Chapter 33

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Two months had passed since the graduation party. Mars had gone to an engineering school to learn how to build houses. The others were bewildered by his career choice but whatever. It was his dream job, leave him be. Jupiter, in the meantime, still lived with the rest of the family so he could have somewhere to practice his music. Everyone else was enjoying their summer. Right now though, it was night and henceforth everyone was in bed.

Well, almost everyone.

Earth's mismatched eyes snapped open. Something felt wrong. Heaving herself up to her paws, she held back a hiss. Okay, something was very wrong. Was it possible that it was time? She knew what she needed to do. She didn't like it one bit but she had to do it. Climbing out of bed, the terrestrial planet kitten reached under her nightstand and pulled out a bag she had previously packed. Creeping silently across the floor, she winced in pain. At the same time, the floor creaked under her paws.

Venus stirred slightly.

Frozen in place, Earth watched as her younger sister rolled over in her bed. "No Mommy, I don't wanna..." Venus mumbled in her sleep, a frown depicted on her face. Earth sighed softly. She was just having a nightmare. Quietly walking over to her sister's bedside, the terrestrial planet kitten gently stroked the other's soft glowing fur. It helped because Venus relaxed and had a more peaceful expression on her face. Setting a small card on the nightstand, Earth whispered, "I'll be back, don't worry." Another wince of pain. She had to get going. As quietly as possible, she snuck through the bedroom door and left without another word.


An eerie church bell rang out. Jolting awake, Venus discovered it was her satellite alarm going off. Picking up the device, she turned off the alarm. She was wide awake now. Yawning sleepily, the terrestrial planet kitten mumbled, "It's morning Earth. Let's get some breakfast." Turning to look at the other bed, she finally noticed that it was empty. Perhaps Earth was already up, which was unusual. Venus knew her sister. Earth often slept in. Deciding not to question it, she got up out of bed and headed out of the room.

"Good morning Venus!" Uranus chirped as he trotted by with a glass cookie jar stuck on his head. Venus watched as the ice giant planet kitten continued on his way like absolutely nothing was wrong. A moment later, the Sun came padding out of the kitchen after him as he muttered, "Uranus, get back here. You can't go around with a cookie jar on your head."

"I take it there's no more breakfast cookies?" Venus guessed as she followed. Plucking the jar off of his son's head, the Sun gave Uranus a gentle headbutt as he confirmed, "Yeah. There's still breakfast sandwiches though so no worries. We just don't have our sugary treat." Nodding her head in understanding, Venus licked her paw and ran it over her ear as she meowed, "Well, I hope Earth got a cookie before Uranus did. She loves those things."

"Oh? Earth got up early today? I haven't seen her yet, and I've been in the kitchen all morning," the Sun commented. Her eyes widening when she heard that, Venus stammered, "Wait wait, she's not here?!" His ears perking up at that, the Sun turned his gaze to his daughter as he murmured, "What do you mean not here? She's not in bed yet?" Venus shook her head. Setting the empty cookie jar on a nearby shelf, the star cat made a beeline towards the bedroom the girls shared with the planet kitten hot on his tail.

"Are you absolutely sure she wasn't here when you woke up?" the Sun asked as he began searching around Earth's bed. Possibly looking for any clues of what happened. Shaking her head once more, Venus explained, "I woke up not that long ago. She wasn't here when I woke up." The Sun groaned, so confused by everything. Where could Earth be? Just then, he heard a gasp from Venus. Looking up, he saw her staring at a card laying on her nightstand. "How did I not see that?" Venus stuttered, "It has to be from Earth!"

"Here, let me see it," the Sun spoke softly. Venus handed him the card. Sitting down on Earth's bed while Venus looked over his shoulder, the Sun read aloud, "Do not worry everyone, I'll only be gone for a little bit. I haven't been feeling that well, I think it has to do with the fleas. I'm gonna get it checked out at the hospital. I'll be back soon, I promise. Love you all. Earth." Setting the card down, the Sun was quiet for a while. A chill running up and down her spine, Venus dared to ask, "Is she okay?"

"I honestly don't know," the Sun rasped, "And I don't know why she didn't tell us something was wrong."

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