Chapter 24

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"He's so cute!" Earth and Venus squealed in high pitched voices as they admired the new kitten. Feeling the poor thing flinch in his arms, the Sun spoke softly, "Girls, quiet please. I think he's still sensitive to sound." Obeying, the girls continued to adore the newcomer. Peering over them, Mars raised one eyebrow and asked, "What is it?"

"What do you mean what is it? It's a planet kitten!" Jupiter growled, rolling his eyes. Shooting the bigger gas planet kitten a glare, Mars defended himself, "I know that! But what kind? I've never seen anything like it!" Sniffing the kitten's head, Uranus piped up, "Maybe he's an ice giant planet kitten like me!"

"I don't think so, you guys are supposed to be blue. He's gray. I'd guess a gas planet kitten like me but, again, he's gray," Saturn pointed out. He proceeded to list everything he knew about gas planet cats. Ignoring his rambling, Venus remarked, "He must be a terrestrial planet kitten, like me and Earth and Mars and Mercury!"

"I was thinking that too Venus," the Sun rumbled softly. Giving the strange kitten a gentle lick on the head, he went on, "But if I'm correct and he's a year old, then he's too small for a terrestrial planet kitten his age." This was true, the tiny kitten was so small he could fit in the palm of the Sun's paw. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, Mercury muttered, "Maybe it's a moon cat."

"Doubt it, that's the only thing he's bigger than- woah!" the Sun exclaimed when the mystery kitten squirmed out of his grasp. Stumbling along on legs not yet strong enough to carry him, the youngster practically dragged himself to the only person not engaged in the commotion. In other words, Neptune was surprised to see this tiny creature hugging his foot. His nose wrinkling, he grumbled, "Get it off me."

"He's not an it, he is Pluto!" Earth insisted, scooping the kitten up. Nuzzling him lovingly, she purred, "Oh yes you are! Your name is Pluto now!" The strange kitten giggled in pure blissful happiness as he was tickled by her whiskers. Looking back at Neptune, he reached out for the ice giant planet kitten and made little grabbing motions with his paws. Snickering, Mars remarked, "Aw, I think someone likes ole grumpy Neptune."

"Shut up if you know what's good for you," Neptune growled, his ears pinned against his head. However, Mars didn't listen and frankly neither did Mercury as the pair chuckled. "What, scared the poor baby will make you a nicer person?" Mercury sneered teasingly. Baring his teeth, Neptune whirled around and hissed, "I said shut up!"

"Uh oh..." Earth mumbled, noticing little Pluto was tearing up. She quickly handed the strange kitten back to the Sun. Huffing angrily, Neptune stomped off to his room upstairs, slamming the door. "Nice going idiots," Jupiter snarled, glaring at Mars and Mercury. Both opened their mouths to protest when the Sun interrupted, "That's enough fighting everyone. Come on, it's time for bed. Tomorrow, we will finish packing."

"Is Pluto coming with us to the new house?" Venus asked as she and Earth followed their adoptive father towards his bedroom. Looking down at the strange planet kitten he was carrying, the Sun replied, "Of course. Once we're all settled, I'll go to Libra and officially adopt him."

"Guys! We're getting a new baby brother!" Uranus called from somewhere in the house, having overheard the conversation.

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