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"Arnora open up!" Rollo called and thumped against my door.

"I shall not." I replied pulling my armour off and throwing it to the floor causing a loud crash sound to be heard.

"You can't be alone in the state you're in." He called.

"Hvat efni skógr sá be?" (What state would that be?) I asked.

"You Saema vid be róta about something!" (You seem to be upset about something!) he said pushing me.

"Hvat does it matter?" (What does it matter?) I replied.

The hallway suddenly fell silent.

"Arnora I know you." He said, he stopped talking in our mother tongue like it didn't matter.

"Rollo we can't be seen together." I finished  

"I  know."  He said he walked closer to the door, I heard him rest his hand on the wood, I did the same and rested my head on the door hearing him breathe softly. I then slid the lock open,  heard him step back.

"I wear your braid and bead because I'm a Viking, you can never remove that from me." I told him sternly.

"I hate to tell you, but Rollo please listen to me they will attempt to take it out of you, please don't forget your heritage." I told him resting a hand on his shoulder, and gently squeezing it. He walked into my chambers, and collapsed into a chair. "Rollo I want to be free, but with you here now I can tell you'll be the one needing protecting." I said kneeling in front of him and gently tucking a strand of his long brown hair behind his ear.

My door had been left  ajar and the princess came charging in. "What are you two doing here?" She asked looking at Rollo.

"He needed some medical supplies he didn't feel to well." I lied.

"Well he should come to me." She sneered. I stood up grabbing my leather waist coat and was about to walk out but I paused.

"Just remember who is guarding you princess." I said walking out.

I walked out into the courtyard, and walked to the stables not bothering to tack up my horse. I gripped him by the mane and pulled myself onto his pure white back. The emperor Charles came running out to me. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away from here, I need time alone." I said.

"No captain of mine leaves, without my say so!" He barked.

"You're unlucky with who you picked to be captain, because she hasn't forgotten her heritage." I snarled and rode off.  I knew he would send a search party for me and I knew that I would be punished. This would be the first time in years that I had betrayed him.  I had no destination, I just kept galloping and galloping till my poor horse was exhausted and I slid from his back from exhaustion. I had no idea where I was, but men began to swarm me. "Arnora is that you?" A voice asked, I couldn't answer as I passed out on the ground.

I wake up what must've been a few hours earlier, I was laying by a fire, the logs crackling, and a wolf skin had been pulled over my shoulders. I sighed and attempted to sit up but I felt a little dizzy. "Arnora take it easy." A familiar voice said. It was Ragnar. "I'm surprised to see you out this far." He said.

"I. . . I had to escape." I told him steadying myself. "They trained me to be a guard, to forget about my Viking ways, your brother is in trouble." I finished.

"It's Rollo he can take care of himself." Ragnar said.

"I know but he still sees me as his woman, but he's been betrothed." I said.

"Against his will." Ragnar answered. Lagertha came over with some hot water in a mug and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I nodded.

"I was surprised to see you back home, I thought you left for good." She said.

"I couldn't stand it anymore! I had to be free." I said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a mans voice.

"You have to come home now, or they will kill you!" He said.

"Rollo!" We all exclaimed. Ragnar swung the door open but he wasn't the Rollo we knew, the transition had begun, he wore noble robes, his hair shorter and neat.

"Please!" He begged falling to his knees and gripping my hands.

"You are not my brother!" Ragnar snarled and walked inside with Lagertha. We were left alone.

"I can't be happy not knowing you are not there." He said. Reluctantly I nodded.

"Fine I shall return." I told him. He then desperately wrapped his arms around my waist , resting his head on my stomach. I had never seen Rollo in such a state before. He was literally begging me. I ran my fingers through his hair. "If it means that much to you." I added.

He looked up to me his eyes locking with mine. "Thank you." He answered, we both stood up, I bid my goodbyes to my home and returned with Rollo. It was a couple of days ride but this didn't bother us. We stopped over at a river to wash the sweat away but so the horses could drink, Rollos eyes never seemed to leave my being.

"Is there something bothering you?" I asked.

"No, I'm just glad to see you again." He said, gently cupping my cheek with his hand. "I say we camp here for the night and continue our ride tomorrow." He suggested. I nodded in agreement.

"Sounds wise." I said.

He started the fire while I skinned the rabbit we had caught. He watched me over the fire. "Never thought The Big Bad Bear would settle for a princess." I smirked.

"That's the thing I haven't settled, I'm suspicious of her." He said. I suddenly cut my finger instead of the rabbit as he said that, it took me by surprise. "Here." He said handing me some cloth.

"What makes you think so?" I asked.

"For the fact that she thinks I'm asleep in the middle of the night and she sneaks off." He said staring into the flames.

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