Stolas's Concerns

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(AN: Including a couple characters from the most recent helluva boss episodes)

3rd person p.o.v

It was finally the day of the purge and all the leaders including piamon were in one area as they were required to be in the same area at the start and forced to wear a bracelet that disabled their abilities to lock there powers which weakened all of them greatly and made them just as vulnerable as everyone. The only ones allowed not to wear them were the king and queen themselves which angered the rest though they didn't dare argue. Paimon, Stolas and Stella were given purple ones, Asmodious's was green and Queen bee's was yellow.

As most of the leaders quietly voiced their opinions Stella started in on Stolas instantly as they were not allowed to go out much of anywhere without being forced to go together. She made herself the leader and calling the shots of where the two go, what they did and how long she expected to take and unfortunely stolas couldn't voice his opinion or she pulled some of his feathers.

The leaders were soon told they could leave by their king just as the purgers started arriving at the toll of the bell through multiple entrances. Each team of purgers had split off into different directions and took posts all around hell waiting to strike down any demon they wished without a single sense of remorse in there features and within seconds the screams of panic quickly switched to deafening silence.

Stella's p.o.v

Finally this day has arrived. Hell was becoming much too crowded with those filthy imps and honestly wished I could kill some in particular but, because of this stupid bracelet that forces me to stand by the husband that dare demand a divorce I was unable and I couldn't kill him myself either as people would know instantly that I wanted stolas fucking dead for sleeping around with a imp himself and actually loved him despite being of much higher class.

Luckily for me however Stolas's part was done as we had created an heir as his father wished and we had no obligation to be forced to stay together. I would kill the cheating bastard without remorse if I ever got the chance sense the bounty hunter that was apparently a really good shot failed his mission at killing stolas and that Blitz that stolas constantly was texting. Honestly if stolas wouldn't have gotten familiar with the imp I would spare them both but that imp and stolas had embarrassed and enraged our entire species.

Being reminded of the falling imp incident had become the norm and I was tired of it. I'm tired of it being the main topic brought up and I'm tired of being told that I had been paired with the wrong goitia when I fucking knew it already. Like stolas I didn't get to choose because our parents figured we'd be a good match when instead it became the worst thing to happen and the only good thing was Via who I had hoped would side with me over her father but, instead she sided with her father and that hellhound Loona's adoptive father and his team made up of a country imp and a mafia leader's kid.

Blitz's team was a very unstable one. The country one went berserk when in battle, the mafia kid was trigger happy and the hellhound was attack first think later and Blitz was psychopathic and seemed to snap at random and loved to break things yet had a fascination with horses which I didn't quite get and I didn't plan to. Someday I would kill both Blitz and stolas getting rid of that link for good and make sure via would marry to someone that would be carefully picked. That was the only thing I hated about being a royal you had to marry another royal or the balance would be gone.

Stolas's P.O.V

This sucks big time. Why must we be forced to stay linked together like this? Don't these idiots know this is just asking for trouble. Pairing me with Stella despite her obvious hatred of me is the worst thing to do right now and there was nothing I could do about it. I know why she's angry but, I never asked to be married to her it was all because of my father arranging me to marry her even when I was a mere owlet myself.

I wasn't even old enough to choose who I wanted myself and yet my dad thought I should get engaged at eleven years old and then me and Stella had Octavia seven years later. Now at thirty something years I've nearly died at least twice at the hands of Striker and I have a feeling I know who has been ordering it and she was right next to me. She's abused and severally injured me and tried to kill me multiple times and Octavia's concern of me going away where she can't find me is now a reason for her constant nightmares and Stella still refused to go and comfort Octavia during one of her nightmares which pissed me off. For how much Stella says she worries about our daughter's well-being she doesn't seem to care that she's suffering constantly.

As I stewed in my thoughts I felt Stella yank on my arm hard resulting in it nearly pulling my shoulder joint out of place while doing so. When I went to ask what the pulling was for she simply stated "your pathetic ass nearly got us both killed pay attention!!"

I simply cursed under my breath and kept walking though soon could feel Stella's unease due to her shaking slightly but, it was worse with me as I got this uneasy feeling making me think something big was coming as I could already feel the sheer amount of blood under my talons from the purgers's attack and then a really familiar scent hit my beak and it sent my heart racing and judging by Stella's subtle reaction and the way the bracelets thrummed in a sort of heartbeat that was now blinking quickly we both went down the alley that the scent was strongest and what I saw made me want to literally kill every one of the purgers as there in the alley were both Octavia and Loona and all the way in the corner was Blitz though there was no sign of Millie or Moxxie.

As I watched for any sign of movement from all three only Octavia and loona moved while Blitz remained painfully still. As I tried to hold out some sort of hope for Blitz Stella was by Octavia in seconds and checked her over carefully. Stella moved her a lot gentler then I've seen in years and when she got Octavia against the wall I could see that Octavia's shoulder had been sliced though something that appeared leathery was peeking out under her shirt and when I went to lift loona up just as carefully I saw that her entire front was slashed as well. As I looked to try to figure out how deep the slash was I had spotted another leathery guard piece which seemed to have taken the brunt of the attack. Though some blood was still flowing from both of them it seemed to be more of a trinkle which made me relize the overwhelming blood scent wasn't from them at all and I instantly turned my head to Blitz's form in the shadows.

(Trigger warning: gore!)

While Stella healed Octavia and surprisingly loona with some of her own powers from her own grimore she was given at the same time I was I hesitantly went to Blitz's form and silently prayed to any diety that would listen that he would be ok. After turning him over I had to swallow down bile at what I was met with. Right in front of me I could tell Blitz's right eye was completely gone leaving a bloody and torn socket where it used to be and on top of that his entire back was slashed and was still bleeding at an alarming rate and I could tell one of his horns was broken in two.

When I put my hand in front of blitz's nose and mouth the barest minimal breaths came out fast and quick yet I could tell his heart was slowing. I knew I needed to follow Stella's lead and quickly found a spell that I hoped would be able to at least stabilize him. As I did the spell his eye socket healed enough to stop the bleeding as well as stopped the bleeding from the deeper gashes in his back but, there was still the case of him not getting the air he needed and though I knew Stella would be pissed I wasn't going to let blitz die if I could help it. I gently tilted his head back and joined my beak to his mouth and started breathing my own air mixed with my own healing magic into him to repair any internal damage that may exist.

In the background Stella as expected hissed slightly and acted very much like a bird clicking her beak though a glare from Octavia shut her up quickly and I inwardly cheered for Octavia actually showing some defiance to her mother instead of the fear that has been there as of late. Soon enough my ears picked up on blitz's form actually showing some signs of life finally and as I moved him to his side carefully I saw him lurch to his hands and knees and threw up whatever he managed to get into his stomach. I simply rubbed along the parts of his back that weren't injured to give him some comfort and thanked whatever stars I could that I was able to save him.

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