off.  The teen laid there for a moment, trying to remember in his half-awake state why he had set his alarm so early.  Then it came to him, Georgia was leaving for her job at the mining facility today!  He quickly dressed and slipped out, the others had not known Georgia long and had simply said their goodbyes last night.  However, the  train station in Selvis was in a shady neighborhood filled with criminals, so he had convinced Georgia to let him escort her.  Pokepocketers were a serious threat, one moment a Pokeball could be on your belt or in your bag, but the next thing you know a friend, a family member, gone.

Only Blazer had wanted to rise that early, but the others wanted to get some rest.  After all, they had another Gym Challenge soon.  Evie also had risen, as she had been sleeping on Blazer's head.  The two were spending more and more time together.  The trio went to the dining hall of the hotel, and met up with Georgia.  Before proceeding to demolish the breakfast buffet.

Phil and Georgia then begin the somewhat treacherous journey to the train station on the south side of town.  Twice,  the Aura Guardian caught a Pokepocketer, but both times they were caught with little incident.  Georgia then boarded the train somewhat unceremoniously.

"Be careful, Georgia."

"I'd tell you the same thing, but I know you won't listen."

"You could still tell me anyway."

"I'm not wasting my breath."

"Like you are by arguing with me?"

"Ugh, fair enough.  Bye, Phil."

"Goodbye, Georgia."

The doors on the train closed, and the vehicle started moving, slowly at first.  However, by the time it disappeared from view it was going two hundred miles an hour.  Phil then left the station.  As he walked he noticed something, thugs ducked out of the way.  Perhaps now that without a pretty lady next to him, he looked dangerous.  He was going to miss Georgia, she had been his sister in all but law until she left for her journey a few months ahead of Phil.

As he approached the hotel, he had a panic attack.

"Why are there cops everywhere?"

'I don't know,'  Blazer replied.

Phil approached the police tape, "What is going on here?"

"Sorry, sir.  A kidnapping has occurred."

"Who?  I have a couple friends here."

"Sorry, sir.  Not allowed to say."

"Let him in officer, he is my partner," Denny interrupted.

"And who might you been?"

"Special Agent Denny Jotishu, AISE Special Missions Division."  The Aura Guardian pulled out a badge.  "Here's yours Phil, you really should keep it on you."

Phil slipped under the tape and into the building.  He had another panic attack when he realized two things, one, where was Rachael, and two why was the entire investigation team made of Aura Guardians? 

"Denny, what in the Distortion World is going on?"

"When we need to work with the government, we go through the AISE.  We are technically all Special Agents, but we are part of a self-sufficient branch, at least officially.  Although I am glad you badge finally got here, did you know your parents were immigrants?"

"I can tell you're stalling.  What happened?"

"Rego Vastator, or Lord Destroyer, kidnapped Rachael, Bellezza, and Fred.  I sensed his presence too late, as I was still asleep, and he escaped."

Phil's Aura surged.  He felt as though his veins were on fire.  The teen's perception picked up, he could here the beat cops outside and a hundred yards away discussing why the AISE was involved.  However, more important, he could see highlights of Aura that showed the events of the kidnapping.  Phil highlighted them.

A ghostly Rachael appeared in the bed, Fred and Bellezza, also ghostly, snuggled up close to her.  Suddenly, Rego Vastator appeared, the Aura traces showing that he had teleported directly into the room.  Rachael woke, she must have been sleeping lightly, and fired an Aura Sphere at the invader.  The Rego must not have been expecting it, because it blasted him back several feet.

Rachael quickly returned her Pokemon and tried to run and scream, but a thick blanket of Dark Aura covered her.  A ghostly Denny came around the corner and began beating on the door, or where the door would have been if it was closed instead of open.  Vastator quickly grabbed a hold of Rachael, who had been knocked unconscious by the smothering Dark Aura, and teleported once again.  Just then Denny stumbled in, clearly having finally beaten the door, but still too late.

The other Aura Guardians looked shocked.

"What is it?" Phil asked.

"Doing that requires a powerful Aura and either much training or a very rare innate ability," Denny explained.

"Denny, do you have my other Pokemon?"

"Yes, here you go."

"Thanks," Phil released George, "George, Rachael, Bellezza, and Fred were kidnapped by Rego Vastator, can you help me reopen the teleportation pathway he used?"

'Yes, I would do anything for Bellezza or Rachael.'

"Wait, Phil it could be a trap," Denny warned.

"I know," the Aura Guardian responded.  He then reached out and touched the portal with his Aura, highlighting it for George.  The duo then began to reopen it, before jumping through.

Phil immediately had to block a corrupted Aura Blade.

"Well, look what the Litten drug in."

"Give it up Vastator, I beat you once and I can do it again!"

"Maybe, if you were armed."

Suddenly, Asta Argento appeared next to Phil.  It had come to his call.

"You were saying?"

"Well, maybe I am better prepared!  After all, I have back up."


"That would be me, Rego Fallacia."

"So, we have a Lord of Destruction and a Lord of Deceit.  Very clever guys."

"You do not perceive me as threat?  That is unwise, after all, I may not be as physically strong as either of you, but my mind is sharp."

Just then, Vastator and Fallacia jumped down.  Vastator was now wielding a war axe taller than himself, and Fallacia was dual wielding a pair of shorts swords, each under two feet in length.  However, when they released their Pokemon, it became clear that this was going to be a difficult fight.  Vastator still had his Purple Zoroark, Houndoom, Bisharp, Mimikyu, and Greninja.  While Fallacia released a Shiftry, Xatu, Toxicroak, and an Absol who's skin was blood red.

The Aura Guardian released his Pokemon to fight alongside him.  Mary quickly used a new move she had learned, Earthquake, which easily knocked out Vastator's Houndoom and Bisharp, as well as Fallacia's Toxicroak.

'Don't do that again, Mary, the building could collapse,'  Phil warned, before jumping into battle.

The teen whirled his staff so quickly it was practically invisible, having to constantly block attacks from three different weapons.  Fallacia jabbed with both swords, one to his knee the other to his gut, while Vastator swung towards his head with the ax.  Phil spun Asta Argento in a path that managed to deflect both sword and block the ax.  He slipped out from under the ax and let it fall.  The teen quickly stepped on it, pinning the weapon to the ground, before smacking the hands that held the weapon, possibly breaking a few fingers.

Vastator jumped back, before another blow could target his head and potentially knock him out.  However, even alone Fallacia was managing to give Phil a run for his money by creatively weaving his two swords.  Making a pattern that was almost impossible to block, let alone allow for an offensive attack.  The Aura Guardian was constantly losing ground to the Dark User, barely avoiding the jabs and slashes, coming from the left and right, up and down.

Phil's only saving grace was that the blows were pathetically weak compared to his usual opponents and sparring partners, even if they were faster.  If they had had much more power behind them then he would not have been able to keep up.  As it was, his form was suffering in order to keep up.  Another slashed high, with another low, this was his chance.

The teen kicked off the ground into the air, but also leaned so that he was practically horizontal as he swung Asta Argento with all his might, connecting solidly to the ribs of his opponent, and sending the much smaller Dark User flying.  Although Fallacia managed to keep a hold on one of his swords, the other went flying quite a distance.

By this point Vastator had patched himself up with his Aura, and had grabbed his ax.  However, Phil had a moment to check on the Pokemon battling.  Mary and Jes had fallen unconscious, as had the Mimikyu, Greninja, Shiftry, and Xatu.  George was nowhere to be seen, but Blazer and Evie were doing well against the remaining Absol and Zoroark. 

At this point Vastator was upon Phil, but was clearly not thinking straight as he held his ax high to swing at Phil's neck.  The Aura Guardian ducked and jabbed with his staff, a loud crack resonating as some of his opponent's ribs broke.  At the same time, a bright gleam came from the battle.  The teen turned and saw a blue Gardevoir winding down from a Dazzling Gleam attack.

"Bellezza, when did you evolve?"

'At the same time as I used my attack, which apparently supercharged it.'

'Well, you came at the perfect time, I could tell that Absol was about to get me,'  Blazer replied.

A loud pop sounded as the Regos teleported away, recalling their Pokemon at the same time.

"Ah!  That Son of an Absol got away!  George!  Please tell me you found Rachael."

"I am here Phil."

The Aura Guardian ran over and embraced his friend, who seemed surprised.  He let go.

"Sorry, I was just, terrified.  Terrified of losing someone else close to me."

"Who did you lose?"

"My brother, he died of cancer."

The young woman embraced him, "I am sorry."

"It's okay, it has been long enough for me to, as best as I ever will, move on.  However, realising that a Dark User had kidnapped you.  I was worried I would lose you too."

"As long as we both breath, I will never leave you."

~~~Team Domination HQ~~~

"So, even together, you failed to defeat that Aura Guardian?  Vastator, my hopes were not high on you doing much, but Fallacia?  Few have ever beaten your fast moving swords."

"I made one slip up, most opponents would have been nearly exhausted.  I took what I thought was a safe move, but he managed to use it against me to break a few ribs."

"Vastator, I believe in the near future, another facet of yourself will face Phil.  Catch him by surprise, and capture him.  However, do not kill him.  If you do, you will be burned alive by Cerberus."

The Regos shivered.

"Yes, Father."

"Good, one more misstep could put you in a dangerous position."

"I understand, Father."

"You had better, for your own health."

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