Chapter- 38

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

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Shreya's POV-

The venue was decided and we had returned back to Mumbai. The wedding was supposed to take place two weeks later and right from when we got back, mumma, aunty and all the bhabhis had started their shopping. Saaransh and I on the on the other hand had started work. He and I were in the same department and so was Anika. Adya, Ronit and Naman were in the other internal reporting department.

" Shreya, Vaibhav sir has called you in his cabin." The office boy, Ram came and told me.

" I'll be right there." I replied and picked my phone to go and knocked his cabin.

" Come in." I heard him and then entered.

" Shreya, I need you to step down in the DM's office for his statement on how the building collapsed. You should leave right now to reach there on time." He instructed, looking at me.

" I'll be off then sir. Is it live?" I asked him.

" Yes, all the best for your first time on screen and live!" He wished and after thanking him, I exited his cabin.

" I'll be going live in an hour." I barged to Anika's cubicle and told her.

" OMG....all the best Shreya." She said, hugging me.

Then I collected my back, and Saaransh, who was my cameraman for the time being. Later he was to be placed in the PCR.

" I'm so nervous." I told him as he started to drive.

" Shreya Kashyap and nervous, you know the meaning of the word?" He asked, raising a brow and I rolled my eyes.

" Not helpinggg." I sang.

" just breathe in and breathe out. All you need to do is that." He advices and I followed it.

" Feeling better?" He asked as he looked at me slightly and then back to the road.

" Totally. I am all good." I replied, confidently.

" Well.....that's more like Shreya Kashyap. Can only be intimidated by her own fiancé, Kabir Rathore and no one else." He had to taunt.

" That's not true at all." I lied, looking away.

" Oh please, for now long have I known you?" He asked.

" 8 years. And okay, he does intimidate me a little bit, but one word about this conversation to anyone, and you'll wish you were never born." I threatened him.

" Calm down woman, now remember that I am your cameraman, I can show your face in funny angles if you don't behave." He tried to threaten me.

" You wouldn't dare. The consequences will be dire. Need I say anymore?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Before he could reply, we had reached the office. I quickly fixed my hair and then stepped out.

" Okay Shreya, you were born to do this. Now walk and walk like you own this." I pepped talked and motivated myself.

Saaransh was setting up the camera as I met the DM.

" Shreya, we are ready to go in 3...2...1." He said and then showed thumbs up.

" A very good evening to all the viewers across the nation. Today, we have with us Mr. Krunal Tahani, Mumbai's DM who has generously agreed to give us a brief interview about what went wrong with the building in Powai.

" Mr. Tahani, what is your assessment of the complete situation?" I asked him and he begun to answer. He talked for about seven minutes and I had my next question ready.

" Since this was a municipal building Mr. Tahani, will the corporation take responsibility of the mishap?" That was my second question.

" Completely, as we talk, a special task team has been assigned to study what went wrong and they will be presenting their report in this matter to the CM in 15 days." He replied and I nodded.

" Thank you sir for taking out time to talk to us. This is Shreya Kashyap, reporting live with cameraman Saaransh Trivedi, Mumbai, India." I concluded while giving one nod.

As we were done, I walked to his excited.

" How did I do?" I questioned, jumping.

" Bloody brilliant." He replied, grinning and I laughed too.

Vaibhav sir called me, congratulated and told me to leave for home directly. Saaransh drove us and I tried to get him inside but aunty had called so he had to leave.

" Mumma....I am home!" I shouted, entering and threw my bag and my heels in the hall and jumped on the couch, closing my eyes. Gosh, I was tired.

" Chachi!" I heard a voice, Aditya's voice and opened my eyes.

" Heyy Adi!" I said, smiling at him and then realized that there were many people in the dining area. The Rathore's.

" Long day?" Roshni bhabhi asked and I nodded, walking over to them. They all had just started eating.

" Shreya, go and freshen up and then come and have dinner." Mumma instructed and I nodded, hopping upstairs when my bag got stuck with the chair on which Kabir was sitting.

" Sorry." I muttered as I attempted to free it.

" Wait." He said, keeping his hand on mine and took it it out himself.

" Thank you." I fetched the side and then walked up to my room, freshening up.

Now I had a decision to make because I really had no normal kurtis for wearing at home.

" Here you go." Riya bhabhi's voice rang in my ears as she handed me red cotton suit with white dupatta.

" You're a life saver." I thanked her.

" I know. She chuckled and left as I changed from my bathrobe to the suit and walked down. I really was very hungry.

Shreya's Look-

Wait, why were they here for dinner? What was this plan made?

" Shreya, beta mind your step!" I heard mumma call out as I was walking down the stairs to the dining room. I was about to skip a stair.

" Sorry!" I apologized and then carefully reached down. Everyone was done with dinner. Had I taken so much time?

" Beta, come and sit with us." Aunty said as I walked to the hall.

I smiled and sat next to her as she took out a black thread and tied it around my neck.

" Beta, we visited our kuldevi mandir today. The panditji has given this to us and you are supposed to wear it till Kabir ties the mangalsutra around your neck. This is for good omen." She instructed me.

" Sure aunty. I won't take it off." I promised, smiling.

Then they all left for their home and I finally had dinner.


The whole week just passed in a jiffy. Dhruv and Adya got married the day before yesterday but were coming with us because they had decided to leave for their honeymoon after our wedding. As of us were leaving for Milan, Italy from which Villa Regina Teodolinda was just around 70 kms away. As usual, we were taking Kabir's jet.

Reaching the airport, we spotted the Rathore family. All of my friends were coming with me too.

Vaibhav sir couldn't but he would just us on the day of the wedding.

" Mrs. Kashyap." Aunty spotted us and hugged mumma. Kabir was still in his formals. Oh my god, does this man ever wear normal clothes!? Who am I marrying!?

" Hello Ms. Kashyap." He said, coming towards me.

" Kabir really, why are you wearing your formals? Are you going on some business meeting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

" I was at work." He told me.

" Well that makes sense." I muttered, shrugging my shoulders.

" It does, doesn't it?" He asked, being sarcastic as I scoffed.

" Let's go people." Siddharth bhai announced.

All the kids were with him and Roshni bhabhi, dragging Saaransh, Naman and Ronit along. The kids really thought that all of them were their age. Well, eventually, it was us friends sitting with the kids where as the others chatted as the plane took off. To be honest, I really didn't mind. The adults do get boring after a point of time. It's full on entertainment with kids.


" Shreya, wake up. We are here." I heard Virat bhai say as I opened my eyes.

Nodding, I got up.

" What is the time bhai?" I asked, looking at him.

" It is 1 in the night. Now let's reach go to the hotel. We need to leave for Villa Regina Teodolinda early morning." He replied and I nodded, picking up my back.

While getting down, I was so sleepy that my leg got entangled with one of the suitcases kept near the jet as I got out and was about to trip on my face but instead an arm snaked around my waist, preventing me from falling. I regained my balance.

" Such a klutz." Of course it was him. Kabir.

" I am only sleepy. I wish I was one of the kids' age. That way, no one would have woken me up. I would be in mumma's or papa's or Virat bhai's arms." I ranted nonsense.

" You really don't have to be the kids' age to be carried." He said and took a step towards me, smirking and I got to know exactly what was on his mind.

" No, no. no. Absolutely not." I sang and stepped back. He was about to pick me up.

" Are you certain?" He asked, the smirk still not gone so I just ran ahead to where everyone was walking.

" Well done Shreya Kashyap, you are damn smart." I patted my back, muttering to myself when I felt him starting to walk next to me.

There were so many cars outside. I sat with Kabir, Siddharth bhai and Roshni bhabhi along with Aditya who was sleeping.

" Shreya, you can barely keep your eyes open. Just sleep for a while, it'll take us at least half an hour to reach the hotel." Bhabhi said.

" No bhabhi, if I sleep now, there will be no way I'll wake up to walk to my room." I confessed honestly and she chuckled. I then took out my phone and scrolled through instagram.

Halfway through and Siddharth bhai and Roshni bhabhi were asleep too along with Aditya but I was up and so was Kabir. Thank god that I was up or else Rohit bhai wouldn't have let me live through this. He really has some problem with me sleeping.

" Do you constantly talk to yourself when you're sleepy?" I heard Kabir's voice who was sitting right next to me.

" What?" I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

" You were not thinking about Rohit, you were actually talking out, a little loud for me to hear." He replied, looking amused.

I gave him my full attention now. Was I really saying that out loud or is he a vampire who can read minds? He does look like someone who drinks their employees blood by constantly keeping them on their feet.

As I finished my thinking, I heard a full laugh. It was Kabir.

" What!?" I asked, a little annoyed now.

" You really did not realize that you are still talking out loud?" He asked, in between his laughter.

" Oh my god....what is wrong with me!?" I whispered this time now.

He still couldn't stop laughing.

" For your information Mr. Kabir Rathore, everyone in the car is sleeping. The driver may think that you have lost your mind and drive us to a mental hospital instead so stop laughing!" I tried to stop him.

" You really are something Ms. Kashyap." He said, still very amused but he did stop laughing out like a madman.

" When will we reach?" I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.

It was really difficult for me to keep my eyes open.

" Just ten minutes more and we'll be there." He replied.

" Yeah, yeah but the check in takes so much time. I bet it'll take us at least fifteen minutes there." I ranted to myself as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, clutching me to him.

I was so sleepy but those butterflies in my stomach just wouldn't stop. Don't they sleep at night?

" You underestimate me love." That was the last thing I heard as darkness took over.


Turning, I expected myself to be in the car but was in a soft, cozy bed instead, next to Jahanavi.

She was sleeping next to me. How did I end up here? I don't remember anything at all!

Then my phone rang. It was mumma. I picked it up.

" Hello." I answered in my still sleepy voice.

" Shreya, it's good that you're up. Now wake Janu and then both of you get ready. We leave for the villa in one hour. Hurry up." She said and before I could even say a yes, she hung up.

I dragged myself out of the bed, freshened up, took bath and got ready in half an hour.

" Janu....Janu, beta wake up." I shook her and she did wake up in 10 minutes. Since it was a little cold and very early in the morning. I just asked her to freshen up and took her clothes out to change.

" Janu, it's a little chilly. Take bath when we reach at the villa. Just change for now." I told her and she nodded as she came out of the restroom.

Shreya's Look-

Then, later I opened the door because of a knock. I opened the door.

" Ohh chipkali, it's a miracle. You're up!" That Monkey had a flair for dramatics.

" Blah blah blah." I mocked him and he smacked my head slightly and I smacked him hand, hard.

" I'll see you later." He tried to threaten me but I just rolled my eyes and we walked to the reception together where everyone was present.

Janu went to Virat bhai and I went to papa and side hugged him.

" My princess is still sleepy?" He asked and I nodded.

" Your princess is always sleepy." Monkey just cannot mind his own business.

" Rohit, this is no way to talk to your younger sister." Papa said sternly and I showed monkey my tongue.

We then checked out and then went out where there were so so many cars.

" Why are there so many cars?" I asked, totally confused.

" So that everyone can travel comfortably." Kabir announced and I rolled my eyes.

" We all were comfortable enough yesterday." I countered him but he chose not to reply. Smart decision. He knew that he's lose any argument with me.

As everyone got seated, I was made to sit with Kabir in the last car. Adya and Dhruv forced us. The kids hopped in our car too.

As soon as we started, Janu, Rushi, Samyak and Adi fell asleep at the back.

" Good morning Shreya." I heard Kabir talk to me as I looked at him and then realized something.

" tell me how did I reach to that bed when all I remember is falling asleep in the car." I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

" I carried you to your room." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and I was embarrassed.

" Why didn't you wake me up? You always just take me to my room without waking me up. I wonder what the others think of me!" I exclaimed, looking out of the window.

" No one thinks whatever you think they think Shreya. It's human to fall asleep." He said in a very soft voice.

" Well, all of you are humans too right?" I asked, sarcastically.

" We are, just with a better self control to resist sleep." He replied again.

" Promise me that you'll wake me up from now like a normal person, not carry me." I asked, looking at him.

" I don't make promises I can't keep. I will never have the heart to wake you up while you're in such a deep sleep. That one time you look calm and peaceful." He obviously added the last part to rile me up.

" This is not fair." I announced, crossing my arms.

" Who is playing fair?" He asked, giving me a brief look and then looking back to the road.

I huffed in annoyance and then focused outside the window. Italy is really really very beautiful. The countryside is just amazing.

" Thank you Kabir for agreeing for the wedding in Italy." I thanked him very honestly. I still couldn't believe it.

" Whatever puts a smile on that face. I love you Shreya." He confessed once again.

" I love you too, so much." I confessed, pecking his cheek and immediately sat straight again, looking out of the window, sighing in content.

Guys, I know that I have really been inconsistent with the updates, but I promise at least one update a week of this book.

This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, 105 comments on this chapter are required. Do tell me what you feel about it. I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

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