The crying half melusin

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Josephine was running to the court of Fontaine but then she herd some crying. " What about the laws does it not apply to me because I am half human and half melusin? Why can't I be like them what will it take to make them realize that I am one of them don't I have a side. Please anyone till me what am I doing wrong." " Nothing humans should expect you and the melusines so why are you deferent but if you ask me you are the one bridge between them both." " I am? Wait are you the god of water?" " Yes I am but come with me but you're not in trouble." We went to my office. " So what is your name?" " Rose." " What a pretty name." " Come sit I will get some tea and guards." " Yes." " Get me 9 stickers." " Yes." She was making a announcement on the speakers. " People and melusines it caught our attention that a half melusin half human is get bet up as the god of judgment in fact I am you all known me as the god of water but I am in fact the god of judgment. When I count to 10 Rose will place stickers as a safe area for her and you can't throw rocks at her when the stickers are present if you do it will result to death immediately and if you take the stickers off you will go to jail till your old." " Ma'am I have got your stickers." " ok give it to her." " Yes ma'am." "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 go."


"What is going on?" " Will it's looks like there is new law." " But why?" " Apparently if you break it my hitting some one named Rose with rocks or anything else you will die immediately if a sticker is percent but if peal off a sticker you will go to jail until your  old." " Is't harsh?" " Yeah." " But apparently a half melusin named Rose is getting bullied so I am guessing that they are going to shush lathe is because melusin is the pride of Fontaine." " But is it illegal to harm a melusin?" " Yes but the one is getting harmed because it's not a full melusin." " Yeah Pimon will do the same if I was them."

In the office

" What is the meaning of this?" " Relax I am not going to send them to prison and kill them." " So that was a bluff?" " Yes but if they do that I will have you deal with it and I will pretend that I have no knowledge of it." " Fine." " You should know that don't bite even if I celestial god." " I have a question about that but you have to protect me from them."
" Don't worry if you have a question about Celesta or the heavenly principles they won't come after you." " Right since you're the celestial god why are you here don't you have some thing to do?" " Yeah every once a month I will go there I told them why and the reason is to develop my heart." " I see." " Any why I need to find some one."

Neuvilette office

" Are you here?" " Yes come in. Oh it's you." " I want to apologize." " For what?" " For the dragon war ever since that day I can't find the answer why I feel sad and regret but know I know I am sorry for what that day did to you." " It's not your fault." " Yes it is I was fighting in the war so please kill me I made you suffer." Josephine was on the floor on her knees crying. 

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