Chapter 42

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"Yo, this is dope!" Uranus exclaimed, speaking aloud what everyone else was thinking. Whipping his head around to face the ice giant planet cat, Mars hissed, "It's not dope, it's our house!"

"And it looks amazing Mars, it really does," the Sun reassured the red furred terrestrial planet cat. Gesturing towards the building, the celebrity star cat suggested, "How about a grand tour?" Puffing his chest out pridefully, Mars led the way as he purred, "Follow me!"

"Ooh, we have a chandelier!" Venus gasped as the family walked into the mansion. A beautiful chandelier hung in the living room, illuminating the space. Hearing someone trying to get her attention, she turned around. Practically hugging the huge window, Earth mumbled in awe, "Our windows make up our entire living room walls."

"That's kind of the idea, Earth, now please get off the windows. You too Moon," Mars added in the last part when he saw that the Moon had her face pressed into the glass. Once that situation was taken care of, he cleared his throat before he began the tour, "So this is the living room with a connecting dining room to your right everyone - Saturn your other right - and then behind that is an open kitchen with a countertop and stools in between the two rooms."

"Hey, what's this room?" Mercury asked, peering in a small room he had opened up. Raising his eyebrow, Mars replied, "Our closet." Making a small oh noise, Mercury shut the door quietly. Just then, there was a loud series of thuds. Running over to another door that had been opened, the family found Earth all the way at the bottom of some stairs. Looking back up at her family, the terrestrial planet cat giggled and remarked, "I think I found the basement."

"Yeah, we can tell," Jupiter pointed out. While the Sun and Venus went down to collect Earth, Mars flicked his tail, beckoning Jupiter and Neptune to follow. Leading the pair down the hallway, the red furred feline opened the door as he stated, "I converted the garage into your personal practice area complete with LEDs, soundproof walls and a vast array of music instruments-"

"Is that a keyboard?" Neptune interrupted. Glancing over at said instrument, Mars answered nervously, "Yeah? Why?" Meeting the smaller cat's gaze with a stern one of his own, Jupiter growled, "Neither of us play keyboard." Throwing his paws up in the air in exasperation, Mars exclaimed, "How was I supposed to know?! Holy Celestial sorry."

"Ooh, a mini piano!" Pluto squeaked, coming into the garage. Rubbing his forehead, Mars murmured, "Pluto, don't touch it. I'm gonna have to return it-" He found himself interrupted again when the small planet kitten began playing the keyboard with the skills of someone much older than himself, creating beautiful music. When he had his fun, he looked back at his older brothers with his purple tongue sticking out and the biggest smile on his face. Finally finding his tongue, Neptune mumbled, "Our little brother is a musical prodigy..."

"Pluto, I have a serious question for you!" Jupiter blurted out. Scooping up the kitten, the gas planet cat asked, "How would you like to join the band?" Wagging his tail, Pluto trilled, "I'd love too!" Leaving the trio to themselves, Mars returned to the kitchen to find Uranus already scrounging around for food. "Oh come on, I'm hungry!" the ice giant planet cat wailed as he was dragged away from the kitchen by his tail. His mouth full of blue fur, Mars mumbled, "We don't even have any food in that fridge yet and we're not having you scarf it all down!"

"Hey Mars, what's this big room down here?" Saturn asked, poking his head out of the hallway from earlier. Releasing his hold of Uranus, Mars answered, "It's for you and the girls. Here, I'll show you." Leading the girls and the gas planet cat towards the room, he pushed the door open to reveal a large room with three tables and shelves everywhere. Turning to the three who followed him, he explained, "Since you three like making and designing things, I figured this would be a nice place to work on your crafts and projects."

"Aw Mars, that's so thoughtful," Venus purred. Mars instantly blushed at the praise as he shuffled his paws nervously. "Just keep everyone's interests in mind," he stuttered. Watching the pair nearby, Earth couldn't help but murmur under her breath, "Just kiss already you two."

"Huh, what?" Saturn asked, popping his head out of a pile of fabric. Pulling the gas planet cat out of the pile, Mars grumbled, "Now now, hold off from making something yet. We're not done with the tour yet. Oh, and Earth, the room across from this one has a bunch of medical supplies." As they exited the room, Venus asked, "Wait, you like designing too. Where's your table?"

"On the way, it's apparently running late," Mars answered, leading the group back to the living room, reuniting with the rest of the family. "Bro, the gym looks awesome," Mercury meowed. Flexing what muscle he had, the spotted terrestrial planet cat went on, "Can't wait to try it out. I'm gonna be ripped when I'm finished with it." Scoffing, Jupiter wordlessly shoved the much smaller feline over with little effort. Pointing up towards the ceiling, Mars pointed out, "Come on, bedrooms are upstairs."

"Sweet, let's go!" Uranus yipped, already racing up the stairs. The rest of the family followed, not wanting to miss out. "Dad, yours is on your left. Everyone else, keep following me," Mars declared once he made it to the top. Approaching the room his son had pointed out, the Sun opened the door and entered. There wasn't much, just the simple things he had asked for all those years ago like a bed, his desk and some bookshelves. Not much but it was enough for him.

Peering out the big windows, the Sun smiled quietly as he thought about the past two decades. They have been the best years of his life thanks to the family he had found along the way. Each and every one of his kids brought new meaning and joy to his life and he was grateful for that. Closing his eyes, he could hear his kids right now as they explored their rooms. Feeling at peace, the Sun purred quietly.

"Oh Dad! Vega is on her way over!" Earth called out in a singsong voice. Practically jumping out of his skin, the Sun tripped over his own tail and toppled over. A split second later, Earth and Uranus tackled him to the floor while the others streamed into the bedroom. "Gotcha Dad!" Mars sneered, gently booping the Sun on the nose. Chuckling softly, the star cat meowed, "Yes you did. Now, what's up? What y'all doing in here? Something wrong?"

"Well, we gotta get a family picture, right?" Venus asked, holding up her camera. Getting the message, the Sun sat up once Earth and Uranus hopped off his back. Together, the family got settled for a group photo while Venus set up the timer on the camera. Once it was all set, she backed up and joined the others. Doing her best to keep the Moon from falling off her head, Earth called out, "Everyone say cheese!"

"Cheese!" everyone in the Solar System Cat family said at the same time just as the camera went off, taking the picture and henceforth capturing the moment forever...

The End

And there we are, the end of my original story The Cats of the Solar System. I wanna thank everyone who hopped aboard and joined this incredible journey. If it wasn't for the love and support you guys provide, I probably would have struggled to finish this story and others.

Now don't fret, this is not the last we'll see of the Solar System Cats. Coming soon, there will be more exciting and fantastic adventures featuring the family and with characters both old and new in two different books. One which is a full blown story and the second a collection of short stories. Release dates are still being figured out. But I hope you're all ready for it cuz I know I am. I will see you all later, bye!

EDIT I got the pictures to work finally holy crap. I had to take screenshots of my own artwork cuz they wouldn't fit. But here they are, the Solar System Cats!

Have an extra of Pluto cuz he's so freaking cute!

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