Chapter 25. Even in death...

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AUGUST 27, 2003, 08:25 SCHICKSAL HQ.

A couple of days have passed since Kevin attacked The Hyperion. Without their signature ship, there's not much Y/N's Valkyries can do.

Otto arranged a meeting with every Valkyrie Y/N has along with his, Welt and Theresa. Kevin was not present in this meeting for obvious reasons.

Otto:"During these days I managed to make progress in our efforts to fix the bad spot we currently found ourselves in. Before I begin explaining our next move I want to hear what Mr. Welt managed to accomplish."

Welt looked at the door behind him. From it, Senti and Kallen walked inside reuniting with her old friends.

Welt:"The mission was a complete success. Kallen managed to convince South Korea to not only give us financial support but also give us some of their mechs to reinforce our troops in battle and resources to build a new Hyperion, although those resources could've been much more useful for other stuff..."

Otto:"Now we must spend them in something we already have." *Sigh* "You three made a good job. Now, let's begin with the meeting."

Otto grabbed a remote and pressed a button. The facility in Nuuk appeared in display.

Otto:"This is where I wanted to send The Hyperion after dealing with Kevin's mission. I said there was some schematics to improve our ships." *Whispers* "Ironic..." *Normal tone* "But that wasn't all."

Pressing the 'next' button in the remote, the screen now shows a prototype for a ship. It's circular, like your standard U.F.O. The specifics mention it's much, much bigger than an entire city. In fact, it was made to have one on it.

Welt:"What the hell is this?!"

Otto:"I call it project Heaven."

Bronya:"A city in the sky..."

Otto:"If we can somehow get to the Sea of Quanta we're gonna need a way to survive there for a couple of weeks. My theory is, the Honkai will be present and will defend their... 'homeworld' if it can be described as such. The Heaven Platform as I call it has barrier energies that can last for days, weeks if we can optimise the damage done to it."

Senti:"So a flying city with power shields."

Otto:"...yes, that's exactly what it is."

Ragna:"But what are the costs to manufacturing such a titanic ship?"

Otto:"That's the problem. We don't have enough to make one. Not even a single station and I plan to make three. We need to get more resources. Far, far more. Money is not a concern, I can pay."

Welt:"But that's not all. We need people to do maintenance to the ship, a military task force big enough to defend the station, armored vehicles, guns, food..."

Bronya:"Subject Otto wants us to colonize a ship, make it auto-sufficient."

Otto:"Correct. That's the idea. A place for us humans to live in that realm. Obviously, we will not stay there once the mission is over but as long as we have to, we won't starve to death or something along those lines."

Senti:"Great! Now we can only die by the Honkai! Not like they were a threat to begin-"



Welt:"If we somehow manage to build this... well, this mision will not look as suicidial as I thought."

Otto:"Oh no don't get me wrong. The reason I plan on building more than one is because I'm certain they will manage to destroy one."

Welt:"So thousands will die, perhaps even some of the ones present here."


Everyone shivered at how Otto didn't even try to deny that fact.

Otto:"There's not a single chance of a perfect ending. Perhaps, if we-" *Looks at Himeko* -ALL COOPERATE we could have a good one. People will die? Of course. But many will go back home and live to tell it."

Welt:*Sigh* "It's not like I can come up with a better idea. I'll try to get the help of more countries. Now that the Honkai is off Japan, we could get them to help us."

Otto:"Don't forget Germany. They could also help."

Welt:"Of course."

Otto:"Still, don't leave. There's more you need to know. The reason I didn't spill any of this to anyone was Kevin. I had my suspicions he may not be too loyal to the cause. I thought Y/N and his Valkyries could talk him out. Obviously, that was not the case."

Welt:"You hid the facts to him."

Otto:"Yes. Not that it matters. Kevin knows there's something of relevance there, something different to project Heaven. Information from the previous era about the Stigmatas. Information thay could help him in his research."

Welt:"The Stigmas should be eradicated Otto. We cannot help him."

Otto:"Sadly we must. We have no choice but to give him the info. That is the price of Kevin's aid."

Himeko:"But sir, if we-"

Otto:"All of this due to your decision making Miss Murata. There's nothing you can bring to the table remotely useful. Better to stay shut."

Himeko nodded, not wanting yet another argument.

Otto:"We still have that cure although it won't be of much help, it can mitigate some of the damage done."

Welt:"I just hope he doesn't go crazy with the stigmas."

Otto:"We must be prepared in case he does. We still must address the Captain's situation, Durandal's and Liliya's."

Welt:"Durandal will be handled by me. I'm sending search parties at the exact location The Hyperion sunk. If Himeko's testimony is true and she fell merely a couple of meters away from the ship, either she drowned or the waves took her to the shore."

Himeko:"The ship did not move during the entirety of the fight. If she's... dead... her body should be there."

Otto:"Whatever's her status we must find her. As for Y/N, we know Kevin must have a way to reach the Elysian Realm. The plan is to amuse him until we gives us access to his tech. Then, keep him as an ally. Whatever you do, it's in our best interest to keep everyone together. We can't mess it up again. It won't do us any good."

Seele:"And Liliya?"

Otto:"I'm working on a solution for her deceased sister but I won't do anything without her consent. I'll ask her once we're done here."

Ragna:"Should I initiate the mission now sir?"

Otto:"Yes. I trust you picked a good selection of Valkyries to accompany you. After that, go to Nuuk and secure the facility for us. Find the schematics and the info Kevin needs."

Ragna:"Yes sir."

Otto:"Any questions?"

No one said anything.

Otto:"Good. Dismissed."

The Valkyries left the room, leaving Otto with Welt. As soon as Himeko left the room she walked towards her own room but Theresa stopped her. The small Valkyrie grabbed Himeko's arm, making her stop in her tracks.

Theresa:"Wait. I wanted to talk with you."

Himeko:*Sigh* "I'm all ears."

Theresa:"Could you face me at least?"

Himeko turned around, annoyed.

Theresa:"Thanks. For getting my girls back."

Himeko:"I couldn't get them all."

Theresa:"But you tried."

Himeko:"Even then you should thank Sakura. She's the one made the decision."

Theresa:"Yes but you're their Captain now. If Otto's going to put all the pressure on you then I-"

Himeko:"I regret it."


Himeko:"We should've let them behind Theresa. I'm sorry for saying this but if we went back in time... if I were the one making the decision..."

Himeko couldn't look at Theresa's eyes. The small Valkyrie nodded, understanding what she means.

Theresa:"I understand. I'm glad things didn't went that way. If it means anything to you, St. Freya and I will support in every way we can."

Theresa is now Loyal.

Himeko nodded and walked away. Ragna stood next to Otto's office door along with everyone else. They all looked at Himeko leave.

Siegfried:"It's not her fault."

Bronya:"Agreed. Aunt Himeko is not one to blame for all of this."

Kiana:"Is easier to deal with the loss if you blame it on someone. That's why Otto gave her such a beating the other day."

Ragna:"I'll handle her later. We have a mission to do now."

Everyone nodded and followed Ragna. They were eager to try the mission once again. This time, without casualties.

AUGUST 27, 2003, 10:15 ST. FREYA.

In the medical bay, Rita layed on a medical stretcher looking at a T.V to entertain herself. She was watching some cartoons. The girl was wearing a shirt and some long white pants resembling a pajama. She had bandages all around her stomach and left shoulder due to the wounds she recieved.

But the worst part is, she's bored. Extremely bored. So bored she decided to change channel over and over again until something interesting is found.

That was until Theresa went inside her room. Rita left her remote on her lap and look the director.

Theresa:"How are you holding up?"

Rita:"Good. Much better than yesterday that's for sure."

Theresa:"That's good, that's good."

She grabbed a chair and sat next to Rita who looked at her, suspicious of what she's going to tell her.

Rita:"What's wrong."

Theresa:"What I'm going to tell you is... hard, but you need to understand everything is okay."

Rita:"What's. Wrong."

Theresa:"Okay... The Hyperion was destroyed."

Rita:"WHAT?!" *Grunts in pain* "H-How did it-"

Theresa:"Hey easy there. You're still wounded."

Rita sighed, trying to calm down. She nodded and looked at Theresa, waiting for an answer.

Theresa:"Kevin wanted us to kill our people. Sakura refused and there were consequencies. So far we know Sushang was captured, Rozaliya is gone and..."

Her eyes widened when she heard Rozaliya was dead. She quickly turned her head to not let Theresa see the tear she shed.

Theresa:"Y/N is trapped in the Elysian Realm."

Rita:"I-Is he..." *Snifs* "Is he okay?"

Theresa:"Looks like it. And Durandal... she's missing."

Rita:"W-What? We have to go now! We must-"

Theresa:"We're already on it. Mr. Welt is sending search parties all around the Antartic to get the girl back. We will find her Rita."

Rita:"Shit... one day without me and everything goes down in flames..."

Theresa:*Chuckles* "Our favourite maid was missing. There was none that could clean like you."


Theresa:"I know it's hard. To see everything crumble around you and not being able to do anything."

Rita:"You know how I feel?"

Theresa:"When Sirin took Y/N... I felt powerless. Useless. So yes, I know how you feel."

Rita:"Your point?"

Theresa:"Focus on recovering. You're going to be in bed for a couple of days, no point on worrying for stuff you can't do anything about."

Rita:*Sigh* "Can you do me a favour? Is there anything to knit?"

Theresa:"Y'know how to?"

Rita:"I feel offended. I'm a proper maid. I know how to take care of my master's needs."

Theresa:*Giggles* "You sure are. Anything in particular?"



Inside his personal lab Otto could be found pressing buttons in his console. The man was running tests for his new experiment. Creating life. Two armed officers were with him, just in case.

In a next room were three tubes. The one on the left had Liliya, still conscious. The one on the right had Rozaliya's body. The middle one was empty.

Otto:"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want? There's no going back after this."

Liliya:"A life without my sister is not an option."

Otto:"Very well. Before we begin, a couple of things. No matter what, don't move. Do not touch the tube and don't try to get out of it. It will be over soon."

Liliya closed her eyes and stood completely still. "Soon, we will together again." She thought.

Otto sighed and prayed to the one above that it works. He initiated the machine and watched it as lights started to create Honkai energy in both tubes. A black hole engulfed the two girls. The Honkai energy traveled through a duct to the middle tube, fusing. When it was done, a bigger hole open. A naked girl appeared, landing inside the tube.

The girl stood up, letting Otto see his creation. She was around 15 years old, her hair completely blue yet some locks of hair are still pink. Her eyes are a mix of blue and pink. She's much more taller than Rozaliya and Liliya ever were, similar to Seele's height. Even the tail was similar, just slightly larger. She truly looked like a big sister of the two.

The girl looked at her surroundings, not knowing where she was or who she is. The officers went inside the room with a blanket for her. The girl immediately stood in the defensive, making the two officers raise their hands, trying to calm her down.

Gold Leader:"Liliya, calm down, it's us remember? We're not going to hurt you."

???:"I'm not Liliya. Stand back."

Gold Leader:"Okay, okay. Still, have this. You should be cold."

Gold Leader threw the blanket to the ground in front of her. The girl took it and placed it around herself.

Gold Leader:"This is Red 8. He's here to make sure you're okay. After that, we will-"

???:"No tests. Where's Bronya? Seele? Y/N?"

Gold Leader:"Otto?"

Otto:"Stay put. Seele is still around."

Otto pressed the comms button and made sure everyone could hear that Seele was needed in the labs. The girl that was peacefully eating in the canteen, trying to relax a little bit immediately stood up and started running towards the labs.

When she went in she saw a girl she doesn't recognise with a blanket covering her body, Gold Leader and Red 8 trying to calm her down. Seele went inside the test chamber and approached the girl.

Seele:"Liliya, is it you?"

???:"No but I do know you. You were her friend. Rozaliya's friend. Any friend of them are mines aswell."

Seele looked at her right to see the machine she came out of. Seele understood it all.

Seele:"What's your name?"

???:"Name... I..."

The girl looked through the crystal to see Otto.

Delta:"It's the fourth time he makes this experiment. I know. Delta... Subject Delta... I like it. Delta's my name."

Seele:"Let's get you dressed up and then get something to eat, okay?"

Gold Leader:"But first we have to make sure she's okay. A medical examination, that's all."

Delta looked at Seele for some help. Seele grabbed Delta's hands to reassure her.

Seele:"They are good people. They only want to help you, I promise."

Delta nodded, letting the officers approach her. Gold Leader softly grabbed her, carrying her like a kid. Delta was slightly annoyed but her faith in Seele's words did not waver. Gold leader dropped her in a bed and started with the medical exam.

Gold Leader:"What do you remember? Do you know who you are? Who you were?"

Delta:"I have the memories of my creators, their thoughts, their feelings, dreams, fears... but I'm not dead. Liliya and Rozaliya died the moment I was born."

Red 8 and Gold leader looked at each other, confused. The medic used his scanner to check Delta's condition.

Red 8:"I don't detect anything out of the ordinary. The fusion could've created some... "errors" inside her body yet it didn't. Her brain is also working as intended. I'm going to take a DNA sample for further study."

Red 8 grabbed a small plastic bag with a very, very small wood stick. He grabbed it and putted it close to Delta's lips.

Red 8:"Open your lips and rub it across your tongue please."

Delta did as told, her saliva now on the stick. She then gave it to the doctor who putted it back on the plastic bag.

Red 8:"We're done here unless Otto wants to run some more tests?"

Otto:"Later. Delta and Seele have much to talk. Let's leave."

The two officers nodded and left with Otto, leaving the two behind.

Seele:"So... is there anything you'd like to do?"

Delta:"Liliya and Rozaliya liked to spend time with 'Aunt Himeko'. Where is she?"

Seele:"Well she should be around. But first, we must get you some clothes. Wait here, I'll get you something!"

With a new objective in mind, Seele stood up and left the labs, giving Delta some alone time. The girl looked at the ceiling, slowly remembering all the things Rozaliya and Liliya once did.


Y/N open his eyes. He was on his dorm, peacefully sleeping in his bed. The boy noticed someone on top of him, moving around to get more comfortable and assumed it was Mei.

Y/N:"You good there dear?"

Elysia:"Damn right I am~"

Y/N widened his eyes and lifted the covers, seeing Elysia in just her underwear hugging Y/N's body. The girl yawned and rubbed her eyes, looking at Y/N with tired eyes.

Elysia:"...but I'm still a little tired so can you put the sheets back on? And keep your voice down now that you're at it, Mei could hear us."

Y/N:"What are you doing here?"

Elysia:"I told you I wanted some time with you myself. I even took a photo. You're a heavy sleeper Captain."

Y/N:"I always sleep whenever I'm off duty so yeah, that will have to- wait why am I explaining anything to you?!"

Elysia:"Yeah, why are you? I told you to let me sleep. Sheesh captain you're too loud..."

Elysia yawned once again and closed her eyes, putting her head on Y/N's torso. The Captain rolled his eyes and sighed, unable to move.

Y/N:"We both know you won't be able to fall asleep."

Elysia:*Sigh* "Okay. What do you want to do then?"

She placed her hands on his shoulders and went higher until their noses could almost touch. The girl had a devious smirk, fully aware of the reactions she could get out of Y/N.


Elysia:"I'm all ears."

Y/N:"Eden. You found something on her?"

Already bored of this topic she sighed, letting her head fall next to Y/N's. Her body was now pressed on his. The Captain placed a hand on her back, patting her. She smiled and answered:

Elysia:"Yes, yes I do. Somehow Eden's soul and essence were not separated upon entering this realm. She's trapped in a throne made of golden. She even has her own castle and all although not made by herself. It'll be one hell of a journey to get there."

Y/N:"No matter. We will get her back."

Elysia:"I know you will. So far, you never lost."

Y/N:"I did lost a couple of times..."

Elysia:"Does the good outweight the bad?"

Y/N:"Yes, but-"

Elysia:"No buts. You should only focus on that. Trying to always gain something even when you lose. Oh, almost forgot! Moebius told me yesterday you can now freely leave this realm whenever you wish... but..."

Y/N:"Yeah, not like I can. Thanks anyways."

Elysia:" now that we talk we could..."

Y/N turned around, facing her. Elysia placed her hands on Y/N's cheeks. The Captain stared at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

Elysia:"...make a new pleasant memory for the book, don't you think?"

Y/N:"I'm sure in the future, I'd like to look through the book and find the memory you want us to create."

Elysia:"Then let's not waste ti-"

Mei open the door. She was dressed in pijamas, her eyes a little red due to the long rest she took. Upon seeing Elysia so close to Y/N along with the lack of clothes she open her eyes in shock.

Mei:"Y-You... you foolish pointy ears! What the hell you think you're doing to my man?!"

Elysia:"Seduce him?"

Mei:"Out of here, now!"

Mei grabbed Elysia along with the blankets and kicked her off the room, leaving Y/N and her alone. The Herrscher of Thunder turned around and tackled Y/N to the bed, throwing very weak punches to his torso.

Mei:"Pervert! Womanizer! Cheater! Player!"

Y/N:"You do know I have- Mei stop it! It tickles!"

Mei:"I know you do but it's merely been a week and you're already getting frisky with her!"

Y/N:"We did nothing Mei. I woke up and she was already here. All her fault."

Mei:*Sigh* "I'll spank her later..."

Y/N stared at her pijamas and smirked.


Mei tilted her head, confused. She then looked at what she was wearing and chuckled. Her pijamas had small red dragons around them. It was made by Elysia.

Mei:"Right? I like it a lot too. Anyways, I came here to tell you to get up. Breakfast's ready."

Y/N nodded and stood up. Before leaving, he grabbed Mei's waist and gave her a quick kiss. Mei's heart melted. Unable to resist the Captain's charm she placed her hands around Y/N's neck.

Mei:"It's not like the food will freeze..."

Y/N:"Maybe later Mei. I'm a little hungry."

Mei:"Of course hone-dear."

Y/N:"What was that?"

Refusing to answer, Mei left the room leaving the door open. Y/N chuckled and followed Mei.

Upon going out of the room he saw Elysia now properly dressed sitting in mid of an already annoyed Kalpas, eating burnt toast and Moebius who was shackled to the couch. She refused to join the rest on her breakfast so Elysia forced her to stay there. Y/N walked towards them and sat next to Mei.

Y/N:"Good morning all."

Kalpas:"Fuck you."

Moebius:"My handsome little pet, get these restrains off of me and I'll repay you handsomely."

Y/N grabbed some non burn toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Y/N:"Hey Elysia, can you pass me the butter?"

Elysia:"Of course."

Moebius:"Don't ignore me you imbecile!"

Kalpas:"So Y/N, I've been thinking."

Y/N:"Really? Impressive."

Kalpas:"Fuck you."

Y/N:"How original."

Kalpas:"Elysia show me the progress you made in our world. The feats you acomplished. I'm willing to work with someone like you. Even in death, I still serve. My flames are yours to command, Captain."

Kalpas is now Loyal.

Y/N:"I'm flattered Kalpas. Thank you."

Kalpas:"Just make sure to keep me entertained."

Y/N:"The Honkai never fail to entertain us Kalpas. I can assure you."

Moebius:"DON'T IGNORE ME!"

The group kept eating their breakfast in peace, ignoring Moebius pleads for help. Once they were all over they resumed their activities. Elysia let Moebius go who immediately went inside her lab to keep working. As for Mei, she went to check on Sushang who did not leave her room. Meanwhile, Y/N got ready to explore the Elysian Realm. That was, until Moebius recived a visit from a certain someone Y/N wasn't expecting.

Moebius open the door for her lab and looked at Y/N.

Moebius:"Captain, come over. There's something you need to see."

Y/N walked towards Moebius, entering the lab. He then saw Kevin sitting in Moebius leather chair as if it was his. He turned around and looked at Y/N.

Kevin:"Greetings Captain."

Y/N:"What are you doing here?"

Kevin:"How's your work here going?"

Y/N:"Good. We're making progress although I can't say the same in our realm. Specially when my ship now suddenly blows up."

Kevin:"My most sincere apologies yet I have no regrets. Your valkyries needed to learn some... manners. I do not like when my allies give me their backs over and over again."

Y/N:"I'm still waiting for an answer. What are you doing here?"

Kevin stood up from the chair, letting Moebius sit again. She was uninterested in whatever Y/N and him had to talk.

Kevin:"I came here to offer a token of good faith. Word in the street is you can go back to our realm without any problem."

Y/N glanced at Moebius. He knew it most likely was her who spilled the truth to him.


Kevin:"Since you got used to the Elysian realm's environment I decided it was time to give you an upgrade as long as you work for me."

Y/N:"What upgrade?"

Kevin:"I'm sure Moebius told you about your core. What if I told you I can make you unlock your Herrscher abilities? Or, if you refuse to take the abilities for yourself, you could give the core to someone of your liking. No matter what, we will gain a powerful ally."

Y/N:"What do you get from this?"

Kevin:"Your help. Since your valkyries refuse to work with me you will do instead and by extension, them. I need your help to enhance the stigamatas before Otto can cure them."

Y/N:"Why do you think I would help you with such a thing?"

Kevin:"Stigmatas will help our warriors we much more efficient in battle. Maybe we could even achieve peace with the Honkai with them."

Y/N:"Achieve peace?" *Chuckles* "What, you're gonna make a second Declaration of Independence but with the Honaki?"

Kevin:"If we shall go to war then I'll be the first to charge into their territory, yet if there's a chance we should take it. No matter the approach we take, we both know you need me to find a gateway to the Sea of Quanta. Why not helping each other instead of wasting our time trying to eliminate one another? It's a waste of time and resources."

Y/N looked at Kevin with stern eyes. He has to make a decision.

TRUST KEVIN. (+Y/N can learn the Truth or make a Valkyrie of his choice learn it, obtaining a new Herrscher form. +Kevin will now be Neutral. + World Serpent will now be neutral. +Y/N can now go back to his realm. -Although he may be free to leave Y/N will be forced to help Kevin. -Y/N cannot assure the loyalty of the other Flamechasers. Mei will have to do it on her own. -This decision may have a negative repercusion on his Valkyries.)

DO NOT. (-Herrscher of Truth cannot be obtained. -Y/N will be trapped in the Elysian Realm until help from the outside arrives. -Kevin will no longer be restrained by Y/N. -World Serpent will no longer hold back due to the Captain. +Y/N can assure the loyalty of the remaining Flamechasers. +Some of his Valkyries will gain loyal status upon hearing of the captain's decision.)

Kevin:"Of course, you don't need to answer me straight away. You have all the time in the world to think about this. I'm a patient man."

Y/N looked at Kevin and nodded. He cannot screw this one up.

AUGUST 27, 2003, 15:23, ANTARTIC, NUUK.

A small fragate with the Anti-Entropy emblem approached the area. The ship was much, much smaller than the Hyperion or the Moonlight Throne. Inside the small fragate a small team of 6 officers, Purple Team were looking at their leader. Shigure Kira, a recently promoted A-rank Valkyrie.

Kira:"Gentleman, listen up. Our S-rank Valkyrie Durandal was declared missing in action in this location. Our job is to find her dead or alive. If possible, alive. Durandal is a valuable asset for Schicksal. We can't let her die."

Another Valkyrie that was behind the officers made her way to the line, standing in between Purple Leader and Purple 3. This Valkyrie is Susannah Manatt, B-rank Valkyrie and Kira's subordinate.

Author's notes:"Why the hell do I keep calling her Savannah? Where did I got that name from anyways?"

Susannah:"Miss Kira, do you really think Durandal is..."

Kira:"We do not know but is a possibility. Durandal's battlesuit should be at her last if not already broken. There's a chance she's not coming back... but no matter what we must save her. That's our job."


Kira:"But first, we must clear a path for our allied troops. The Moonlight Throne will make Nuuk a F.O.B for us to use. Once the facility is clear their valkyries and troops will secure the place and offer us shelter. We're not leaving this place until we either find Durandal or her corpse. Any questions?"

Purple 4:"Ma'am, whatever took the Hyperion down could assault us."

Kira:"Negative. If I have to make a blind guess World Serpent was looking for The Captain. He's not here nor with us. World Serpent will not interfere."

Susannah:"How exactly we will track her down?"

Kira:"We know the estimated location she fell. Our intel team calculated all the possible routes Durandal could've taken. She's not stupid, she knows how to survive. Taking her knowledge into consideration we just have to search around those places. The only problem is, this place is enormous and there's many locations Durandal could've visited for supplies or shelter. She lacks food, clothes, weapons and a connection with HQ. She won't stay in a single place for long. Specially when there's beasts around."

Purple Leader:"It's gonna take us days, weeks even."

Kira:"You have a problem with that?"

Purple Leader:"Negative ma'am."

Kira:"Thought as much."

Pilot:"Kira ma'am, we're approaching the LZ!"

Kira:"Roger that. Take us down, we're leaving. Get out of here and await for my command."

Pilot:"Roger that ma'am. Good luck."

The pilot took the group down and open the doors. Kira, Susannah and their officers went outside. The place was snowing yet the storm was no longer around. Kira grabbed two blue handguns from her hip and looked around in search for the facility they have to capture. Purple 3 approached her with a notepad on his wrist. The man showed Kira the way, the notepad having a virtual 3D map of the location they're in.

Purple 3:"It's going to be a hell of a walk. 650 meters north."

Kira:"Then let's move."

Kira walked the direction Purple 3 mentioned. Everyone followed her, weapons ready.

Even if the facility was not too far away from their current position, it was a long walk. Also, Savannah was not very used to the cold of the Antartic. She started to shiver and sneeze.

Susannah:"I'm gonna catch a cold..."

Kira:"Hang in there a bit."

The group finally reached the facility. Just as expected, beasts were all around the place. They claimed it as their nest. Kira smirked and walked towards them while Purple team scatters, taking positions. Susannah stayed with the group with her chakrams at hand, she was muttering an egyptian song, a purple aura around her that motivated the officers around. They immediately open fire upon seeing the beasts run at them

Kira:"Let's get started, okay?"

A group of zombies with katanas saw Kira and charged at her, roaring. The roar worked like an alarm, getting the attention of smaller beasts and zombies around the place. When the first zombie was close to Kira she parried the slash with her handgun's trigger guard, pushing the blade to the side. From the hip, she fired an entire magazine, killing one. Two more tried to slash her yet Kira made a backflip, placed the gun's safety on and grabbed them by the trigger guard like some type of brass knuckles.

Kira threw a couple of punches with her guns, stunning one of them followed by a roundhouse kick. Before the other one could backstab her she grabbed the zombie's arm and threw it over her shoulders. She placed her leg around the zombie's arm. She twisted it, breaking the zombie's arm and disarming the monster. Grabbing her guns in the usual way she open fire, killing the remaining two zombies.

When the beasts approached Kira, one of the knights tried to run her over. She made a high kick, sending the knight upwards. Kira combined her handguns to make an assault rifle, quickly firing at the monster to prevent it from falling to the ground. The bullets turned the monster into a sponge of bullets, holes all around it. Kira used an incoming zombie as a platform to jump towards the Knight, changing her weapon to a grenade launcher. She introduced the weapon inside the monster's mouth and fired it, the grenade taking the monster with it to the ground, exploding upon colliding with it.

The explosion killed and stunned a big group of zombies. Kira, still mid air separated her handguns and started spinning, firing at the same time. She made a tornado of bullets, killing every monster below her. Kill after kill, their numbers decreased by dozens.

From a building, three chariots went through it and charged straight at Kira. The girl placed her ha I-Indguns together once again to form a semi automatic shotgun. She charged at them while firing, slowing one down until it died. Kira jumped over one of the chariots and fired a couple of shells straight at it's back, making a huge hole there. The last chariot turned around and charged at Kira once again. She waited until the monster was close enough to jump on the monster's shoulder and quickly sat on it's back, aiming the shotgun straight at it's nape. Kira fired four times, completely destroying the creature's head.

Only a couple of zombies on top of a building with bows remained, the officers and Susannah took care of the rest. Kira changed her gun into a sniper rifle and aimed at the zombies. She killed one and the remaining three aimed at her. Kira dodged the arrows efortlessly just to fire the sniper from the hip, headshotting the zombies in quick succession.

Once the fight ended, Kira stretched herself and placed her guns away. She walked towards Susannah and the officers that were making sure the zombies were truly dead by shooting their bodies or kicking them.

Kira:"We secured the facility's exterior. Susannah, check the power room. Is on the west side of the facility. I'll call for backup."

Susannah nodded and walked on her own towards a small building on the west side, just like Kira said. She walked in. It was a little dark, yet she could still see. Purple Leader and Purple 2 followed her just in case beasts were there. Just like expected, a couple of zombies were there all around a skeleton of a deceased Valkyrie.

The officers fired at the zombies, killing two. Susannah parried an incoming attack from a zombie with claws and threw a push kick, slicing the monster's neck from the ground with her chakrams. The last one tried to tackle just for her to combine her chakrams, wear them like a hula hoop and dodge to the side, cutting the zombie's stomach wide open. Purple Leader approached it and introduced his gun on the monster's stomach. With a single shot the monster was launched into a wall.

Purple 2 approached a big generator. He crouched down and started messing with it until the lights were on. He turned around and gave a thumbs up to his two allies.

Susannah:"Well, that's a mission completed! Let's regroup."

Purple Leader and Purple 2 nodded and followed their B-rank Valkyrie outside. They reagrouped with Kira who was speaking with someone through radio.

Kira:"-nothing we could handle ma'am. The base exterior is secured. You're free to begin the preparations over."

Ragna:"Roger that Kira, we're moving."

Suddenly in the skies appeared the Moonlight's Throne, Ragna's ship. 

From it, a couple of helicopters and small ships appeared to land around the facility. They had Titans, B and A rank Valkyries, officers and a new type of mech offered by South Korea. The Aesir BALDR model.

That was not all tho. Kasumi, Ragna's new assistant also appeared along with her new subordinate, Patricia Highsmith.

Kasumi:"Highsmith, go and prepare our defenses. I'll take care of whatever's inside the facility."

Patricia:"Yes ma'am."

Kira approached Kasumi, shaking her hand.

Kira:"Yae Kasumi."

Kasumi:"No need to address me as such."

Kira:"This is quite the operative for a rescue mission."

Kasumi:"We're not here only for Durandal."

Kira:"I see."

Kasumi:"A group of Valkyries leaded by Kallen were sent to help you in the search."

Kira:"You have any hints ma'am?"

Kasumi:"Indeed. When The Hyperion was destroyed the girls used drop pods to escape from the ship. Those ships have emergency bags full of supplies. Himeko's report mentions they didn't grab theirs. It's possible Durandal explored the area in search for said supplies."

Kira:"You want us to check it out?"

Kasumi:"Negative, Kallen is on it. I want you to get ahead of the curve. There's a small house in the area next from the crash site. My sister used it as shelter, the locals are quite kind. Interrogate them in search for clues."

Kira:"Of course ma'am. We're on it."

Kira and her group went out of the facility to begin the search for Durandal. Meanwhile, Kasumi walked towards the facility knowing there should be a lot of beasts inside. A group of officers and BALDRS were defending the main entrance just in case something goes out. Kasumi recognised the officers. They are Blue and Red team.

Red Leader looked at his right to see Kasumi approaching him. He stood up and made and salutated the girl. Kasumi nodded.


Red Leader:"The Honkai energy scanners are off the charts ma'am. This place is truly a nest."

Kasumi:"I see." *Places finger on her ear* "Ragna this place is infested. I wouldn't mind a heavy hitter with me."

Ragna:"Sending you one crazy girl to your position over."

Kasumi:"Repeat that?"

Kasumi looked at the sky to see a woman jumping out of the ship, falling at high speeds towards the ground. She landed right next to her. This woman is Senti who cleaned her clothes of snow upon falling.

Senti:"Greetings. You rang?"

Kasumi:"You'll do. Red Leader, get your team and the rest ready. We're going in."

Red Leader nodded and approached his officers to rally them. Red team got in cover on the left side of the facility's entrance and Blue team on the right. The three BALDR units approached the doors waiting for Kasumi and Senti to go in.

Kasumi:"Kick it down."

Senti nodded and kicked the door down, going in first. Red Team and a BALDR unit followed her. The facility had a reception counter and two hallways. Senti and her group covered the right while the other officers and BALDR units the left side.

Beasts quickly appeared charging at them yet they couldn't go through the officer's fire. Those that managed to do so were killed by the BALDR'S fire blades or Senti's arsenal. Kasumi took the chance to enter the receptionist's room. A computer was there. Kasumi hacked it to find a map of the facility.

She pressed a finger on her ear, talking to Senti.

Kasumi:"Senti, can you hear me?"

Senti:"Loud and clear."

Kasumi:"The blueprints are in the north part of the facility. As for Kevin's info it's located in the test chambers."

Senti:"Let me guess, that's where the beasts are reuniting right?"

Kasumi:"Indeed. Pick everyone and move to the test chambers, clear it and get the info. I'll get the blueprints on my own."

Senti:"Are you sure? There's a lot of'em."

Kasumi:"They won't see me coming."

Kasumi hid behind the door, waiting for the group to follow Senti. From the left, beasts tried to surround Senti or go out to attack the ones outside. They all died anyways.

Once no more beasts appeared Kasumi walked through the left hallway looking at the map she downloaded and installed on a notepad Ragna gave her.

She made a couple of turns and went inside a bathroom to hide from the incoming beasts, attracted by the sound of battle. Once they passed next to her room she went outside.

Kasumi noticed an armory on her right. She wondered if she should go in or not.

Kasumi is Loyal.

Whatever she could find may be benefitial for the cause so she went in. The girl looked around to see weapons, ammunition, battlesuits... nothing too fancy.

That was until she found some files. They contained detailed information about a prototype armor for ships using Honkai energy to reinforce the materials used in their creation.

Kasumi:"Ragna, I founded something interesting. A prototype to reinforce our ships."

Ragna:"Grab it. I'll give it to Otto later on. Nicely done Kasumi."

She nodded and putted the files away, resuming her mission. Kasumi wondered around the facility, hiding from beasts and zombies alike. Sometimes, some zombies decided to walk on their own. A chance Kasumi did not let slip through. She always took the chance to slice their necks, break them or decapitate the zombies.

After a couple of minutes of slowly crippling them down Kasumi managed to get inside the R&D site. She walked towards the various computers, hacking them in search for the blueprints. It took her quite a long time to find them but she did.

Kasumi:"Ragna I found the blueprints."

Ragna:"Nicely done. What about the info?"

Kasumi:"I sent Senti. She should have it under control."

Ragna:"Make sure she does."

Kasumi nodded and looked around for a way to assist Senti. She saw some stairs going to a second room and went up, entering the head researcher's room.

The terminal there had access to the defensive turrets and mechs around the place. Kasumi forced the computer to activate them. Many titans were destroyed along with turrets in the prision area. Kasumi blamed "Fu Hua" for that.

The girl activated the turrets in the test chambers, taking control of one of them. She open fire at the beasts attacking Senti's group, giving them time to reach the next room. Senti looked at a camera and gave it a thumbs up, making Kasumi smirk.

The Herrscher of Sentience turned the computer on. She didn't know what exactly was Kevin looking for so she downloaded every file in the computer and passed it to Ragna's ship. Said girl immediately called Kasumi.

Ragna:"Kasumi, why am I files upon files of adorable kittens?"

Kasumi:"M-Ma'am, I said Senti was taking care of Kevin's info."

Ragna:"I see. What the- this is Y/N's... I'm taking this with me."

Kasumi:"Excuse me?"

Ragna:"N-Nothing. We got what we need. Get out of there."

Kasumi nodded and gave the orders to Senti who instead of answering through the radio she gave Kasumi a thumbs up through the cameras.

Everyone reagrouped out of the facility. Senti was panting, slightly exhausted. The officers all sat on the ground not bothered by the snow while the BALDR units make sure no beast followed them.

Kasumi:"Can you tell me what exactly did you send?"

Senti:"Ah, the info of course... and some photos of kittens... and MP3 files... and photos made by Otto of a small Y/N and two other boys I cannot recognise... and-"

Kasumi:"Enough. Call for evac if you want to leave or stay to help for Durandal's search. Your call."

Senti:"Meh, I'll stay around. Besides I'm sure there's still some beasts around I can have fun with."

Kasumi:"As you wish."

Kasumi's subordinate approached Kasumi.

Patricia:"The area is ready to hold our troops. We have food, electricity, water and warm buildings. We only need to clean the main facility of beasts."

Kasumi:"Senti made a ruckus yet we were in a hurry. There still could be a couple. Get in there and wipe it clean."

Patricia:"Yes ma'am."

Patricia rallied her Valkyries and went inside the facility to slay every beast inside.

Ragna:"Kasumi we're retreating to Schicksal HQ to extract the info. Think you can handle the place on your own?"

Kasumi:"I'm ready. Not too different from being Yae."

Ragna:"Bronya and your sister are going down to help you just in case."

Kasumi:"Thank you Ragna. The help is appreciated."

Ragna:"Be careful. You'll be around for quite the time."

Kasumi:"Yes ma'am."

Kasumi looked at the Moonlight Throne retreat.

Let's get our Valkyrie home.




Kevin: Unloyal.

Kiana: Loyal.

Himeko: Loyal, Low Morale.

Kallen: Loyal.

Sushang: Loyal. Hero.

Fu Hua:Unloyal.

Senti:Loyal, Determined.

Bronya:Neutral, Doubtful.


Sakura:Loyal. Stalwart.


Rita:Neutral. Cheater. Wounded.

Seele/Veliona:Neutral./Neutral. Enraged.

Mei:Loyal. Rebelious.

Durandal: Neutral. M.I.A

Rozaliya: DECEASED.





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