Chapter- 4

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Shreya's POV-

I don't know what came over me and I rushed out of the ball room and unknowingly my feet found their way back to my room.

" Shit Shreya, why did you come out like this? Now what will I answer to everyone??" I muttered to myself.

As I was pacing in my room, I heard the knock.

Oh god! What will I say???

Anyway, I opened the door to see Virat bhai and Mumma standing there. 

Double Shit? CHECK.

" Shreya, what happened? Why did  you come back to your room?" Mumma asked.

" How did you know that I was not there?" I asked her.

" We saw you running out of the ball room while the dance was going on." Virat bhai said.

" Actually, I was feeling nauseatic so had to come here." I lied.

Mom looked at me peculiarly and I tried to fake it. Luck was with me, she believed it.

" Now let's go and have dinner." Bhai said.

" Bhai, I don't feel like eating. I just wish to sleep." I lied.

" But Shreya, at least come out and meet the guests. This will look rude." Mumma said.

She was right but I really don't want to face a certain someone right now.

" Mumma, I really don't feel like it." I tried to argue.

" Fine, just come out for half an hour and then go to sleep..Just this once." She said.

" Fine." I sighed and started walking out with them.

Virat bhai gave me an assuring look.

" Shreya, if you start feeling unwell again, then go." He whispered.

I nodded at him.

" Please god, let me not face him." I muttered to myself.

We reached to the place where dinner was already going on and my friends were hogging like cavemen. I was about to join him when I heard someone call me. As I turned to see, it was Khyati bhabhi who was standing next to Rohit bhai with some people who had their backs faced towards me.

" Shreya, come here." She said.

I gave her a half smile and started walking towards her unwillingly.

I stood next to Rohit bhai.

" What happened? You look half dead and why did you run to your room while the dance was going on?" He asked, bending a little towards me.

" I was not feeling well so I went to my room." I whispered back.

" White lies." He said.

" Excuse me? What?" I asked, almost panicking. 

How can he know the reason???

" Yeah, because I was dancing better than you." He said arrogantly.

I rolled my eyes.

" Really Rohit bhai? When are you planning to grow up?" I asked.

" A year later when you actually grow up. That is, never." He said.

" Bhai, why are you so keen on irritating me? It's your sangeet and I don't want to hit you." I said.

We were so lost in our bickering that I failed to notice that people had started staring in this direction.

" Guys, we can take this to home and continue all of it. For now, let's concentrate on the ceremony.....and food." Virat bhai said coming towards us and muttered the last part in Rohit bhai's ear.

" Now that you both have stopped fighting, let me introduce Shreya to my siblings and cousins." Khyati bhabhi said, looking towards Rohit bhai. He nodded.

" So Shreya, she is my maasi's elder daughter, Kirti, she is Shanaya, he is Karan bhaiya, he is Raghav, she is Punita, this is Siddharth bhaiya and his wife Roshni and he is Kabir." She said, pointing at each and every one.

The last person made my heart skip a beat. He was MR RATHORE.


Life is fucking unfair.

Before he could address me, Anika became my saviour. I thank heavens again for her.

" Shreya, I'm sure the introduction can be done later on, right now there is an emergency." She said real quick.

" What happened? Did fire break out somewhere?" One of Khyati bhabhi's cousin asked, I think Punita.

Before I had the chance of answering, I was being dragged by Anika.

" Is something wrong?" I heard someone say,

" Don't worry guys, it's Shreya and her group. If the word emergency has been used, either it is really important to them or it is the most stupidest matter altogether. There is nothing in between and 99% of the time, the matter is really stupid." I heard Rohit bhai say.

" I heard that." Anika said.

" Very good. It was meant to be heard." He shouted back.

Once I was near our group, Adya said.

" Guys, we are in deep shit. You remember the freaking class test that happened last week?"She asked.

" Yes." I said.

" We all have scored in single digits." She burst the bomb.

" Yeah, so what? It is a hindi reporting paper and we were not prepared." Saaransh said without realizing.

" Fuck! The message must have gone to our dad's phones! This idiot dean treats us like 7th graders and messages our marks to parents!!!" He answered himself.

" How much did we get?" I asked.

" Naman and I got 9, Anika and Ronit got 6.5 and Shreya and Saaransh got 7. Wow guys! we all scored the same fucking marks." Adya spat irritated.

" Yeah because these idiots had written same answers as us, word by word." I said.

" Now what to do??" Anika asked.

" What else, our families are here. We just need to make sure that they don't see the message and we delete it anyhow." Ronit said.

" Howw??" I exclaimed.

" Simple, act casual and ask their phones to make a call stating that it is urgent and say that your phone's battery is dead." Naman said.

We nodded.

As I walked towards papa, I saw him talking to Khyati's parents, one more couple AND Mr Rathore along with one more couple.......I guess??

How the hell am I supposed to take the phone now??

You can do it Shreya.

I started walking towards them and stood beside mumma.

They were so engrossed in talking that no one noticed me. Good Progress Shreya. Now take the phone and get the fuck away.

" Papa." I said, trying to get his attention.

" Yes princess?" He asked.

" I sorta needed your phone." I said.

" Princess, I know what you are trying to do and I did see the message. We will talk about it later." He said.


" What is it Sahil?" Mumma asked.

" Nothing mumma, why don't you continue talking. I'll be off." I said and was about to go when she stopped me.

" Shreya, these are the manners I have given you? Now stand here and greet all of them. I am really dissapointed. We will talk about it at home." She said.

God! Why don't you call me to you before I reach home?

I forwarded my palm for a handshake when mumma glared at me so I bent down and touched the elders' feet.

" What is your name beta?" The sweet looking aunty asked.

" It's Shreya aunty." I said.

She gave me a smile.

Then all the adults engrossed in a conversation but I knew Mr Rathore was staring at me continuously and not once did I look at him.

Looking at him makes me feel nervous. Imagine Shreya Kashyap being nervous. It does not suit my personality.

I then spotted Anika and Ronit who showed thumbs up to me. I almost groaned in frustration.

Seeing the look on my face, they know that either I was unsuccessful in getting the phone or I was already busted. They were laughing at my misery.

I did show them my middle finger but unfortunately mumma and papa saw me doing so.

" What on earth is going on here?" Mumma whisper yelled at me.

" What is going on? I was asking Anika to come here." I said innocently.

" You think I am a fool?" She asked.

" Yes." I said by mistake.

" No......I  mean no." I quickly rectified myself.

" Shreya darling, you have been acting weird all evening. Is everything all right princess? Don't worry, we will not scold you for your hindi essay marks. Though they are really low but it's okay. We have accepted that we cannot do anything of your hindi writing skills." Papa said.

" Just great papa." I muttered.

I heard Rohit bhai burst into laughter. He was standing behind me!

" Stop laughing you moron." I said.

He nodded his head negatively.

" I am sort of feeling tired. I'll call it a night. Thank you so much for coming. Bye." I said and started walking off to avoid further embarrassment but God had other plans and I slipped.

I closed my eyes in anticipation of hitting the ground and making a fool out of myself but instead, a pair of arms wrapped securely on my waist and prevented me from falling.

" Thank you Mr Rathore." I said as he helped me stand properly.

" I did not mind it at all Shreya. You are most welcome again." He said huskily, half smirking. This man is shameless. There are so many people around and yet he has the audacity to do this.

I looked around. Thank god no one heard him.

I must have been tomato red by blushing.

" Virat was right. She should have rested in her room. She is clearly not well and required a mental doctor. I mean, who slips on literally nothing?" Rohit bhai asked.

I gave a stern glare to him and walked away to my room.

God! Who is this man and what is he going to me? He is not good for my mental health!

And this is how ladies and gentlemen, my oh so happening day came to an end.

Hey guys. This is the next chapter. Double update today. I hope you all like it. Do tell me what you feel about it either through the comments section below or just PM me. I love you all. Until next time.Byee!!

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