The Pizza

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River: Cera I'm hungry. Can we get a pizza?

Cerauno: We're broke River, we can't afford a pizza.

River: We can't afford a pizza. ;3

Cerauno: ... What are you getting at River.

River: *teleports him and Cerauno to Fernis' house*

--Outside of Fernis' House--

River: *knocks on the door*

Fernis: *opens the door*

River: Heya Fernis! If we could just have a moment of your time, we were wondering if you could-

Fernis: *shuts the door*

River: ...

Cerauno: I'm guessing that means no.

River: Ugh, now what? Where else can we get a pizza?

Serum: *teleports to River and Cerauno with Breyze* Did someone say pizza?

Cerauno: We can't get a pizza, Fernis is the only one with money and you know how he is.

Breyze: Welp, I have an idea. *knocks on the door*

Serum: Oh god, should we be scared?

River: Probably.

Breyze: *continues knocking on the door* Open up Fernis! We have Cera and we know how to use him!

Cerauno: Excuse me

Fernis: *yells from inside the house* Why should I be afraid of an elemental that's only level 4 and barley even knows how to use his own powers?

Cerauno: ... *lays on the ground*

Serum: He's got a point. 

Breyze: ... Well then. I guess I'll just go tell Lumina that you- 

Fernis: DONT YOU DARE *opens the door* Get in before I change my mind, idiots.

River: PIZZA *runs inside*

Breyze: hehe, thanks nighty~ *walks inside*

Fernis: Call me that again, and youre dead.

Serum: Pfft, nighty. Best nickname ever. *walks in, dragging Cerauno inside by the tail*

Fernis: Eh, my bets on Fluffy being the best nickname so far.

Cerauno: All around me are familiar faces..

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