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A/N: This story will be told in two books, one that the one and only Justice167 will be writing in the POV of her awesome character, Scarlett Coin, while the other book, the one you're reading right now, is told in the POV of ... you guessed it, Celestia Snow.

"Hold still, sweetie." The lady in front of me, one of the very few Capitol citizens who sided with the rebels, says as she adjusts my white dress. "You want to look good when your grandfather gets shot, don't you?"

I frown at her, and she realizes what she said. "Oh dearie, I'm so sorry! I truly am."

"It's fine," I say, grinning, but my blue eyes gleam with silent fury.

"Thank you, sweetie." The woman plays with my dress a few more times, then smiles. "All done. Do you like it?" She steers me towards a mirror.

"Yes, thanks." Despite my words, I actually hate how I look: Long, lacy white dress, hair done up in a bun, and-the worst part-very heavy makeup on my face to resemble my relationship to the Capitol. 

"Then, I'll be on my way." She smiles. "You know where to go, don't you? Balcony right above the president, at exactly four. Later!" The woman walks out of my huge room.

I never understand how most Capitol citizens are always so perky, or at least act like it. There's got to be at least something that bothers them. Maybe they can learn that fact from the twelve districts, specifically the poorer ones who are considered lucky just to be able to eat just a plentiful amount of breakfast. They can't afford any more, all because of my grandfather's harsh laws.

I'll admit it; I've always hated the president's horrid ways, how he killed anyone who got a tad bit in his way, how he forced everyone to do exactly as he said, and yes, the Hunger Games. They've been going on way back before I was born, and I was pretty sure those horrid Games would continue to happen, even after my grandfather's death. That is why I was so excited when Katniss showed up, and left the Capitol a lesson saying that they can never have full control of our lives. Hey, I even wore my hair in a braid like her sometimes to show my support.

But it's not like my grandfather was this horrid all the time. There were a couple moments when he showed his affection for me, when I was younger. So, even though I hate Snow's ways, it's not like I can say I'm happy with him being executed.

I lay on my bed, watching the golden framed clock on the wall as the seconds, minutes, and finally hours tick by. Finally, it's Four PM. Death time.

I make my way to a room, where the family of Alma Coin, the new president, stands. It consists of Coin, obviously, a girl around my age who's a bit shorter than me, and a middle aged woman-her aunt, maybe? I take a seat on a bench, and notice that my mother and younger brother are here, too.

My mother's face is streaked with tears, which she constantly swipes at, but another set of tears streams down her wet cheeks again. My two year old brother, Caleb, sits in her lap, having no idea of the monstrosity he's about to view. I feel bad for him; he's going to have nightmares for at least a week.

Finally, a rebel orders, "Family of Snow, go to the left. Family of Coin, to the right." We follow his commands as a door opens to a large stage, and we get seated. I hold Caleb on my lap and shield his eyes, but he keeps moving. Finally, I give up and just hug him tightly. 

Coin steps up into the light, getting ready to speak as drums sound while Katniss and the other Victors-Peeta, Johanna, Annie, Enobaria, Beetee, and Haymitch-along with a large group of rebels, walk up. At a certain point, everyone but Katniss stops ambling, and she proceeds forward with an emotionless expression until she stops before my grandfather, who is tied to a post.

"Welcome to the new Panem," Coin announces, raising her arms up a bit too dramatically. "Today, to the tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch ..." I zone out and stare at my feet until our new president concludes her speech. "Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure."

Katniss takes aim, concentrating for a while. Everyone holds their breath, leaning in for a slightly closer view. An eternity seems to pass, but Katniss Everdeen finally lets go of the arrow, but instead of going to Snow, it flies up towards us! At first, I think she has meant to kill me, but the weapon goes straight into Coin's heart.

The girl about my age gasps and her face crumples as she begins weeping hard. People escort all of us back into the room where we first met, and my mother goes to comfort her. Just as the door is about to close, I run up to it and back onto the stage. 

Coin's body is laying lifelessly on the cold, hard floor. Below her, the large group of rebels have run up to Snow and are screaming at him, probably trying to trample him. Part of me wants to jump down there and punch every single rebel, screaming, "STOP THAT!", but my body stays rigid as ice. Two people are dragging Katniss somewhere, probably to be executed. I kind of hope so. After what she just did, there is no trusting her actions now.

-Time skip-

It has been a whole month ever since the execution. My mother's grown distant, quiet, not paying any attention to Caleb or me. She just locks herself in her room all day, staring at the wall.

I decide to watch the TV. The same old channels are on here, and I finally decide on some history. I am in the middle of learning about this really horrid scum called Hitler, who lived way back into the old days, when the screen suddenly blinks a few times, turns off, then lights up with a different thing. It is Plutarch Heavensbee, the former Head Gamemaker, announcing something.

"People of Panem," He starts. "After the unsuspected event a month ago, we have decided to follow Coin's idea that she made before as a sign of honor to her. As revenge on all the painful seventy-five years Snow gave to us, we will be holding a special Hunger Games. A Hunger Games for all the children from the Capitol. The number of times each Capitol child has his or her name in the glass bowl depends on their relationship to Snow. There will be twenty-four of them, like usual, and we will have six of our living Victors mentor them in groups of four. Thank you, and have a nice day."

Ten seconds pass by after the screen goes slack, as I stare at the floor in shock. What? Did he really mean it? How is this happening? Finally, I take a deep breath and analyze the facts Plutarch stated:

-We will honor Coin with her idea.

-The Rebels will have revenge on the Capitol.

-That revenge is going to be the special Hunger Games.

-The tributes will be Capitol children.

And lastly, the most terrifying one:

-I will be entering the Capitol Games as a tribute.

Thanks for reading this crappy prologue! We will have a new chapter each week!

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