Chapter 22. The Battle for Nagazora.

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The Herrscher of Thunder:"Long chapter incoming. Also, spoiler section has been updated with new info about the quirks. Both positive and negative."

Y/N:"Then it's time. Kiana, teleport to Nagazora. Wait there."

Kiana:"Something else you want to me to keep in mind."

Y/N:"Give Mei a good fight."

Kiana:"I'll try."

Kiana gave Y/N a quick kiss on his lips and made a golden portal to teleport herself to Nagazora. The Captain now only had to give Kevin the signal. It was time to get a new Herrscher for their ranks.

Y/N grabbed his disk device and activated it, calling Kevin. He answered, losing his patience.

Kevin:"Captain, it's snowing. If I stay idle for any longer I may catch a cold."

Y/N:"You? Catching a cold? I thought you had ice powers?"

Kevin:"I was being sarcastic. Can we procced or not?"

Y/N:"Go on. We're all ready."


Y/N turned to Durandal's bed and sat there, closing his eyes. Only a couple of seconds after, explosions were heard all around the facility. Kevin was attacking it. The Captain open his eyes and walked out of the room in search for his group.

Everyone was in a rush, not understanding what was going on or who was attacking them. As for Y/N he walked down the corridor as if nothing was wrong. It didn't took him too long to find everyone. Cecilia and Siegfried had their weapons drawn, their guard up. Rita was just like the captain. As for Durandal, she was slightly annoyed.

Siegfried:"Y/N, you shouldn't be here you don't have your battlesuit! The base is under attack!"

Y/N:"Don't worry. All according to the plan."


Y/N:"Durandal, try to make the attack slightly more believable. Go meet our friend."

Durandal:*Summons her spear* "With pleasure."

Durandal walked away to face Kevin.

Y/N:"Please, follow me. We have work to do."

Cecilia and Siegfried looked at each other and putted their weapons away and followed Y/N, not knowing what was going on.

As soon as they went outside they could see Durandal fighting Kevin. The captain wasn't interested in the fight, knowing Kevin is going to hold back. Hurting Durandal achieves nothing and he knows it.

They all boarded the helicopter and flew towards The Hyperion.

Siegfried:"Captain, we told you about Hare and now he appears?"

Y/N:"In order to win the war against the Honkai, leaders of the most powerful groups on earth are cooperating with the same goal. Kick those aliens out of our planet. Otto from Schicksal, me, Welt from Anti-Entropy..."

Cecilia:"...and Kevin from World Serpent."


Siegfried:"You didn't know about Hare?"

Y/N:"I know little of World Serpent. If I had a chance of getting info about them I threw it. I killed one of their agents. Two if we count the one Kiana killed."

Siegfried:"So he despises you as much as us. We have more things in common now."

Y/N:"Yeah, all according to the plan."

Siegfried chuckled, more relaxed.

Y/N:"Whoever Hare may be she won't try anything as long as you two stay around me. That would mean war between various leaders of Project 'Vosna. A.K.A we lose the war."

Cecilia:"Project what?"

Y/N:"I'll spare you the details. To make it brief, we're the good guys."


Siegfried:"I always hated politics."

Y/N:"Not fond of them myself but I don't have a choice."

Siegfried:"I know. Anyways, what's the plan now? What do we do?"

Y/N:"Easy. We're going to see if your daughter can get one of her friends real angry."


Y/N:"You'll see..."

Timeskip brought to us by The Hyperion, flying towards a destroyed city floating in a see of puprle water.

AUGUST 24, 2003, 13:44, JAPAN, NAGAZORA.
The Hyperion was approaching Nagazora at high speeds. In the bridge, everyone was standing behind Y/N contemplating the situation, speaking with Sushang and Himeko, his two best strategies about a plan. The rest was in complete silence, walking around the bridge or simple looking through the windows.

Sushang:"No. An all out assault on Kiana's location will do us no good. We should leave the majority of our troops here to defend the ship. If it falls, it's over."

Y/N:"Sushang is right. As much as I'd like to do this fast and simple, it won't be like that. Luke detected abnormal amounts of Honkai Energy being drawn to the center of the city. Whatever the hell Kiana is doing there, she's got everyone's attention."

Himeko:*Sigh* "I fear she may not be okay."

Sushang:"She will be. Kiana's a strong girl."

Luke:"Captain! Look!"

Everyone looked at the front window. The city was on sight and what was worse, multiple hordes of Honaki beasts were flying, swimming and running at full speeds towards Kiana. The sky open above Kiana, painting it purple.

Y/N:"Seems the party already started. Okay listen up people, this is what we're going to do! Mei, you're going to take Kiana's ass back here. I do not care how, but get her back."

Mei:"Lethal force authorised, sir?"


Mei nodded and walked towards the elevator. For a split second, he saw lightning going out of her hand. The Captain smirked, knowing if they can hold on until Mei returns the plan will succed.

Y/N:"Sushang, no matter how strong Mei or Kiana are both will need help. Get a task team down there and protect the two until they're done."

Sushang:"It shall be done sir."

Once the elevator returned, Sushang took it to get to the armory. She was going to get Gold team for her mission.

Y/N:"The beasts will not focus on Kiana only. I'm sure they're gonna come say hi. Could the ship endure their assault, Valeria?"

Valeria:"Against hordes the size of a city? Hardly."

Y/N:"Then we will draw them in. Cecilia, Siegfried and Sakura to the docking bay now. Leave it open and kill whoever dares to show their faces."

Siegfried:"A pleasure. C'mon people, let's show the kids how it's done."

Cecilia sighed and followed her husband along with Sakura who was already wielding her blade, whispering some words to herself in Japanese. When the elevator returned, they took it and reached the bridge.

Y/N:"Himeko, stay here and open fire with the Hyperion's main guns whenever Sushang requests it."


Y/N:"Rita, grab Kallen, Seele and Rozaliya and Liliya. You already have experience defending the ship deck. This time you have more people under your command."

Rita:"How great. I'll enjoy this."

Y/N:"Take Blue team with you."

Rita nodded and along with her new group of Valkyries walked into the elevator and went up to defend the ship deck.

Y/N:"And Senti..."

Senti:"Yes dear?"

Y/N:"Come with me. We're going to do what we do best."

Senti:"Yes dear~"

Senti followed Y/N into the elevator with a happy smile, humming a tune while thinking of the many ways she's gonna dismember the various zombies they encounter. As soon as they pressed the ship deck button, Y/N turned to Senti.

Y/N:"Our mission will be to draw the attention of the majority of the beasts."

Senti:"That's it?"

Y/N:"Have fun while you're at it."

Senti:"Oh I will. Also..."

Senti grabbed Y/N's shoulders and gave him a kiss. Before the doors could open, Senti separated herself from Y/N so none could see them.

Senti:"Good luck!"

The Herrscher sprinted out of the ship and jumped out, laughing out loud. She summoned a chain and threw it towards an Archangel. When the chain pierced the beast she used it to fly towards the city. Y/N glanced at Rita and saw her, commanding her troops and officers to get in different positions to avoid getting blind spots. Rita glanced back and nodded at him.

Rita:"I have this under control captain. If we need assistance I'll give you a call."

Y/N:"Got it."

Y/N used his ice powers to create a bridge towards Kiana. He walked mid air, killing any monster that tried to ram him with icicles and those that landed on the bridge with an ice sword. The Captain had no trouble at all.

AUGUST 24, 2003, 13:48, JAPAN, NAGAZORA.

Back with Sushang, she's inside an helicopter along with Gold team. The helicopter flew towards one of the nearest buldings from Kiana's location. Two other helicopters that had the rest of gold team followed Sushang's.

Sushang:"No matter what happens those creatures cannot reach Kiana. Fire at will people."

Gold Leader:"What is Kiana exactly doing?"

Sushang looked out of her helicopter to see a different one already in the city with the Hyperion's emblem. Mei went out of it, immediately sprinting towards Kiana's position. The helicopter took off and flew towards The Hyperion.

Sushang:"She's trying to reunite Honkai Energy."

Gold Leader:"For what?"

Sushang:"To summarize, to summon a Herrscher."

Gold 5:"Great."

Gold 2:"But why is Miss Mei on her own? Shouldn't a team be deployed with her?"

Gold Leader:"Beacuse she's the Herrscher dumbass."

Gold 2:"Oh."

Sushang:"Keep an eye on Mei. Himeko will be our eyes in the sky. Both of them must return. Alive."

Gold Leader:"I'll rather not see them in a bodybag gentleman. We're expendable, they're not. Keep it in mind."

Sushang:"Let's not get in worst case scenario. I'm getting everyone out of here."

The helicopter landed and everyone went outside. Moving through the city was difficult since they had to climb and go up buildings to reach a place to cover Kiana. The helicopter landed on a ruinous apartment that was much smaller than the building Kiana is in. Sushang looked at her right to see debris forming a bridge they can use to enter a much bigger building.

The group followed Sushang through the bridge, keeping a low profile for the time being. The building they were headed was the remnants of a skyscraper, now cut in half.

Going into the building and up the maintenance stairs they reached the highest floor they could. From here, there was clear line of sight towards Kiana, something a group of zombies with bows tried to exploit.

Sushang:"Kill'em and give cover fire to our girls!"

The officers immediately open fire at the zombies, slaying all of them. They kicked the bodies off the building and crouched down, aiming straight at Kiana. They started killing any beast that tried to attack the now Herrscher of the Void. Gold Leader and Gold 2 on the other hand gave Mei cover fire, using sniper rifles instead of their normal assault rifle. Those officers didn't have much trouble keeping Mei safe, specially since Senti was also present, helping her in the shadows.

While the officers help the two Valkyries, Sushang make sure no beast could reach her troops. She summoned a sword and stepped on it, the sword lifting Sushang up. The girl was using it like a snowboard.

A pair of Imperators flew towards Sushang, landing near her to try and launch their projectiles at her and her soldiers. Sushang slided towards the two with another short sword in her hand, throwing one slice aimed at one of the Imperators. She slain it, the creature falling to the ground.

The other monster turned around to face Sushang. She immediately summoned blue swords and launched them aimed at the projectiles the Imperator threw. The swords went through them, penetrating and killing the beast without any effort.

Jade Knight heard something climbing up the building. She summoned swords all around her battlefield, getting ready for whoever dares to attack her. Soon after, 6 chariots appeared, all of them charging at Sushang in unison. She smiled and appeared on top of one of the swords she summoned, flanking the monsters from their left. Sushang summoned a greatsword and sliced two of them in half.

Seeing their friends getting slained made the chariots really angry. They changed course and tried to ram Sushang off the building just for her to appear on a sword made right behind the monsters. The knight threw her greatsword at one of the chariots, killing it and jumped on top of another, using her short sword to stab the beast's head until it died.

The chariot fell to the ground and Sushang rolled to quickly stand up, avoiding one of the remaining chariot's charge. Only two remained. The other jumped at Sushang and tried to punch her just for the Jade Knight to impale the creature alive with a greatsword she made, leaving the greatsword there.

Before the other chariot could turn around to face Sushang she used her powers to throw all the swords in the building at the chariot. Such amount of projectiles were enough to push the creature out of the building. The monster was long dead before it could hit the sea tho.

The girl returned to the officers and saw a bridge of ice being made towards Kiana's position. The Herrscher of the Void looked at the bridge and saw Y/N walking towards her. She then smirked and ignored the captain.

Gold Leader:"The captain joins in eh?"

Gold 4:"If he's here things will be much easier."

Sushang:"Keep your guard up. Gold 5 and 6, change objective, keep Mei safe. With the Captain here, the amount of monsters we all have to deal with will be less. Also..." *Grabs a disk device and calls the Hyperion* "Sushang to Hyperion do you copy?"

Himeko:"Copy Sushang."

Sushang:"We request artillery at the smoke signal over."

Sushang patted Gold Leader's shoulder and pointed at a building Mei has to go through to reach Kiana. It's filled with zombies and beasts, too much for Mei to handle. Gold Leader nodded and grabbed a red smoke grenade, throwing it at building. As soon as the smoke was seen by The Hyperion's crewmates Himeko answered:

Himeko:"Signal confirmed. Enjoy the fireworks over."

Missile after missile, the beasts got decimated by such amount of explosions. Even Sushang had to cover her ears from the unberable sound they were making. Once the smoke cleared, they saw Mei slowly approaching the now ruinous building, scared to trigger another explosion. Once she saw it was clear she kept moving.

Sushang:"That was pristine Himeko. Mei almost reached her destination."

Himeko:"Roger that. Move towards Kiana's position and stand nearby to intervene if needed. A chopper will take your team."

Sushang:"Captain's orders?"


Sushang:"Roger roger." *Puts the disk device away* "Okay people, pick up your things and retreat to the LZ. I'm going towards our V.I.P's and make sure they behave."

Gold Leader:"Are you sure you don't need help ma'am?"

Sushang (HERO):"No need. I'm fine on my own. Make sure you reach the LZ and extract. That's all that matters."

Gold Leader nodded and rallied the troops, retreating.

Sushang:"Okay, I just have to make sure Mei becomes a Herrscher, right? Should be easy..."

AUGUST 24, 2003, 13:45, JAPAN, NAGAZORA.

Siegfried, Sakura and Cecilia were in the docking bay with the doors open. Siegfried had two white magnums, fire going out of them. He was sitting in a crate, waiting for the beasts to board The Hyperion. Cecilia was in front with a large white spear, patiently waiting. As for Sakura, she was missing.

From a large container said girl appeared, dressed in a new battlesuit she saw and liked.

Author notes:(Yes, I know this outfit is for Darkbolt Jonin (Kasumi) and not Sakura but I wanted to give the latter a little upgrade. Specially since you guys chosed her instead of Raven.)

Sakura grabbed her old blade with her left hand and a new one which blade resembled a light saber. She gave her new weapon a spin and smirked.

Sakura:"Hmm. I hope The Captain doesn't mind me borrowing some of Otto's prototypes."

Siegfried:"Is it safe to wear that?"

Sakura:"I'll be fine."

The Japanese warrior jumped on top of some cargo and touched a button on her hand, the mask on her forehead now falling to her eyes. The mask shows Kasumi a H.U.D with useful information for combat. She can now study enemy patterns aswell as activate night vision if required.

As much as she wanted to toy with her new suit, the Honkai made their presence known inside the ship. Meduzoa's carrying different beasts and zombies appeared, dropping them into the ship and retreating to pick more troops up. Siegfried sighed, and aimed at the zombies, firing his guns. The bullets pierced through them, leaving nasty holes behind.

Templars quickly tried to charge towards Siegfried but Cecilia got in the way, piercing her spear through the monster's shield. She kicked the now dead templar towards it's partner, making it trip. The retired Valkyrie merely had to stomp on it's head with enough force to break it's skull.

As for Sakura, she jumped towards a Knight preparing to flank Cecilia and killed the rider. From there, she jumped on top of a zombie with a scythe and decapitated the zombie. Two other zombies turned around and tried to pierce Sakura just for the girl to make a backflip, dodging them.

She grabbed the spear from one of them and yanked the zombie towards her, piercing the monster with her old katana. The other one tried to tackle Sakura just for the ninja to jump to the side, using her new katana to cut the zombie in half. She retrieved her weapon and walked towards Cecilia.

Sakura:"That was a small scouting group."

Cecilia:"They are testing us, I know. Does your suit have some fancy abilities we don't know?"

Sakura:"Hmm... let me..." *Looks around her new H.U.D for the suit's info.* "I do. Time Fracture. Y/N's gonna be so jealous..."

Cecilia:"Time Fracture can have bad results for the user. Can you withstand it?"

Sakura:"Have some faith Cecilia. I can."

Cecilia:"Great. Then we're gonna draw their attention. I'll try to get them in a good position for you to slash through all of them in quick succession. Try not to use the entire battery at once, save it as much as you can."

Sakura:"Got it."

Sakura retreated, hiding behind a crate to wait for Cecilia's signal. More meduzoa's appeared dropping more zombies and beasts inside the docking bay. This time, however, they had overwhelming numbers.

Siegfried:"They're getting angry now!"

Siegfried immediately open fire, killing every ranged beast before they could fire at Cecilia. The retired Valkyrie quickly charged at the incoming beasts, clashing with them. She dodged and parried, only attacking whenever she had an opening and knew she could kill one in a single strike.

While Sakura patiently waited for the perfect moment to strike, a couple of high rank zombiefied Valkyries sneaked up on Sakura. They saw her and slowly made their way towards her, swords in hand.

Sakura heard them and widened her eyes, quickly turning around in time to parry a sword coming her way. The zombie was quick enough to react but Sakura used her suit powers to charge at the zombie, slicing the creature's stomach.

Two other zombies jumped on her, throwing Sakura to the ground. One zombie sat on her stomach while the other tried to stomp her face.

Stress was starting to overwhelm Sakura...

Sakura is Loyal. She gained Stalwart.

Sakura(STALWART):"Mada Tatakaeru! (I can still fight!)

Sakura activated Time Fracture, slowing down time. The warrior thrusted her old katana inside the neck of the zombie trapping her to the ground. The girl kicked said zombie away and stood up, unleashing a flurry of attacks with her other katana, killing the remaining zombie.

With Time Fracture still active she retrieved her katana and rushed at the remaining monsters, slashing and dicing every beast until only a couple of zombies remained. Once she knew Time Fracture was no longer needed, she resumed time.

Cecilia and Siegfried smirked in unison when they suddenly saw bodies getting torn apart. Sakura was bathed in purple blood.

Siegfried:"That's more like it!"

The meduzoas appeared once again but this time Siegfried had enough time to fire at them, killing them all.

Cecilia:"Nice one Siggy! Let's end this!"

Cecilia summoned spears and threw them at the zombies, forcing them to stay onto the defensive. Sakura rushed at them katanas at hand. A zombified Valkyrie with a katana aswell charged at Sakura.

Sakura:"Osoi! (Too slow!)"

Before the zombified Valkyrie could even think of attacking Sakura she sliced the zombie's face with both katanas, killing it. The girl threw a push kick and quickly took care of the remaining zombies.

Once the battle ended, she cleaned the blood in her old katana just to put it back to it's seath.

Sakura:"Hardly a challenge."

Siegfried walked towards Cecilia and whispered:

Siegfried:"That was hot dear..."

Cecilia:*Raises an eyebrow* "Anything you'd like to say?"

Siegfried:*Shrugs* "Just like woman that can fight."

Cecilia:"Keep talking and I'll make you fall in love with me even more."

Siegfried:"Tempting." *Looks at Sakura* "Hey, Sakura! Get back here! The meduzoas are dead, they can't drop more troops anymore!"

Sakura nodded and retreated, standing next to them.

Sakura:"They could still try with other methods. We should stay. I'll inform Himeko of the situation here."

She walked up some stairs to reach a control room. There, she talked to Himeko who was still in the bridge while keeping an eye on Siegfried and Cecilia.

Sakura:"Sakura here. The docking bay is safe. No chance they can board the ship."

Himeko:"Send Siegfried and Cecilia to the ship deck now! Rita needs reinforcements!"

Sakura:"Understood ma'am."

AUGUST 24, 2003, 13:46, JAPAN, NAGAZORA.

Rita, in the ship deck was ordering everyone to take defensive positions around. The officers took cover behind some crates, Rozaliya and Liliya stood with them to defend them, Kallen took the lead and Seele stood with her to keep the close quarters combatants away.

The maid looked at the elevator. It open, showing Senti and Y/N. She raised an eyebrow since Senti was too close to Y/N. The girl laughed like a maniac and jumped off the ship.

Rita:*Whispers* "Try not to dissappear this time, eh, Captain?"

She nodded to Y/N and watched him create an ice bridge towards Kiana.

Rita:"Ladies and gentleman please listen. The energy shields won't hold forever. This time we do not have allied ships around the place to act as bait, we're going to recieve one hell of an offensive. Pick your targets and focus those that stay away from our fighters. Give'em hell."

Blue Leader:"Hooyah!"

Before the rest could scream their battle shouts, Honkai beasts started to crash onto the energy shields. Rita immediately summoned her battlesuit and her scythe, getting ready to fight.

The officers fired at the creatures, their bullets going through the shields without damaging them, scoring kill after kill. Yet there was always another beast to take their spot.

Seele:"T-There's so many!"

Kallen:"Calm down..."

Rozaliya:"A-Aunt Rita, can we truly handle this?"

Rita:"We must. Stay near your sister and keep her safe. We won't fall here, I promise."

The shields broke, letting the beasts in. The Twins grabbed their weapons and got ready to fight. Kallen fired at the meduzoas carrying troops, making them fall to their deaths. Seele did her best to defend. The same could be said for the Twins.

Kallen:"Shit, where's Bronya when you need her?! We need some explosions right now!"

Rita dissappeared in a blue mist, appearing next to a group of Archangels. With a single strike they all perished. She repeated the same trick over and over until the beasts air support was eliminated.

Zombies and beasts were all around The Hyperion. Kallen could not kill the meduzoas in time. Rozaliya and Liliya slained the zombies that approached the officers but Seele and Kallen were in the open, leaving Rita with no choice but to leave the Archangels to reagroup.

She fell on top of two zombies and made a spin attack, killing another three. Two zombies tried to pounce on her but Rita dodged to the side and made an upwards slash, cutting them in half.

The maid charged at a group of zombies with bows, deflecting all the projectiles and quickly killing the archers.

Seele managed to keep the zombies with claws and spears away from Kallen who fired at the beasts. No matter how much Seele killed, the beasts kept coming.

Stress was getting into Seele's head...

But Kallen wasn't going to let that happen.

Kallen:"Hey Seele! Stay with me!"

Seele:"But miss Kallen... I-I can't-"

Kallen:"You're going to let them get away with what they did to Bronya?! If you're not strong enough to defend her then who will?!"

Seele:"You're right... You're right! YOU'RE RIGHT!"

Her voice changed in tone. Her eyes were red. A dark aura appeared around her, changing her outfit.

Veliona:"It's time for Veliona to let'er rip!"

Her dark aura changed the clothes and even her hair color. She was someone else.

Veliona is now Enraged.

Veliona:"Come at me you monsters! I'll bath in your blood!"

Instead of using a sycthe, she was using claws as a weapon of choice. Kallen was slightly surprised at what her partner just transformed into.

Once she snapped out of it, Kallen gave Veliona cover fire. The girl was tearing zombies and beasts alike, fighting like a beast.

Rozaliya:"A-Aunt Rita!"

Rita glanced at Rozaliya. Zombified Valkyries were charging at them along with templars. The officers and The Twins couldn't handle that. Rita clicked her teeth and charged at them, appearing in mid of horde. She made a spin attack followed by a flurry of attacks, slashing many of them alive.

Some managed to slip through Rita but they were quickly killed by the officers and The Twins. Rita had to stay there and take the majority of the enemy group at once.

But even her could get overwhelmed...

A zombified Valkyrie with a spear tried to impale her alive. She dodged to the side, getting in the way of another zombified Valkyrie who tried to pierce her...

And it succeded. The zombie's sword went through Rita's stomach, making her widen her eyes. However, the shock was quickly replaced by anger. Rita kicked the zombie away and grabbed the sword, throwing it at the zombie, scoring a headshot.

Rita is now wounded.

The girl looked at a templar rushing at Liliya who was busy slaying another zombie. Rita avoided a couple of arrows and got in the templar's way, making a horizontal slash, going through the monster's shield and killing the beast.

Sadly, she failed to see the zombified Valkyrie behind it with a katana. It jumped over the beast and pierced Rita with her blade, the katana going through her ribs.

Rita is now at Death's door.

The zombie grabbed Rita's neck, pulling her further into the katana. Rita coughed blood, grabbing the blade with whatever strength she had left to avoid dying. The zombie open it's mouth, hungry.


Kallen changed objective, firing at the zombie that was trying to eat Rita. She killed it but couldn't go and assist Rita. There was too many targets in the way.

Rita fell to her knees, grunting in pain. She looked at Rozaliya and Liliya who were getting overwhelmed. Her vision started to fade, along with her hearing. Kallen was screaming something through radio yet she couldn't hear. Her focus was on the horde approaching her.

If she dies, so will the Twins and those behind her. But can anyone blame her? She did all she could...

The door slowly open...

But she refused.

Rita gained Cheater.


She removed the katana from her ribs and stood up with a sudden surge of power, she summoned a knight armor that followed her, levitating, similar to Bronya's bunny system.

With her newfound powers Rita charged at the horde, slicing and dicing through them. This time, the armor defended Rita, blocking any attack that got close to her. There was nothing the enemy could do against her.

Veliona managed to finish off her group and charged inside the main horde, assisting Rita.

Veliona:"Haha! You're almost dead Rita! Will I see your corpse hitting the ground by the end of this?"

Rita:"You're going to see many corpses but not mine."

Together, it was too easy. Rozaliya, Liliya and the officers no longer had that much stress on their shoulders. They could easily support Rita and Veliona.

The elevator open, showing Cecilia and Siegfried. The two quickly went in, letting Kallen retreat.

Kallen crouched next to an officer and looked at Rita.

Kallen:"Rita! You should get out of here, now!"

Rita(CHEATER):"No. Today is not my day. I'm fine, focus on killing those meduzoas!"

Kallen:"Y/N won't like this!"

Rita:"I know! Exciting, right!"

Kallen chuckled and kept firing. Now, it was much easier...

Yet it was close. Too close.

AUGUST 24, 2003, 13:50, JAPAN, NAGAZORA.

Mei managed to reach Kiana. She looked at her old friend, gathering energy in a small orb.

???:"She's here. Good. We have a score to settle."

Mei:*Whispers* "Shut up!" *Normal tone* "Kiana! Kiana, what are you doing?!"

Kiana's muscles suddenly got tense, just to relax after a couple of seconds. She sighed and turned around, facing Mei.

Kiana:"What's best for our Captain. With this energy, I'll be able to be strong enough to win this war by myself. To protect Y/N and those around me."

Mei:"Stop this! Who knows what could happen if you use that! Our friends are fighting here and getting hurt for you! Stop this at once!"

Kiana:"For me? Their getting hurt due to me? Don't make me laugh Mei. I'm not the weak one here."


Kiana:"Useless. You can't do anything well Mei. You can't save me, you can't protect me, nor Bronya nor the Captain."

Mei:"T-That's not fair!"

???:"And false. You can be strong, very strong. Don't run away from me. Accept me and you'll have the power to show her how it's done."

Mei:"I've been trying to protect you- to find you! This is what you have to say?! That I'm weak?! That I'm useless?! I-I thought we were friends!"

Kiana:"And that's why I'm doing this. You can't defend anyone. Not even yourself. I'll get stronger for both of us. Don't worry Mei, from now on, you'll be safe under my wing."

Mei:"No... No no no! I don't want to be pushed to the side I want to fight with you!"

Kiana:"Don't you see you're just dead weight?"

Mei widened her eyes and looked at the ground. Rage and fury was starting to overcome her.

Kiana:"It's okay Mei. Don't worry. I love you anyways. Just... you're not the warrior the captain believes you are. Honestly, he should've trained me not you."

???:"She now tells you you're not good enough for our precious Y/N? Are you going to sit here and listen to this bullshit or are you gonna show everyone how powerful we truly are?"

Mei thought of all the times she trained with Y/N. The kind words he told her. She remembered the times were Y/N and her spent nights cooking dinner for Kiana, Bronya, Theresa and Himeko. But also... the promise Y/N made. To be with her. No matter what.


Mei snapped. Mei is now rebelious.

A bolt of lightning crashed on Mei's location, launching Kiana through a building and creating smoke all around. She crashed on an old supermarket still standing. The sky went back to normal and the Honkai beasts all went different paths, no longer attracted by Kiana.

Kiana looked at the building she previously was, summoning some spears to defend herself. From the smoke, Mei appeared in a much, much different outfit.

Herrscher of Thunder:"Do you feel strong now?"

Kiana:*Smiles* "No. Good job Mei. You're very powerful."

Mei widened her eyes. It all makes sense now. Why Kiana said those things... she fell for her tricks.

In a mix of anger, happiness and confusion, Mei charged at Kiana. Her katana was much bigger than her old tanato.

Kiana threw her spears at Mei who simply slashed them away. She couldn't stop her. In order to block Mei's attack, Kiana grabbed Y/N's old katana and blocked the attack, clashing swords. Mei's eyes were fixated on said weapon.

Mei:"That blade should belong to me!"

Kiana:"Prove you're worthy and I may give it to you!"


Mei pushed Kiana away and focused her energy on her next attack. When she threw a slash aimed at Kiana, a wave of lightning was sent. Kiana had just enough time to teleport away, appearing over Mei. Sadly for her, Mei was fast enough to grab Kiana's feet and crash her on the ground.

The Herrscher of Thunder tried to stab Kiana just for her to summon a spear and parry her attack, summoning another behind Mei. From her back, two strong metallic arms painted in red appeared, blocking the spear and using it as a weapon to counterattack.

Kiana rolled backwards, gaining some distance. Mei quickly charged at her, grabbed her neck and pull her into a powerful knee attack hitting her stomach. Kiana widened her eyes, stunned.

Taking the opportunity Mei pushed Kiana into a supermarket shelf filled with food, throwing all the contents to the ground. She tried to slash her just for Kiana to move away, slashing the shelf in half instead.

Kiana punched Mei's ribs and followed the combo with an uppercut, pushing Mei back. She open her arms, a yellow orb appearing in her hands. Before she could do anything Mei ducked and tackled Kiana although this time Kiana was ready for such an attack. As soon as Mei touched her Kiana hugged her body, rolled backwards and kicked Mei away, launching her into a wending machine.

3 yellow portals appeared over Kiana, launching many different types of projectiles towards Mei who was already up. The Herrscher of Thunder blocked and dodged, not getting hurt by any of them. The two metallic arms grabbed a much bigger katana and threw and slammed the ground, breaking the floor underneath Kiana.

She lost her footing for a fraction of a second yet she used her levitation to regain balance. Sadly, it was all the time Mei needed to take her by surprise once again, tackling her into a supermarket shelf. Instead of using her katana, she gathered energy on her fist and punched Kiana's face.

Lightning crashed through the roof, hitting both Kiana and Mei. It healed Mei but it surely did not heal Kiana. When the dust dissappeared, Kiana was on the ground, blood on her nose. She was out of her Herrscher form, exhausted. Mei was sitting on top of her, panting.

Kiana's hand touched Mei's cheek. She didn't react.

Kiana:"You're really strong now, M-Mei." *Coughs* "I'm so happy..."

Mei:"Why? Why did you left?! Why do you always have to leave me?!"

Kiana:"I... I never asked for any of this. To be a Kaslana, to have Serin in me... but this is my life. The least I can do is endure it and let the others be happy. Himeko and Y/N... both almost died due to me. Many families will never reunite again because I couldn't control my powers..."

Kiana caressed her face, making Mei shed a tear.

Kiana:"I don't want that for you."

Mei:"You made me go through it anyways! First Y/N and Himeko then you! You're also my family Kiana- you're my best friend!"

Mei hugged Kiana. She smiled and caressed her back. Her eyes looked at someone that appeared behind them. She widened her eyes, recognising him from the time she was in the hotel with Y/N.


Mei looked behind to see Kevin, organasing one of the supermarket shelves out of pure boredom. Once they acknowledged him, he looked straight at Mei.

Kevin:"Finally. Took you long enough to be at your fullest. Y/N will be happy to see this."

Mei stood up and grabbed her katana, defending Kiana.

Mei:"What do you want."

Kevin:"Herrschers. You're one of the strongest Herrschers around. Yet you could get stronger. Much stronger. That is, if you follow me."

???:"You should be careful with what you say, Kevin."

Sushang landed next to Mei. Kevin now realised he's been followed. Senti was also present, ready to jump Kevin if she has too. All of this efforts to stop him only amused him.

Kevin:"Heh. The wielder of Xuanyuan. Defending someone who attacks her own teammates. Interesting..."

Sushang(HERO):"Pointless. All of this was planned, we knew Mei could react like this. I will defend her regardless of her actions. For that is the Captain's will."

Mei, shocked, smiled at Sushang.

Kevin:"You follow someone who made questionable choices. Have you ever considered joining me? This war must be lead by powerful warriors not by humans with robots and tanks. You are China's pride. Imagine all the unfulfilled glories we'd see."

Sushang closed her eyes...

Sushang is Loyal.

Sushang:"Glories that I never ever wish to know. I remember all the virtues that I stood for, all the responsabilities passed unto me. I'm Sushang, the Captain's pride and his second in command. I reject you now and for always."


Kevin moves his hands, sending a wave of imaginary energy at Sushang. Before she could block it however, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pushed her into someone, a wall of ice blocking the energy made by Kevin.

Kevin:"Finally you show yourself Captain. Are you happy with the results?"

Sushang now realised who was the man she has her body pressed into. Y/N. The Captain had his left hand on her back, pressing her into him. His right hand free, just in case he has to defend himself. A pink blush appeared on Sushang's cheeks.

Y/N:"No. I almost took a casualty."

The wall melted away, letting Kevin and Y/N stare at each other.

Kevin:"So, can I take her away or will your Valkyries slowly show up to prove a point to me?"

Y/N looked at Mei.

Y/N:"Go. If you think you have to be with him to get stronger then I support your decision. Remember, I'm with you no matter what."

Mei thought for a minute what to do. She sighed and hugged Y/N and Sushang.

Mei:"Thanks, Captains. I must go. I need to get stronger."

Sushang:"Be careful..."

Y/N:"We understand. Now go."

Mei looked at Kiana one last time. Poor girl was so exhausted she feinted. Mei sighed and left, summoning a dragon to fly away with Kevin.

Y/N:"Let's get back. There's much to talk about."

AUGUST 24, 2003, 15:26, ST.FREYA

After doing the mission report, Y/N carried Rita to the infirmary. He gently dropped her on a bed and caressed her hair. The girl giggled and quickly grunted, the wound on her ribs still very present.

Rita:"O-Ow... who would've thought that getting stabbed hurts that much, eh?"

Y/N:"Dumbass. You were lucky."

Rita:"Worried, Captain?"


Rita:*Giggles* "Come here..."

Rita grabbed his arm and slowly pulled him towards her. Y/N embraced the girl, hugging her softly.

Rita:*Soft moan* "I wish we could stay like this forever..."


Rita:"No, you and I... together..."

Y/N:"Heh. Perhaps..."

Rita:"You thought on what to do? About the headaches?"

Y/N remembered the talk he had with the other members of project 'Vojna and Moebius. The headaches are due to the travels around different realms. Y/N has to stay either in the Elysian realm or in his realm for a long time.

Y/N closed his eyes and thought...

The captain has to make a choice.

STAY. (+With the captain present there will be less casualties. +Y/N can help get the project going. +Bonding time with Kiana. -Without Y/N in the Elysian realm, he cannot make the Flamechasers or Mei loyal. -Mei will need more time to save them all.)

GO TO THE ELYSIAN REALM(+With Y/N, Mei can save the Flamechasers much faster. +Y/N can make the Flamechasers loyal. +Bonding time with Mei. -Without Y/N Sushang will have to become captain and make decisions. Casualties are to be expected. -The ptoject will not advance.)



Kevin: Unloyal.

Kiana: Loyal.

Himeko: Loyal.

Kallen: Loyal.

Sushang: Loyal. Hero.

Fu Hua:Unloyal.

Senti:Loyal, Determined.

Bronya:Neutral, Doubtful, Wounded.


Sakura:Loyal. Stalwart.


Rita:Neutral. Cheater. Wounded.

Seele/Veliona:Neutral./Neutral. Enraged.

Mei:Neutral. Rebelious.

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