Chapter- 25

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Shreya's POV-

" Shreya, wake up or else you'll end up being late today too." It was Virat bhai.

Shit! I didn't even congratulate him yesterday because of all that drama.

" Congratulations bhai! You're gonna be papa again. Did you tell Janu?" I asked, hugging him.

He chuckled.

" She is as excited as you are. Now get ready, I'll drop you. I know about your car." He said.

I nodded lazily.

" Now princess." He said sternly and I immediately got off the bed and went to freshen up. I was in no mood to wear formals so I settled for a white slit kurti with torn jeans and beige bellies with my silver earrings. It feels good to change look sometimes!

Shreya's look-

I went downstairs and Mumma made sure that I eat sufficient breakfast along with her taunts.

" Bhai, let's go." I addressed Virat bhai. He nodded. It took us 45 minutes to reach office.

" Princess, give me a call when you're done. I'll either send the driver or pick you up myself if I'm done." He said and I nodded.

" Bye." I said and went in. Anika was sitting at her usual place so I went to her.

" You Good?" I asked.

" On the top of the world." She remarked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

" My parents and Vaibhav sir's parents have decided that we are getting married in the next two weeks." She said.

" Anika, tell me something honestly. Are you really in love with Vaibhav sir?" I asked her.

I blushed and nodded positively.

" Then what is the problem?" I asked her.

" I don't know Shreya. Everything is happening so fast that I'm confused. I don't even know if I'm happy or sad or frustrated or simply angry." She whined.

" Woman, let's go. We are taking half day leave and talking. You need to vent out." I ordered.

Then I went to inform Saaransh, Ronit and Adya. They insisted on coming along.

" Who is going to seek permission from Vaibhav sir? He is in a very bad mood today." Ronit said.

" I'll go." I said, sighing.

Cannot send Anika to Vaibhav sir right now or she'll blast and my other friends are completely useless.

" May I come in sir?" I asked as I knocked.

" Yes Shreya? Is there something you need?" He asked.

" Sir Anika, Adya, Ronit, Saaransh and I need half day." I said, boldly.

He looked at me for good one minute.

" Okay go but you need to be back by 3." He said, sighing.

Anyone could make out, he was damn stressed.

" Sir do you love Anika?" I asked him straight.

He looked at me blankly.

" Sir?" I said.

" Get out." He roared.

" Sir, I'm asking this as your sister in law. Not your intern." I clarified indicating that I'm not afraid of him.

" Yes Ms. Kashyap. I love her." He said.

" Then why the stress?" I questioned, sitting down.

" Because Anika looks like she doesn't want this." He confessed.

" Sir, trust me. She loves you as much as you love her. She is just confused. Just 10 minutes back she confessed to me that she loves you. Just relax. All we need to do is to uplift her mood and that's why we are taking her out." I clarified.

He gave a tired smile. I took his leave.

" Let's go." I said and we reached Let's meet cafe soon.

" I wanna eat Alfredo pasta." I announced.

Anika was silent.

" Anika will eat eggplant sizzler." I told the waiter. At this her ears perked up. I knew food will help!!

" Of course not. Get me a burger with lot's of extra cheese, lettuces, onions, tomatoes I hot fresh buns." She ordered.

" Anika, we all know that Vaibhav sir is a gentleman and to top it all, you love him then why are you being so negative?" Adya asked.

" Because I don't know if he is ready for such a huge responsibility right now. Did you all notice his mood today?"
She asked.

I sighed.

" He thinks that you are not ready that's why he is irritated. I talked to him." I cleared to Anika.

" You're not lying right." She asked.

I nodded positively.

" By the way, I too have some news." I said nervously.

" What?" Ronit asked.

" I'm getting engaged to Mr. Rathore next week." Here I go.

" Wow! Why did you tell us today? You could have told us on the day itself right." Saaransh asked sarcastically.

I looked down with guilt.

" I'm sorry na. So much drama was going on that it completely slipped my mind." I apologised.

" Fine, but we get to decide your dress." Anika and Adya said.

" And we'll see the food." Ronit said.

I rolled my eyes but agreed nonetheless.

" So I think we need to go shopping. There is lot to do for your engagement and Anika's wedding." Adya exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes again.

" For now, let's go back to work and Anika, you are talking to Vaibhav sir as soon as we reach office." I instructed her.

She nodded hesitantly.

As soon as we reached the office, I forced Anika into Vaibhav sir's office.

When she came out, she was blushing like there is no tomorrow.

" You seemed to have a nice time in there." I taunted.

She hit me in the stomach with her elbow.

" Damn woman! It hurts." I exclaimed.

The work for the day was over and I was dropped by Saaransh instead of calling Virat bhai.

" Mumma....I'm home." I shouted.

" Thank god you're on time. We are going to the Rathore's. It's Aditya's birthday and you can finally see your future house.

" Oh it's his birthday! Let me go and buy a gift for him." I said.

She nodded and I immediately went out. Now choosing gifts for children is always a tough task. Finally I got a set of hot wheel cars and Harry Potter Series DVD And got both the things packed.

In no time, I was back home.

Rohit bhai opened the door. Everyone was getting ready and he was already ready.

" Go and fix yourself. There will be many children present there, we don't want to scare them away with your monkey face." He said.

" Please bhai, I think you will scare them with your bear face." I replied back.

" Stop using similar comebacks at me. Be creative." He taunted.

" Why do you have copyright on them?" I questioned back.

" Rohit, Shreya we both are going to your in laws so you better behave and stop with this fight. You can always come back and continue acting like spoilt brats at home." Mumma said.

" Whatever! I'm going to get ready." I said, taking off to my room.

As I opened my cupboard, all my clothes fell out.

" Rohit bhai!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice. That moron had created a mess in the cupboard purposefully.

" What happened Shreya?" Khyati bhabhi rushed in the room wearing a yellow dress.

" Bhabhi, you look so pretty!" I said.

" Thank you. Is this done by Rohit?" She asked, indicating the mess.

I nodded.

" I'll deal with him later. For now, let's get you something to wear." She said.

" Okay." I replied as she chose a black dress for me with a long slit.

" Which dress is this?" I asked, confused.

" How will you remember? Just look at the number of dresses you own." She taunted.

I laughed and went in to change. I quickly put my mascara and lip balm on and wore my sandals and was good to go.

" You look pretty." Virat bhai said.

" Thank you." I replied and we started for Aditya's party.

The moment I reached there, I was getting the vibes of a business party.

" Seriously?!!" I exclaimed.

" What is it Shreya?" Kabir asked.

He looked ho......I mean handsome is his suit as usual.

" This is not a birthday party!" I said.

" It is Aditya's party." He replied.

" This is not how you plan a child's birthday party!" I shot back.

" You tell me, how do we do it?" He asked, clutching me by my waist.

" Mr. Rathore, What are you doing!! There are so many people around!" I exclaimed.

" I'm showing it to the world that you're mine." He said huskily.

This man, does he fear anyone? There is his family, my family and so many freaking people around and yet he has the audacity to do this!

I hid my face in his neck because of embarrassment.

" You don't have to be embarrassed love." He whispered in my ears sending tingles down my spine. I immediately distanced myself.

" You look beautiful." He said and I looked down, blushing.

What the fuck Shreya! He just said that I look beautiful and you're all red. Get.A.Grip.

" Thank you." I replied without meeting his eyes.

He chuckled and continued looking at me. I shifted uncomfortably.

" Where is Adi?" I asked.

" Come." He replied and took me to the back lawn where all the kids were playing.

" Happy Birthday Adi!" I said and gave him the gift.

" Thank you." He said.

I kissed him.

" You look so good but I don't know what to call you." He said, pouting.

" You can call me chachi sweetheart." I replied.

" Okay chachi!" He answered happily.

" Okay, so now chachi will teach you how to party. Let's get in." I said to all the kids and took them in.

Mr. Rathore was following me like a clueless puppy. It was so funny!

" You seem to enjoy bossing around, don't you Aditya's chachi?" He asked, more like teased me.

I couldn't say a thing but I did blush.

" What am I going to do with this blush of yours Shreya?" He said.

" Nothing." I replied.

He pinned me to the wall.

" Mr...Rathore, whhhawhaht are yyyou dddoing?" I sluttered.

" Relax Shreya, I'm not going to eat you." He said, his lips dangerously closed to mine.

" There are kkids aroundd." I tried to divert.

" No one's here." He said.

" What do you want?" I asked.

He did not reply, just gave a small peck on my cheek and traced my shoulders with his lips.

" The things I want to do to you." He said, distancinghimself a little bit.

I must have been as red as a tomato by then.

We walked into the hall.

" Shreya, are you okay? You don't look fine to me." Mrs. Rathore, Kabir's mum came to me.

" I am okay aunty. It's nothing." I said, assuring her.

Now how do I tell that it's his son because of whom I have become a walking beet root.

He was just standing next to me, smirking at his glory.

" Have some water." Aunty offered me.

I took it without hesitation.

She went to attend guests and I glared at Mr. Rathore.

" If looks could kill, Kabir would be six feet under the ground." Rohit bhai said as he and Khyati bhabhi walked towards us.

" Rohit bhai, all you have to worry about is saving yourself from me because of the mess you created in my room. Let's just reach home and I'll have your head." I threatened.

" Kabir, I am sorry man. She gets a little crack sometimes but I'm sure you'll handle her." Rohit bhai said.

" Of course Rohit. Nothing I can't handle." He taunted too.

" Okay enough. Shreya, come with me. Let these two morons be." Khyati bhabhi said, referring to her husband and cousin.

I nodded.

I went with Khyati bhabhi to the kids. We danced together and Kabir, Virat bhai, Rohit bhai, Siddharth bhaiya, papa and uncle were engrossed in some deep conversation. Ugghh men and business!

" Can I have this dance?" Mr. Rathore asked me.

I looked around to see everyone dancing with their partners now.

I placed my hand in his and he started spinning me around.

" What is one thing you are not good at?" I blurted.

" Leaving you alone." He said as he picked me up by my waist to spin me around.

His hands were doing something very strange to my exposed skin on the waist and I could not thing properly.

One this that I was absolutely sure about was, this man will be the death of me and I won't mind it one percent. NOT THAT HE NEEDS TO KNOW! OR ELSE HIS BIG FAT EGO WILL DOUBLE IS SIZE. WE DON'T NEED A MUCH COCKIER KABIR RATHORE THAN HE ALREADY IS!!

Shreya's look-

Kabir's look-

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, 95 comments on this chapter are required. Do tell me what you feel about it. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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