Chapter 26

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"Okay kiddos, welcome to the new house," the Sun declared as he opened the door. The planet kittens entered one by one, following their father figure's lead. They found themselves inside an open spaced living room with giant windows. The walls were white and the wooden floor was polished. There wasn't any furniture yet, so there was room for customization.

"Is this ours?" Earth asked, her eyes wide with wonder. Chuckling softly, the Sun padded over to his oldest daughter. Giving her a gentle head butt, the star cat meowed, "It is now." Wagging her tail, the terrestrial planet kitten purred, "Awesome."

"I call the biggest room!" Mercury shouted. The swift planet kitten was about to race off when the Sun grabbed his tail. "Actually," he stated calmly, "They're all the same size. And we're gonna have to share rooms." His eyes widening in shock, Mars exclaimed, "What?! I thought you said this house was big enough for everyone!"

"Big enough for everyone to live together, not so much for everyone to have their own individual rooms. There are no other houses on the market right now that have bedrooms for nine people, ten now that Pluto has joined the family last night," the Sun explained, gesturing to the kitten he had cradled in his arms. Looking back at the other children, the star cat continued, "It'll be okay, one day we'll have our dream house. For now, this is our home."

"Earth and I are sharing a room, right?" Venus asked. The Sun nodded his head. As a result, the girls high fived. Turning to the boys, the star cat explained, "I will have Pluto in my bedroom with him being as young as he is. I'll let you guys pick your roommates."

"Uranus, you wanna bunk with me? We can play dress up more often now!" Saturn meowed. Whooping with joy, Uranus shouted, "Oh yes! And we're gonna have the biggest parties ever!" Throwing an arm over Mars' shoulders, Mercury declared, "Mars is my best friend, I'm not sharing a room with anyone else." Jupiter and Neptune didn't say a word as they silently glanced at each other. They were the only ones left. Turning their heads away from each other, they mumbled, "We'll share a room."

"Alrighty. There's already furniture in the rooms, we can change those later. For now, let's get settled in our new house," the Sun spoke softly. Carefully holding Pluto in one paw, he beckoned the other children to follow him with a flick of his fluffy tail before leading them all to their rooms.

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