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Hello there sweethearts 😊❤️. Here is the prologue of the story.


Aditya ran towards the head office of  Northern command panting heavily.

He knocked on the door and he heard a cold voice .

Come in....

Aditya saluted the person and said.

Captain Shergill the local riots needs an immediate control before it reaches the peak.

Vikrant looked at his most trusted vigilant and said.

Let's move then ...Inform Captain Dhruv and tell him to join us on the square point.

Aditya saluted him moved on to perform the given task.


The local riots were still in a pretty bad messed mode when the small battalion of army along with the two Captain's arrived the area and started to clear the field out.

Vikrant entered the hot headed mass of people and temporarily resolved the matter by some words and some threats.

The notorious one's where being arrested by the police and the area was getting cleared out

Dhruv approached Vikrant and said.

Come on Vikrant we need to move.

Vikrant nodded and he was about to move when a small whimper caught the Captain's  sharp ears . He turned towards the source only to find it coming through a lonely alley a little downwards from the road .

Dhruv wait here I will be right back.

And without adding any other sentence to his friend he left towards the alley and the scene infront made his blood boil.

A fragile girl who looked no more than 19 was held by two monster of Men and third one was trying to choke her spitting curses and disgusting words towards her.

Vikrant lunged forward ripping the guy who was choking the girl away from her and punched him .

The other two ran leaving the girl while they saw the army officer punching the man.

After giving him satisfying hits Vikrant rosed to his height and looked at the girl who hided herself shielding her face with her small hands.

Vikrant cautiously and gently caught hold of her wrist causing her to flinch .
Vikrant seeing her flinch called her out in a soft voice .

Hey it's alright I am not gonna hurt you .

Hearing those soft voice the girl slowly opened her doe shaped teary eyes which hold pure innocence and looked at the Captain fearfully.

The Captain felt his breath hitch as soon as those beautiful pair of innocent eyes met his .

But before he could say something the certain angel straight away fainted in his arms .

Vikrant just stood there like stone holding her close to his chest he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Dhruv's voice.

Vikrant looked at Dhruv and said looking at the man who was almost lying lifeless due to his punches.

Take him to our headquarters Dhruv and don't ask me anything to me now I will tell you everything later.

Aditya looked at his leader and said

But Captain the Girl ......

But he stopped when he got a cold glare from the Captain

No She is Mine ......I will take care of her.

Not caring that his sentence left his friends in a complete shock he walked out.

With his fragile rose in his arms.

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