Chapter 3

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"I'm tired..." Earth whimpered, dragging her paws. She was exhausted. For the past month she had been living with the star cat known as the Sun. Everyday they would go out with the hope that they might find the young terrestrial planet kitten's parents. Sadly, their searches ended in failure each day. Plus, Earth's memory was not improving. If anything, it seemed to get worse. The young terrestrial planet kitten couldn't remember anything about her life before her accident at the Asteroid Belt highway.

Peering over his shoulder, the Sun sighed softly as he watched the kitten. He hoped that they would find Earth's parents soon. She needed to be with her family. After all, she was only three years old, much too young to be alone. Her parents had to be around somewhere. The universe may be a huge infinite space but that doesn't mean planet cats disappear off the face of the galaxy without a trace!


"Are we ever gonna find my mommy and daddy?" Earth suddenly asked, breaking the Sun out of his thoughts. Turning around, the Sun looked down at the young terrestrial planet kitten. She was sitting on the star grass, her head hanging. Tears were already running down her face, dripping off her whiskers. Walking back, the Sun sat down beside the kitten and wrapped his fluffy tail around her. Comforted by the warmth radiating from him, Earth pressed herself against his body. Licking the top of her head gently with his tongue, the Sun whispered softly, "We will find them, don't worry."

"Hey Sun!" a voice called out. It carried with it a feeling of friendliness and delight. Hearing it, the Sun knew exactly who the speaker was without looking up. Let's just say it was a good thing he wore shades all the time. Lifting his head, he didn't have much reaction time when he was suddenly bowled over by the star cat Sirius. Wagging his fluffy tail, the blue and white cat happily licked his face as he meowed, "Long time no see man!"

"Is that another crack about my eyesight?" a grumpy voice muttered in response. A moment later, a female voice replied back kindly, "No Polaris, Sirius is talking to the Sun." A grunt followed. Politely pushing Sirius off of him, the Sun purred when he saw his friends. On the right was the blind white star cat Polaris, otherwise known as the North Star. On the left was the blue star cat Vega. His heart pounding in his chest, the Sun shuffled his foot nervously as he declared, "Hey guys."

"Hi Sun," Vega purred, her gaze meeting the Sun's. They didn't break their gaze until Sirius chimed in, "Ooh! Are we having a staring contest?!" The two immediately stopped looking at each other in response to that. Clearing his throat, the Sun asked, "So... what are you guys up to?" Sirius opened his mouth to answer but Polaris beat him, asking while he was blindly sniffing Earth's face, "What are you doing with a planet cat?"

"A planet cat?!" a voice spoke, prompting frowns to appear on the four star cats' faces as it continued, "And I thought you could sink no lower Sun."

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