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Chapter 5


The edge of the cliff came into view with Natsu leading and Luna and Kat second.

"Natsu!" Gray yelled. "Slow down!"

"In your dreams!" Natsu yelled back.

"Natsu!" Erza looked like she was ready to strangle Natsu.

"What! Are you finally admitting that I'm stronger than you?"

"Say what! Natsu you better slow down right now!"

"I-I was just kidding E-Erza!" He stuttered as he then realized that his feet wasn't touching land. He looked down with wide eyes and yelled at the last second before he fell.

"I swear if he didn't die down there, I'll kill him," said Erza as she looked down.

"Ready, Kat!" Luna also jumped making Erza and Gray yell. The exceed nodded as she spread her wings and grab the girl's waist just when she was about to fall.

The scenery at the bottom of the cliff seemed to be purple and dark as they went deeper into it. "Well, this is either a really weird forest or my nose is messed up down here." Luna looked at the trees whom are infected in some sort of poison.

"There's a clearing up there!" Sherry yelled as a shadow passed them.

Natsu stopped suddenly and with Gray behind him, they both fell.

"So we're pulling cheap shots, huh!" Gray yelled as he and Natsu rammed their heads together with an odd aura surrounding the two.

"Yeah right! If we'll be doing this, I'll be battling you head on!"

Erza walked up and pulled them apart making their necks crack. "Focus!"

Kat laid on top of Luna's head and looked up in amazement. "The Christina..."

In front of them, flying majestically was a ship with white Pegasus wings and a head at the front. Blue designs were colored on the side while horse hooves were at the front and back of the ship.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded at the port-deck and more at the sides of the ship. A fire started everywhere and it fell and crashed onto the ground.

"Impossible!" Hibiki yelled with wide-eyes.

The others also stared in wide-eyes as the magic bomber fell with fire and serious damages on it. Dust and debris reached at Luna's feet as Kat began to climb down Luna. "Ready?" She asked as she closed her eyes.


Shadows formed in the debris in the total of six bodies.

Luna stared in shock as she saw the similarity of the leader. Brain. The one who took her away from her friends and punished them because of her. She glanced at Erza whom was in a battle stance.

Kat nudged Luna. She looked down at the exceed who was now a Siberian tiger. Luna smirked and so did Kat.

"Woah! That cat just turned into a tiger!" Lucy yelled as she backed away.

"Of course. That's my ability. And my names Kat." Kat said a little pissed being referred to 'that cat'.

"Some kids have gathered," said the leader as he eyed them.

"Your plan was so predictable," Angel said as her celestial spirits followed.

"We defeated that perverted short guy and the bald wizard saint. It was so easy," said both of them.

"What!" Lyon yelled.

"No way!" Ren yelled while he and the trimens looked angry.

"There's fear in their voices. I can hear it..." Cobra said while he petted his snake.

"We prefer to finish our job as quick as possible. But you guys are in the way." Racer said.

"Money makes a person stronger. Let me tell you tell you something good, money in this world is everythi-"

"Shut up, Hoteye."

"Should it be sad that I should be scared at the snoring guy?" Lucy asked while shaking.

"I never expected them to make the first move," stated Erza in a serious tone.

"Quit the talking and let's start!" Natsu and Gray yelled as they charged straight towards them. They stood there for a second until the two was as about two feet away from them.

"Do it," said Brain and immediately, the boys were kicked on their backs.

"Gray! Natsu!" Lucy yelled. She looked next to her to see herself. The other Lucy pulled a whip and began whipping the other Lucy. Lucy screamed, "Why am I whipping myself!" While the other Lucy laughed. (I had a headache writing this one XD)

Lyon and Sherry charged towards Hoteye who laughed and put two fingers in front of his eyes. The ground below the two started to melt as they fell in a swirl of mud. "Love is useless. Money is better!"

"How dare he say love is useless! Grab my hand love!" Sherry pulled out her hand towards the sinking Lyon.

The trimens were defeated by Racer before they knew it.

Erza had re-quipped and is battling Cobra.

Luna charged with a roaring Kat behind her. She glared angrily at Brain and was about to kick him until Racer kicked her. She immediately got up as thunder started to sound. At each strike she was there faster and faster until she and Racer were neck and neck.

Kat roared as she pounced onto the fake Lucy making the real Lucy screech.

"Celestial Water Dragon's Wing Attack!" She yelled as a hurricane flew out of her mouth with sharp shards of celestial metal and magic that could weaken the enemy.

It disappeared where Racer was making Luna angrier. She ran faster and hit nothing but air multiple times but some had found its mark. Luna looked down at Kat whom was flying and dodging attacks.

She quickly try to zap Racer out of the ground.

"Nice try!" Racer taunted. "I'm faster than lighting!"

In a split second, he was in front of Luna. She dodged and quickly sent a bolt of lighting towards Kat who saw the plan and dodged. It hit the celestial spirit and almost Lucy making her freak out. The celestial spirit faded.

"Thunder Dragon's Multi Strike!" Luna yelled as a bunch of lighting struck at once making the ground rumble. "Idiot! Quit dodging and fight!"

In the corner of her eye, she saw that Kat had fallen and Erza still fighting Cobra.

"Be careful what you wish for! Motor!" He spun round and round until a small tornado formed around her. He hit her multiple times until she fell.

Erza screamed in pain as Cubelious, the snake bit her on the arm.

"Stupid bastards!" Luna stood up shakily until she glanced at Wendy. She was hiding behind a rock with Happy and Carla. Her eyes softened just a bit until Racer knocked her down...again.

With one eye open, she looked at her magic limiters. Three were made of pure blue dragon scales and the other two were silver. Aqua had always told her not to take them out until needed. Each one of Aqua's magic limiters either held a special new element that Luna could use but have to forget one she already has or move that's hard to create but she could only do it once.

But how does she take off the magic limiters that her dragon made her? She shook her head as she looked at Kat.

"You trash should disappear." Brain began to raise his skull staff that he held all these years. He had forgotten about her but she doesn't know if that's a good thing or bad. "Dark Rondo!"

Wendy squeaked. Brain looked at her in shock as he then lowered the staff. The spell stopped halfway.

"Wendy..." He said as he stared at her in shock.

"What's the hold-up?" Racer asked as he crossed his hands, his feet tapping the floor impatiently. Dust had surrounded him yet again even though he isn't moving.

"The sky maiden...we found her." He instantly pressed the staff towards Wendy with the air becoming darker around it. A hand made of pure dark magic grabbed ahold of the girl making her scream.

"Wendy!" Carla yelled as she desperately tried to hold her hand. Happy seemed to follow and with his luck, he sorta got ahold of Wendy instead making Carla furious.

"What're you going to do to her!" Natsu yelled aloud as he struggled to get up.

"Hoteye," said Brain as he nodded. Hoteye nodded and began preaching the joys of money and how useless love is much to Cherie's complaints. "Not that!"

This time, Hoteye got the point and put his usual two fingers in front of his ruby-like eyes and the ground became mushy and muddy as if it's changing its state from solid to liquid.

Everyone yelled as they sunk into the mud, no one had the power to move or even summon magic power.

Suddenly, the ground faltered a little some becoming solid and moving.

The screeching in her ears became louder and louder as she covered her ears. She looked around to see Jura, tired but still able to stand, solidify the dirt making everyone fall again.

The Oracion Seis had disappeared in an instant. Nothing but dust and footprints to know that they were there.


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