Chapter 17. The Empire of the Rising Sun.

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Y/N's Valkyries have been deployed on Arc City. The Hyperion is currently floating above the city, a couple of Schicksal's fighters were refueling the ship. In the meantime, Y/N waited in the docking bay for Durandal and Rita to arrive. He was sitting on a crate, eating an energetic bar to keep on going. An entire day without a proper sleep eventually tires even the strongest of people.

Eventually, an helicopter appeared in the distance approaching the enormous ship. The two officers that were with him, Blue Leader and Blue 7 grabbed their weapons and got ready to meet the two Valkyries.

The helicopter boarded the Hyperion's docking bay and the two girls went outside. Durandal slowly walked towards Y/N who was doing the same. The two hugged, happy to see each other. Durandal had Y/N in a really tight embrace.

Durandal:"Is this real? Is it you?"

Y/N:"The one and only."

Durandal:"I missed you... I-I thought you..."

Y/N:"It's okay... it's okay... Kiana."

Kiana:"Took you long enough."

Y/N:"Sorry. I'm proud you managed to get so strong."

Kiana:"Thanks Captain."

The two looked at each other, smiling. Their moment was ruined when Rita coughed, wanting to get their attention.

Durandal:"Refer to me as Durandal or Bianca please. That name is no longer mine."

Y/N:"As you wish. After this is done, you and I have much to talk."


Y/N looked at Rita who bowed at him as a sign of respect.

Rita:"Greetings Captain. I am honored that you requested me as your companion. Please, let us put our past behind so we can work at our best."

Y/N:"Of course."

The maid smiled and looked at Y/N's companions. She recognised Blue 7.

Rita:"So it is you."

Blue 7:"Heh. Your cheek still hurts?"

Rita:"My pride took a heavier blow that day. Even then, I came prepared."

Blue 7:"You bet."

Y/N:"Anything I need to know?"

Blue 7:"Negative sir. Everything was said and done."

Y/N:"Good. Then I'll make it quick for everyone, the clock is ticking. Durandal, I need you to deploy on Arc City. Look for Kiana and wait for her to complete her mission. Do not intervene unless her or the rest of her squad's safety is compromised. Himeko has been advised of your presence, she will aid you in your mission."

Durandal:"What about you? You're not coming?"

Y/N:"Negative. Rita and I have a different mission."

Durandal:"Then I refuse. I came here expecting to join you, not let you go once again."

Y/N:"Durandal, I'll be safe. Rita is with me and I recieved a... 'power-up'. I need you to do this."

Durandal:"Y/N, I'm not-"

Desesperated to make her comply, Y/N grabbed her shoulders and stared deep in her eyes.

Y/N:"Do it for me Bianca. This is not only about me, many lives are at risk. I need you. Please."

The S-rank Valkyrie looked at the ground and nodded.

Durandal:"You're right. Sorry. It's been a long time and..."

Y/N:"I understand."

Durandal:"What am I supposed to do?"

Y/N:"Aid Kiana in the shadows, make sure she can complete her mission. Once it's done I'm sure she will be vulnerable. Pick her and extract her. Make sure Raiden Mei is present."


Y/N:"We are trying to cause her Herrscher powers to awake."

Durandal:"I see. Leave to me captain."

Y/N:"Good luck."

Durandal nodded and jumped out of the Hyperion, summoning her horse mid-air. The girl flew towards Arc City in search for Kiana. In the meantime, Y/N, Rita and the two officers boarded an helicopter. One of the officers told the pilot to fly towards China.

Y/N looked at Rita and grabbed a small disk device. When he activated it, a hologram appeared. It shows Beijing's city, attacked by the Honkai. Fire was everywhere, buildings collapsing on top of both humans and monsters alike. Chaos ruled the city. Rita looked at the images with a straight face.

Y/N:"Our task is to retrieve an old friend of yours. Li Sushang."

Rita:"She's an expert commander, just like you. With her help we could reduce friendly casualties whenever we deploy troops."

Y/N:"She's also extremely powerful. A good Valkyrie. So I've heard."

Rita:"I can confirm that claim. I had the pleasure to watch her in battle a couple of times. If the Honkai are having trouble sieging Beijing it's due to her."

Y/N:"That's exactly what we need. Someone that can keep the Honkai back. We won't have the Hyperion on this mission so it's crucial that we get her and extract as quick as possible.

Blue Leader:"I doubt Lei will want to leave her people behind."

Y/N:"Rita, if we help her push the monsters back will she join us?"

Rita:"Most likely. Lei always had a strong sense of honor. She respects you captain. If anyone can make her come back it's you."

Y/N:"Very well. It's settled then. Let's just hope we can make the difference..."

Timeskip brought to us by an astronaut, discovering a huge structure on the Moon.

AUGUST 22, 2003. 07:54, CHINA, BEIJING.

The helicopter flew over Beijing in search for human activity. The streets were filled with Honkai beasts and zombies, murdering the few survivors left. Fire was everywhere, ashes rained from the tall skyscrapers. It was hell on earth.

A couple of zombies threw rudimentary weapons at the helicopter, not being able to reach it. Some zombified Valkyries threw arrows at the chopper but they bounced off the armor.

Blue Leader:"The Honkai shed too much blood today."

Blue 7:"China had one of the most powerful armies. Seeing their capital like this..."


Pilot:"Captain, incoming transmission from the Chinese."

Y/N:"Patch me through."

Y/N grabbed the disk once again. A hologram appeared on it. A man, wearing a chinese military uniform was there. Many badges for different condecorations where in his suit. The signal was bad so the hologram twitched.

Fulin:"Greetings Captain. I'm general Fulin of the PLA. State your business."

Y/N:"I'm here for a Schicksal rogue Valkyrie. Li Sushang."

Fulin:"Commander Li Sushang has been declared missing in action after her deployement in Tinanmen Square."

Blue 7:"Off to a great start..."

Y/N:"Pilot, take us there."

Pilot:"Copy Captain."

Y/N:"What was her mission general?"


Y/N:"I think we're past that. Your city is burning and I'm here to offer my aid. Help me help you, general."

Fulin:"...among the many people we're trying to extract a researcher team with a bio weapon went missing after the Honkai attacked our convoy was attacked. Li Susheng went there to investigate. It's been 5 hours since she left and we heard nothing from her."

Rita:"She can't be dead."

Y/N:"This bio weapon, what does it do?"

Fulin:"It's a smoke that kills the honkai cells inside the resurrected bodies of humans. It won't work on monsters but it will keep them from resurrecting our own."

Rita:"The amount of zombies is insane. With that weapon our work will be much easier."

Y/N:"We will rescue Li Susheng and the researchers general. You have my word."

Fulin:"The researchers... even Li Susheng are expendable. Retrieve their work and we will be able to reclaim Beijing."

The general ended the transmision. Y/N sighed and putted the disk away.

Blue Leader:"Orders sir?"

Y/N:"Our priority is Li. As much as it pains me to say it we're not here for the researchers. If we can save them good if not... it's what it is. Their work however must be retrieved as well. Otto could replicate it."

Blue Leader:"Roger that sir."

Pilot:"We're near Tinanmen Square sir."

Y/N:"Once you've landed go back to the Hyperion. Something tells me we're staying here for a while."


The pilot landed in mid of Tinanmen Square. Bodies were all scattered around the floor both human and zombie alike. There's puddles of Honkai blood on the ground too where beasts got slain. Even then, the human bodies severly outnumbered the Honkai ones.

The two officers examined every each one of the deceased humans in search for the researcher's work.

Blue Leader:"PLA soldiers. Claw and bite marks. Some of them look like they've been run over."

Blue 7:"They got overwhelmed in seconds. There were easily a hundred soldiers here yet they all died!"

Rita:"Look at the zombies. Their bodies all around the place. The Honkai came from all directions. Combine that with bigger numbers and powerful beasts and you have a slaughter."

Y/N:"Any tracks of our target?"

Blue Leader:"Negative sir. They are all soldiers."

Blue 7:"Researcher here!"

Everyone walked towards Blue 7. He was crouching next to the body of a deceased woman. She was dressed like a scientist.

Y/N:"She's so young... poor kid."

Blue Leader grabbed the ID card hanging on her pocket.

Blue Leader:"Dr. Xiaoyu. 25 years old. Fresh out of the academy..."

Blue 7:"She had so much to live for..."

Rita:"Something's off. No claw or bite marks..."

Rita moved the girl's head slightly to the side, revealing a hole on the back of her head.

Rita:"She was executed by one of the soldiers, judging by the wound. It's a gunshot. The bullet destroyed her brains preventing her body from reanimation. She got infected at some point."

Y/N:"Look at her skin color. Grayish. She was indeed turning. The other researchers could be infected too. Even Sushang herself."

Rita:"Then let's make haste."

Y/N:"Indeed. Move it people."

The entire group stood up and walked around the enormous square, headed to the big building in the center. Bodies were scattered around the steps so the group had to be on their guard. They could reanimate at any given moment.

Once they entered the building they didn't saw anything out of the ordinary. Your typical chinese sanctuary.

Blue Leader:"Look at this place... it looks like the Honkai hasn't been here at all!"

Blue 7:"Perhaps something prevented them to enter?"

Y/N:"Or rather someone! Look out!"

Everyone rolled out of the way at the nick of time, dodging a plunge attack from a sword wielder. When they stood up, the group faced their attacker.

Sushang:"State your business! Who do you work with?!"

Y/N:"Sushang wait! Don't you recognise us?"

The rogue Valkyrie looked at both Y/N and Rita. She lowered her guard, surprised to see the two here.

Sushang:"Captain? Rita? What are you guys doing here?"

Y/N:"We came here to recruit you."

Sushang:"No. I refuse to work for Schicksal any longer."

Y/N:"Then work for me. The Honkai are not only pushing through China but other countries aswell. I need your help to fight them."

Sushang:"By leaving my people behind?"

Y/N:"No. We offer our help. Once Beijing is secured, you will join The Hyperion's crew."

Sushang:"That's not all." *Looks at the second floor. A group of people peeks their head* "I need you to help me rescue these people. With their help, we could make things easier for us."

Rita:"We lack vehicles or a proper way of transportation. Escorting a group of defenseless civilians through the city is going to be... troublesome."

Sushang:"I'm not going anywhere without them."

Y/N:"I'm open to suggestions Li."

Sushang waved at the group of people. They walked down and reagrouped with Sushang and the rest. All of them are unnarmed civilians, scientists. Sushang open her hand and one of the scientists gave her a map. She open it and showed it to Y/N.

Sushang:"There's an underground facility we can use to spread the gas all around Beijing. There's a catch, is the same facility these scientists were evacuated from."

Y/N:"Then why go back?"

Sushang:"We need to prepare the bio weapon before evacuating them Captain. The necessary resources are there. If we fail to make it, it's gonna take weeks to push such amount of zombies back. Besides, the bio weapon was being made while the Honkai attack. They only need to finish it."

Y/N:"Hmm...  the facility's entrance is 2 kilometers away from here. It's too risky."

Sushang:"I know a shortcut."

Y/N:"Where? I don't see anything."

Sushang went out of the building. Everyone left, following the girl. Suddenly, a giantic sword appeared on the sky and crashed in mid of the square, breaking everything apart. A big hole was made on the ground. When the group of people looked below, they could see train tracks.

Sushang:"See it now?"

Blue 7:"Why don't you do that against the zombies?"

Sushang:"And destroy the entire city? As fun as that may be, blowing stuff up is not always the solution... ignore the hole I made 6 seconds ago."

Y/N:"Very well people, down the hole. Nice and easy, you don't want to trip."

Everyone nodded and slowly went down the hole, the researchers helping one another to make sure no one trips. Y/N and Rita simply jumped down, landing straight on the train tracks. Sushang stood on surface level waiting for everyone to go down, covering their rear.

The tunnel they were in was too dark. They can't see anything but they can hear howls and screams coming from the direction the facility's direction. Rita grabbed her scythe and Y/N open his hands, ice energy emanating from them.

Rita:"Ah, you have ice aswell Captain?"

Y/N:"I always liked blue."

Rita:*Giggles* "Let's have some fun, okay?"

A group of flying Archangels flew at the two Valkyries, trying to crash on'em. Y/N summoned a kunai with a chain and threw it at one of the Archangels. As soon as the kunai pierced the monster, Y/N started using it like a hammer, moving the chain all around to push the Archangels back. When one tried to get close, they immediately got hit by the pierced Archangel.

Zombies with scythes appeared, rushing at the two. Rita rushed at them, appearing in front of the zombified Valkyries in an instant. She made a circular slash, killing 4 of them and the remaining Archangels. Y/N desummoned his kunai and gathered energy on his hands, creating an ice ball.

One zombie went to attack Rita but she dodged around and used her scythe to decapitate the monster. Chariots appeared, charging at Rita. Y/N threw the ice ball, exploding in mid of the group. When the ball exploded they all freezed, giving Rita time to break every each on of them into tiny pieces.

Before she went into the shadows Rita used her ice powers to appear next to the captain, giving space to the unkown threats. The two officers finally made their way down, aiming their weapons at the black void in front of them.

Y/N:"Blue leader, see a way to light the place?"

Blue Leader looked all around. He spotted a door with a yellow sign on it.

Blue Leader:"Perhaps, but I'll need time."

Y/N:"Go. They won't pass."

The officers nodded and breached through the door, looking for anything to turn the lights on.

More zombies appeared both in front and behind them. Rita decided to take the ones trying to get their backs while Y/N faces their front.

4 of them had katanas while 5 wear arrows. Y/N immediately summoned a wall in mid of the group, separating the archers from the ninjas. He charged at the ninjas using ice to slide on the ground. The Captain bashed one of the ninjas into the wall with his shoulder. There was enough force to break the ninja's back, paralising her. The other three quickly went to throw a slash each but the Captain punched the ground with ice energy on his hands, icicles appearing all around him, impaling the zombies.

The wall bot breached by more chariots. The Captain checked his back to see the researchers slowly going down the hole. When they saw the monsters, they got extremely scared.

Y/N open his hands and aimed them at the chariots, a snowy mist coming from them. When the mist touched the monsters they all got freezed in place, unable to keep moving. Y/N quivkly made a hammer and broke the monsters.

Zombies managed to jump from the shadows, trying to get a jump on Y/N. He gathered energy on his feet and made a roundhouse kick, the kick going through three of them. Snapping his fingers, icicles appeared on top of him. They were launched at the void without aiming them at a specific target. The icicles exploded into tiny parts that pierced dozens of random enemies. Some were zombies, Meduzoas and crabs but the knights and chariots that got hit by them were safe.

Eventually, all the researchers went down the hole. Sushang quickly followed through. The girl stood next to the Captain with her sword drawn, aimed at the monsters. Light finally iluminated the rest of the tunnel. Many more honkai beasts were left on both sides.

Blue Leader and Blue 7 reunited with the group and went to assist Rita, giving her cover fire. Sushang smirked and blue swords appeared on the ground. She stood on top of one of the swords and started waving the sword she was wielding, blue waves sent to the honkai beasts. In just a matter of seconds, she decimated the entire wave.

Sushang:"Let's go. We have a chance."

Y/N:"Take the lead, I'll cover our rear. Rita! Move out!"

Rita nodded and turned around, sprinting towards Y/N. The two officers slowly made their way towards him, firing at the Honkai to keep them at bay. As soon as the officers and the civilians passed next to the Captain Y/N made a couple of ice walls to prevent the creatures from reaching them. They crashed and banged on them, yet they couldn't break them.

Blue 7:"Thanks sir."

Y/N:"No problem. Let's keep going, there's still much to do."

Everyone followed Sushang with their guard raised, knowing there could be more monsters lurking in the shadows. The tunnel, even with the lights on it was somewhat difficult to manuever. Not much space, a big group and the many dark spots were honkai beasts could be hiding made it difficult for them to move without taking risks.

Sushang suddenly stopped. Y/N and a scientist walked towards Sushang to see what was wrong. A train crashed in front of them, blocking their path to the station.

Scientist:"That was supposed to be our initial evac plan. Thanks god we didn't use it..."

Sushang:"That station is the underground facility one."

Y/N:"Anything we should know?"

Sushang:"It's probably filled with zombies."

Y/N:"Fantastic. Rita, go to the parking and find us a escape vehicle. Sushang, take my people and clear the area. I'll escort the researchers to wherever they have to go."

Everyone nodded but first, they have to take care of the destroyed train. Y/N pointed his palms at the train and threw an enormous wave of ice that freezed the train. Sushang, still wielding her sword rushed at the train and sliced it, breaking it into tiny pieces. Now they could proceed.

There was a group of zombies that turned around, drawn by the sound. When they spotted Sushang they rushed at her, hungry. Sushang dodged a couple of zombies trying to pounce on her and made a quick slice, decapitating them. Swords appeared around her, swords that were launched at the incoming horde, killing many of them.

The officers reloaded their guns and quickly went to assist Sushang. Now with the help of Blue Leader and Blue 7 the horde couldn't even reach them. Sushang managed to reach the maintenance stairs and go up with the officers. As for Rita, she pry open the elevator doors. She turned around at Y/N, winked and dropped.

Scientist:"Is she gonna be okay?"

Y/N:"A fall ain't going to kill her. Where is the parking exactly?"

Scientist:"Floor -20."


A female researcher tapped Y/N's shoulder.

Female:"Y/N sir, there's something we haven't told you."

Y/N looked at an ID card hanging on her coat. Makise Kurisu it's her name.


Makise:"As soon as we start working on the cure... I'm sure we will get the attention of the infected."


Makise:"Y-You see, we were working on Honkai crystals to find-"

Y/N:"You people never learn. Sometimes I think morality and ethics are foreign concepts for all of you."

Makise:"True or not, arguing won't solve anything right now Captain."

Y/N:"As soon as we reach your facility, barricade the doors and windows. I'll stay outside and try to buy you as much time as needed."

Makise:"Thank you, sir."

Annoyed at the news, Y/N walked towards the maintenance stairs followed by every researcher and scientist. He followed the trail of corpses left by Sushang. The civilians looked at them, recognising some of the dead people. Friends and even family members. The had to hold their tears and keep going, knowing there's not a chance to stop and mourn.

Makise:"We need to reach Floor -10. R+D is located there."

Y/N:"The bodies stopped at the twelfth floor. From now on, everyone will stay very close to me and will follow my instructions. Understood?"

They all nodded, scared that they will have to face the zombies no matter what. The group went up one more floor and reached R+D. Y/N open the door to see a hallway filled with blood, bodies and a couple of zombies. Windows to various offices were broken, doors breached and vending machines on the ground, broken aswell. Not even the lights properly worked.

Y/N walked inside and made a sword out of ice. With a single slash, a wave of ice was sent towards three zombies eating a dead body. Two of them were instantly decapitated while the last one looked towards Y/N with hunger in it's eyes. The Captain threw the sword at the monster, scoring a headshot, killing it.

Once the danger passed the group of researchers quickly made their way towards Y/N, staying extremely close to him, afraid of monsters. Y/N walked forwards at a reasonable pace for them to follow, checking every corner. One of the researchers gasped in horror, two zombies appeared behind them from one of the offices, drawn by the sound.

Y/N used his ice to slide towards the zombies and created ice all around his arms. The Captain punched the head of one of the zombies. Due to their decrepit state, the head flew from it's corpse, immediately dying. The other zombie went for a bite and Y/N grabbed the creature's head and freeze it. He threw an uppercut and the head exploded into tiny pieces.

The Captain returned to the group and took the lead. The hallway could go either left or right. On the left was a mostly clean part of the facility. No blood or bodies were seen. At the end was a door that needed a keycard. On the right... was a huge horde of zombies all banging on a door. They didn't know Y/N and his group were there.

Makise:*Whispers* "O-Our facility... to the left..."

Y/N:*Whispers* "Make a run for it. No one goes in or out until your finished, got it?"

Makise:*Whispers* "Got it."


Makise and the rest of the scientists started running towards the locked room, gaining the attention of the horde. Before they could fully turn around, Y/N blocked their way and freezed the ground. From the now frozen ground ice spikes appeared, impaling a huge chunk of the horde. Slowly, their bodies freezed.

The rest of the horde starting sprinting towards Y/N. The Captain exploded the ice spikes along with the now frozen zombies, killing a couple of the still standing zombies. Only 5 remained. Y/N created a greatsword and made a spin attack, decapitating three of them. One zombie tried to pounce on him but Y/N took a step to the side and impaled him with the sword. The other zombie tried to punch him. Y/N grabbed the arm, threw the zombie over his shoulders and stomped on it's head, killing him. The Captain turned around to stomp the head of the impaled zombie, killing it aswell.

The researchers managed to get inside the locked room. Y/N could hear furniture being moved around. They listened to his advice.

Suddenly, a wave of Honkai energy came from the locked room, temporary deafening Y/N. He shook his head and recovered his senses, hearing the howls and screams of many zombies all around the place. They were coming.

Before they could overwhelm him, Y/N raised a wall of ice on the locked room and on the right side were the horde was once. That way, the zombies could only come through one place. In front of him. He also freezed the ground to slow them down and give him more maneuverability.

Zombies started appearing on the maintenance stairs, pushing each other and going through each other in rage. Their eyes were full red. They hunger.

Y/N patiently waited for the creatures to grow close. He repeated his earlier tactic, raising spikes around the place to impale a huge chunk of the horde. Problem is, there were too many. Y/N gathered energy on his palms and made a ray of ice that quickly destroyed the horde. It didn't matter, more appeared, still in a frenzy.

The Captain exploded the ice spikes, killing many more of them. A pile of bodies started to form, but the zombies climbed over it. The had to reach Y/N no matter what. He was not in the mood of being eaten however.

Y/N created three ice clones. This time, the clones were sentient. They made a weapon of their choice and charged at the undead, slicing and dicing through them. There were too many to slow the undead down, so Y/N made five more clones.

Just when Y/N was getting the upperhand, zombies started to claw and beat the wall he previously made. Clicking his teeth, Y/N made spikes on the wall to stop them from reaching it. He felt something about to pounce him and dodged to the side, a zombie falling just right on top of where he was. Even with all the clones killing the zombies by the hundreds, they still managed to reach him.

Knowing he had to fight them head on, Y/N made an ice sword and charged at the creatures. A zombie tried to tackle him just for the Captain to put such strength on his next attack he cutted the creature in half. Two zombies appeared on his side to tackle him. Y/N open his palms and threw an ice wave, throwing them towards the ground. He threw his ice sword at one of them and made an ice spear to headshot the last one, killing both.

A zombie managed to grab his back. Before it could bite him, Y/N surround himself with ice, exploding afterwards. The ice was sent all around him, damaging all the zombies around. Y/N and the clones were unharmed however. Sadly, The Captain was growing tired as time passed.

He can't give up now tho. Y/N's eyes shine in a deep blue now. He threw the spear at another incoming horde, the spear going through them, killing dozens. Yet more appeared to take their spots.

Growing more stressed, Y/N ordered the clones to attack and started gathering even more ice energy on his palms. When his attack was ready, he threw a ball of ice towards the zombies. The ball slowly levitated towards them, but when it touched one zombie it immediately freezed just to break into tiny pieces afterwards. The ball managed to decimate the zombies, gaining ground for the clones to kill those that dodge the ball.

Sadly, the zombies managed to breach the wall Y/N made on the other side. There were so many that a wall of zombies was made, slowly falling towards Y/N. The Captain had to make a couple of walls infront of him to protect himself. He gathered energy on his palms and pushed the walls, exploding them. It was enough to send all the zombies flying backwards, killing them. There were so many bodies, the way was permanently locked.

Y/N sat on the ground, exhausted. Giving him no time to rest, more zombies appeared as soon as the ball of ice dissappeared. Before Y/N could get up, the horde got quickly slained by swords. Y/N officers appeared, running through the sea of corpses towards Y/N. The clones let the officers and Y/N's saviour, Sushang, go through.

They stood next to Y/N, ready to fight whatever goes through.

Sushang:"Having fun, Captain?"

Y/N:"Something like that."

Sushang:"All the infected started running towards you in a rampage. What's going on?"

Y/N:"The same as always. We wanted to be gods and fucked up."

Sushang glanced at the locked room, understanding what Y/N meant.

Sushang:"I'll take care of this. Rest. We're going to need you later on, I just know."

With Sushang's help along with the officers constant fire, it was way easier to keep the zombies at bay. Eventually... they stopped coming. They killed them all.

Blue Leader:"Thanks god... almost out of ammo."

Blue 7:"The rest of the squad will not believe what we just survived..."

Furniture was being moved once again. Makise went outside and walked towards Y/N. She looked all around in horror at what just tried to kill them. In her hands was a small green bottle.

Makise:"W-We... We made the chemical weapon. We have resources to replicate it but... I think is best if we test it out."

Y/N:"Were do we go now?"

Sushang:"To The Hyperion. Can we call it?"

Y/N:"Yes but first, let's go down with Rita. I want to get out of here. It smells horribly."

They all nodded and waited for the research team to gather. Once they were all ready they walked down the maintenance stairs and to the parking, trying to ignore the thousends of bodies left behind.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N on top of a sea of bodies.

AUGUST 22, 2003. 11:10, CHINA, BEIJING.

Y/N and the rest managed to get some vehicles. Sushang, Y/N, Blue Leader and 2 researchers were inside a car while Rita, Blue 7 and the other researchers were all in a van, following Blue Leader around who was driving. They were trying to reach Beijing's outskirts so The Hyperion could pick them up.

The Captain had the disk device on his lap and was talking to Luke.

Y/N:"Luke, come pick us up now mister, double time. Beijing. Send a chopper to our location."

Luke:"Aye aye captain."

Sushang:"How can we spread the bio weapon however?"

Y/N:"The Hyperion has many ventilation systems. One of them is an automatised system that gets any poisonous gas out of the ship. We just have to open the vial inside a ventilation shaft and The Hyperion will do the rest for us."

???:"HOLD IT!"

From the disk, a second person appeared. It's general Fulin.

Fulin:"I must say I'm impressed by yours and Sushang's work Captain but I can't let you do that."


Fulin:"That bio-weapon is the only thing we currently have. While I'm sure that with it we could recover Beijing it will take us too much time to replicate the gas without a sample. Give the sample to us and we will make many like that one, ready to be deployed on Beijing and other cities of China."

Sushang:"What?! There's soldiers and innocents still out there in Beijing! If we take care of the zombies, the military and chinese Valkyries could easily take Beijing back!"

Fulin:"And then we will be on the defense until we create another sample! It will take weeks, weeks that our troops and Valkyries are gonna have to fight without support anyways! There will be many casualties!"

Sushang:"If we retreat there will be civilian casualties! We as soldiers accepted our fate! We fight to defend the innocent, not use them as bait! Where's your honor general?!"

Fulin:"My honor?! You think I agree with this choice or that I was the one to suggest it?! I'm merely following the emperor's orders! He was the one to request this!"


Fulin:"Captain, listen closely. Give me the sample instead. In return, China will do as you please. Our resources are yours to use."

Y/N:"What will happen to Beijing and it's people?"

Fulin:"Without the bio weapon there's no chance we can recover the city without fully destroying it. People will die, captain."

Sushang stood up and faced Y/N.

Sushang:"Don't do that captain! You have me, the bio weapon and my researchers! We can save Beijing, replicate the sample and give it to the chinese government! Don't let this people to die Captain, I beg you!"

Y/N looked at both Fulin and Sushang, not knowing what to do. He closed his eyes and thought.

The Captain has to make a choice.

Alright people, we finally arrived at the last half of the story. The coolest one in my opinion. From now on, you will have to make a decision, a decision that will affect the war against the Honkai.

No matter what you do, people will die. From now on everyone's lives including yours and your Valkyries are at risk. Is up to you to decide what are you going to sacrifice in order to win the war. Be careful on what you decide. Like I said, people will die. There's no perfect ending Captains. In order to win a war, sacrifices must be made.

GIVE THE SAMPLE TO FULIN (+China will support Anti-Entropy. +Less Valkyrie casualties + China will be ready to deploy troops worldwide -Sushang will become unloyal -Thousands of people will die -Sushang's scientist will not help Y/N.)

KEEP YOUR WORD WITH SUSHANG (+Sushang is now loyal to Y/N. +Casualties are reduced +Sushang's workers will help Y/N -China will not help Anti-Entropy or Y/N's associates -China will need time to push the Honkai back -More Valkyrie casualties.)

Chose wisely.

Also, from now on I will put a list of who's fully loyal to Y/N. The list may change for good or for worse depending on your actions. Characters that do not appear here are neutral or doubtful. Once you've gained their loyalty or their distrust it's over. Yet again, be careful.

Kevin: Loyal.

Kiana: Loyal.

Himeko: Loyal.

Kallen: Loyal.

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