Chapter 34-Maho Mura

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Phil woke suddenly.  The teen sat up and looked around, trying to discover what had awoken him so abruptly.  A loud knock rang through the room, apparently what had awoken him.

"Phil, time for breakfast!"

At the sound of the word breakfast, the Aura Guardian's stomach rumbled.   He frowned at how hungry he was.

"I'm coming.  I hope it's good because I could eat a mountain right about now."

The teen quickly threw some clothes on, and met Denny outside of the house.  Phil followed him to a large, low building.  After stepping inside, Phil's face lit up.  He could smell bacon, eggs, toast, and basically anything you could think of for breakfast coming from a buffet table.  His mouth watering, the Aura Guardian quickly but three sunny-side-up eggs, four pieces of toast, some grits, and more bacon than he could count on his plate.  After grabbing a large glass of milk, Phil joined Denny at a table near the center of the room.

Joseph laughed as he approached, "Denny said there would never be a dull moment around you.  So far he has been right."

Phil chuckled, "If things get dull around me, then I am going to get my head checked, because obviously something is wrong.  Although, I am curious as to what he was saying about me."

"He was telling me how you jumped right after the kidnapper before." 

"Kidnappers, I guess I was never debriefed.  Rego Vastator and Rego Fallacia.  Vastator was a piece of cake this time, he should have known better than to use a war axe against me, but Fallacia was very quick, I could barely keep up.  If he had managed to use and Aura Sphere without letting go of a weapon, like some people can, I would have been screwed."

"Two decent Dark Users at once!  Jeez, slow down," Joseph exclaimed.

"They still got away, so I didn't succeed," Phil replied.

"Hey, most of us would be dead.  So do not beat yourself up over it. I hear you are not a big fan of some of the more traditional ways things go."

"Yeah, the girl traveling with us.  Her, betrothed I guess, tried to slap her for talking to me after I sent some hooligans messing with her packing."

"What was the man's name?"


Joseph suddenly became very serious, "That is not something to joke about."

"I'm not joking."

"Well, Denny, please tell me you have a plan for going around the village," Joseph replied, sounding very worried.

"No, we are going to go there."

"What if Phil gets challenged to Pro Pugna?"

"We will cross that bridge when we get there," Denny replied, in a tone that clearly stated that the conversation was over.  Phil was thoroughly confused, but decided not to push Denny at the moment.

"So, Phil, are you going to compete in the Maximum Bellum Suscipere?" Joseph inquired.

"The what?"

"A tournament.  Weekly we hold a Bellum Suscipere, which is a battle between two equal opponents.  However, once every four months, we hold a Maximum Bellum Suscipere, which is a single elimination tournament.  We start with no more than sixteen contestants.  There is still one spot left, and the contest is tomorrow."

"Alright, what are the rules?"

"Two Aura Guardians battle, with their partner battling alongside them.  They are given a random of many different weapons.  The weapons are not padded so aiming above the shoulders is illegal and results in automatic forfeit.  This is not a worry though, because, as long as the head remains attached, our healers can use Aura to heal anything else.  However, serious injuries to organs are also rare as some random armor may be provided.  Weapons and armor are the same for both contestants."

"Count me in," Phil replied.

"Alright, Denny, I assume you know were Chief Miles lives."

"That I do."

"What kind of Chief is he?" Phil asked, "Is he the head of the our department in AISE or is he more like the Chief who is in charge of the town, like a mayor?"

"Both," Denny and Joseph reply at the same time.

"Oh, gotcha."

They continued to talk and eat, with Phil cracking a few jokes, until the Aura Guardian noticed Rachael, or any other women for that matter, were not present.

"Hey, why is it all guys in here?" Phil asked, his eyes narrowing a bit.

"We only have one bathhouse and it would get crowded if everyone came in here at once.  So we divided it up that the ladies get the bathhouse first while we eat, and then we swap.  Same deal at dinner.   At lunch it is done in the same way, but instead of going to the bathhouse we just work different shifts."

"Ah okay," He replied, releasing a breath he did not even realize he had been holding.

After a few more minutes, they finished breakfast and left to the bathhouse, which was built in the old Rojanian style.  Which meant it was essentially a giant bathtub the size of a pool.

"Do not worry Phil, the pool is just for decoration, and to be used as an actual pool during the summer."

"Phew, I was getting worried for a second."

"Joseph, are you guys working on getting showers in each house?"

"Yes we are, and a second set of showers in here.  That way after swimming the guys do not have to wait on the girls to clean up."

They all laughed a bit, and then they went to the showering room.  Afterwards, Joseph left to do his business, which was hunting, and Phil and Denny left for Chief Miles house.  Denny knocked.

"Who is it?"

"Denny, and a friend."

"Ah, I heard you were here."  The door opened to reveal an old weathered face that somehow both conveyed wisdom, and humor.  "Come in, come in."

"Thank you," Denny replied.

"You are most welcome.  Have you come to see the Maximum Bellum Suscipere?"

"No, my friend here, Phil, is traveling from town to town collecting Gym Badges.  I am sure you have been informed of what happened?  I brought him here because he needs to relax a bit, maybe do some meditation.  I can not have him fly off the handle in town."

"Ah, I have heard of you exploits."

"I am not sure whether to feel complimented or offended."

Miles laughed, in a charming, and very loud, manner, "I meant it as a compliment, but I can see where it could be taken as both."

"Well, thank you.  Also, I was interested in competing in the Maximum Bellum Suscipere."

"Really?  Let me see here," the older man turned around and began rummaging through some stuff on a large oak desk, "Ah, here it is.  There is one space available.  What is your full name?"

"Philip Albern, with an E not a U, Lewis."

"Your middle name is Albern?" Denny inquired.

"It means noble warrior, at least, that's what my dad said."

"Interesting, and what is your partner Pokemon?" Miles asked, bringing the teens back on track.

"Blazer the Arcanine."

"Alright, and what are your other Pokemon incase Blazer is injured in a fight and needs to be swapped.  List them in order."

"Jes the Luxray, George the Gallade, Mary the Swampert, and Evie the Aveon.  I also have an unhatched egg."

"What is an Aveon?"

"It is a Flying type evolution of Eevee."

"Interesting, have you had any luck with new Pokemon Denny?"

"Yes, sir.  Besides Sir Kane, who is now a Frogadier, I now have Matt the Lucario, Edward the Eevee, Zoey the Golbat, and Ralph the Raigi.  Raigi are few in number and live in the mountains.  They actually hunt Belrui."

"That is intriguing.  Well, I better let you go find Phil a combat uniform."

"Combat uniform?"

"A pair of brown combat shoes, similar to running shoes, a pair of loose brown pants and a loose, white, long-sleeve, shirt," Denny explained.

Phil nodded, and left with Denny to find such an outfit.  After being fitted, the teen loved the outfit.  The material was comfortable, and it fit extremely well.  He ordered for four more shirts, and five more pairs of pants, with the addition of pockets, which the combat pants did not have.  After all, his jeans and t-shirts were getting pretty worn out by the constant use.  The shoes were very airy, and they allowed him much freedom of movement.

By the time they finished, it was lunch time.  After eating, Denny took Phil to a large garden with a large creek running through it, which gurgled peacefully.  They proceeded to meditate, although most of the Pokemon just ran around, Sir Kane, Blazer, Matt, and George being the only ones to meditate.  Watching Blazer try to meditate was rather amusing, as he could not mimic what the humanoid shaped of his companions could do.  The Arcanine ended up doing the downward dog.

When the dinner bell rang, Phil and Denny rose, and returned their more rambunctious Pokemon that had already tired themselves out.  After eating dinner with Joseph, Phil parted ways from everyone else.  He was going to get a goodnight's sleep for the next day.

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