Chapter- 23

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Shreya's POV-

These two weeks till the engagement were so damn freaking happening. Yes, during this time Vaibhav sir had proposed to Anika and it was Adya's engagement to Dhruv Singhania today, who is Mr. Rathore's best friend.

This means that I will have to see his annoying, arrogant and stupid face today.

Also, my friends took this news of my engagement in a very good way, I did not expect it.

" Finally Mr. Kabir Rathore took a step. It was evident that he had fallen for you." Saaransh had said.

After that, the office had been so hectic that no one had the time to tease anyone.

" Adya, let's leave. You also need to get ready for the engagement." Anika said, coming to the cubicle when Adya and I sit. She is PA to Vaibhav sir, so she is mostly in his cabin.

" Did you seek permission from Vaibhav sir?" Adya asked.

" Listen Adya, she orders Vaibhav sir around and he seeks her permission to do anything, not the other way round." I teased Anika.

" Shut up Shreya, and yes he has given permission and he will be there too as my date." Anika informed.

" Oh Hooooo...." I teased and she blushed.

" Now let's go without wasting time. We need to reach the salon." Anika said.

" Let me inform mum that I'll get ready and directly come to the venue." Adya said.

" Don't worry about that. Aunty called up an hour back and ordered me to get you directly to the venue once you are ready. Your dress is in my car." I informed her.

She nodded and we went off to the boys.

" Guys, we are leaving. Get there on time." I said.

" Yeah your highness, we will be there before the three of you." Ronit said and Saaransh nodded.

" Byee." I said and we left.

We reached the salon. Anika and I were ready within half an hour and Adya was all dolled up by 6.

" Let's hurry, we need to reach the venue by 7 and this is the peak hour of Mumbai's traffic." I said and Adya nodded.

I drove to the hotel and Saaransh and Ronit were already waiting outside.

" Finally you are here. Aunty was about to send a search party for you guys. Dhruv and family are here along with our families and Shreya's in laws too." Ronit said.

I rolled my eyes.

" Let's get in." I said.

" You guys go ahead, I am waiting for Vaibhav sir." Anika said.

" So in love....." Saaransh and I sang together.

" Who?" the very familiar voice asked.

" Anika, Rohit bhai." I said.

" Yeahh...your Vaibhav is upstairs." He said.

" How do you even know about him?" I asked, surprised.

" Because he asked Anika's parents her hand for marriage." He said.

Anika choked on thin air.

" He did what???" I exclaimed.

I grabbed Anika's hand and rushed inside to see the situation. Adya was following us slowly because of her dress.

Vaibhav sir had really done what Rohit bhai had said.

" Shit." Anika muttered to me.

" Calm down Annie. I'll tackle the situation." I whispered back to her.

" what? Why are you all staring at her like that?" I asked to all the parents including Anika's, Adya's, Saaransh's, Ronit's and mine.

" Nothing, its just that we all are happy for Anika and Vaibhav." Archana aunty, Anika's mother said.

" That means no family drama? You all agree?" I asked, shocked.

" Of course we do. The main aim that they both should be happy." Aunty said.

" And here I thought that I'd have to do much convincing...." I said, almost disappointed because of lack of drama.

" No Ms. Kashyap, you don't get to do much drama." The annoying voice said.......okay, okay the *eye roll* deep voice said, yes it was Kabir's.

" Did I ask your inputs?" I asked, looking at him.

Before he could reply, mumma smacked my palm.

" This is not what I've taught you." She scolded.

" let's begin." I said and pushed Adya in Dhruv's arms.

Both of them exchanged rings and the party begun.

I accidentally drank something very strange. It was yukkk but I still took another shot of it and then another and another and another.

" Why am I spinning?" I asked myself.

" Shreya are you okay??" I heard Kabir ask me.

" Okay....okay?? I'm on the top of the world. I feel like flying and runninggggg." I sang.

" Accha Kabir, listen na....I'm going to have that awesome drink once again." I said and started walking towards that awesome thing.

" are drunk!!! What did you have?" Kabir asked almost sounding worried.

" I told you na....there is this awesome drink there." I said, pointing somewhere.

" Ladies and gentlemen, please get onto the dance floor. Let the party commence. We will start with the bride and groom's dance." The DJ announced.

Adya and Dhruv started dancing.

" Kabir, get Shreya on the dance floor and join us." Dhruv yelled.

" Yesss.....Kabir....let's go and dance na please please pleas" I sang.

" How much did you have?" Kabir asked, amused.

" Six." I said, showing my fingers.

" 1...2...3...4...5...6...7..." I said, counting on my fingers.

" You are really drunk. If aunty gets to know this, you'll be as good as dead." Saaransh said, joining us.

" Sakku bai....go and clean my room. There is mess." I said.

" Shit. Mr. Rathore, go with her to the dance floor and I'll distract aunty and uncle till that time. Then you sneak her out and drop her home." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

" I'm not going anywhere. The party is still young and I'm too. I want to stay." I said, pouting.

" Shreya, I'm going to deal with you later. For now, just go with Kabir to the dance floor." Saaransh threatened me.

" I'm not afraid of you Sakku Bai. I hate you." I said and dragged Kabir to the dance floor.

He took me in his arms and we started dancing.

" Why are you so bossy? Shreya do this, Shreya don't do that. Yo trick me to do whatever you want.....this is not fair." I said.

He chuckled.

" Then why do you listen to whatever I say?" He asked.

" Because.... because......because you smell so good." I said whatever came into my mind.

" It's the vodka talking love." He chuckled.

" You know, I hate you and I like you. How is this even *hiccup* possible?" I asked.

He smiled.

" Answer me na....!!!" I cried.

" You have no idea what you do to me." He said, resting his face at the nape of my neck.

I gasped.

He got away from me and I started missing his proximity.

" Shreya...let's go." Ronit said, getting on the dance floor.

" Where?" I asked.

" You are going home with Kabir. Saaransh has talked to aunty." He replied.

" I'm not going anywhere." I said.

" Shreyaaaa." Ronit sang.

I sat on the dance floor.

" She has lost it. Thank God that it's dark for the DJ or else everyone would have seen her tantrums." Ronit said.

" Shreya get up and let's go." Kabir said.

" But I don't wanna go!!" I whined.

" You get up or I'll pick you up." He said.

" Don't you dare. I'm getting up." I said and extended my arm.

I dragged me up.

" See, this is what I was talking're so so so *hiccups* bossy!" I said.

He gave me THE look. I shut up and followed him like a lost puppy.

I want to have ice cream!!

" I will only go with you if......" I said.

" If?" He asked seriously.

" If you promise me that I'll get chocolate ice cream." I said.

" Fine...I'll get you chocolate ice cream. Now let's go." He said and made me sit on the passenger's seat in his car.

" Uff....boys and their fancy toys!" I exclaimed about the car to irritate him.

He gave no reaction. I pouted looking outside the window.

" The things I wish to do to your pout right now....." He said, stopping the car.

" What?" I asked, curious.

He chuckled.

" Now keep sitting here. I'm going to get your ice cream." He said.

I almost forgot about it.

" Okay sir." I said seriously like he was my professor.

His eyes darkened and he leaned towards me, I got back till I hit the head on the window hard.

" Owww." I cried.

" Trust you to ruin a romantic moment." He said, gently stroking my head.

He went out and within 5 minutes, he was back with my ice cream.

" Thanks." I said and started having it.

" Where is yours?" I asked.

" I don't eat ice creams." He said.

I gave him a are-you-serious-look.

" Atleast try." I said, offering him.

In turn, he leaned towards me again.

" Stop going back or you'll hit your head again." He ordered.

I nodded.

He then kissed me at the corner of my lips and my eyes widened.

" What did you do!??" I exclaimed.

" You asked me to taste ice cream. I did." He said, smirking.

I quickly finished the ice cream.

" Let's go." He said and started driving again.

We were at my house within like 30 minutes.

I opened the door.

As I rushed to the stairs for my room, my leg tangled with my lehenga and I closed my eyes, all prepared to fall down but nothing happened.

I opened one eye to see and found myself held tight in Kabir's arms.

" You can't even walk properly now." He said, picking me up, climbed the stairs and to my room as if I weigh 5 kgs instead of 53.

" Thank you." I said.

" Get changed while I get you some lemonade." He said and went to the kitchen.

I got myself into night suit.

" Come in." I said as I heard the knock.

" Have this." Kabir said, handing a glass.

" Nooo." I protested.

" Shreya, just have it in one go." He said.

" No Kabir please....." I whined.

" Either you have it or I'll have to force it down your throat. Anyway is okay with me." He said with a stern look.

" Bossy arrogant jerk." I muttered under my breath.

" I heard that." He said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

" It was meant for you to be heard." I replied back.

" You're sassy while you're drunk." He observed.

I rolled my eyes and and drank the content in the glass in one go.

" Now go to sleep." He said.

" No....I wanna watch TV." I said.

" Shreya, please go to sleep." He begged.

" On one condition." I said.

" What?" He asked.

" You will give Mr. Bunny to me first." I said.

" Who?" Kabir asked and I pointed to Mr. Bunny who was on my table.

" Really?" He asked.

" I can't sleep without him." I told him.

He handed over my bunny to me. I hugged him tightly and fell asleep instantly.

" Goodnight and sleep well. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." I heard a faded voice say as I felt someone kiss me on my forehead.

The next day when I woke up, mumma was in my room. I had a really bad headache.

" Good morning Shreya. How are you feeling now? Kabir told us that you have slept by the time we were home.

" I'm okay mumma, just the headache." I said.

" I'll get your meds." Mumma said walking out of the room.

" What the fuck happened yesterday and why was I alone with Mr. Rathore here?" I asked myself.

Very conveniently, my phone indicated a message at the very exact moment.

Had a wonderful time with you yesterday Ms. Kashyap.

" OMFG!!! I'm dead, what did I do!!!???" I shouted and fell back onto bed.

Adya and Dhruv's look

Anika's look

Shreya's look

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I am so sorry for being late. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, 95 comments on this chapter are required. Do tell me what you feel about it. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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