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Chapter 7

Luna watched as Natsu and Happy and Carla and Wendy flew away. She waved towards Kat. "C'mon, we still have work to do..."

"Luna, you don't think to search for Jellal do you?" Kat's left ear flickered. She folded her arms.

Luna shook her head wildly. "No! Ugh! Never mind! Remind me that when we go back to the guild, I need to have a talk to the old man."

"Aye! Now let's get outta here!" She grabbed Luna by the waist and started to fly up. "Hmm, I suggest we go Northwest from here."

"Whatever your instincts say! We have some kickin butt to do!"


Luna and Kat watched in horror as a huge column of black light suddenly appeared somewhere in the forest. "Kat, is that Nirvana?" Luna's brown eyes stared at the cat's green ones.

They were quiet for a moment, circling the thing. "C'mon, let's hope that there's a fight nearby!"

As usual, the exceed always finds a way to cheer Luna up. She nodded, grinning. "Yeah! Let's goooo!"

The waterfall caught her attention for just a second until she saw two figures falling down. Her eyes widened as she then realized that it was a blond and a pinkette. "Kat! Max Speed towards that waterfall!" Without question, Kat nodded as her wings grew bright and flew straight to the waterfall.

Just when they were at arms reach, they fell. "Kaaaaattt, YOU BAAAAAKKAAAAAA!!!" Luna yelled as she fell into the waterfall along with Kat whom turned into her usual Siberian Tiger and cackled like a madman.

"I ran out of magic power!!"

The cold water hit them like a ton of bricks. In a huge SPLASH, they disappeared. The usual sound of the waterfall to replace the silence to come.


Luna coughed as Kat grabbed Natsu while Luna dragging Lucy. Her bangs covering her eyes and the water constantly coming back into her eyes making her constantly blink. Her fingers wrinkly and her ponytail gone.

She shivered as she tried to pull the unconscious Lucy out of the water. Behind her, she could hear Kat walk over. "Man," Luna muttered under her breath as Kat helped her. "Lucy weighs a ton!"

"Agreed." Kat sighed as she shook herself clean of water. Her fur became poofy making Luna snicker.

"Next time, tell me when you run out of magic power earlier than the last minute." She looked down at her soaking clothes and huffed. "Now how am I going to let this dry?"

The distant sound of what Luna thought was Nirvana, became closer. "Hey Kat?"

"Yeah?" She was lying next to Luna for warmth.

"Can you hear that?" The sound that sounded like a bulldozer of some sort grew closer and closer. "I me-" she screamed as a girl with pink hair and in a maid's dress appeared from underground and under her.

Luna immediately jumped up, her hair up, and standing on one leg with the other ready to kick her. "Ack!"

Kat laughed so loud that the birds in the distance flew away. She put a paw on her stomach but still snickered afterwards.

"Wh-who are you?"

"I'm Virgo at your service. I am Princess's celestial spirit. Shall I be punished until Princess wakes up?"

Luna and Kat sweat-dropped with an odd look on their faces. They stared at Virgo whom also stared back for a few moments. "That won't be necessary," Luna finally said. "But a new set of clothes would be nice. I doubt Kat needs one."

Virgo bowed which creeped Luna out. "Hai. I will get your clothes in the celestial spirit world along with the others'." She disappeared in a golden dustish kinda way.

"I didn't expect that she'll actually listen to me." Luna thought for a moment and something clicked in her head. "Wait. Did she say celestial spirit world! She's literally a celestial spirit! Say what!"

"Luna you, Baka. Calm down. If she's going to give us clothes, then I don't care who she is." Kat turned back into her usual exceed self in a quick pink POOF.

"Easy for you to say," she mumbled as she crossed her arms.

After Virgo had given them the clothes, she suggested that she help Luna change which creeped her out even more. "N-no thanks. I'm fine."

The clothes fit nicely. Luna nodded as she then stared shockingly at Natsu and Lucy. "They match!" Luna and Kat laughed as they try to savior the moment in hope of teasing them she they wake up.

As the sun slowly made its way down, Luna and Kat stared oddly at what used to be a black beam of light turned white. "What happened there?"

Kat shrugged in her celestial wear. "Dunno. Should I go check it out?"

"No. I have a bad feeling about this."


"Ugh...where am I?" Lucy said as she groggily lifted herself up. "And what's with these clothes?"

Virgo suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Your clothes were worn down so I provided a new set of clothes from the celestial world."

"Ahhhh! Where's Jellal!" Natsu yelled, scaring the bejeezus out of Luna and Kat.

"And I also provided a matching set of clothes for Natsu."

"That wasn't necessary!" She then noticed the two. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We saved your hind from drowning. Anymore questions?" Luna asked in a sweet tone. "Oh, and I'm pretty sure that you should lose some weight. You're sorta heavy, Lucy."

"Not you too!"

Natsu suddenly became angry, surprising Lucy, as he then sighed. "Thanks for saving my skin, Lucy. And thanks for both of our skins, Luna and Kat."

"What's with you?" Lucy asked.

"It's as if you and Natsu are dating." Virgo said.

"Since when did you learn how to talk like Happy?"

"Speaking of Happy, where is he? And Erza and Hibiki for that matter. Or Wendy and Carla?" Kat said as she sat ontop of Luna's head.

"I don't know. I lost track of everybody."

"By the way, how did you guys end up falling down a waterfall in the first place?"

"Long story. But first, let's head into the light. We have no choice but to." Natsu said as he began cracking his knuckles.

The bushes moved and shook making everyone's attention fall towards it. Another pinkette stumbled out, her eyes odd and her movements zombie-like.

"Sherry!?" They yelled.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Lucy said.

"If I remember correctly you were at Galuma island..." Natsu tapped his head.

"Why do you look like a zombie?" Kat and Luna questioned.

"I've finally found mages of Fairy Tail." The wooded trees started to move and form the shapes of hands freaking them out.

"You idiot!" Gray popped out of the bushes and tackled her down.


Sherry started yelling and squirming under Gray's arm.

"She started acting like this after the light appeared."

"You people did this to him!" Sherry yelled. "I won't stop until I get revenge for Lyon!"

"Did you really think that I'll die that easily?" Lyon walked up from behind Luna and Kat, freaking them out.

Sherry relaxed a bit and fell down the ground. Dirt covering her ripped pink dress and scratches on her face. She our her hands over her eyes as she started sobbing. "...I'm...glad..."

"So this is," Luna said as she looked up into the sky. "Nirvana."


Luna climbed up the legs of some sort of machine that came out of the ground a couple of minutes back. She yelled and climbed like she climbed her whole life. Kat was being held by her on one arm, magic power coming back to her slowly.

"When I get up there! I swear-!" The machine started to move, immediately making. Luna turn green.

"Luna! Don't you dare!" Kat yelled as she squirmed out of Luna's grip. "It's not a vehicle." She looked at. Natsu and saw the same situation.

"It's" She struggled between breaths. The machine shook again making Luna and Natsu slip.

"Snap out of it, you two!" Gray yelled.

With one more rumble, Luna and Natsu fell. "AAAAHHHHHH!!"

"Luna!" Kat yelled as she tried to use her magic but to no avail.


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