Chapter 39-Pro Pugna

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Phil rose bright and early, quickly dressing so that he would not be late to training.  The late summer wind blew through the windows.  He had been in the village for advanced training for months.  The teen met his teacher outside where they went through their warmup before starting their run.  The team could now run at a steady forty-five miles per hour.  Except for Mary, who they had to return about halfway through the run.  When they arrived at the final stretch, everyone broke into a full out sprint.  Some not being able to run much faster, but Phil could hit seventy miles per hour.  He loved it, the wind running over him, the feeling as though he were flying, running so quickly was amazing.

Everyone finally reach the dining hall and began to load their plates.  Denny came in with his Pokemon and sat down with them.

"Denny, you should really join us sometime," Phil teased, "After all, you signed me up for this."

"I would rather sleep."

"Alright, sleeping beauty."

The group had a good laugh.

"So, how is your training going anyway?"

"Well, Phil passed me in the sprint section of our run by a mile today.  Seriously, a mile.  He ran it in less than a minute."

"Well that is fast, how much are you squatting?"

"Over a ton."

"Well, I would say you have caught up to the other advanced Aura Guardians."


"By the way, who is that girl your always hanging out with?  That came to the village with you.  I do not think I have been introduced to her."

"That is Rachael."

'Dude, when are you going to make your move?' Matt asked, 'Your Aura is screaming love so loudly that it is giving me a headache'

"She is Anakin's betrothed," Denny finished.

"Anakin, will, never hurt her again," Phil glared at Denny.

"So, are you going to challenge him to Pro Pugna, or more formally Pugna Pro Amoris?"

"What is that?"

"If one man is betrothed and another wishes to marry the man's betrothed, they will have a challenge.  First, the father of the woman will determine if both men are competetant through a physcially demanding challenge.  Then the leader of the village will determine if both men are honorable through a different challenge, Anakin's father is the leader of his village, giving him an advantage, and then there is finally trial by combat.  The winner gets to marry, or eventually marry, the woman.  Trial by combat only ends if the village leader calls for it, by yield, or by death."

"I'll have to ask Rachael."

"Technically you do not, the woman has no say."

"I will have to ask Rachael, am I clear?"

"Exactly like I thought you would react.  You have a good heart Phil."

"Thanks Alexander.  Denny, when will we pass through Rachael's home village?"

"After you beat the next Gym Leader.  When we pass through the mountains."


An unsettling silence fell over the group as they finished their breakfast.  After they finished, Alexander and Phil left to continue their daily training.

"Phil, why do you care so much that everyone be given a choice?"

"My brother, he died of cancer a few years ago, although it still feels like yesterday.  He wanted to become a great trainer, maybe even the champion, but, my parents were constantly pressuring him to just become a Pokemon Ranger, live the quiet life.  So, after he left, he never really came around.  I did not see him at all for about a year until we got the hospital call that he was dying.  He had stage four brain cancer, inoperable, and likely induced by stress.  My parents blame themselves for pressuring him.  I guess I do too, to some degree."

"That is terrible."

"Although, there is a small part of me that thinks something else could have happened because, oddly his Pokemon were missing.  The doctors said the tumor could have been affecting his memory, and that it was likely that whoever found the Pokemon would either adopt them or release them, but I was never certain that he, of all people, could just forget his Pokemon."

"Well, if the tumor was affecting his memory, it is possible."

"You are right, and that is what the more rational part of my mind is telling me."

"Then it is likely right, but it could be wrong.  Your gut can also be a beacon for finding the truth.  Now come on, we have training to do."

After his training for the day was complete, Phil went to find Rachael.  He found her hanging out with a few other girls her age.

"Hey, Rachael, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure, I should be right back guys."

Phil and Rachael took a short walk so that they could talk in private.

"Rachael, Alexander explaine Pugna Pro Amoris to me.  If you are willing, I will challenge Anakin."

"Phil!  No, you would be throwing away your own rights too.  I can not let you sacrifice your own chance at love to save me from Anakin."

Phil gently grabbed her shoulders, "Who says that I don't love you?"

"Who would, I am just a worthless..."

Phil cut her off, "Rachael, only someone who is worthless would say that to you.  You a beautiful, and perfect, just the way you are."



"This is super cliche is it not?"

"It is."

"I love you all the same, cliche or no."

"I love you too."

"Just, be careful, Anakin can be ruthless."

"I will be.  You better get back to your friends before they miss you."

"Just one thing first."  Rachael leaned forward and kissed Phil.  "See you later."

As Rachael walked away, Phil was still trying to say something, but failing miserably.

A/N While that was a super cliche romance chapter, don't worrry.  I'm not trying to write the next Twilight or something.  Romance just makes a good subplot.  Let me know what you guys think, did anyone see this coming a mile away?  Did I rush it?

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