Chapter 12 Your last orders.

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JUNE 29, 2002. 4:30 P.M. SCHICKSAL HQ.

The time has come. War is here.

The Hyperion flew at high speeds towards Schicksal HQ to try and stop Serin. She has kidnapped Mei and is currently causing havoc there, trying to get the gems of Conquest and Desire.

In the bridge we could find Y/N, still dressed in his outfit. Next to him was a rare sight to behold. Rita Rossweise has decided to side with Y/N for a while. She's standing right next to him, worried for Durandal who went to save Mei from Serin's hands.

Rita:"Do you think they are okay?"

Y/N:"Durandal is very capable. As for Mei, I'm sure she will fight until her last breath, even if it's against her friend."

Rita:"Let's hope you're right."

Y/N:*Through inter-com* "Everyone, get in position. This is going to be our biggest fight yet. I want every Valkyri capable of fighting on the dock. The rest will stay here. Remember your orders. Evacuate the area. Save as many as you can."

The Captain turned at Rita and stared at her.

Y/N:"I'm putting the lives of my crew and Schicksal employees on your hands."

Rita:"Don't worry captain. We may not be in the best of terms but I'm not an assassin. I'll take good care of them."

Both nodded at each other and Rita took the position of Y/N, making sure everything was ready. Y/N went to the elevator and pressed the button for the docking bay.

Suddenly he recieved a call on his radio. It was Welt.

Welt:"Y/N! The serum! We managed to improvise a solution!"

Y/N:"Welt? Thanks god. Where are you?!"

Welt:"I'm flying towards Schicksal as fast as I can. Anti-Entropy will fight alongside you Captain, just hang on!"

Y/N:"Very well. I appreciate it Welt. Be quick my friend, we don't have much time."

Welt:"We will do our best."

The elevator arrived. Y/N went out to see every each of his Valkyries, all of them concentrated. Ragna and Kasumi are also there, Ragna listening to her troops through radio and Kasumi standing next to Sakura, talking with her.

Theresa, Himeko and Fu Hua approached Y/N.

Theresa:"I won't sugar coat it Y/N. This looks bad. Very bad.".

Y/N:"I know but we will make it. Just like we always do." *Looks at Fu Hua.* "Look for the gem of Desire. If Serin obtains it we are screwed."

Fu Hua:"Yes sir."

Y/N:"Theresa, focus on getting Mei out of here. She does not have a weapon. If Serin gets her again it's over for our friend. Take Bronya and the Twins with you."

Theresa:"Don't worry captain, I'll save her."

Y/N:"Himeko, you and Kallen are coming with me. We will face Serin."

Himeko:"We cannot harm her Y/N. Kiana could die."

Y/N:"Don't worry, I'm not going to. I would never harm my people. Theresa tell Sakura and Kasumi to spread out and eliminate all the beasts they see. They must save as many as they can."


Y/N:"Good. Let's move people. Let's save Kiana one last time."

Everyone nodded and went to do their orders. Y/N walked towards Kallen accompanied by Himeko.


Kallen:"Hey." *Sigh* "This looks bad, right?"

Y/N:"Very, very bad."

Kallen:"Then we gotta make it look good. Don't worry, Himeko and I got the looks for that."

Himeko:*Chuckles* "Damn right."

Y/N:"Heh, your optimism is appreciated. Are you ready?"

Kallen grabbed her double handguns and gave them a spin, smirking.

Kallen:"Let's do this."

Y/N nodded and got inside an helicopter with his two partners, waiting until The Hyperion was close enough. Meanwhile, he talked to those that are already deployed through radio.

Y/N:"Durandal? How are things over there?"

Durandal:"It's a mess. Mei is doing her best to avoid Serin."

Y/N:"She escaped?"

Durandal:"That Battlesuit gave her enough energy to escape. She cannot fight tho."

Y/N:"Tell her this. I'm gonna remove the limitations on her core. She can use her Herrscher powers."

Durandal:"That will surely make the difference. Good thinking."

Y/N:"You heard that Himeko. Do it."

Himeko nodded and grabbed a device from her pockets. By pressing a button, the Valkyrie deactivated Mei's timer bomb.

Himeko:"It is done. Let's hope she doesn't lose control..."

Y/N:"She won't."

The captain glanced at Ragna who was bitting her nails out of nervousness.

Himeko:"She's losing people. Her Valkyries are tanking the damaged caused by the beasts."

Y/N:"Anti-Entropy are on their way."

Himeko:"They better get here soon enough or there won't be anything left of us."

Kallen:"Don't be like that. We can handle this on our own!"

Y/N:"Not without the serum."

Kallen:"Then I guess the plan is to stall Serin?"


Kallen:"T-That could actually get us all killed..."


Kallen:"You're not going to say the opposite?!"

Y/N:"I'm not a liar."

Through the intercom Rita talked to every Valkyrie on the docking bay.

Rita:"We're near Schicksal. If you're going to deploy the helicopters, do it now Captain. Beasts are coming our way."

Y/N:"You heard that people, everyone into the helicopters! Pilot, move out!"

Pilot:"Yes sir!"

The helicopter took off leaving The Hyperion, leading the way for the other helicopters. Thousends of Meduozas and Archangels were flying everywhere, atacking the Helicopters and The Hyeprion alike.

Pilot:"Sir this is starting to get to risky! I can't move!"

Y/N:"We're currently flying over the base, this is enough we will jump!"

Pilot:"That fall could kill you!"

Y/N:"We won't die, now go, leave!"

Y/N looked at Himeko and nodded. She understood what he meant, jumping out of the chopper. Meanwhile, the pilot was starting to turn the helicopter towards The Hyperion not wanting to be here anymore.

Kallen:"I can't make that jump Y/N we- what are you-"

Y/N grabbed Kallen and jumped much to her displease. The Captain and Himeko safely landed on Schicksal's base, Y/N with Kallen on his arms. He dropped the girl and looked at the sky to see the other helicopters having better luck than his.

Y/N:"Durandal, where are you?"

Durandal:"I'm with Mei. See the building in the center? We're on top. Some help would be appreciated."

In mid of the base was a skyscrapper that almost looked like it went through the sky. Y/N ordered Himeko to go there. She nodded and started sprinting towards the building, Shamash on her hands.

The rest didn't answer at all. The captain was starting to get worried.

Kallen:"Go. I'll be with Himeko."

Y/N:"Thanks Kallen."

Kallen:"Sure but we careful. I didn't travel all around the world to lose you now."

Y/N:"I plan on living a long and peaceful life, once this is over."

Kallen:"I'd like to be a part of that."

Y/N:"You already are. Now go. Himeko needs you."

She nodded and left, pursuing Kallen. Y/N looked at the sky once more to see one of his helicopters being shot down from the air, crashing unto the base.

Y/N:"No!" *Through radio* "Everyone, report, now!"

Sakura:"My sister and I are already on ground."

Fu Hua:"That was Theresa's!"

Y/N:"Keep going with the plan! I'll take care of Theresa, go!"

Using F.W.S to stop time, Y/N sprinted taround the entire base in search for his Valkyries. There was too many beasts to go through, making him lose so much time in the end, F.W.S deactivated.

He finally spotted the helicopter tho. From here, the captain can see the pilot dead with various arrows piercing his torso. As for Theresa and Bronya there's no sight of them. Before he could get close 2 Chariots charged at him. The Captain made one quick dash, cutting one in half on his go. The other chariot turned around and tried to smash him with it's arms. The Captain slashed the beasts arms and then stabbed it on the torso, kicking the beast away once was dead.

Once done with those two he turned around and started sprinting as fast as he could go. From behind some crates, the group of zombies responsible for the helicopter crashing down appeared, firing arrows at the Captain. He blocked them with his left arm and rushed at them.

The Captain jumped and crashed on top of one, stomping the zombified Valkyirie's head. Another two grabbed arrows and tried to stab the Captain with them, just for him to take a step back and immediately decapitate both. The remaining three fired three more arrows. Y/N slashed them all away. He threw his katana at one of them, the blade going through the zombie's head. Even while disarmed the zombies were quickly overpowered. Y/N rushed at the remaining two and punched one so hard his fist went through her head. The last zombie tried to flee but a missile impacted on it, killing the creature.

Y/N saw Bronya crawling through the crashed helicopter with blood on her forehead. A zombie appeared on top of the helicopter, ready to pounce on her. Y/N retrieved his katana and intercepted the zombie quickly appearing next to his Valkyrie and slicing the zombie up as soon as she attacked.

Bronya turned to her Captain, surprised by his speed.

Bronya:"C-Captain! That was remarka-" *Grunts* "C-Crap..."

Y/N grabbed Bronya's shoulders and made her sit next to the helicopter. Soon after Theresa also crawled out of the helicopter. Her leg was hurt.

Theresa:"Ah, not a good start indeed."

Y/N:"Can you two fight?"

Theresa tried to stand up just for her to almost trip. Y/N caught her on time.

Theresa:"Thanks Y/N... yes, don't worry, I can fight. My head's dizzy. That's all."

Y/N:"Theresa you're wounded. I'll call for extraction and-"

Theresa:"I'm not going to leave my student behind. I'm staying. Even if it means not following your orders anymore."


Theresa:"Look, I know what's going through your head. That won't happen again, okay? I'm not going to die. Now be a hero and take Bronya out of-"

Bronya:"No. The Bronya will also fight."

Bronya stood up, shaking her head. She gave Y/N a thumbs up with her fingers and with bunny system's fingers.

Y/N:*Sigh* "The plan has changed. Serin has founded Mei. Thankfully, Durandal is with her. We don't have much time. Go and buy us time, I will make sure Welt can land here and give me the serum. And please..."

Theresa:"We will be safe, don't worry."

Y/N:"Okay. Good luck Teri."


Luke:"Miss. Rita! The beasts are firing at us with everything they have!"

Rita:"Use the main cannons. How are our shields holding up?"

Valeria:"50% and quickly dropping!"

Rita:"Activate the remaining titans. Deploy them on the ship. Every man and woman that can wield a gun must have one. Sooner or later, we're gonna get boarded."

Grace:"Yes ma'am!"

Rita:"I'll take care of the rest. Whenever there's a chance, fly to the Shicksal's dock and land. We gotta save as many as we can."

Hyperion's crew:"Ma'am yes ma'am!"

I turned around and went for the elevator to take me to the ship deck. When I arrived, I walked around looking at the sky, now filled with these pesky beasts. I gave my scythe a little spin and waited.

Rita:*Sigh* "Here I thought I'd die fighting with you, Durandal..."

The shields were getting torn appart. They will attack in a couple of seconds. I got on guard and waited, looking at the beasts in disgust. Suddenly, the elevator opened, two small Valkyries joining me.

Rozaliya:"We're also going to fight!"

Liliya:"This is Liliya's home. The Honkai will not take my home away."

Rozaliya:"Well said!"

Behind her were the famous Gold Team, getting into cover on some cargo around. They all stared at me.

Gold Leader:"Gold team was created to protect the captain at all costs. You are now the captain, Rita. We're not leaving you behind."

Rita:"Heh. This can be the last thing your team does."

Gold 5:"We all knew we would most likely die ma'am. That's why they pay us so much money."

Rita:"Very well. Focus on the small ones. The ones who pack a punch are mine."

Gold Leader:"You heard the Captain people. Fire at will."

They all reloaded their guns and aimed at the sky, ready to fire at the creatures.

Hurry up Y/N...


More. Freaking. Ladders!

In order to reach the top floor we either had to take an elevator or to up some office complexes. Problem is, the elevator does not work. Bronya can float around so that's no problem for her but it is for me. Specially when I have this dumb skirt!

We eventually arrived at the 50th floor. There was 10 more floors to climb. We can already hear fighting noises upstairs. Serin is truly making our girls sweat...

Suddenly, we someone screaming I looked through a hole in the building to see Kallen being kicked away by Serin. She was about to fall to her death.

Theresa:"I'll take care of her, keep going up Bronya!"


I grabbed Judah and slammed it on the ground, summoning a chain. I used it to grab Kallen's leg and yank her towards me. Kallen crashed into me, throwing both to the ground. She was on top of me with her eyes closed. Slowly, she opened her eyes, looking straight into my eyes.

Kallen:"Theresa?" *Phew* "That was close... thank you little one."

Theresa:"What do you mean little one?!"

Kallen:"Is that Judah?"

Theresa:"Huh? You know it?"

Kallen:"You could say that. Thanks. Now let's move, we have to keep fighting if we want to save Kiana."

Theresa:"Damn right but be more careful next time, okay?! Y/N would be very sad if her girlfriend suddenly died!"

Kallen:"Same Theresa, same."

Theresa:"What does that mean?!"

Kallen started going up, ignoring me. I shook my head and went up, ready to face Serin.


Back with the captain, he reunited with Sakura and Kasumi. He knows there's no point in fighting Serin now without the serum. They won't be able to win. At least, not without slaying Kiana which is not an option.

The three warriors were going all around the place, saving as many lives as they can. After fighting for some minutes, a group of Valkyries from different ranks joined them, along with what's left of their defenses. 2 titans.

A-rank Valkyrie:"Captain Y/N, is it true?"


A-rank Valkyrie:"The one who you once killed, Serin. She's the one responsible for this?"

Y/N:"Yes. She's using the body of an innocent Valkyrie to spread chaos."

B-rank Valkyrie:"Unacceptable! We should do something!"

Sakura:"You would only be easy pickings for her. Focus on saving as many as you can."

A-rank Valkyrie:"Then why are you not fighting her, Captain Y/N?"

Y/N:"I need something to stop her. And the ones who have it haven't arrived yet."

A-rank Valkyrie:"And if they don't?"

Those words made Y/N remember something from his past.

Siegfried:"Protect her. She doesn't have the fault for this. If someone must be blamed it's me. I was the one to bring her here, the one who caused this."

Y/N:"I will. I promise."

Y/N:"Then I will have to kill her and fail, once again."

Sakura and Kasumi glanced at Y/N, not fully understanding what he meant. Suddenly, an enormous shadow gloomed over them. Everyone looked to the sky to see The Hyperion going down at high speeds.

Y/N:"What the-"

B-rank Valkyrie:"They are going to the docks!"


Y/N:"That's the evac. Sakura, Kasumi, escort these Valkyries and anyone you can find back to the ship. Assist Rita. The lives of many are now on your hands."

Sakura:"I will not dissapoint you captain."

Both nodded at each other and Y/N left, running towards the building to now assist his friends against Serin. Sadly he got interrupted by someone calling him. It was Welt.

Welt:"Captain we are here! We're bringing the serum to you right now!"

Three enormous ships the size of The Hyperion appeared, opening fire on the flying Honkai beasts. Hordes of titans were deployed to assist the survivors.

Y/N:"Meet me at the base entrance. Be quick Welt, we're running out of time."

Welt:"I'm on it."

From the ships, many helicopters took off in order to meet the Captain. A smile appeared on Y/N's face, knowing they have already won.

Or so he thought.

The sky darkened, portals appearing on top of the building. From them, golden spears and more honkai beasts appeared, the spears being launched everywhere while the beasts attacked everyone on sight. Y/N could only watch the chaos Serin was causing in horror, fearing what he may find once he climbs up the building.

Y/N:"No, no, no! Welt, where are you?!"

Welt:"In mid of the formation!"

Y/N looked at all the helicopters and spotted on in the middle. From his legs and shoulders, thrusters appeared letting him fly around. The Captain flew towards said helicopter doing his best to dodge all the crap that was launched his way.

Once he was next to Welt's ride he entered the helicopter, startling both Welt and his bodyguard.

Y/N:"Serum. Now."

Welt passed him a small blue bottle. The Captain took it and stored the bottle on a small compartiment on his wrist.

Welt:"Y/N. Our countermeasure is not perfect. It's enough to kill Serin but we don't know what could do to Kiana or the core."

Y/N:"You have a better idea Welt?"

Welt:"No. This is all we have."

Y/N:"Then I'll have to take it. Please, help me once more. I'm gonna send my people with you. Go to The Hyperion and take everyone out of here. I beg of you."

Welt:"And you?"

Y/N just smiled, not saying anything.

Welt:"It's a one way trip."

Y/N:"I know."


Welt grabbed Y/N's arm and brought him for a hug. The Captain widened his eyes, not realising Welt took the chance to put a transmisor on his back.

Y/N:*Chuckles* "You're getting sentimental now?"

Welt:"You three were destined to be our heroes. It didn't had to be like this..."

Y/N:"We will never know. Now, if you don't mind, I have a teenager to save. Farewell Welt. Keep everyone safe for me."

Y/N jumped out of the helicopter and flew towards the building, unseathing his katana. The Captain was ready to pay whatever price he has to in order to save Kiana. No matter what, this time, no one will have to sacrifice themselves to save him. Not anymore.

When the captain arrived his worries were proven truth. Kallen and Bronya were on the ground, badly wounded and defeated. Mei was hugging her knees, whispering to herself "I'm weak." Theresa was sitting on the ground, Judah laying next to her, tired beyond belief. Durandal and Himeko are the only two left standing, in front of them, laying on the air like some type of goddess was the girl Y/N has to save. She was grabbing Fu Hua by the face, suffocating the girl.

Y/N:"Third time's the charm, right Serin?"

Everyone looked at Y/N, walking towards Serin without any type of fear or care in the world. Hope was brought in everyone's eyes, including Bronya and Kallen who raised their heads slightly to see their captain.

Serin:"You. Your mere presence sickens me human. These may be flies but you are one annoying mosquito. One I'm about to crash."

Behind him, hundreds of portals opened throwing spears at him. By simply activating F.W.S he dodged them without any effort, standing on one of them. He jumped at Serin who wasn't affected by the Time Fracture. The Herrscher of the Void threw Fu Hua at him. Y/N catched her and deactivated Time Fracture knowing he's giving Serin the perfect excuse to slay one of his two standing allies.

Y/N landed right in between Durandal and Himeko with Fu Hua on her arms. The assistant could only look at Y/N, saddened.

Fu Hua:"I'm sorry Y/N... I have failed..."

Y/N:"No. You did a good job." *Turns at Durandal* "Take everyone out of here."

Durandal:"You need my help to defeat her."

Y/N:"No I do not. Himeko and I are enough. Durandal please, do as I say. One last time."

Durandal stared at Y/N knowing what he meant with those words. She closed her eyes before Y/N could see a tear and nodded, grabbing Fu Hua.

Theresa:"Y/N, what the hell are you doing?!"

Serin threw more spears at Y/N, annoyed already. Himeko slashed them away with Shamash, giving Y/N and the rest some time.

The captain turned around and looked at Theresa.

Y/N:"What does it look like?"

Theresa:"Like you're about to leave me!"

Y/N:"I'm sorry. We both know... I have to."

Theresa:"No! Let me-" *Bronya gets up and uses Bunny System to grab her* "No! Release me at once! Y/N please! I-I didn't had time to... to- to tell you how-"

Y/N:"I know... I know."

Durandal picked Kallen while Bronya takes care of Mei and Theresa. Everyone could only look at Y/N in disbelief, hating they have to leave their two superiors behind.

Once they left Y/N looked at Serin. He whistled at her as if she was calling a dog or something.

Y/N:"Don't be shy Serin. Say it. You wanted the main course all this time. So come get me."

Serin:"After I'm done with you I'm going to kill every each one of your girls right in front of your eyes."

Y/N:"I'm sure you'd like that. Sadly, this is the last time you're gonna harm anyone."

Serin threw another barrage of spears at Y/N, ones Himeko couldn't reach. It didn't matter since Y/N dodged them all, using the spears as platforms for him to stand on.

Himeko:"Any plans?"

Y/N:"Stay on the defensive, I'll bring her to you."

Himeko:"Very well."

The Captain rushed at Serin, getting ready to slash her with his katana. When he got close some type of force field block his attack. Serin tried to kill him by opening a portal on his torso but Y/N quickly got away, standing behind her.

He was about to stab her but Serin teleported away. She tried to throw more spears at Y/N just for him to dodge them all again.

Himeko walked around the rooftop looking at Serin, stress running through her veins. She wanted to help but she also knows she can't. At least, right now.


I hate this. I'm supposed to be the best around yet I can't help Y/N. I understand he needs someone to make sure everyone is safe but... I don't want to lose him.

We arrived at The Hyperion's docking bay. Thanks to Anti-Entropy everyone survived but it was a mess. The officers were in a bad state, some even wounded. One of the twins, Liliya, got stabbed in the leg. The other twin was worried for her sister. Sakura and Kasumi were making sure no beast approaches us.

Rita was leaning on some cargo, bandages on her forehead. She wanted to come talk to me but some of the crewmembers stopped her.

Some medics arrived to aid us. I dropped Fu hua and Kallen on the stretchers they had. Bronya did the same, placing Theresa on another stretcher.

Theresa:"No! We gotta go back for them! We can't leave them with Serin!" *Looks at Durandal* "Please, help them!"


An enormous explosion was heard from the outside. Mei, Bronya and I peeked our heads to see a big portal sucking the entire building along with Serin, Himeko and Y/N. Slowly, it was also sucking The Hyperion and the other ships around.

Durandal:"Get us out of here, now!"

Theresa:"No! Please, no!"

Durandal:"I'm sorry... there's no other way. We're leaving."

Farewell captain. I'll miss you...


5 minutes earlier...

Y/N went for another attack, trying to slash Serin. Just like he expected Serin teleported moment Y/N used Time Fracture to slow her down a little. The Captain flew towards her and managed to punch Serin towards Himeko, deactivating Time Fracture.


When Serin got close to the building she managed to recover from the hit but it was too late. Himeko slashed the spears she created and managed to contain Serin.

Now was the chance Y/N needed to inject the serum in her. He rushed at Serin and pierced her neck with a small blade on his wrist. The serum was slowly getting into her system.

As soon as she noticed something was very wrong Serin snapped. With a click of her fingers a huge wave of wind threw both the captain and Himeko around. Himeko crashed on a wall and Y/N managed to regain his balance with his thrusters.

Serin:"W-What is this... WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Y/N:"It's over. I told you. You will-"

Serin:"Yes... It's over, it's over!"

Serin opened her hands, looking at Y/N like a deranged person. An enormous black hole opened behind her, sucking Himeko and Y/N in. The captain widened his eyes and flew towards his ally as best as he can, catching her. Serin was not affected by the black hole, she flew inside without any problem.

When the two went inside they looked at their surroundings. They weren't on Earth anymore. The sky was purple, there was pillars all around in diferent shapes and forms.

The F.W.S started to malfunction due to the sudden change. The thrusters were not working. Now, the two are falling at high speed.

Himeko:"Captain, we're gonna crash!"

Y/N:"The suit ain't working!"


Himeko hugged the captain and turned, cushioning the fall for him. When the two fell, both got hurt. Himeko released Y/N who crawled towards a pillar, leaning there. Himeko followed him, crawling towards him.

Both were hurt and exhausted. Himeko's hair is now let lose, her suit a little damaged. Y/N's suit was beeping, trying to repair itself.

Himeko:*Sigh* "We ain't getting out of this one, right?"

Y/N:"Most likely."

Himeko:"In that case we better save Kiana. Where is she?"

Y/N:"Don't rush it. I couldn't inject the entirety of the serum. Serin is on a clock, not us. Let's wait until the suit boots up."

Himeko:"And then?"

Y/N:"We give it our all and inject the rest of the serum. Kiana will get out of here on her own."


The girl sat with Y/N, looking at the weird sky. She closed her eyes, trying to think of pleasant things. Of a future they won't have. Suddenly, she looked at Y/N. From his legs, a weird pink glow appeared.

Himeko:"Captain what's that?"

Y/N:"Huh?" *Looks at his pants* "That's... the cube. Perhaps entering this realm changed it..."

Himeko:"Why do you have the cube with yourself?"

Y/N:"Ever since we found it I bring it with me."

Himeko:"So, you brought one of our most important relics to a world we ain't escaping from?"

Y/N:"Look it this way, better here than with the enemy, right?"

Himeko:*Smiles* "Idiot. Hey Y/N... you think that there could've been a world where we peacefully live? Where we can live together and perhaps... even have children?"

Y/N placed his hands on Himeko's face. He looked at her straight in the eyes with a smile.

Y/N:"That and much more Himeko. I would've given you the world."

Himeko:*Chuckles* "Sounds good."


Himeko peeked her head, seeing Serin floating in the air, looking for both of them.

Himeko:"She's gonna find us."

The beeping stopped, Y/N's suit finally repaired.

Y/N:"Good. We will ambush her."



Serin flew all around, lifting and destroying every piece of cover she found. The Herrscher was getting desesperated, Kiana was starting to fight for her body.

Suddenly, she saw a piece of red hair peeking a little on a nearby rock. The girl smirked and threw hundreds of spears at it. She was shocked to suddenly see the entire rock blew up in flames, wave after wave of fire coming her way.

All the spears got desintegrated leaving her defenseless. She created a tornado to try and deflect the fire, keeping herself safe.

While this happened, Y/N was sneaking up on Serin, waiting for the Herrscher to lower her guard.

Himeko threw one last wave of fire and rushed at Serin, jumping towards her. The Herrscher used all her power to create a black cube around Himeko. Pillars of a weird material crashed on the cube, trying to hit Himeko. No matter. With a single slash of her greatsword, Himeko destroyed every pillar including the cube.

Using the debris as platforms she jumped and jumped until Himeko was near Serin. When the Herrscher thought it was over she suddenly dropped her greatsword and fell towards the ground, unconscious. Himeko fainted.

It didn't matter. Y/N activated Time Fracture and rushed Serin with his wings. The Herrscher had enough time to turn around and grab a spear but Y/N couldn't care less. He tackled Serin, landing on a nearby cliff and injected the rest of the serum. Sadly, the spear pierced his shoulder, wounding him.

Y/N:"...hey. If there's still one trace of humanity in you... make a portal and save Kiana."

Kiana:"What are you talking about Captain?! What is this place?!"

By looking at her eyes Y/N realised Serin was already gone. He was talking to Kiana. A purple portal appeared behind her, leading to the world he knows and loves.

Y/N:"I'm going to give you your last orders, Kiana..." *Grabs katana and gives it to her.* "Survive. Learn to use those powers. Save this world, save our friends."

Kiana:"No, no, no! We can do it together captain! You don't-"

With his last bit of strength left, Y/N pushed Kiana into the portal. As soon as she went through it, the portal closed.

Y/N fell to the ground, watching this new world collapse around him. He saw Himeko who managed to wake up, crawling towards him. That was the last thing he saw. The captain fell unconscious.

When Himeko arrived at his body, she grabbed his hand and smiled, closing her eyes. The girl accepted her destiny.

When everything was lost and no hope was left, she who already sacrificed everything for humanity appeared. The pink glow on his leg erupted, making a portal. From it, a girl with pink hair appeared, grabbing both Himeko and Y/N to pull them into the portal where they'll be safe.

My oh my captain, how careless you are... no matter. I can't let you die. That would be really bad.

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