Chapter I-Genesis

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Five years ago,

Phil was walking through the forest, and it was so peaceful and familiar, a safe haven. After an hour he came upon a horrible sight.  Two Growlithe laid beside the road, dead. He recognized them as the ones he often watched as they ran, flaming with joy. Suddenly, a high, keening, cry came from around the corner.

Running around the corner Phil saw a Growlithe pup being taunted by an Arcanine, the evolved form of Growlithe. 'Must be expanding its territory,' He thought to himself.  Quietly, he grabbed a large knotted stick. Sneaking up behind the Pokemon he swung the club and the Arcanine turned. It attacked but was, thankfully, weak from the battle with the pup's parents, and he managed to drive it off.

Walking over to the Growlithe pup he whispered, "Come out, I won't hurt you." The pup came out, and Phil noticed that it had been gravely injured. He picked up the young Pokemon, and called his father, "Dad, we have an emergency, saddle Hazel, and have her ready to go."

He raced home against time itself. His dad was standing outside, holding his brown Ponyta, Hazel, by the rein.

"Phil, what is the emergency?"

"This Growlithe pup needs medical attention," was all he had time to say, because he swung up onto Hazel and laid the pup over in front of him. Then he dashed off to the nearest Pokemon Center.

Present Day,

"Come on Blazer! We have got to get to town, " Phil exclaimed.  Phil was riding Hazel, and Blazer, the Growlithe he saved five years ago, was running beside them. "We need to get my Trainer License!" They were traveling to Nofegate Town. Phil had turned fourteen in February, the required age to be a Pokemon Trainer in the Campagna region.

They made it to the Licensing office just in time. Phil had to watch a recorded speech, and take a short quiz. Then he was done, he had his license.  Phil and Blazer then started home. "Tomorrow we start on our journey. Tomorrow we leave home to go catch and train a dream team. Tomorrow we will need some camping supplies. At least fire will not be a problem." Phil continued like this all the way home and Blazer kept barking his approval.

However, trouble was brewing back home. "Who are you?" Phil's mom, Fiona, asked three travelers.

"We are Team Domination, and we want the rare Pokemon in the forest!"

"You'll have to get past me first!" She reached for a Pokeball, but the two larger grunts grabbed her and tied her to one of the post holding the porch up.

Just then Horace, Phil's dad, came out, "What is the commotion out here!" However, before he could take it all in, the grunts grabbed him and tied him to another.

"Now tell us. Where is the Swablu colony?" The smaller grunt asked.

"We'll never tell you!" Horace spat. The smaller grunt nodded to the much larger grunt standing by Fiona. The massive man reared up and punched Fiona.

"Now if you do not tell me where the Swablu colony is, the lady loses a finger!"

Coming over the bridge Phil heard the exchange. Acting quickly, he charged and had Hazel kick the two larger men in the head. Turning to the smaller one he said, "Leave now, or face my wrath."

Laughing the grunt threw a Pokeball, "Go Koffing!"

"Blazer! Ember attack!" The Ember attack flew at the Koffing. The Poison type attempted to dodge, but it was too late.  The Fire attack struck home and caused the Koffing to explode. When the dust settled the grunt was on his back, and his Koffing was on the ground next to him, drained of energy. "Koffings are made of an explosive gas. Fire and such gas make for a mighty explosion," Phil proclaimed. The two larger grunts sat up, rubbing their skulls.

"Retreat!" The smaller grunt called, and all three of them ran away, with their tails between their legs.

After untying his parents, the family decided to go inside and talk for a few minutes. Then Fiona spoke up, "We still have Phil's Licensing to celebrate!" She went to the kitchen, and brought out a spread of Phil's favorite foods. Including some Campagnian sandwiches, with slow cooked meat and a special sauce.

They talked more over dinner, and Phil's dad said, "I will go as far as Waillington with you so that I can file a police report. I am the Ranger in charge here so I will also have to send a report to HQ as well,"

"Why do you think they want the Swablu?" Phil asked.

"Well, they become powerful Pokemon, Team Domination must have a goal they want to accomplish. My theory is that they think the Swablu will help them meet their end." 

Fiona then brought out cannoli for dessert

On the road to Waillington,

"Hey, Dad, do you think I can be a good trainer?"

"The way you fought off Team Domination yesterday, why do you even ask?  Trust me, you will go long," His dad replied.

 As they approached Wellington Phil became nervous. When they arrived, Horace took Phil aside. "I want you to have these. A trainer I saved gave them to me. I think they will be best used with you," He handed Phil a box. "Inside are three stones, a Fire Stone, a Water Stone, and a Thunder Stone. The Fire Stone will cause Blazer to evolve, so when he is ready use it. All you have to do is touch it to his forehead. An old friend of mine lives in town, Professor Pine, he will aid you on your journey."

"Goodbye, Dad, and thanks for everything."

"I will see you soon son," With that Horace left taking Hazel with him. Phil struck out to find Professor Pine.

Ten minutes later,

"Professor Pine's Laboratory, well this must be it," Phil opened the door and.....

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