Chapter- 34

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Shreya's POV-

Paris was great, insightful, and ridiculously expensive! We all were sharing a two BHK flat. One month out of six was already done.

I was very happy that I hadn't bumped into Kabir all this while. I really wanted to just be with these morons. I mean, I will be with them when we leave for post graduation in New York. We had made a pact to attend the same college and we did get into the same, all of us. We just are very lucky I believe!

" Shreya, we have been Paris for like one month and have not done any shopping! Let's go out today. I mean, our parents earn enough that we can afford shopping here!" Adya exclaimed.

" Yes, so does my husband!" Anika added.

I guess they were right. How can you not shop when in Paris!

" Fine, let's go. As it is today is Sunday. We can go to the night market." I suggested and they nodded in agreement.

After having lunch, we went out. The boys would directly meet us at the club we had planned to go to after shopping.

As we started swiping our credit cards in stores, it felt like heaven. There were so many amazing clothes and so comfortable! I got a few for everyone too!

" Guys, let's buy some dress for the graduation ceremony!" Adya suggested.

" Yes, yes, yes!" I exclaimed and then we went on spree number two.

We ended up buying around six tops, four dresses, three skirts and eight pair of shoes from stilettos to sneakers.

" Ladies, did you go insane?" Naman asked as we ended the club with packets in our hands.

" It's Paris! And you won't believe how many amazing dresses we got. Like so good." I admired them. Then we put the shopping bags in the locker.

" Yeahh, whatever. Let's get drunk and dance!" Saaransh shouted over for us to listen over the loud music.

" One of us has to be sober to take the rest of you drunkyards home. I'll volunteer." Anika said and I rolled my eyes.

After the wedding, she has gone all goody goody for some reason, muttering something about how Vaibhav trusts her to be the responsible person.

I cringed and rolled my eyes at the mere thought.

By the looks of it, it seemed a very posh club. The VIP section was filled with hot men and beautiful women, putting us to shame.

" Girls, stop looking at the VIP section. We will not be able to sneak in there so let's just stick to here and have fun." Ronit said and I nodded.

" The first round is on me." Adya said, walking towards the bar area and we followed her.

Ordering a vodka martini, we gulped it down and then walked to the dance floor.

" Okay ladies, let's not forget that both of you are engaged. No advances towards men." Anika mothered us.

" Okay boss!" I mocked her and she rolled her eyes.

As we danced through the night and got drunk, I felt alive and amazing.

We were on our eighth shot and I was completely wasted, all of us were, well except Anika I guess.

I couldn't even stand properly.

" Okay guys, enough. I think we should call it a night." Anika said, snatching the shots from us.

" Oh woman! The night is young and so are we!" I stuttered.

" Nothing doing. It's already two in the night. Everything is winding up and I am calling for a cab." She said and we had to agree.

As we somehow managed to walk to the locker to get the stuff, I couldn't see anything. It was empty. I rubbed my eyes once to get over the damn alcohol. I guess it had made me blind that I couldn't spot the shopping bags.

" People, our stuff is missing." Anika shouted, panicking.

Fortunately, the boys had their wallets in their pockets but we had kept our's in the locker.

" Oh shit. We need to talk to the manager here." Adya said, rubbing her eyes.

We went to the bartender and explained out situation to him but he said that the manager was on leave for the shift.

" What do we do now?" I asked.

" Is there a problem?" I heard a voice and turned around to see a hot fine male species decked up in Armani, addressing us.

Totally French, even the accent.

" Mr. Sawyer. These people here have lost their stuff from the locker." He said.

Guessing by the looks of it, he probably was the owner of the club.

" Yeah, we kept our shopping bags and wallet in locker number 9 and now everything is missing." I said.

The security was called and he had ordered the CCTVs to be checked while we were personally escorted by Mr, S something, the owner to the VIP section to wait while he accompanied us.

Guess not all billionaires have ego problems.

" Victor." I heard a ridiculously familiar voice, leaving goosebumps at the back of my neck.

No Shreya, why will he be here at 2 in the night. You have had too much of alcohol. I just left my head to relax and closed my eyes.

" Shreya, I think that I see your fiance and mine." Adya muttered to me. She was sitting on the opposite couch as mine and hence could see.

" Are you fucking kidding me?" I muttered back to her and turned around.

" Shreya." He looked towards me, scrunching his eyebrows and a frown got plastered on his otherwise handsome face.

I stifled a giggle at my thought.

" Ka....Kab.....Kabirrr." I pronounced his name.

" You're drunk." He stated the obvious.

" Really? I?" I asked, widening my eyes, giggling again.

" Kabir? You know them?" Mr. S asked what? Who is Kabir to me? Oh right, yes, yes I know!

" He is my finance!!" I announced, earning a smack from Anika.

" Ms. Kashyap, how much have you had?" He asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

" Not enough. I wanted more but this idiot here didn't let us!" I complained to Kabir about Anika.

" Victor, she is my fiance and her friends. What is the problem?" He asked, shifting his focus from me to Victorrr.

" Their stuff has been taken away from the locker. As we speak, it is being investigated." Mr. S said as Kabir nodded his head.

" Sir, it was taken away by one of the employees only. We have sent the police to retrieve the bags and get him arrested." One of the security officials said.

" Okay then. It's quite late. Let's leave. All your bags will be sent to your place tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience." Victor said and we nodded like baffoons.

" Where is the caaaaaabb?" Adya sang and danced while Dhruv tried to get hold of her.

" Let's just walk back." Saraansh suggested.

" Good idea! But you give me a piggyback ride." I said, jumping on him and he did lift me.

" Go to your finance. He will give you a ride." He said and I kicked him.

" Ouch woman! It hurt." He shouted.

" Okay guys, Shreya get down and Adya please stop singing and Naman and Ronit, get up. You're sitting on the road!" Anika exclaimed, pulling me down and I lost my balance, about to fall on the road but magically, the road had become soft!

Oh no, it was my finance's arms.

" Thank you Mr. Ra.....Rat.......ughh whatever your name is!" I whined, giving up and earned a chuckle from him.

" Let's get you to your apartment." He said, lifting me up.

I, for once didn't object.

We somehow stuffed in his car as he started driving. Dhruv was sitting in the passenger's seat and all of us at the back.

By the looks of it, Anika was directing them to our place when I fell asleep.


When I woke up, there was light all around and my head was thumping with pain!

" Will someone please put the damn curtains on!" I screamed.

" Shut up Shreya. This is what happens when you drink too much." Anika said, walking in.

" What is time?" I asked.

" Noon. We have missed our morning lectures." She told me and I nodded.

" Now have this." She handed over aspirin to me and I gulped it down.

" What happened last night?" I asked her, holding my head.

I couldn't recall anything except for drinking and dancing.

She narrated everything to me and with each word of hers, my eyes widened more and more. If that was even possible.

We fucked up.

" Okay, can we forget about all this for now? I am so hungry!" I exclaimed and she nodded.

I immediately freshened up and went to the hall where Adya, Ronit and Naman were sitting. Anika and Saraansh were in the kitchen.

We ate and then got ready to attend the afternoon lectures.


As we got back in the evening, the shopping bags from yesterday were delivered to us.

Keeping everything, I finally decided to call mumma and talk and so I did. While hanging up, I saw a message from Kabir.

" Are you feeling fine?

- Your 'finance'

Finance? Oh shit! Did I call him that yesterday instead of fiance!?

Way to embarrass yourself Shreya.

I am, and thank you for keeping up with me yesterday.

I hit the send button and then went to the kitchen to help Anika with dinner.

The rest of the evening and night went by and then I went back to my phone.

I went on to talk to Kabir over text for some time and then fell asleep.


The rest of the five months just passed like that. In that time, I had met Kabir a few times and we did shop a lot but now it was time to return. We had our finals from next month and our distance program was completed.

" I'll miss this place." Adya announced and I nodded in agreement.

" I will too! But look at the positive side. We all are going to New York to the same University. We will rent out apartments in the same building. Three us girls and those three. Just like in F.R.I.E.N.D.S!" Anika made us look at the positive side.

Kabir and Dhruv's work was done last month and they had left for Mumbai then.

" Ladies, time to leave. The cabs are here." Naman said, getting in.

I took my suitcase and we walked out.

The flight was long and when we landed in Mumbai, it was night time. I had somehow convinced everyone not to come to pick me up and we hired respective cabs for home except Anika. Vaibhav was here to pick her up.

It was completely an awww moment.

It was around 2 in the night so I decided not to ring the bell and called Rohit bhai instead. He picked the phone in five rings.

" Chipkali, are you okay. What happened? Did you not get cab? Do you want me to pick you up?" He asked.

" Relax Monkey. I am here. Just open the door. Did not want to wake the whole house up." I replied.

" Coming." He said, hanging up.

Within two minutes, the door was open.

" Welcome back." He said.

" Congratulations to you! Gonna be a father. But what was the hurry?" It has just been ten months since you got married." I asked and he smacked my head.

Walking in, it was great to be back home. This was the first time I was going to meet my niece, Rushika. Rita bhabhi had delivered last month. She was premature by a month.

" See, who's desperate to meet you." Riya bhabhi walked out with a completely awake baby in her arms.

" Oh my god!" I whispered, taking her in my arms.

I coeed her for five minutes and she fell asleep. I gave her back to bhabhi and she kissed the top of my forehead and went back to her room.

I then pushed monkey to go back to sleep and walked into my room, crashing too.


The finals exams were finally over and it was our graduation ceremony today.

" Shreya, get ready quickly. Saraansh is here to pick you up." I heard mumma call for me.

I immediately wore my stilettos and was ready to go.

" You look beautiful princess." Virat bhai said as I descended down.

" Just looks fat to me." Monkey added and I rolled my eyes.

Thanking bhai, I left with Saraansh. They all will leave in an hour. We were supposed to reach early.

Reaching college, we were made to stand in a queue and then the event started in an hour.

" It's a pleasure to call upon Mr. Kabir Rathore to handsay over the degrees to the graduating students." The anchor announced and my eyes widened.

I hadn't seen him in two months nor talked to him. Was just so busy with exams and then admissions. My heart started beating so loudly when I saw him in his three-piece crisp clack Armani. He looked someone who had just walked out of a fashion magazine.

I was at the end of the queue because of my name and when my name was announced and I walked on the stage towards him, I blushed under his gaze.

" Congratulations Ms. Kashyap." He said, handing the degree to me.

" Thank you Mr. Rathore." I replied back as he gave me his rare smile which I returned.

All of us were left to party and then cried a lot. This place had millions of memories and the dean had officially declared us the worst batch, we were honored!


With a final family dinner which all my family and Kabir's, I was leaving for New York. Kabir was driving me to the airport.

It was silent. An uncomfortable one at that.

" Kabir, say something." I broke the silence, looking at him.

" What do you want me to say?" He asked, eyes focused on the road.

" Anything." I whispered looking out. It was difficult for me to get a hold of my tears.

We had reached the airport.

" I will miss you." I said, again looking at him.

" I will wait for you Shreya." He told me, keeping his hand on my cheek.

" I know." I whispered as he claimed my lips with him.

Initially, I was too shocked to respond but once it sank in, I responded back.

It was a slow kiss. No hurry and no domination, just love.

I was the first one to break it.

" Bye Kabir. I'll miss you." I said, getting down.

" Stay safe and respond to my calls Shreya." He told me and I nodded.

Joining my friends, I gave a last look to him and walked away.



It had been two years since I got here, in New York but never was a day spent when all of us missed India, back home.

As decided, we had got apartments in the same building, not the same floor though and did jobs to pay for expenses, had our share of fun and wild nights, and everything but we were returning back home today.

Kabir and I never stopped talking. Yes, there were days when we were too busy, we even went on without talking for a month when I had my finals but it didn't feel like we had drifted apart. I had fallen for him. I was in love with him and I couldn't wait to see him

" We made it." Ronit said and we all got into a group hug.

" We did. And now we are going to Mumbai, back home where we would start working at ABC Channel, now owned by Vaibhav.

Also, I was turning twenty-four in about six months and I was excited to celebrate with my family!

" Let's make a pact. We will visit New York once every year." Adya announced.

" Pact signed and sealed," I replied positively and the three of us practically cried, leaving from there. The boys were emotional too.

As we landed back in Mumbai after two years, everything came flashing by. All the memories.

Virat bhai and Jahanavi was here to pick me up. I immediately hugged him and took Janu in my arms.

" Bui, we all missed you so much! Samyak misses you too." She said, cutely.

" I missed you too Janu!" I said.

Funny, I hadn't met Samyak, Monkey's son ever, just saw him in the video calls.

" Let's get you home." Bhai said as we sat in the car.

We kept on talking all way and when he parked, gave me a heads up about Kabir and his family waiting at the house for us too because it was Sunday.

No way in hell was I ready. I was not ready to face my fiance face to face right now. Did I make any sense or it is just the jet lag talking?

Shreya's look as she reaches back home-

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, 95 comments on this chapter are required. Do tell me what you feel about it. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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