Chpt. 2: Attack

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(A/N: italics are thoughts)

Blitz's P.O.V.
Should of known that blood thirsty bastard would be back! He will regret messing with Stolas as he has already dug himself a grave after nearly making me kill Moxie in our last battle. No one gets a free pass when it comes to my employees or those I get attached to. Striker may have the speed and strength but, I have the cunning and flexibility needed to dodge attacks. I just need to survive long enough to get Stolas free so he can escape. He's more important then I will likely ever be and Moxie and Millie as well as Loona are all going forward while I seem to be unable to move on with my life. At least if I save Stolas maybe the ones I see as family will be ok.

I put on some bullet and knife proof stuff on. I didn't grab that many weapons despite knowing it was likely going to be a life or death situation especially with the demon gun in play however like Striker I was good to my word but, sometimes things have to be broken. If Striker pulls anything when I hand the bullets over it will become a blood bath. Im tired of being seen as a lowly imp and i'm going to show him that.

As I ran multiple demons stared at me and a few cursed but, I didn't care. They can eat my dust I had a person I loved needing saving. I got to the palace in minutes but, quickly slowed down as Striker had brought Stolas who was gagged and covered in blood as well as chained from the legs and up to his shoulders and Striker had the gun that can kill royalty at his side. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was still pissed about being beaten as his body was still covered in healing claw marks and bruises that were covering several parts of his body. I was still injured as well but, ignored them as soon as I saw just how beaten stolas really was and unseen by the two my anger was boiling up but, I managed to keep it contained for now.

The minute Stolas registered that I was there he had a look of fear and worry for my safety but, he looked exhausted and was losing the fight from his injuries. I gave him a quick thumbs up trying to reassure him that I would get him out of there then stared Striker down and said "ready for round two big man?" Striker responded with a growl and a rattle of his tail nodding "you're going to regret ever fighting me blitzo. Your precious prince here has a bounty on his head from a enemy that wants this goisha dead however im willing to make a little exchange. If you can break one of my horns off within an hour then your prince can be released but, don't think I won't try again later. The only reason I would spare him is because he wouldn't even have a sporting chance at beating me right now which is boring. Now then lets fight!!'

With that Striker runs forward at surprisingly quick speed and tries choking me out however in his haste I had already gotten behind him and grabbed his tail jamming it between two really tight rocks locking him in place and got the gun that could kill Stolas and tossed it far from the battlefield.

Striker hissed and thrashed around trying to get loose while I quickly picked the lock on Stolas's chains and got his gag out of his mouth. In the background I heard Striker curse. I told Stolas I would cover him as best as possible from the battle as it would get brutal fast. Stolas tried going against the orders but after I added the word please Stolas nodded weakly and responded "don't get yourself killed blitz I care about you" 

With that stolas hid as best he could in his condition while I got ready to battle with a crazed western imp with an advantage of Height and strength which was quickly cemented in my memory as with one strong pull Striker's tail was once again free and the rocks were sent flying.

Striker's P.O.V

"Blitzo did you honestly think some rocks would keep me in place? Your dumber then I though and you're really starting to piss me off! you either take this seriously or your going to lose your precious prince. Try to break off one of my horns if you can and one more thing no weapons are allowed you got to use your strength and the enviroment!"

I knew I hit a nerve saying he was dumb but, I don't give a cr*p. This mockery of a imp is just sad. How has he not died several times over? I doubt it but, maybe just maybe he does indeed have some skill that I haven't seen yet but it's likely just luck that he hasn't been killed. All the imps I'm surrounded by are either weak, uncoordinated, lucky or stubborn. That spitfire of blitzo's admittedly took guts to back talk me and the female was quick but blinded easily and didn't inflict the intended strike which if it had hit I would of admittedly been killed. Out of not wanting leverage I tossed her into the cellar purposly though I had been unaware about the trap but, I didn't feel any sympathy or remorse for her. Like the others she was in the way. I spared them but if they attack again their dead!

Blitz's P.o.v
He's distracted in his thoughts. It's my time to strike. While He's distracted I need to knock him out and get away. With that I lunged forward and used a hidden tranquilizer that I had brought that would knock him out for about thirty minutes. That should give me enough time to get Stolas away fully and hide the gun so Striker can't use it but the effects take a few minutes to hit so I just need to fight till then.

Striker's P.O.V
What are you doing!? I still have both horns and a measly pinch won't hurt me. Is little blitzy out of ideas to break a horn? Your pathetic. I'm glad I was saved from working for your company. If this is all you have for tricks your more pathetic than I originally thought. At that I could hear blitz growling but, also smiling. Why is he smiling and why do I suddenly feel dizzy? what did he do while I was distracted!?

3rd person P.O.V
As the tranquilizer took effect Striker started stumbling like he had too much to drink and just before falling forward Blitz ran forward and without any mercy smashed one of Striker's horns in half with a boulder he had managed to pick up then ran to stolas and grabbed the Demon killing gun up with a cloth and started running with Stolas propped on his back despite the height difference. The two had gotten several feet away from Striker before blitz desposed of the gun after emptying the bullets and destroyed them. The gun wouldn't be able to be found by anyone that easily. Not even Striker would be able to find it that easily when he woke.

When blitz got back to his headquarters he got to work on getting stolas bandaged and stablized. He stayed up all night to make sure stolas didn't pass away from his injuries but, didn't know because of stolas's resposiblity he would be out of danger by the next day. Being a universe goisha offered exceptional healing capability and made it easy for them to heal loved ones. Blitz will be in for a surprise later as stolas within his recovery state had an idea to thank blitz in the near future.

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