The Scary Rune Knights

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Chapter 13


Pinkie Promise is a Pinkie Promise! Here ya go! :D Hope you enjoy it!


They all glared at each other and immediately dashed towards the second floor. The exceeds carried Luna but the Assassin Team was fast at the ground. They reached the door at the same time and just glared at each other.

In a second, all of them were trying to get in first but ended up being squished at the door. "Ack! Some of you guys are really fat! Like Otome!" Luna insulted. She was smushed in between Kat, Tatakai, and Shi which wasn't good.

"Hey, you little brat!" Her face was smushed against the door frame.

"Morons!" Kat pulled on someone's tail which she was pretty sure was Red's. "Revenge!!"

"Kat!!!" Red was on Luna's head and seemed to be enjoying it.

"Otome!" Blue cried as she scratched the Mage.

"I hate cats!!"

"Stupid brats! I could easily-"

"Wanna battle!!?"

"ENOUGH!!!" He angrily walked up to the squished group and pulled out the only one who wasn't complaining, Red.

"NOO!" Red stuck out a paw for Luna. "Don't leave me~"

"How many times do I have to say that's creepy!?"

Luna shuddered and all the others fell right infront of Master Yuroshi. He looked down at them in disapproval while holding Red by his cape. The exceed bawled and yelled, "Why is it always the cape!?"

He exhaled and dropped him onto the floor where he sulked in the corner about his cape. "Now," he spoke in a gruff voice, "We have important business to do."

He turned and nearly tripped over his long beard. Luna and the exceeds snickered earning a glare from him. "EHEM!! Take a seat!"

"Geez, you don't have to yell..." Kat mumbled. Blue nudged her and glanced at Master Yuroshi.

"There's only five seats.." Luna said while glaring at the team next to her.

"Of course, two of the exceeds can sit on your lap!"

"I volunteer!" Red raised his paw instantly.

"Ugh... Whatever..."


"Luna and Kat," he called out. "May you explain why you are late?"

"Because we're late?" Kat suggested while raising a paw up.

He rolled his eyes. "Then tell me the details of what happened and who was there from which guild." The two sent odd glances at each other.

Why is he asking these type of questions, she thought.

So they explained from when they got there to getting out of Nirvana. They left out the information of Blue and Red for their sake and about the arrests and Wendy and Carla's guild cause its personal.

Tatakai grinned wildly. "So those Fairy Tailers and the others destroyed Nirvana, eh?"

"You forgot some people..." She grumbled.

"They cause such a ruckus!" Otome fixed her hair while applying an extra layer of lip gloss. "The team could've easily destroyed that thing with ease!"

"But you didn't!!" Red once again had to hold her sister down. "Luna, Kat, and the others did, so shut-"

Yuroshi cleared his throat and glared at Blue. She swished her tail and crossed her arms. "Anyway, without further interruptions, what about your latest mission?"

Shi grinned and decided to join the conversation. "Let's just say, the robbers won't see the light of day anytime soon. Or at all."

"You're saying you took another life after I told you not to!!!??" Luna yelled as she struggled with the thought to either strangle him or electrocute him into a disgusting yucky Shi barbecue. Err... Maybe she should do both...

"You're not the boss of him," Otome spoke up. "After all, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?! Ugh! So young yet so petrifying!"

"At least I can fight without applying some fish lip gloss every five seconds!"

"You little brat!"

"It was fun!" Tatakai laughed. "The screaming and begging was priceless!"

Red, Blue, Kat, and even Luna covered their ears from hearing his description. The guild was better when they're not around, Kat thought.

"What?" Shi cooed. "Can't take a little blood?"

"ENOUGH!!" He sent glares at each and every one of them. "I might die from early age because of you fools! Why can't you be just like, Shiro!?"

All of them groaned. The master would always talk about his son being even more perfect than him. And since Shiro went off somewhere, he would talk about him more.

"Now, the guild masters will be having a meeting today about Fairy Tail and our guild, Dragoon Mark. The destruction is getting more and more dangerous for each one of the guilds. But, make sure to hide the evidence for... You- Know- What." The last part was specifically for the Assassin Team.

Luna wanted to talk to the magic council which was actually a death wish for her considering she and Kat destroyed a bunch of towns during a mission. BUT, they paid for all the damages meaning the job was useless and a waste of time.

The main a reason she wanted to go wasn't to apologize (like she and Kat will ever apologize). She wanted to know if the type of magic that the three used was illegal or legal. She had forgotten to ask Natsu and the others after the Nirvana thing.

Luna rolled her eyes when Yuroshi (the master) told her to cover her guild mark by wearing a small cloak. It wasn't much considering it was old and raggedy but it still somehow fit her.

"And so ends the meeting," Yuroshi finally said after hours of sitting and listening to boring, political talks. "Shiro should be coming here soon." Since everyone was so tired, they even forgot to fight and bicker against one another when exiting faster than a stampede of horses.

"I'm going to get you brats sooner of later!" The three yelled as they stormed out of the guild. All three had bags under their eyes and Otome was the one complaining about it.

"Go ahead and try! You'll lose again anyway!" Luna yelled.

"I thought you guys are tied-" Red whispered in her ear.

"Shut it, cat!"


As they exit the guild that was now empty, darkness loomed over them with the quarter moon shining up in the sky surrounded by millions of stars.

Luna immediately thought of Aqua after all these years. And again, she couldn't even shed a single tear. "Luna! Are you okay?" Kat flew right in front of her face with a worried look on her face. Usually, Blue would be the one asking those type of questions but she was apparently asleep and Red was giving her a piggyback ride.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" The trees' leaves rustled as the wind blew past them. The town appeared where the apartment they stayed in was only a few minutes away.

Kat shook her head. "You had that empty look in your eyes."

"It's nothing." Crickets chirped and Red could clearly hear Blue's loud snoring blasting in his ears. The things he would do for his sister.

A large crowd could be seen from Luna's view. The apartment they were staying in seemed to be glowing with all the lights on. The top far right window of the building was theirs and was also glowing yellow.

"C'mon guys!!" Luna held onto the sleeping Blue for Red and together, the three sprinted towards the large crowd forming. Some were yelling complaints at the keeper whom also looked alarmed. The woman was in her twenties and in her pink robe with her brown hair in a ponytail.

She caught Luna's eyes and quickly made her way through. "Luna! The magic councils' Rune Knights are here!!" She was barefooted so it pretty much hurts every time she took a step on the rocky ground. Her brown eyes red from waking up and her caramel colored hands gently pushing people. And since she's the nice kind of person, she would always apologize right after.

Even hearing their names created tingles down Luna and Kat's spine. "What're they doing here!? We didn't do anything wrong just yet!"

"What do you mean by just yet!?" She was now in front of the three, her hands crossed as she towered over them. "Luna..." She said in a calm and stern tone. "Young lady..."
"Sorry, Nana..."

Before anyone could say 'scary', the crowd broke apart and out came the one and only, Shiro. He grinned as his scar shaped X moved a little bit. Kinda like it was doing little jumping jacks. His purple spiky hair went in every direction you could think of and now, he's wearing a black leather jacket that covered his guild mark, and the usual white shirt and jeans. Nothing much.

Nana had been pulled away by an angry-looking lady with a child next to her.

Shiro's grin faltered when he looked at Kat, Red, and Luna straight in the eyes. Blue had somehow managed to snore louder and unaffected by the loud noise. She shifted in her sleep and went back to drooling. Eww... And she says she's the mature one of the family...

"Luna..." Shiro said in a tone that could scare even the master. Luna and Red gulped and he stepped closer. "Did you say anything that could've exposed our guild's secret?" He lowered his head so that he could be at the same eye level as Luna.

She glanced at Red an Kat who shook their heads confusingly. "" But, she thought in her mind was it because she wore that shirt that showed her guild mark? She recalled someone questioning it during the mission.

Blue snored and shifted again and this time, her paw smacked her face making her agitated. Behind her, she could hear the two exceeds snicker.

"Then would you mind explaining why the magic council is searching through your apartment?" Shiro said in a tight voice. He pointed behind him where the crowd was still murmuring and questioning each other of what was going on.

"So far, I gotta say at least three of them freaked out when they first entered your apartment. Gotta say, that's a new record for ya." He crossed his arms and stared expectantly at her.

"I still don't know what you're talking about! I'm just going to check it out myself! C'mon Red and Kat!" Luna pushed Shiro out of the way (though it could possibly get her killed), and sprinted towards the building where the main source of confusion occurred.

Shiro was startled at first but instantly regained his posture. "That idiot.... What did I tell her about being reckless!?" He clenched his fists and pushed through the crowd.

"Are you sure no one saw my guild mark?" Luna stared expectantly at Kat. They were inside the bathroom and had made it through somehow without no one noticing them.

She shook her head and put a paw on her chin. "As long as no one questioned you, I don't think we should be worried about anything. This just doesn't make sense. The boys from Blue Pegasus definitely wouldn't know considering how idiotic they are."

"I agree with that!" Red raised his paw and smiled towards Luna.

"Well, I think Carla questioned us about the guild, remember? A least I think it was her... And even if it was her, I actually doubt that she even knows what the guild's purpose is."

Kat shook her head. "This just doesn't make sense. I say, we just break in to our own apartment and question them. That, or we could just beat them up!"

WAAAH! SORRY! >_< I'll try my best since its summer now! Meanwhile, THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! ^w^ I appreciate it!

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