Chapter- 11

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Shreya's POV-

This man, Mr. Kabir Rathore needs to be shown his damn place. He will not get to boss around me any longer and this is for sure. Right now, sleep is miles away from me but I can hear Janu snoring lightly, just next to me.

The other thing occupying my mind are my damn friends. Who the fuck needs enemies in one's life if that space is conveniently filled by so called friends!

The next morning did not come easy. I had just fallen asleep when the bell of my room rang. 

" I swear if this is something unimportant, the person is going to regret it." I muttered to myself and dragged myself to the door. It was mumma.

" Shreya, get ready quickly and wake Janu up too and drop her to Virat's room so that she can get ready for the mehendi ceremony (Henna Ceremony) too." Mumma ordered.

" Fine." I said and she went away.

" Janu....baccha wake up. We need to get ready for the ceremony. Then we both will apply henna in our hands!" I said, trying to fake enthusiasm. Luckily, it worked and she woke up immediately.

" Now let's go and wish mom and dad a very good morning?" I asked her.

She nodded energetically.

I still can't figure out from where these kids get their morning energy from? After getting up, all I can think about for the next hour is my bed, soft quilt and how rudely I was made to wake up.

Riya bhabhi opened the door. She was all ready and was  really looking very pretty.

" Bhabhi, you are all ready! What is the time?" I asked.

" My dear darling, it is 9:30 in the morning." Virat bhai came to the door and said.

My eyes automatically widened with realization. 

" I need to get ready!" I shreiked and ran towards my room.

I got into the elevator but as soon as I saw Mr. Kabir Rathore entering in with me, I attempted to get out. But my efforts were only reduced to an attempt. I never made it out of the lift.

" Now shifting to escapism, are we Shreya?" He asked, with a half smirk plastered on his annoying.....okay,okay sorry! Fucking Greek god face. He had me pinned to himself.

" Mr. Rathore, I'd appreciate if you get away from me this instant." I said seriously. I was in no mood for his stupid games.

Surprisingly, he obliged.

We reached to our floor. As I exited the elevator, this man reminded me of that very thing which I was trying to forget the whole damn night yesterday. His promise of a date with me, which I don't want!

" Mr. Rathore, we will see how you take me anywhere without my consent." I challenged.

" Trust me Ms. Kashyap, I will not even lay a single hand on you to take you with me. You will do it without any forced pressure." He said arrogantly.

" Of course Mr. Kabir Rathore. Let me tell you how. Get into your room and sleep. Then I will go with you wherever you want in your freaking dreams." I said smartly.

His reaction to my suggestion was a smirk again.

" This big mouth of yours will make you land into deep troubles Ms Kashyap. Keep a check on it." He said.

I got into my room and banged the door right on his face.

The nerve of this man.....

Still, I got ready quickly and went downstairs.

" Shreya, Anika was asking for you." Mumma said.

" Where is she maa?" I asked.

" In the hall inside." She said and I went inside.

" We can talk whatever except for yesterday." I said.

My squad smirked.

" See guys, it is Rohit bhai's wedding here and not cupid matching. Let's concentrate on why we are here. Moreover, the ceremony is about to start so let's go rollin'  " I said.

Suspiciously, they all agreed. Wow! That's a first.

We went outside and thankfully, this ceremony was not being held together. The groom's side had a different venue and the bride's side had a different one too, but in the same hotel.

We all started dancing. Finally, Rohit bhai came there.

" Now Rohit bhai, I will show my artistic skills on your hands!" I exclaimed.

" Now thanks chipkali." He said.

"'s a ritual son, the sister applies henna to the brother." Mumma said.

" No mom....I am not letting Shreya do it. I know what she will do." He said.

I faked a hurt expression.

" My dear Monkey monster, don't you believe me?" I said.

" No....and definitely not on your artistic skills." He said.

" Whatever, you will have to deal with it and the more fuss you create, the more drawings will be engraved on your palms." I said with sass.

Finally, I let the devil inside me, OUT.

I wrote KHYATI on his right palm and drew a Laughing with tears emoji, devil emoji and a monkey emoji on his left palm.

Then we all danced and the ladies starting getting henna applied.

In sometime, we were made to sit too for the same.

" This is a damn time consuming process." Anika complained.

" And a boring one at that." Adya said.

I was almost dozing off.

" Shreya....wake up stupid." I heard.

" I am not asleep idiots. Just have my eyes closed." I replied.

In around 30 minutes, all our hands were tainted.

" Finally....." I muttered.

It was lunch time and we were hungry and finding Saransh, Ronit, Naman and Yash to help us with food.

" Anika and Adya were successful in spotting Ronit and Naman. They went with them so that they could help them with lunch.

" Where are the  other two morons of life? " I questioned myself and went to the lawn to look.

" This hunger is getting out of my tolerance capacity!" I whined to myself.

" Perhaps, I may be of some help then Ms. Kashyap." I heard a voice, THE voice, that is Mr. Kabir Rathore's voice.

" No Mr. Rathore. I am okay." I said, without looking at him.

" Ms. Kashyap, this is an attractive deal that I am offering you or else you will have to stay hungry all afternoon and evening." He said.

" No problem." I said.

" Think again Shreya, I'll not ask again." He said.

At the very same time, my stomach decided to contradict my words, it growled.

" Seems like you are hungry, let's go." He said.

There was something in his voice that did not let me cross cut his words and I obliged.

" Where are you going!!? The restaurant is that way." I said as he started walking.

" Come with me Shreya." He said.

I followed him like a lost puppy. Things we do for food!!

We reached a place within the hotel, secluded.

" Mr. Rathore, I am sure that we will not get any food here!" I exclaimed.

" Have a look Ms. Kashyap, I beg to differ." He said.

And boy, the place was all decorated with blue orchids and while lillies. My favourites!

" What is all this?" I muttered and he pulled out the chair for me.

I did sit down.

Then a waiter came and placed all my favourite dishes on the table. Pizzas, Mixed sauce pasta, Chocolate pastries and Fanta.

" Mr. Rathore, how did you??" I begun.

" Shreya, I did do my homework." He said.

Before I could ask him anything, he started to feed me. This was embarassing!

" Just relax and eat." He said.

I looked down, shying.

" You are different Ms. Kashyap." He said but did not elaborate.

As I was done eating, I thanked him.

" We should go now." I said.

" After you M'Lady." He said chivalrously.

" Mr. Rathore, you confuse me! At one point of time, you are so rude and arrogant and full of yourself and on the other hand, you care too much!" I said with a hint of irritation.

" Ms. Kashyap, I promised you a date and I also told you that you will come willingly." He said, smirkingly.

" I know that. But I didn't take it as a date. You are free to think whatever you want to." I said. It was my turn to smirk.

" Soon Shreya, soon you will accept that you have something for me just the way I do for you and this is a promise number 2." Kabir said and pecked  my cheek.

I looked at him and widened my eyes, then without my permission, a blush crept over me and my eyes were unable to meet those deep brown ones.

Hii guys! Here is the next update. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next chapter, this chapter should have 75 comments. I think I do deserve this much. Do tell me what you all feel about this chapter either in the comments section or just PM me. I love you all. Until next time. Byee❤️❤️

Khyati's look and mehendi.

Anika's look and mehendi.

Adya's look and mehendi.

Riya's look and mehendi.

Shreya's look and mehendi.

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