Chapter- 14

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Shreya's POV-

Soon all the rituals were done and we all were back to the hotel. Our flight back to Mumbai was in the evening. Till then all we had to do was pack and sleep.

" Mumma, I am going to my room and sleep." I said and walked towards the lift. As I got in, Mr. Rathore got in too.

I gave him a tired smile.

We reached our floor and I walked off towards my room.

" Shreya, your clutch." Kabir said.

" What clutch?" I asked, turning around to see that I had dropped it.

Kabir picked it up and gave it to me.

How can a man look handsome even after waking up for the whole damn night! And look at me, I must be looking like a dying whale.

" Oh no Ms. Kashyap, you are not looking like a dying whale. On the contrary, you look as beautiful as today's sunrise." He complimented.

Did I say that out aloud!!

" Yes you did." He chuckled.

I blushed and opened the room.

" Thank you Mr. Rathore for the clutch." I said, offering him the best smile that I could.

He nodded and I went inside, shutting the door. Before I could get inside the washroom to change, someone knocked the door.

It was Anika.

" Where were you?" I asked her.

" With Adya." She replied monotonously and went inside the washroom, taking the clothes with her.

" Anika you are a jerk! I was going to change first." I shouted.

" Whatever." She shot back. I rolled my eyes.

" Get out quickly." I shouted back.

Within 10 minutes, she was out and I went in to get changed. By the time I came out, she had already taken her side of the bed.

" Man...back to college from tomorrow. Can't life be a vacation??" Anika whined.

" Anika, you should be happy because we start our internship from next week under Mr. Vaibhav Malhotra, our role model and your crush." I said.

She blushed.

" Awee...little Anika is blushing." I teased her.

" Shut up Shreya. I need to sleep." She said.

" Me too. I'll tease you later." I said and we got under covers. It was not long before sleep joined us in there.

When I woke up it was 4. Anika was no where to be seen. Then I saw myself and found out that I was on the floor. WHAT THE HELL!

" Anika, you moron how dare you throw me out of the bed!" I roared, getting up.

When I looked up, Anika too was on the floor at the other side of the bed. We looked at each other, confused.

Then I looked at the bed where Saaransh, Naman and Ronit were sleeping peacefully.

" What is fuck?" I shouted.

" Stop cursing woman." Saaransh muttered.

" Three of us, get up this instance or I will throw water." Anika threatened.

" You wouldn't dare." Ronit said.

" Yeah, try us?" I replied.

No response.

I look the water bottle kept at the nightstand and gave one to Anika and we threw water at them.

" Tsunami tsunami tsunami.....guys run!!!" Naman shouted, waking up along with the others.

" Idiots." Ronit muttered.

" Now tell me, what the hell is happening here? Why are the three of us on the bed and the two of us on the floor and where the hell is Adya?" I asked.

" Well you see, the door of our room got jammed and no one was able to open it so we came here to sleep with aunty's permission." Naman said.

" She gave you permission to throw us out of the bed and sleep?" I asked.

" No...we gave that permission to ourselves." Saaransh said.

" And Adya again is missing because she had to leave for Delhi with her parents for a wedding number 3. She will be back to Mumbai by tomorrow evening." Ronit informed.

" Okay." Anika said.

" I think our room must be sorted now. We should go and pack." Naman said.

All of them went away.

" Now because of these idiots, my back aches." Anika said.

" Mine too." I whined.

" We should probably pack too." She talked sense and I had to agree. The flight was at 7:30.

We did pack and got ready without mom shouting at us.

As we got down to the lobby, it was just us the groom side present along with Khyati Bhabhi, her parents and the second Rathore family.

" Finally, now let's go." Papa said.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

" Shreya beta, you are 20 not 2." Mumma said.

" Really mumma? That's news to me." I replied sarcastically but her one glare shut me up.

We reached the airport and boarder the plane after all the formalities.

Unfortunately, this time too, Mr. Kabir Rathore came and sat next to me.

" What is this coincidence?" I muttered to myself.

" Had a nice sleep?" He asked, taking his seat.

I nodded.

" Work from tomorrow?" I asked, attempting to make small conversation.

He smirked.

" Work never stops Ms. Kashyap." He replied.

" I don't know how you people never get bored of business. I mean, dad and my brothers are like this too!" I complained.

" Ms. Kashyap, when you are passionate about something, you don't get tired of doing it." He said.

" That clearly means that I am not passionate about college then, I don't wanna go back!!" I whined.

He laughed, not smirked but genuinely laughed.

" This phase comes in everyone's live Shreya when studies become too much to handle, but this part helps you to come out stronger." He said sincerely.

" Yeah...." I said.

" You want to become a reporter?" He questioned.

" Yes, a TV journalist." I answered honestly.

" Not interested to join uncle's business?" He questioned.

" Not at all. I suck at maths and sitting at a place for hours is not really under my forte. Also, I'd lose most of papa's deals with my nonsense. I better be a journalist." I said.

He chuckled.

" You were always interested in business?" I asked.

" Yes and after my MBA I knew that it was what I had to do." He said.

We continued talking for sometime and I got to know that he is not as bad as I think he is.

The flight landed in sometime.

" Bye Mr. Rathore. It was nice knowing you." I said.

" So you think we won't meet. See, here you are wrong Ms. Kashyap. I did promise that I'll make you realise that there is something between us and I don't break my promises. I'll see you soon." He said and then walked off.

This man who was so police throughout the flight suddenly became arrogant again after landing.

Is there something in the air which keeps his arrogance level in check? Something that should be present on land too?

I guess answer to this question will remain undiscovered as I am no scientist.

" Shreya, I hope you know that you are looking like a fool, standing there and making funny faces." Rohit bhai said.

" I'll see you at home." I threatened him.

As we reached home, Khyati bhabhi's welcoming ceremony was done along with other rituals.

After everything was over, I sat down on the couch.

" Someone get me an ice cream and switch the television on." I shouted.

" You are no queen. Do it yourself and there is no ice cream." Mumma replied back.

" Oh so this is the way I will be treated now? Janu.....come quickly....Chota Bheem has begun." I shouted.

" Why are you acting like a cave woman?" Rohit bhai came and asked.

" Go to your room and prepare for making me bua again. Don't waste your time here." I said.

The water which he was drinking came out of his mouth.

" This girl is getting shameless day by day." Riya bhabhi came and twisted my ear.

" Drama queen, here is your ice cream and I have switched the TV on and Jahanavi is coming." She said playfully.

" Only Riya Bhabhi cares about me in this house." I said, sulking.

" Really a drama queen." Rohit Bhai muttered.

" Go away na Bhai. Bhabhi is waiting." I said.

" She can wait. I will watch Chota Bheem first." He said, sitting next to me.

" Fine, I'll get her too. All of us will watch Chota Bheem." Riya Bhabhi said.

Virat Bhai and Janu were already here.

" Even I like Chota Bheem." Khyati Bhabhi said.

" This means that bui and I are not the only kids in the family." Janu said cheerfully and all of us got engrossed in watching.

" So our latest addition to family also likes cartoons?" Papa asked, entering the hall.

" Papa, who doesn't?" I questioned.

" Your mother and I." He said seriously.

" Of course." I said and made way for dad to sit next to me.

Don't tell anyone that I told you this, but papa has started enjoying Chota Bheem too!

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, 90 comments are required here. I love you all. Until next time. Byee❤️

Shreya's look-

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